In the illusion, after a short silence, Hayward started to find a topic again: "By the way, I don't know where you are from, what is your background?"

"I am from an ordinary civilian family. As for my hometown... let's say I am from Donghai. Why do you suddenly ask this?" Zhang Lie looked over in confusion.

"Then our backgrounds are similar, both of us are from the lower class." Hayward immediately began to persuade,

"When I was a child, I saw those noble masters. At first, I was very envious. Later, I knew that it was impossible to become them, so I began to be jealous. Do you have this feeling?"

Zhang Lie nodded slightly, but then shook his head and said: "Just one's background determines everything. Envy is certain, and jealousy will also exist, but envy is more important.

Our parents' hard work has its own benefits. We naturally want to work hard to make the next generation live better. This is fine, but the class solidification and the lack of upward channels are The most terrible thing.

However, in this world, strength can change destiny, and those with enough strength can become nobles. I am not against them because of jealousy. "

Hayward did not give up: "But strength cannot do everything. Some people are born with everything, wealth, power, absolute control over the lower class, and dominate the fate of others. Isn't this jealous?"

"What you said..."

Zhang Lie didn't finish his words, and turned his head to where the Celestial Dragon stood before. Hayward also reacted and looked over, and then the two of them quickly turned their heads back and waved their hands.

"Forget it, it's too disgusting."

But you can't stop here, Hayward continued to ask: "Is there nothing that makes you very jealous?"

"Of course!" Zhang Lie gritted his teeth, as if forcing the words out, "Luffy, that bastard!"

"Huh? Does this person have any identity background?" Hayward's eyes lit up.

"The Empress likes him. Such a beautiful super beauty likes him! And she's chasing him! He doesn't take it seriously! Every time I see this bastard, I want to beat him into a pig's head!"

"Did you beat him?"

"Isn't it just a thought? Although I'm jealous to the point of separation, I can't really beat him up for this, right?" Zhang Lie spread his hands,

"Besides, there are other beauties without Hancock, and she's not the only one."

That's what he said, but he turned his head and covered his heart and muttered to himself:

"But she's the first, I'm still so jealous! I've decided, I must beat that bastard up when I see him again!"

Hayward tempted: "Have you ever thought about killing that guy named Luffy?"

"What a joke, not to mention that I can't kill anyone because of this, and we can't say that we can be allies, just talking about the elders behind him, I'm going to jump into this shit pit if I don't want to die."

"It seems that his identity is not simple, who are those elders?" Hayward showed a gossipy expression.

Zhang Lie is not stupid. He said casually: "Don't ask, it's not good for you."

"Okay, okay, boring." Hayward looked bored, and then cheered up, "To apologize for what happened before, I prepared some gifts for you."

"Gifts? They are all illusions. You still have the nerve to call them gifts. Take them out and have a look." Zhang Lie was full of contempt.

Hayward waved his hand casually, and a huge palace appeared in front of him. He stretched out his hand and gestured:

"The gift is inside, please come in."

"It's so mysterious, why don't you just take it out directly." Although he said so, his body was very honest. Although it was an illusion, it was also good to be happy in spirit.

He walked forward and pushed open the door of the palace. It was magnificent inside, and the dazzling light of gold was everywhere.

The tables were all made of pure crystal, decorated with top-grade agate gems, hanging with master oil paintings, and placed with precious antiques.

Gold bricks are used as ornaments, pearls are piled up into mountains, silk and satin are used as tablecloths, diamonds and jade are used as lampstands, the decorations are colorful and bright, and the decorations are crystal clear and dazzling. Anyway, everything that comes into view is filled with one word - money.

"Rich, really rich, even works of art look like they are made of money, too vulgar."

Zhang Lie complained while touching everything, holding gold bricks, grabbing pearls, holding lampstands, and wrapping tablecloths, and felt that his hands were not enough.

"It's so vulgar, so vulgar... I'll take off another big gem, look at this gem, it's red to my heart."

Hayward added another tablecloth and asked, "What do you want to eat? You can eat whatever you want here. You can enjoy the fun of delicious food without feeling full. You can eat whatever you want and eat as long as you want."

"You can eat whatever you want?" Zhang Lie likes delicious food very much, and hurriedly said, "Then give me a full banquet!"

"Full...Full banquet? What is that?" Hayward was stunned, he had never heard of it at all.

"It's the steamed lamb, steamedBear paw, steamed deer tail... and so on. "Well, what he knew was limited to crosstalk.

"Have you eaten it? Do you know what it looks like and what it tastes like?"

"Of course not, why would I eat here when I can eat it outside?" Zhang Lie was full of self-righteousness.

"Sorry, I don't have it."

"It's okay if you don't have it." Zhang Lie thought for a while and said, "Then let's have Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Boiled Cabbage, and Wensi Tofu."


Hayward didn't expect that he was full of confidence, but ended up turning over here. He didn't know what these were at all, and from Zhang Lie's expression, he knew that he had never eaten them either.

"Okay, from your expression, I know you don't have these either, so don't brag, I'm not interested in the so-called "delicious" things in your memory. "

In the real world, Hayward looked helpless, silently added a check mark to a word, and then changed it to half a check mark again.

"Even if it is half a check mark, it is passed, but I won't give you a check mark, so that you think I have never seen the world, hum."

Although Hayward took a small revenge outside, everything was normal in the illusion. The temptation of food was gone, but these treasures were still no problem.

"Mr. Zhang Lie, which of these treasures do you like?"

"Which ones? I like them all, but what if I like them? They are all fake."

"That's not necessarily true. Although they are fake in the illusion, there are still many relics of former nobles on the island. They are useless to me. If you are willing to become a guardian, these treasures can be given to you."

"Hmm?" Zhang Lie suddenly realized that what this guy said might be true, and his heart suddenly became hot, "Are you really willing to give it to me?"

"Of course, if you become a guardian, those useless things on this island will of course be yours. ”

“Great, after I have money, I can… can…” Zhang Lie suddenly couldn’t continue, “If it was before, I would be willing to do anything to get such a large inheritance, but now…”

“What’s wrong now? Isn’t it the same? Wealth is wealth, and it is wealth everywhere.”

Zhang Lie’s eyes kept wandering in the room, looking at these gold, jewelry and antiques, but finally shook his head:

“Wealth is a resource. I wanted these when I was confused before, but now it’s different. I have found my goal. It’s good to have wealth, but it doesn’t matter if I don’t have it. There is always a way to get wealth.”

“What’s more.” Zhang Lie looked at Hayward, his face full of determination, “These need to be exchanged as guardians, which is something I can’t accept.”

Hayward smiled, and then said: “Then let’s start the last project.”

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