At ten o'clock the next morning, the battle officially began!

The battle took place at the seaside, and Xiaoxia and the others watched the battle from a hot air balloon. Xiaogang looked at Xiaoxia's dark circles and asked,"Xiaoxia, didn't you sleep well?"

Xiaoxia replied,"Yes, I didn't sleep well." It's not that she didn't sleep well, she didn't sleep at all.

Xiaojian said seemingly nonchalantly,"Come to think of it, Xiaozhi didn't sleep well last night either. Xiaogang and I didn't sleep well last night because of tossing and turning. Even Pikachu didn't seem to have much energy this morning!"

Xiaogang nodded with relief. The two of them could only help up to this point!

Xiaoxia thought to herself: Xiaozhi didn't sleep well last night either?

Pikachu at Xiaozhi's feet yawned loudly. Xiaozhi didn't look tired because of the power of the wave.

Referee:"Now begins the gym challenge between Xiaozhi from Pallet Town and Ayi, the gym trainer of the Yuzu Gym. The rules of the game are three rounds of one-on-one matches. The one who wins two games first wins."

"Go ahead, Electabuzz!"

"Jigglypuff, it’s decided to be you!"


���Attribute: Electricity】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Static electricity (the body is charged with static electricity, which sometimes paralyzes the opponent it touches)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Electabuzz uses 100,000 volts!"

"Jigglypuff, sing a song."

Electabuzz didn't hesitate to use 100,000 volts. Jigglypuff raised its microphone, and the melodious singing voice reached Jigglypuff's ears.

Everyone on the hot air balloon quickly covered their ears. Jigglypuff's singing voice had a strong penetrating power. But Jigglypuff, under Xiaozhi's training, could already control the range of his singing voice.

Jigglypuff staggered, and the 100,000 volts missed the target, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Jigglypuff uses the loud sound!

Jigglypuff uses the loud sound, and the huge vibration consumes the energy of the electric beast.

"Electric beast, wake up!"

"Jigglypuff's last attack,"Playful!"

Jigglypuff showed a harmless smile and used Playful to attack Electabuzz. Electabuzz only used one attack of 100,000 volts before Jigglypuff controlled the situation and Electabuzz lost its ability to fight in two moves!

Referee:"Electabuzz has lost its ability to fight!"

Mary said sadly:"My brother's Pokémon are all very strong! How could it be........."

Xiaogang explained:"Puffball's singing skills are already strong. Since Xiaozhi sent it out in the first game, he wanted to surprise the opponent."

Ayi took back Electabuzz:"I didn't expect that Xiaozhi's Pokémon are really good. In this case, I won't hold back! Go, Starfish!"

【Gem Starfish】

【Attributes: Water, Psychic】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Natural recovery (after returning to the same team, the abnormal state will be cured)】

【[Strength: Gym-level]

Xiaozhi took back Jigglypuff and replaced him with Crystal Onix:"Crystal Onix is decided to be you!"

Ayi looked at Crystal Onix's body, which was different from other Onix's color, and was surprised:"Crystal Onix? You actually use a rock-type Pokémon to deal with a water-type Starfish?" Xiaozhi explained:"But my Crystal Onix is a little special.

It is not a regular rock and ground attribute.

" Ayi said seriously:"It's just that its level is low, it will not be a match for my Starfish!

I will give the victory of this game to Miss Xiaoxia, who also uses water-type Pokémon.

" Crystal Onix is currently only at the peak of the elite level.

When facing the gym-level Starfish, its level was suppressed.

Mary smiled and said:"I knew that my brother also likes Sister Xiaoxia."

Xiaozhi said seriously:"Then give it a try!" Ayi snapped his fingers, the music sounded, and Starfish danced:"Starfish, use the water gun to say hello!"

Starfish danced and used the water gun while spinning.

When Xiaozhi saw this scene, he thought of the fighting method of Tierno, the powerful enemy in the Kalos region.

"Crystal Rock Snake, use Iron Tail to block it."

Crystal Rock Snake raised its tail to block the water gun. Just like the water gun used by Agong's thorny shell, it didn't have much effect.

"Gem Starfish, using electromagnetic waves"

"Crystal Onix, Rockfall!"

