In the silent maintenance room,

Ji Chen licked his lips and rolled up his sleeves, looking eager to try.

In front of him,

Clara clenched her fists.

Her pink cheeks were slightly red due to nervousness and anticipation, and a thin layer of sweat oozed out.

"Then I'll start!"

After saying this, Ji Chen was no longer polite.

He stretched out his palm and pressed it......

A few minutes later, a spider robot stood up with a creaking sound , and after taking two steps, it stabilized completely. Its eyes shone brightly, and it looked like a brand new one.

""Wow, another one was successfully repaired so quickly, big brother is really a genius, it's amazing!"

Clara looked at Ji Chen excitedly.

The smile on her face was pure and flawless. This was already the second companion that was repaired.

If it weren't for Ji Chen, the scrapped ones might never stand up again.

"You repaired an omnic, Intellectual Power +1"

"Pioneering power +1."

Seeing the prompt, Ji Chen showed a smile on his face.

Sure enough.

The power of Boshizun needs to be repaired.

This intellectual star god is actually a stellar calculator that solves everything. A star god upgraded from a machine.

No wonder he couldn't get any intellectual power when he followed Xiluwa to the perpetual motion machine house and studied and repaired machinery all night, but couldn't get any intellectual power.

However, it was the knowledge learned at that time.

Only under Clara's guidance, he could quickly master the skills of repairing intellectual machinery.

And with the help of the power of abundance, he"rescued" the scrapped automatic robot.

Looking at the spider robot in front of him that was full of energy after being repaired by himself.

Ji Chen really felt very comfortable in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, he pointed to several other scrapped intelligent machines and said,"Clara, let's continue."

"No problem, big brother!"......

Under Clara's guidance, several grizzlies and traffic lights regained their vitality.

Ji Chen clapped his hands, feeling the extra intellectual power in his body.

He wondered in his heart whether he should carry a small robot in his arms, dismantle and repair it, and then dismantle and repair it.

In this way, he can quickly accumulate intellectual power.

The thought flashed by.

Ji Chen looked at Clara who was looking at him with admiration.

He asked the doubts that had been lingering in his heart:"Clara, why don't you wear shoes? Aren't you afraid of freezing your feet in such a cold environment?"

"It's okay, Clara is used to it."

Clara looked down at her snow-white and delicate feet,"And if Clara wears shoes, it's easy to sprain her ankle when walking, and she's been hurt many times."

"Do you sprain your ankle easily? Let me help you."

Ji Chen squatted down and gently held the soft and tender little foot.


Clara's body tensed up suddenly when her feet were suddenly attacked. Her crystal clear toes curled up together, and her earlobes were filled with blush.

Her lips were tightly pursed, and her face was nervous and shy.

But she did not pull her feet out of Ji Chen's hands. She turned her head away with a red face, not daring to look down at her big brother.

"No wonder she is not afraid of the cold and dust."

Touching Clara's feet up close,

Ji Chen's doubts finally disappeared.

On her two snow-white feet, there was actually a very faint protective power.

It could protect her from harm.

After getting the answer,

Ji Chen loosened his palm and subconsciously looked up when he stood up.

Then he quickly looked away.

That black leg ring is so white.

Sin, sin

"There are a lot of delicious food in the kitchen, all prepared for Clara. Big brother, do you want to try some?"

Clara stepped on her little feet, feeling the warmth and numbness left on them, and invited her softly with a blushing face.

"Um......All right."

They came to the kitchen.

They didn't light a fire, found some food like sausage and bread, and ate some.

They wiped their mouths with a tissue.

Ji Chen looked at Clara:

"I have already received the reward. When I have time, I will come to help you repair those scrapped companions."

Clara's eyes showed surprise.

Then she said embarrassedly:"Brother, how did you know that Clara wanted to ask you for this?"

"Because your thoughts are all written on your face."

Ji Chen smiled.

He couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch her cute face that seemed to be able to squeeze out water.

Clara blushed and shook her head quickly:"Clara knows that big brother is very busy, don't take this matter to heart, just come once in a while."

"Moreover, Clara will not treat her elder brother unfairly and will give him enough compensation."

"What's the reward?"

Ji Chen asked with a smile. He remembered that Clara didn't seem to have the Winter City Shield.

"I can......"

Clara was about to say something when she was suddenly stunned.

She originally planned to let these revitalized intelligent machines follow and protect Ji Chen for a period of time.

This could be used as a reward and to express gratitude.

But not long ago,

Ji Chen had taken control of the entire mechanical settlement, including Mr. Swarovski's supreme command.

In this way, the reward she wanted to express was almost meaningless.

"What reward or no reward? Repairing the intelligent machine can bring me benefits. Clara, don't worry about it."

Ji Chen raised his hand and rubbed his little head.

Then he and Clara walked out together.

It was getting late, and there were still many things to do. They couldn't waste too much time here.

Clara obediently let Ji Chen rub her head.

The two quickly left the mechanical settlement and headed towards the direction of Panyan Town.......


Oleg pushed open the door and walked in, his brows furrowed and he looked very distressed.

"What's wrong?"

Natasha, who was chatting with Xi'er, stood up to greet him.

As the best doctor in the lower district and the actual leader of the underground fire,

Natasha has a very high prestige.

She has a standard wife's face.

She is born with a kind of affinity, and she often smiles on her face, giving people an approachable feeling.

Although her clothes are very tight, they still can't cover her proud figure. Her slender legs are looming under the high-slit skirt.

Especially the potion bottle hanging on her chest, it is easy to attract attention there.

Hearing Natasha's question,

Oleg, the commander of the underground silver mane iron guard, couldn't help but sigh:

"Something happened to the Core Hub. For some reason, Boss Svarro brought all the mechanical legions and gold diggers to surround the place, and no one could get close."

"Is that so?"

Natasha said calmly, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Could it be related to Ji Chen?"

Xi'er beside him suddenly spoke up.

"Ji Chen?"

Natasha was stunned, and seemed to have no idea why Xier said that.

"That guy said he was going to the mechanical settlement not long ago, and then Svarro showed unusual behavior. What is the connection between the two?"

"Oh no, could it be that Mr. Ji Chen has angered Boss Svaro, causing him to block the furnace core and completely block the entire lower area?"

Oleg's face changed.

As the chief of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, he knew Ji Chen's identity.

If Ji Chen got into trouble in the lower area, the consequences would be.........I can't even imagine it!

Just then, a figure walked out of the clinic.

After seeing everyone, he chuckled and said,"Everyone is here. I don't have to look for them one by one."

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