Misty looked at Borg who looked lost beside her and said,"Borg, how long are you going to be lost?"

Borg sighed,"Xiaomi, you are too young to understand the adult world."

Misty said accurately,"It's just a secret love that ended in vain. There is a Pokémon Center on Penggan Island!"

Borg's gloom was swept away and he became excited. He said,"Then let's go to the Pokémon Center as soon as we get off the boat!"

Misty thought to herself: He recovered so quickly. I worried for nothing!

There was still about an hour before arriving at Penggan Island. Xiaozhi took Pikachu to bask in the sun on the deck. Pikachu poked Xiaozhi's hand. Xiaozhi looked up and asked,"What's wrong with Pikachu?"

""Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu pointed at Ash's backpack.

The Ralts egg in Ash's backpack was about to hatch.

Ash put the egg on his lap, and Misty sat next to Ash and said,"Ash, is it going to hatch?"

Ash nodded, but a moment later, a shining Ralts was born. When Ralts saw its trainer, it jumped into Ash's arms. Ash touched Ralts' head and said,"Good boy!"

Misty's heart was beating fast. Why are all Ash's Pokémon so cute? Misty said,"Ash, tell me, what kind of Pokémon is it!"

Brock came over with a notebook and a pen and said,"I want to know too."

Ash explained,"It's called Ralts and it's a Pokémon from the Hoenn region. It has both Psychic and Fairy attributes." Misty stretched out her hand and said,"Can I hug it?"

Ash smiled and said,"Of course."Xiaozhi picked up Ralts and handed it to Xiaoxia. After Ralts took a look at its trainer, it knew that this was its trainer's partner with its telepathic characteristics, so it reached out to Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia was very happy and spun around with Ralts in her arms.


【Attributes: Psychic, Fairy】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Telepathy (read your attacks and dodge their damage)】

【Level: Novice】

【Skills: Call, Charming Voice, Same Fate, Strange Light]

Sure enough, the Pokémon provided in the system mall are not ordinary Pokémon.

The telepathy feature allows Xiaozhi to not give orders to Ralts, and Ralts can act according to Xiaozhi's wishes.

Moreover, the female Ralts evolved into Gardevoir is also a powerful combat force.

After getting off the boat, Ralts was unwilling to return to the Poké Ball and pestered Xiaoxia to hold it, and Xiaoxia was also very happy.

Xiaozhi did not understand this very well.

Xiaoxia's Water Eevee and others all liked to pester Xiaozhi, and often ignored their trainer Xiaoxia, but Ralts was just the opposite.

What Xiaozhi did not know was that Ralts' telepathy feature could sense Xiaoxia's feelings that Xiaozhi liked Xiaozhi as much as it did.

The trainer who liked it also liked himself.

If he tried to please her in advance, he could also bring the two closer together, killing two birds with one stone.

Ralts, who was only one hour old, already had his own considerations.

Xiaogang pointed to a place not far away and said,"Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, look over there, there is a Dragonite. But how can a Dragonite appear on the beach?"

Xiaozhi said,"Never mind that for now, those three people are bullying Dragonite. It's up to you to deal with Barday and Kentaro!" Xiaozhi first put Ralts into the Poké Ball.

When Xiaozhi and the other two arrived, the Dragonite no longer had the strength to resist. Xiaozhi shouted,"Stop it!"

The three bad boys jumped off the Dragonite's back. The leader looked at Xiaozhi and the other two vigilantly and said,"Are you here to cause trouble? We are not ordinary bad boys!"

The person on the left said,"We are the ones who challenged the Southern Cross of the Orange League. We are powerful bad boys."

Xiaoxia complained,"After all, they are still bad boys!"

Xiaogang took the opportunity to go around to check Dragonite's injuries. The three bad boys said at the same time,"You look down on us, don't you!"

"Spearow/Beedrill/Abby, come out!"

"Butterfree Illusion Beam, Kentaro 100,000 Horsepower, take care of them."

Butterfree hadn't fought alongside Ash for a long time, and was very excited. He used Illusion Beam even harder than during training. Kentaro used 100,000 Horsepower to attack the three Pokémon. To deal with three Pokémon that were only ordinary intermediate-level, Butterfree and Kentaro didn't even have to use their full strength to knock the three bad boys and their Pokémon away.

