After Xiaozhi and his friends obtained their official badges and left Manjin City, their next destination was Vermillion City, where there was a Vermillion Gym.

They had now reached the entrance to the Nature Park.

Xiaoxia looked at the people queuing and said,"Xiaozhi, it seems like they are holding some kind of event!"

Xiaogang asked curiously,"Then let's go and have a look!"

An uncle wearing a moth-like outfit said,"The Insect Catching Competition is about to begin. Let's catch Bug-type Pokémon together with the goal of becoming the champion! Those who want to participate, please come to the registration office behind me to register your information."

Xiaozhi asked,"Excuse me, what prizes are there for the champion?"

The uncle said,"The prizes are kept secret for the time being, but they are very rare! Not only that, you can also take away the Bug Pokémon you catch!"

Xiaoxia was embarrassed:"Bug Pokémon!......Bug Pokémon!"

Brock nodded repeatedly and said,"After all, Misty is most afraid of Bug Pokémon!"

Ash looked at Misty and said,"I want to participate!"

Brock said,"I have a Hazelnut Ball, so I will watch your game with Misty!"

Misty nodded and said,"Ash, you go! Hey, isn't that Nana?"

Nana also saw Ash and the others, and stepped forward to say hello,"Mr. Ash, Misty and Brock haven't seen each other for a long time!" Misty asked,"Nana, are you going to participate in the Bug Catching Conference too?"

Nana said excitedly,"Yeah, of course! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Brock said,"Chimera Leaf looks pretty good too."

Nana said,"After separating from you, Chimera Leaf and I did a lot of special training!"

Misty smiled and said,"Nana, you are still the same, so energetic."

Nana said proudly,"Of course, let's sing a song to cheer ourselves up before the game starts......."

Xiaozhi and the other two wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The song they had heard before started playing again! The three helpless people listened to it with gloomy faces!

Nana said with high morale:"Team Electabuzz has won the championship after 35 years, I also want to win the Bug Catching Tournament."

Xiaogang said helplessly:"Too hot-blooded!"

Xiaoxia fanned herself:"It's really hot!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang went to the audience seats, while Xiaozhi and Nana went to complete the registration for the competition.

The staff said:"Now let's explain the rules. Trainers participating in the competition can only use one Pokémon as a partner. When catching Bug Pokémon, please use this Park Ball. Please note that your own Poké Balls cannot be used, otherwise it will be considered a violation. One person can only have one Park Ball, and can replace the Pokémon in the ball before catching the Pokémon you like. The judgment of winning or losing will be made by our review committee."

"Then the Bug Catching Competition begins now!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then Nana, let's start too!"

Nana said confidently:"Mr. Xiaozhi, I will not lose!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were watching the game in the stands. Xiaogang said:"It's started!"

Xiaoxia looked around vigilantly:"Holding a Bug Catching Competition here means that there are many insect Pokémon here?"

Xiaogang said:"That's for sure!"

On Xiaozhi and Pikachu's side, the first prey that appeared was a hornworm. Xiaozhi shook his head:"Pikachu, keep going!"

They met Nana, who had already captured a hazelnut ball. Xiaozhi reminded:"Nana, don't just rush in!"

Nana didn't notice that Chikorita was already very tired behind her. It seemed that she had fought several games. She said:"I understand, Mr. Xiaozhi, but did Mr. Xiaozhi capture any Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi shook his head and said:"Not yet!"

Nana raised the park ball in her hand and said:"I have already captured the Hazelnut Ball. I still have to find prey. I won't say much, Mr. Satoshi! Let's go, Chikorita!"

Satoshi sighed helplessly:"I hope she can notice the fact that Chikorita is very tired!""Pika." Pikachu also looked worried.

Satoshi walked for a few more minutes and he found the prey, which was a giant Beedrill. Satoshi said:"Pikachu, electromagnetic waves"

"Pikachu used electromagnetic waves to paralyze the giant hornet in front of him.

Xiaozhi threw the park ball and successfully captured it. This giant hornet is the largest and most powerful one he has encountered so far.


【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Sniper (When hitting the vital point, the power will become stronger)】

【Strength: Ordinary Intermediate]

Nana came over anxiously:"Mr. Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi asked:"Nana, is something wrong with Chikorita?"

Nana said puzzledly:"Yes! Mr. Xiaozhi seems to have known about this for a long time."

Xiaozhi sighed and said:"Nana, I just reminded you, don't just rush forward with your head down." Nana bowed her head and apologized:"I'm sorry!"

Xiaozhi said seriously:"I'm sorry, you shouldn't say that to me, you should say it to Chikorita. Take me over to have a look!"

Nana took Xiaozhi to a bush where Chikorita was sitting. Xiaozhi picked up Chikko and said to Nana:"Nana, which is more important, the result of the game or your Pokémon? Answer me!"

Nana said:"Of course it's Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi said:"Your Chikko is a serious Pokémon. As a trainer, you didn't pay attention to the status of Pokémon. You are an unqualified trainer!"

Nana said:"Yes!"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay, the lecture is over, remember my words! Nana, what should you say to Chikko now?"

Nana took Chikko from Xiaozhi's arms and said seriously:"I'm sorry Chikko, I'm not a qualified trainer. I was only thinking about winning and didn't pay attention to your status. I'm really sorry."

Chikko shook her head and lay on Nana's shoulder.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang in the stands saw this scene very clearly. They were all happy for Nana's growth.

Suddenly, a mechanical arm grabbed Chikko. Xiaozhi immediately said,"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

Nana caught Chikko. Xiaozhi said,"Team Rocket, don't you have any new ideas?"

Nana looked at Chikko in her arms and said,"Mr. Xiaozhi, leave this to me! Can Chikko fight?"

Chikko nodded, and its body emitted an evolutionary light after landing. Nana said,"This is......"

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations, Chikorita evolved into Bayleaf."

Nana said seriously:"Bayleaf, fight!" Musashi smiled and said:"Little girl, do you think you can beat us? Go, Arbok! Use poison needle."

Kojiro said:"Girl, spray fire!"

Xiaozhi reminded:"Pay attention to the direction of attack."

Nana said:"Yes. Bayleaf, use Light Wall!"

Bayleaf used Light Wall to resist the attacks of the two Pokémon.

"Bay Leaf Flying Knife"

"Caterpie is spraying flames!"

Bayleaf's Flying Blade was burned to ashes by the spraying flames.

"Bayleaf runs! Use impact!"

Bayleaf knocked Growlithe away.

"Arbok, use Bite"

"Bayleaf runs again!"

Arbok used Bite on Bayleaf, but Bayleaf ran away, and Arbok kept chasing after it.

"There, Bayleaf stopped and used the Whip.

Bayleaf stopped and Arbok crashed into the tree. Bayleaf used the Whip to throw Arbok out.

"Bayleaf uses Leaf Blade!"

Bayleaf's Leaf Blade hits and knocks Team Rocket away.

"What a disgusting feeling!......"

Nana hugged Bayleaf's neck and said excitedly,"Bayleaf, we won! We won!"

Xiaozhi said,"You did a good job this time!"

Nana bowed to Xiaozhi and said,"Mr. Xiaozhi, thank you for your guidance."

The announcement of the end of the game came from the radio, and Xiaozhi's Beedrill was named the champion. Xiaozhi received the championship reward, a Fire Stone and a trophy, as well as the Beedrill he captured.

【[Capture Beedrill, reward points 500]

After saying goodbye to Nana, Xiaozhi and his friends continued their journey to Enju City.

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