Xiaoxia looked at the Qipi Gym in front of her and said,"If it weren't for the gym logo, this place would seem no different from a botanical garden."

Xiaogang looked at Xiaoxia and said,"Xiaoxia, isn't your Hualan Gym similar to an aquarium?"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang coldly, and Xiaogang immediately fell silent. Admitting defeat had left a deep impression on Xiaogang. Xiaozhi said,"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

No one came for a long time.

Xiaogang said,"It seems that there is no one! How about we go in and look for them?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Okay!"

The trees in the Qipi Gym are very tall, as if giving people the feeling of being in a forest.

Xiaoxia pulled the hem of Xiaozhi's clothes and said,"Xiaozhi, can I wait for you at the door? I always feel like this place is going to appear......."

""Ah!" Xiaoxia screamed.

It turned out that a caterpillar on the tree suddenly fell in front of Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia said in horror:"Xiaozhi, drive it away! Quick!"

Xiaogang took the caterpillar aside, and Xiaozhi comforted him:"It's okay!";

"Oh? Are you the challenger?" Xiaozhi and his friends looked up at the source of the voice and saw a boy on the big tree in front of them.

Xiaozhi explained,"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I am here to challenge the Pixie Gym."

The boy sat on a thick branch and said,"I am the gym trainer of the Pixie Gym, and I am nicknamed Abi, the Living Encyclopedia of Bug Pokémon. Just before the battle, can you help lift up the ladder that fell over there?" Abi pointed to the ladder that fell beside the tree.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang went to lift the ladder up again. Abi walked down from the tree and said a little embarrassedly,"Thank you! I will take you to the battle site!"

Xiaozhi and his friends followed Abi to the center of the gym. The battle site was actually in the middle of this small forest.

The referee said,"The Pixie Gym adopts a three-on-three battle mode. The match between gym trainer Abi and challenger Xiaozhi from Pallet Town is about to begin. Only the challenger can change Pokémon. Now the game begins!"

"The first Pokémon I'm going to take out is the silent warrior among the bug Pokémon, String Ball!"

Xiaoxia complained:"I think Metapod should be more suitable for this title!"

【Ball of thread (Orb-silking spider)

【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Bug Premonition (When HP decreases, the power of bug-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Elite】

"It's decided to be you, Kirlia!"

"Your Pokémon is really rare, and it's a shiny Pokémon! However, I won't show mercy to the ball of thread and use spinning!"

"Kirlia's Shadow Clone!"

The thread ball used Spinning Silk, but Kirlia dodged it with Shadow Clone.

"The thread ball used continuous spinning to attack all the clones."

The thread ball used spinning to attack all the shadow clones of Kirlia.

"Kirlia teleports!"

When Kirlia was about to be hit by the silk, she used teleportation and disappeared in front of the silk ball.

"Kirlia, mental power!"

After Kirlia's figure disappeared, he reappeared behind the line ball, and hit the line ball with mental power, throwing it out. The line ball fell to the ground!

The referee:"The line ball has lost its ability to fight!"

At this time, Kirlia's body glowed with the light of evolution, and Kirlia evolved into Gardevoir.

Xiaogang said:"Kirlia has evolved!"

Xiaoxia suppressed the urge to rush up and said:"She was very cute before the evolution, and she is still cute now. Not only cute, but also very beautiful!"

"Xiaozhi, my second player is the most proud and holy warrior of Bug Pokémon, Metapod!"


【Attribute: Insect】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Shedding (sometimes cures abnormal conditions by shedding skin)】

【Strength: Gym Elementary]

Is this really a gym-level Pokémon? This Metapod's eyes are very sharp.

"Gardevoir, let's continue! Use meditation!"

Gardevoir concentrated his mind and improved his special attack and special defense.

"Metapod, get hard!"

Metapod also improved its defense.

Xiaogang said:"I know! Metapod is still Metapod. Although it has suppressed Gardevoir in level, Metapod cannot use the flying-type moves that can be used after evolving into Butterfree. I guess Abi is using a strategy of super high defense."

"Gardevoir, mental power!"

Gardevoir used mental power to imprison the Metapod in the air.

"Knock it down!"

"Metal Pupa, harden!"

Gardeo's mental power suddenly controlled the Metal Pupa to fall to the ground, and the Metal Pupa used hardening to resist the attack of the mental power.

"Gardevoir, hypnosis!"

Gardevoir sent out a sleep wave, which put Metapod into sleep.

"Gardevoir's Absorbing Kiss!"

Gardevoir blew a kiss and absorbed Metapod's strength, and Metapod fell to the ground.

Referee:"Metapod has lost its ability to fight."

A Bi said:"I wanted to use my super high defense to resist Gardevoir, but it had the opposite effect. Xiaozhi, you are really lucky! It's been a long time since I had a trainer who could let me take out my third Pokémon. My third one is a warrior of the gorgeous bug Pokémon. Go, Scyther!"


【Attributes: Insect, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Bug Premonition (When HP decreases, the power of bug-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym]

Xiaozhi took back Gardevoir:"Bi, then my next one is decided to be you, Butterfree!" Butterfree has not played in a gym match for a long time, and this time the opponent is another Bug-type Pokémon.

Bi said:"So you also have a Bug-type Pokémon! This match is evenly matched! Scyther Shadow Clone!"

"Butterfree uses Air Slash on all the Scythers!"Scyther split into many clones, and Butterfree rises to a certain height, flaps its wings and uses Air Slash.

"Scyther, use Split!"

Scyther dodged the Air Slash at an extremely fast speed and rushed towards Butterfree, using Split.

"Butterfree, tailwind.

Butterfree used the speed of tailwind to dodge the chopping

"Scythe uses continuous cutting.

Scythe launched another fierce attack, waving its sickle-like hand towards Butterfree.

"Butterfree, poison powder."

Butterfree used the power of the wind to spread the poison powder all over the field. Scyther looked very uncomfortable because of the poison. Scyther's attack also stopped!

"Butterfree, insect chirp!"

Butterfree sent out a sound wave and hit Scyther.

"Scyther, let's make quick work of it! Use Sword Dance!"

Scyther uses Sword Dance to increase its attack power.

"Butterfree, Phantom Ray!

Butterfree used Phantom Ray and hit Scyther.

"Scyther, make another combo!"

Scyther was confused and didn't hear A-Bi's order.

"Barbuteo, use Hurricane!"

Barbuteo used a strong wind to sweep Scyther, and Scyther fell to the ground.

Referee:"Scyther has lost its ability to fight, and the gym trainer has lost three Pokémon, so the winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town." A

-Bi handed over the Insect Badge:"Ash, the Insect Badge is yours! My practice is not enough, but it is not unfair that I lost to you. After all, the champion of the Quartz Conference is not an easy person to deal with. Satoshi, let's fight together next time!"

Satoshi took the Insect Badge and said:"Okay, let's fight together next time!"

"I got the insect badge!"


【Get the Insect Badge, 500 bonus points】

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