Arriving at the backyard of the bookstore, the air immediately became hot.

On the blazing stove, the black iron sword that had been forged for more than ten years was quietly being forged.

Reaching out to grasp the hilt of the sword, a powerful force filled his body, as if he could split the entire Beloberg in half with a slight swing.

This iron sword, in terms of lethality, even surpassed Ji Chen himself.

With full force, it was enough to cut down several stars.

This was also the backup left by Ji Chen, to guard against Sambo or the powerful monsters that might exist in the depths of the endless ice field.

Find a piece of black cloth and carefully wrap the iron sword.

Ji Chen turned around and left the bookstore, locked the door, and walked towards the bustling street.

Shiluwa's machinery house is easy to find.

It is the shop with the loudest sound and the smell of spark plugs on the commercial street.

Or outside a certain storefront, you can see more than one person holding a camera, sneaking through the window to take pictures inside.

That must be the machinery house.

As the most beautiful and popular rock musician in Beloberg,

Shiluwa has many fanatical fans.

I often wait outside the machinery house just to take a photo of her beauty.

It might be too late now, or too many things have happened in the past few days.

Xiluwa didn't have time to hold a concert, so it was rare that the machinery house was very quiet.

Ji Chen came to the shop with lights on and knocked on the door.

"The door is not locked, come in."

Shiluwa's voice came.

After entering the mechanical room, Ji Chen closed the door casually. He glanced around.

In the huge shop, there was only Shiluwa, which seemed very deserted compared to before.

Putting down the iron sword wrapped in black cloth.

Ji Chen came to the counter and said to Shiluwa who was repairing a mechanical clock:"What do you want to talk to me about so late?"

"Can't I come to you if there's nothing wrong?"

Xiluwa didn't even raise her head.

"It's not impossible, but you also know that I am a married man now. It will have a bad influence if I stay in the same room with a single old woman like you late at night."

Xiluwa raised her head suddenly.

Her silver teeth were clattering, and she glared at Ji Chen fiercely:"Cocolia is one year older than me. I am an old woman, then what is she?"

This bastard is so infuriating.

She is obviously a double-robot rock and roll actress who has fascinated thousands of boys and girls.

But she is called an old woman.

If she couldn't beat Ji Chen, she would have kicked him in the face and then ravaged him severely!

Facing Xiluwa's gritted teeth questioning.

Ji Chen wanted to say that Cocolia was older than her.

But seeing that Xiluwa was on the verge of losing control, he smiled and kept silent. Taking a deep breath.

Xiluwa ignored him and continued to lean over the counter, carefully repairing the damaged mechanical clock.

Ji Chen moved a recliner by himself.

Lying comfortably On top.

In fact, he and Xiluwa have a very good relationship.

Bickering is just a seasoning, and both of them enjoy it.

Thinking of this.

Ji Chen's eyes can't help but fall on Xiluwa.

It has to be said that no matter her figure, appearance, or the kind of royal sister temperament that makes people unable to stop.

Xiluwa is of the top level.

She is not inferior to the majestic guardian and the introverted and resolute Iron Guard Commander.

Especially now that she is working seriously and meticulously.

And the snow-white color slightly revealed under the delicate collarbone.

They are all very pleasing to the eye, and you won't get tired of looking at them all day long.......

It took more than an hour for

Xiluwa to finally finish repairing all the machines.

The sky outside was completely dark. After putting away all the tools,

Xiluwa rubbed her shoulders and felt lazy. She couldn't help but stretch. Her perfect and attractive curves, as well as her fair and tight belly under her clothes, appeared in Ji Chen's sight without reservation.

"Come in."

Glancing at Ji Chen casually, Xiluwa, wearing black silk stockings, took the lead in entering the private space in the mechanical room.

This is a place to rest.

The sound insulation is very good, and you can also make some simple drinks and food.

Except for some of the closest people, the rest have never set foot in it.

Ji Chen followed in very familiarly.

