[At the age of 17, you mastered the driving method of the Molten Knight with great talent, and began to emerge in the Iron Cavalry Corps. You participated in the operations of exterminating the Zerg many times and played a key role]

[But in this year, the activity of the Zerg has increased significantly. It can be clearly felt that a storm against Grammer is about to roar. Facing the Zerg whose number has not decreased, the almost desperate number makes people unable to see the future of the real end of the war. That day seems to never come]

[As long as it is a lie, there will be a moment when it is exposed. The false peace maintained by the empire will eventually be shattered into nothingness]

"Be careful--!"

The vague voice of the firefly came from the headset. An Ming did not hesitate for a moment. He turned his body and slashed a fiery sword. The roar of the elements carried the fire of life and cut the stinging insects that attacked from behind into two pieces.

An Ming silently watched the stinging insects falling into the Dead Sea, and then looked at the firefly.

"Fortunately you are fine," Liuying in Molten Knight breathed a sigh of relief and said with a sigh: "Have you noticed that the quality of the Zerg swarms we have encountered recently is getting higher and higher?"

This is not a good omen. Such changes often represent a storm brewing in the dark.

An Ming recalled the conversation he had with Ying. What kind of enemy would make the empire with such a large number of Iron Knights so worried? Ying's meaning at that time was that only by controlling Molten Knight Unit-01 could there be a glimmer of hope.

The two fought side by side for many years and repelled the Zerg swarms. They also witnessed countless Iron Knights falling into the depths of the Dead Sea and never returning.

War is cruel. In this almost numb killing, Liuying is like a beacon to heal the trauma in his heart.

In a sense, Ying is right. Liuying is An Ming's inhibitor.

[Love] is the highest standard inhibitor.

As long as Liuying is by his side, An Ming will not be devoured by the Molten Knight, even if the compatibility will exceed 50% every time in battle.

Even if he loses all consciousness, he must return to that warm home.

Seeing Liuying's smile again, this is the whole meaning of An Ming's battle.

"Warning-warning, there are violent fluctuations in the star field."

The alarm sounded in the mountain base, and the next moment countless space cracks appeared in the star field, and crimson stinging insects broke through the void and appeared one after another.

"How could it be..." Liuying lay in front of the window and stared at the desperate scene. Her pretty face was a little pale at this moment. This was the first time that such a large-scale swarm was teleported.

Does this mean that the swarm can easily cross the mountain defense line to attack Gramer's homeland?

Liuying recalled the first meeting with An Ming. If the swarm enters Gramer, it will be an inevitable massacre for ordinary people.

"A-level alert, the swarm has broken through the mountains."

"Immediately go to the empire to carry out the extermination operation."

The combat order issued by the parliament came from the earphone, and the next moment countless silver-white meteors streaked across the mountains and rushed straight towards Grammer.

An Ming caught the worry in Liuying's eyes and reached out to rub her soft long hair, "I am already taller than you, I can take care of myself."


Liuying moved her delicate little face closer and said seriously: "In my eyes, you are still a little guy, of course I have to protect you."

"Then it's the same as before?"

"I will definitely be faster than you this time!"

Liuying confidently took out the transformation device, a dazzling blue ray of light flashed into a cross, and the blue-white headdress swayed with burning flames.

As the flames instantly covered the whole body from the arms, the silver-white cavalry rushed out of the flames and leaped into the sky.

An Ming also raised the transformation device with light blue tail fins, and quickly chased after Liu Ying while his whole body began to burn. The flames deeper than red first ignited from his feet and rose upwards while running.

The second silver streamer appeared and quickly caught up with Liu Ying. The two began a very familiar speed competition. The slower runner would be responsible for washing dishes tonight.

In Gramer, the sudden swarm of insects caused countless casualties inside the city. An Ming had experienced this scene thirteen years ago.

But this time, he was no longer the boy who could do nothing.

The heavy crimson giant sword slowly came out of the sheath with a crisp mechanical opening and closing sound. This was a weapon specially made for An Ming in the state of Molten Knight.

The strong fluctuations almost instantly attracted all the stinging insects in the air. An Ming's existence was so dazzling, like a second sun appearing over Gramer.


The sword is like tomorrow, shining like stars.

This sword seemed to be redeeming his former self.

The hard shell that the Zerg rely on for survival was destroyed by the will of some world before it even touched the blade.Crushed.

The terrifying number of insects that originally gathered in the sky fell down with just this sword, and the dense insect corpses were like a gray rain.

"It's so terrifying..."

Caesar stopped looking at the screen and sighed: "Is this really still a human?"

Ying said lightly: "I told you a long time ago that An Ming has talent, but that's not enough."

"It's emotion that unlocks the shackles of human potential, and it's also emotion that binds potential."

Ying looked at the firefly on the other side of the screen and said calmly: "Do you know how to make An Ming the strongest?"

Caesar thought of a terrible guess in his heart, and his face changed immediately, "I want to warn you, An Ming is a lunatic, he really dares to be an enemy of the empire!"

He really wanted to scold Ying, "Why are you messing with him for no reason? Do you think you're not dying fast enough?" Could this guy be An Ming's single pusher? What's wrong with you if a young couple is in love? You are just thinking about making An Ming the strongest, right?

"Mad?" Ying smiled and shook her head, "Who can survive is not a madman?"

If madness can save Gramer's future, then Gramer would have been saved long ago.

Caesar began to wonder if Gramer would be destroyed by An Ming before being conquered by the insect swarm. Ying didn't seem to be joking, so why not secretly remind that kid.

On the surveillance screen, An Ming wiped out all the stinging insects in the city and soon met up with Liu Ying.

The two of them were wearing silver-white iron cavalry in the sun, as if the light of the whole world was gathered here.

"Sister, I am faster," Liu Ying happily rubbed against An Ming, like a cute kitten wanting to stick to its owner.

"But~ you look clumsy and you can't wash the dishes well, so I'll come to help you reluctantly."

"Then I have to thank Miss Liuying very much, you really helped a lot."

An Ming smiled and put the big sword back into the mechanical sword box behind him. Looking at Liuying wearing the iron cavalry in the sun, he couldn't help but think back to that day.

On a rainy day, the girl dressed in a silver iron cavalry descended from the sky and saved the boy's life.

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