On the fifth day of the Quartz Conference, the fourth round of the game arrived.

Xiaozhi dragged Xiaoxia and Xiaogang to watch Xiaomao's game. After all, Xiaomao's battle was related to Xiaozhi's inability to fight Xiaomao. In his previous life, it was in this game that Xiaomao lost to his opponent and thus did not enter the top 16.

Xiaomao saw Xiaozhi's arrival and held his breath, saying that he must not lose no matter what. At this time, the opponent Jimu was the last Pokémon Rhydon, and Xiaomao was also the last Nidoking, and both Pokémon had little stamina left. The strength of both sides was close

, both were gym-level, and their attributes restrained each other, so it was not certain who would win or lose. By the fourth round, the Pokémon's strength was all at the gym level.

"Nidoking, Horn Butt"

"Rhydon, Earth Throw!"

Nidoking used the sharp horns on his head to stab Rhydon, but Rhydon grabbed Nidoking's horns and lifted him up, then used Earth Throw directly.

If it hit, Nidoking would definitely lose his ability to fight.

Xiao Mao looked around to see if there was a chance to turn the defeat into victory, and suddenly he said:"Nidoking, steady your body, and use the power of the earth directly!"

After hearing Xiaomao's order, Nidoking opened his eyes, jumped onto a rock to stabilize his body, and used the power of the earth on Rhydon. After a short confrontation, Rhydon fell first!

Referee:"Rhydon has lost his ability to fight."

Host:"Congratulations to Xiaomao, the first player to win the top 16!"

After the game, Xiaomao found Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, thank you!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"I didn't do anything! And thanking you is not your style, Xiaomao."

Xiaomao turned his head away:"It's none of your business! But to be honest, I was inspired by watching your previous game, otherwise I wouldn't have won this game."

Xiaozhi could hardly hide his smile:"Didn't you say that you would win all the way to the end and defeat me to become the champion of the Quartz Conference?"

Xiaomao said proudly:"Yes! Xiaozhi, you must win the game later, it will be meaningless if you don't lose to me!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then just watch my game carefully!" Xiaomao returned to normal.

Xiaozhi's fourth round of the game began, and the battle venue was the grass field.

The host:"The green team is Ash from Pallet Town, and the red team is Kaoru from Girl Town. This will be the last match to advance to the top 16."

After the host introduced both teams, enthusiastic cheers rang out in the venue, but they were all for Kaoru.

Misty looked around and said,"It's so annoying, it's like Ash is going to lose."

Brock said infatuatedly,"What a pretty lady! Come on, Miss Kaoru!" He immediately joined the crowd cheering for Kaoru.

Misty said angrily,"Brock, which side are you on!"

Mao was speechless beside him.

"Go, Beedrill!"

"Stinky mud, it’s decided to be you!"


【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Features: Bug Premonition (When HP is less than one-third, the power of bug-attribute skills becomes 1.5 times)】

【Strength: Elite】

"How disgusting! Why is it a stinky mud? Giant Beedrill, hit it."Xunzi showed a disgusted look, but she did not show any mercy when she attacked.

""Smelly, a piercing sound."

The Beedrill used its entire body to hit the Mud, but Mud's body was soft, and although there was damage, it was mostly offset by Mud's soft body, and the Beedrill was directly bounced away. Mud opened its mouth and let out a piercing scream, and the Beedrill looked very uncomfortable.

"Beedrill Double Sting Attack"

"Mud, mud shooting."

The Beedrill used the two stingers on its hands to stab the Mud continuously. The Mud's body fell flat on the ground. Just like before, it was effective but limited. The Mud fired mud at the Beedrill, blinding it.

""Smelly Mud, it's like a mountain falling on your head."

Smelly Mud took the opportunity to press Beedrill under his body, and Beedrill lost its ability to fight.

"Scyther, it's your turn next!"


【Attributes: Insect, Flying】

【Features: Bug Premonition (When HP is less than one-third, the power of bug-attribute skills becomes 1.5 times)】

【Strength: Early Gym Stage]

Scythe flaps its wings and swings its sickle towards the Mud.


" Smelly, use sludge bomb to resist Scyther's cleave."

"Scyther, Shadow Clone"

""Smelly Mud, highly poisonous."

Scyther created three clones to surround Scyther. Scyther placed his hands on the battlefield, and purple bubbles appeared on the entire battlefield. Purple pillars of highly poisonous substances attacked Scyther.

Scyther was poisoned!

"Mud, the final blow of Freezing Fist!"

The cold air attached to Mud's fist and knocked Scythe away. This move was very effective, and Scythe lost its ability to fight.

Seeing this, Xiaomao suddenly understood Xiaozhi's intention:"No wonder Xiaozhi didn't take the initiative to attack. Mud is indeed the most suitable for this battle."

Xiaoxia also understood:"Indeed, Mud's soft body is quite flexible on the grass field. From the beginning, Xiaozhi tested the opponent's fighting style, and then used Mud's soft body to play with the opponent!"

Xiaomao nodded and said,"That's the reason. This time Xiaozhi gave up the terrain and relied on the Pokémon's own advantages?"

Xiaogang cried beside him,"How come even Scythe lost!"

When Xiaoxia heard Xiaogang's words, she was immediately furious. She grabbed Xiaogang's ear and twisted it three times and yelled,"Xiaogang, which side are you on!"

"It hurts. It hurts.......

"There is no way back, the last one is you. Go, trumpet bud!"

【Trumpet Bud】

【Attributes: Grass, Poison】

【Features: Chlorophyll (speed increases in sunny weather)】

【Strength: Mid-level gym

Misty asked curiously,"Bellsprout? Such a weak Pokémon, but judging by its level and strength, it's still pretty strong."

Xiaomao was also puzzled when he saw it was Bellsprout, and said,"This is the opponent's last Pokémon, and she must have a purpose for sending it out now."

"Trumpet Bud, sunny day."The trumpet bud made the sunlight stronger. Xiao Mao in the audience finally understood that it was the characteristics of chlorophyll. No wonder the trumpet bud was used as the finale. The advantage of the fast Pokémon was obvious.

"The bud rushed forward and used a slam."

Xiaozhi did not give any orders to the slime, but the bud rushed forward, grabbed the slime with its leaves and slammed it repeatedly, but the slime acted as if nothing had happened.

"Trumpet Bud Sunshine Flame"

"Muddy, get smaller."

When the Sunshine Flame was in the Sunny State, the Buzzard Sprout quickly launched it. Xiaozhi finally gave the order to Muddy, and Muddy curled up and became much smaller, successfully avoiding the Sunshine Flame.

""Stinky mud, it's like a mountain falling on your head."

Stinky mud reacted very quickly and pressed the trumpet bud under his body. In order to get rid of Stinky mud, the trumpet bud kicked and fought under Stinky mud.

""Bullfrog, use Leaf Knife.""

Chou Chou Ni's body was lifted up by Leaf Knife, but it was a pity that it didn't work. Bulbrog gradually stopped moving, and Chou Chou Ni let go of Bulbrog.

"Can the trumpet bud still stand up?"

"Mud, the final blow, the sludge attack."

Bellsprout just struggled to stand up, Mud threw sludge at Bellsprout, and Bellsprout was knocked down again.

Referee:"Bellsprout has lost his ability to fight, Xiaozhi wins."

Host:"Let us congratulate Xiaozhi for entering the top 16!"

Xiaozhi turned around, looked at Xiaomao and nodded, Xiaomao also nodded to Xiaozhi, both of them understood what each other meant, see you in the finals!

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