Looking at Xiluwa who was preparing drinks in front of the water table, he finally asked:

"What is the matter that you want me to come here for? If it's not important, I'll leave first. It's getting dark outside."

Bo~ Bo~

Shiluwa opened the corks of two bottles of wine, took a clean glass and sat at the wine table.

He said disdainfully:"You are not that thing......Are you a henpecked husband? Worried that you'd be late, Cocolia made you kneel on the bed?"

""It's a rebellion."

Ji Chen sat in front of Xiluwa and said lightly

"What's wrong?"

"The position is reversed."

Shiluwa was stunned at first, and when she reacted, her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

She glared at him unhappily....

After two glasses of wine, the atmosphere gradually became quiet.

A hint of drunkenness appeared in Shiluwa's beautiful eyes.

She leaned back in her chair and looked up at the deep stars outside the skylight.

"I saw some dusty books in the Great Guardian Library......."

Perhaps it was because of the strong liquor, Shiluwa's voice was a little low and hoarse.

"The book records that there is a planet that has developed a very advanced technological civilization."

"One day, they launched a spacecraft into the vast starry sky, hoping to see how big the universe is through the eyes of the spacecraft."

"However, the flight zone has been sailing alone in space for decades, but it has not even spent its own star system, let alone......Encountered another intelligent civilization."

Ji Chen finally understood why Xiluwa was a little abnormal today.

After a moment of silence, he said:"So you think that after I leave the planet Yaliluo, I may never come back?"

Gulp gulp~~

Xiluwa drank a few big mouthfuls of wine.

The slightly turbid wine slid down her warm lips and dripped onto her fair neck, adding a touch of charm to her.���

The intoxication and haziness in his eyes became more intense.

"Please don't leave. Even without the help of other high-tech civilizations, we can take back our homeland step by step. Even if it takes a long time, as long as you......Everyone is here, so what does time matter?"

Looking at Xiluwa's reluctant and pleading eyes,

Ji Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, raised his hand and pinched her delicate and beautiful face.

"After reading a few crappy books, you think I can't come back? Are you stupid?"


Xiluwa was stunned for a moment, and her eyes seemed to clear up a little.

"The book describes an ordinary technological civilization. Being able to launch a spacecraft is already their limit."

"But the universe is filled with a power called destiny. If you master this power, you can easily travel between stars."

"Do you think I would be so stupid as to fly out of the planet without any certainty and trap myself to death in space?"

Ji Chen gave a series of explanations.

Xiluwa was completely confused. She opened her red lips and said blankly:"You mean, you have mastered the power called destiny?"

"Of course, otherwise why do you think the violin case accessory given to you is so powerful?"

Shiluwa subconsciously reached into the collar of her clothes and took out a warm and fragrant violin case accessory.

This was the accessory that Ji Chen asked Cocolia to give her when he was the busiest some time ago.

It does contain magical power.

It can easily resist the cold, keep the mind clear at all times, and strengthen the body and immunity to all diseases.

So what is inside is the power of destiny.

No wonder it is so magical

"Now you can rest assured."

Ji Chen smiled and looked at Xiluwa,"If everything goes well, it may not take too long for me to return to Beloberg with the super-technological civilization."

"By then, you, the former technical engineer, will have a lot of work to do."


Shiluwa exhaled a scent of alcohol.

After unloading the burden in her heart, she became the free-spirited mechanical genius and rock star again.

"Since everything is fine, let's just leave it like this for now."

Ji Chen looked up at the night sky.

"It's almost dawn, I'm going to go back and rest. If there's anything next time, can't we discuss it during the day? Staying up late will hurt your body."

Just as he took a step,

Ji Chen's palm was grabbed by a soft and slender hand.

Then, with a force, the whole person fell on the recliner.

A hot body with a strong liquor aroma leaned over directly. An itchy and soft fragrance blew in his ears:"You're already here, do you think I will let you go?......"

Ji Chen's whole body tensed up, and he said in shock:"Shiluwa, calm down! I'm your best friend's husband!"

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