Xiaozhi and his two friends were shopping at a convenience store in front of the port. They had run out of food for the Pokémon and Pikachu's ketchup. In addition, they were running out of ingredients and seasonings. Many of the Orange Islands were uninhabited islands, so it was definitely a good idea to prepare in advance.

Xiaozhi and his two friends, including Pikachu, were carrying things in their hands.

Xiaoxia said happily,"We're giving away lottery tickets when we buy things!"

Xiaogang pointed to the bench outside the convenience store and said,"Let's put the things on the bench over there. Xiaoxia, you and Xiaozhi go and draw!"

Xiaoxia took Xiaozhi to the lottery area at the door of the convenience store. The staff said,"Welcome to our store. Our first prize is three invitation tickets for the airship to Daigan Island."

This reminded Xiaozhi of a very bad memory. In their previous life, the operator of the airship they took was Team Rocket. Jigglypuff's intrusion and the airship's disrepair almost prevented them from reaching Daigan Island.

"Congratulations to this guest for winning the first prize!"The staff member rang the bell in his hand.

When Xiaozhi was stunned, Xiaoxia had already drawn the first prize golden ball.......

Not far from the port.

Meow Meow turned on the communication device:"Boss, you are looking for us, meow?"

Banmu said:"Musashi, Kojiro, Meow Meow, I now order you to transfer to the Rocket Group's airship department."

"What?" The three said in unison.

Banmu continued:"You also know that the airship department is an important department of the Rocket Group and cannot be handed over to unreliable people."

"It turns out that the boss values us so much!"

"I'm so touched!"

Banmu said:"It depends on your performance!" The communication was hung up. What the three members of Team Rocket didn't know was that the airship department often had accidents and suffered heavy losses. Just when it was about to go bankrupt, it sold three tickets, and the victims were Xiaozhi and his friends. Xiaozhi and his friends arrived in front of the airship half an hour later.

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"Wow, it's so big! Is this the airship?"

Xiaogang took a closer look and asked doubtfully:"But don't you think it looks a bit dilapidated? Can it fly?"

Xiaozhi felt helpless, but at this point he could only take things one step at a time.

"Do you want to take that airship?" At this time, two staff members came over, and one of them said in shock.

Xiaozhi explained:"We won the airship invitation ticket to Daigan Island."

Another staff member said:"You are so brave!"

Xiaoxia asked:"Is there something wrong with that airship?"

The staff member whispered:"It's like this, that airship is called the unfortunate ship. Legend has it that there are demons living on it, and there is a high probability that accidents will occur during flight! That's why I said you are brave!"


Xiaoxia said:"Why don't we take a boat? It's safer this way."

Xiaogang nodded in agreement:"Anyway, we have enough money to buy a boat ticket, Xiaozhi, let's go!"

"Three guests! We are here to show you the way. Please come this way!" Xiaozhi and the other two were dragged onto the airship by two people who suddenly appeared in front of them.

How could the three members of Team Rocket let the guests fly away? Besides, these were the first batch of guests they received. They finally had a place to make money. If they messed up the job, they didn't know what was waiting for them.

As the cabin door closed, Xiaozhi shook off the hands of Musashi and Kojiro and said,"Musashi, Kojiro, if you don't let go, Pikachu will serve you with 100,000 volts!"

Kojiro and Musashi were so scared that they quickly stepped back. Musashi waved his hand and said,"No, no, no, let's talk it out nicely!" Xiaoxia said helplessly,"Why are you guys from Team Rocket everywhere!"

Xiaogang said,"Open the cabin door quickly, we don't want to take the airship anymore!"

Kojiro pointed out the window,"You can't get off. I don't know when it took off."

The scenery outside the window began to change, and the plane had indeed taken off! Now I can't leave even if I want to!

Xiaozhi said:"Listen carefully, you two. If we can arrive at Daigan Island safely, today's matter will be forgotten. If not, I will shoot you away first. If we arrive at Daigan Island safely, your work can be completed smoothly, right?"

Musashi and Kojiro decided that they couldn't mess up the work. They had finally gained the appreciation of Boss Itaki. If they messed up, they might be fired, so they agreed.

Kojiro said weakly:"The invitation ticket includes lunch. Today's lunch is ready. Let's eat together!" Kojiro spoke, and the atmosphere eased.

But suddenly the airship tilted suddenly, and Xiaozhi said:"Is Meowth driving the airship? Can't it be more stable?"

Kojiro and Musashi were stunned. Wasn't Meowth cooking in the kitchen? And there were only three of them on the airship! The two of them were here, and Meowth was in the kitchen, so how could the airship suddenly take off without a pilot?

Xiaoxia looked at the dark faces of Musashi and Kojiro and asked,"What's wrong with you?"

Musashi replied with a dark face,"There are only three of us on the staff, and Meowth is in the kitchen."

Kojiro changed his words and said,"So from the beginning, there was no pilot."

Xiaozhi and the other two said at the same time,"What?" The group rushed to the cockpit. Musashi and Kojiro pulled Meowth out of the kitchen together. The rudder in the cockpit was turning by itself, and people couldn't help but sweat on their backs in broad daylight.

Suddenly, a giggle was heard, and this laughter was really creepy. Xiaozhi's wave power told him that there was a ghost-type Pokémon here. He took a few steps forward, squatted down, and reached out to grab something:"Grudge Shadow Doll, I caught you! Are you playing hide-and-seek with me?"

The ghost doll appeared and used its���The eyes looked at Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi said:"Did you let the airship take off because you wanted to play with us?" The

Ghostly Doll nodded. Xiaozhi touched its head and said:"A prankster is not a good kid!"

The Ghostly Doll showed an aggrieved expression and lowered its head. Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Why don't you come with me! I have many Pokémon that can play with you, so you won't feel lonely!" The

Ghostly Doll could feel the gentle feeling from Xiaozhi and nodded. It didn't know when it came to this airship. It was very lonely without anyone to play with it, so it had to play pranks. Over time, this caused the airship to have frequent accidents.

Xiaozhi subdued the Ghostly Doll.

【Shadow Doll】

【Attribute: Ghost】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Cursed Body (When attacked, the opponent's moves will sometimes be turned into a fixed state)】

【Level: Ordinary low】

【Skills: Fright, Screech, Night Shadow, Resentment, Shadow Sneak Attack】

【[Capture the Shadowbot, and get 500 points]

Brock asked,"Ash, what kind of Pokémon is Shadowbot? I've never seen one before,"

Ash explained,"It's a ghost-type Pokémon from the Hoenn region. Logically, it only lives in the Hoenn region and shouldn't be seen in the Kanto region."

Misty said,"Then was Shadowbot's prank the cause of the incident on this airship?"

Ash nodded and said,"I can feel Shadowbot's loneliness. It's probably because it's the only Pokémon on this airship without a playmate, so it played a prank."

"So that's it! So that's it!" The three members of Team Rocket nodded repeatedly.

Xiaoxia said angrily:"We are talking about ours, why don't you go and drive the airship? Do you want to fly again? This is on the sea!"

Musashi cursed, but still looked at Kojiro, who went to drive the airship. Musashi said:"Little girl, you are so fierce, be careful not to get married."

Xiaoxia was about to continue talking but looked at Xiaozhi, swallowing back what she wanted to say. Don't boys like gentle girls? What if Xiaozhi also thinks I'm fierce!

Two hours later, the group arrived safely at Daigan Island.

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