"You wait for us!" The three of them seemed to be talking while running, and Xiaozhi and the other two could not hear the rest of the words.

""How amazing! Butterfree and Kentaro are battle-hardened and well-developed! Can I observe and record them? And this Pikachu looks very strong!"

A young man with a red headband trotted towards Xiaozhi and the others. After he squatted down, he used a notebook and pen that he had taken out from somewhere to draw sketches of Pikachu, Butterfree and Kentaro.

Who else could this be but Xiaojian!

"Wait, don't move! Let me record some data!" After he finished drawing, he took out a ruler and started measuring the data.

Xiaoxia interrupted,"Well, we didn't seem to say anything or agree to anything, but you just started on your own!"

The boy said happily,"These three Pokémon are developing so well. I wonder if you have any other Pokémon you can show me? By the way, what did you say?" The boy obviously didn't hear what Xiaoxia said.

Xiaozhi took Butterfree and Kentaro back. The boy looked at Xiaozhi and felt that they looked familiar. He asked,"Pikachu and Hat are still so young. Are you Professor Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"I am right, but the most important thing now is to send this Dragonite to treatment first! We'll talk later."

Then the boy saw that there was a dying Dragonite.

After Xiaogang finished the inspection, he took out a bottle of medicine from his backpack and wanted to feed it to Dragonite first, but Dragonite was unwilling to open its mouth and accidentally knocked the medicine away with a shake of its head. Pikachu made a beautiful turn and saved the medicine.

Xiaozhi took the medicine from Pikachu, nodded to Xiaogang, and Xiaogang made way. Xiaozhi squatted in front of Dragonite and used his wave power to comfort it:"Dragonite, can you drink this first? We will take you to the Pokémon Center now."

Dragonite opened its mouth, and Xiaozhi finally fed the medicine to Dragonite. The boy was amazed that Dragonite, who was so vigilant just now, would actually listen to Xiaozhi. After drinking the medicine, Dragonite was obviously more energetic.

After Miss Joy's treatment, Dragonite is no longer in danger.

Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief:"Fortunately, it's okay!"

Xiaogang asked curiously:"But why did Dragonite appear alone? Dragonites basically appear in groups, and it is rare to see them alone, especially in a place like the beach."

The boy thought for a while and said,"It should be the storm three days ago that caused it to get lost! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xiaojian and I am a Pokémon observer."

Xiaojian continued,"Dr. Xiaozhi, you know Professor Oak, right?"

Xiaozhi nodded.

Xiaojian said excitedly,"Dr. Xiaozhi, I want to meet Professor Oak, can you introduce me to him?" Xiaozhi nodded and said,"That's no problem, but I have something to do in the Orange Islands, and I also have to challenge the Southern Cross of the Orange Alliance, so I won't be back to Pallet Town so soon. How about this! You can travel with us temporarily, it will probably take a few months!"

Xiaojian nodded repeatedly,"That's no problem, thank you!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"We are of the same age, there is no need to add honorifics, just call me Xiaozhi"

"My name is Xiaoxia!"

"My name is Xiaogang!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also introduced themselves.

Miss Joy came over:"The dragon has woken up!"

Xiaozhi thanked:"Thank you, Miss Joy! Let's go see it!"

Xiaogang didn't know when he became infatuated with her again, and held Miss Joy's hand and said:"Miss Joy, I really don't know how to thank you! I would like to treat you to a meal on behalf of my companions......."

Misty dragged Brock away:"If you have the heart, take care of the Pokémon! I'll leave Ralts in your care!"

Ash explained to Ken:"Brock is like this, you just need to get used to it." Ken was speechless.

Dragonite was very affectionate when he saw Ash. Ash touched Dragonite's head and said:"Dragonite, have you lost your companions?"

Dragonite nodded. Ash took out a Poké Ball and continued:"Dragonite, come with me for a while! I'll help you find your companions."

Dragonite took the initiative to enter the Poké Ball, and Ash captured Dragonite.

【Dragon Rider (Laplace)】

【Attributes: Water, Ice】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Water Storage (When attacked by a water-attribute move, HP will be���complex)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Shout, Water Gun, Singing, White Mist, Ice Gravel, Water Waves, Freezing Ray】

【[Capture Dragonite, reward points 1000]

Misty and Brock are no longer surprised that Ash captures Pokémon directly, but Ken looks at Ash with emotion and admiration.

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