Star Gem tried to use the paralysis effect of electromagnetic waves to restrict the movement of Crystal Onix. Crystal Onix used Rockfall, and the rocks that fell from the sky formed a barrier to block the electromagnetic waves. Even though Star Gem danced, she could not avoid Rockfall.

"Gem Starfish, strong spirit!"

"Crystal Onix, Wave of Evil!"

The rockfall had little effect on the Gem Starfish, and after quickly adjusting, she danced and used her Spiritual Power. Onix used Wave of Evil to fight back, and the two's special moves collided.

"Gem Starfish, high speed movement"

"Crystal Rock Snake used Iron Tail on the field.

Crystal Rock Snake used Iron Tail on the ground, hitting the rocks that had collapsed. The high-speed movement of the Gem Starfish was no longer useful.

"Crystal Onix, Cannon Beam!"

"Gem Starfish, strong mind!"

Crystal Rock Snake's cannon shattered the rocks it stirred up, and its power was even greater, directly knocking Gem Starfish away.

"Crystal Onix, Iron Tail."

Crystal Onix concentrated all its strength on its tail, and once again knocked the fallen Starfish away.

Referee:"Starfish has lost its ability to fight! Ash from Pallet Town has already won two games, so Ash wins."

Ah Yi didn't expect that his trump card Starfish couldn't beat Ash. Although Electabuzz used a strange move in the battle between Electabuzz and Jigglypuff, the battle between Crystal Onix and Starfish was a real cross-level battle. Ash won both games so beautifully. It seems that Miss Misty has a good vision.���He wanted to let Miss Xiaoxia see that a boy like him was worthy of her through the battle, but it was a pity that he brought shame upon himself!

Ayi handed the Wheel Badge to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, this is the Wheel Badge, accept it! Also, take good care of Miss Xiaoxia. If I find out that you made her sad, I will seek justice for her even if I have to go to the ends of the earth." Ayi's voice was very low for only the two of them to hear the last half of the sentence.

【[Get the Wheel Badge, 500 points reward]

Xiaozhi accepted the Wheel Badge and nodded to Ayi. After the battle, Ayi was not the only one who understood his feelings. After

Xiaozhi handed Pikachu to Xiaogang, he went to the beach with Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia was very nervous and kept clutching her clothes. After a long time, Xiaozhi spoke first. He looked at Xiaoxia seriously and asked,"Xiaoxia, do you like me?"

Xiaoxia blushed at Xiaozhi's straightforward words, but still nodded.

Xiaozhi stretched out his hand and interlocked his fingers with Xiaoxia:"I am so stupid! If it weren't for Ayi, I wouldn't be able to understand my own feelings. Xiaoxia, I like you too!"

When Xiaoxia heard what Xiaozhi said, tears welled up in her eyes and she said,"Xiaozhi, what did you say? Do you like me too?"

Xiaozhi nodded with certainty:"Yes! I like you!" Xiaoxia was overjoyed. She hugged Xiaozhi, who was half a head taller than her, and gently touched his lips:"Don't regret what you said today. I have left a mark. From today on, you are mine!" Xiaoxia used the most domineering words and did the most cowardly thing. After that, Xiaoxia fled.

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at his lips and laughed. Why didn't he realize that Xiaoxia was so cute!

Xiaozhi looked at the figure of Xiaoxia running away, and said to the two people squatting in the bushes and Pikachu:"Hey, have you seen enough?"

Xiaogang said helplessly:"I just forgot that Xiaozhi can use the power of wave!"

Xiaogang and Xiaojian stood up from the bushes embarrassedly, and Pikachu scratched his head awkwardly. Xiaogang coughed lightly:"That Xiaozhi! We are all Xiaoxia's support group, you can't bully her in the future!"

Xiaozhi joked:"How dare I bully her, it's good that she doesn't bully me!" Now he is in a good mood! Xiaojian agreed with this:"Xiaoxia is only gentle in front of Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, in the end, we two are the ones who suffer!"

Xiaogang's ears hurt unconsciously, as if it was true!

Xiaozhi took Pikachu away from Xiaogang's arms, leaving only the back of the two, waving his hand and saying:"You can slowly sympathize with each other! I'm going back to the ship first, remember to come back soon!"

Xiaogang and Xiaojian looked at each other, this happy mood is what love should look like!

(The next part is the story of Lugia's explosion, so stay tuned!)

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