After resting for a night at the Pokémon Center in Crimson City, Satoshi and his friends arrived at a forest outside Crimson City the next day with the guidance of Miss Joy.

Misty said,"Gon, is the Crimson Gym really here?"

Gon said,"Miss Joy said so, and it's marked on the map. The Crimson Gym should be nearby! But why do I see dense forests everywhere?"

Satoshi has activated the power of wave guidance to explore the way since entering the forest. He only sensed the existence of trees nearby, and nothing else. Satoshi released Pidgeot:"Pidgeot, go and see if there is any place that looks like the Crimson Gym."

"Pidgeot!"After receiving Xiaozhi's order, Pidgeot flew into the sky. It is always easier to see in the air.

"Psyduck." Psyduck ran out of Misty's Poké Ball.

Misty said helplessly:"No one called you, just go back to the Poké Ball." Misty looked at Psyduck with its head tilted, looking like it knew nothing, and was so angry that she put Psyduck back into the Poké Ball.

Ash said:"Okay, Misty, don't be too hard on Psyduck, maybe its ability is very powerful."

Misty sighed helplessly:"It would be great if it were so, a water-type Pokémon that can't swim, I can't laugh at Psyduck just thinking about it, anyway, it's also my Pokémon, let's train it slowly!"

Misty's Psyduck is the kind of Pokémon that blooms late, although it looks stupid, but its psychic-type moves are very powerful, and Ash is very clear about the strength of this Psyduck

"Pidgeot." Pidgeot flew back, circled in the air for a few circles, and led the way to the right front of Xiaozhi and his friends.

Xiaozhi said,"It seems that Pidgeot has discovered something."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang followed Xiaozhi's steps, and they walked out of the forest according to Pidgeot's instructions. The view in front of them became wider. Xiaoxia said,"That's it!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked in the direction that Xiaoxia pointed, and there was a huge traditional house on the opposite cliff.

Half an hour later, the group arrived in front of the house.

Xiaoxia sighed,"It's so big! But why does it feel a little weird?"

Xiaogang said,"There are actually such houses in this era. Hey, the door is not closed!" Xiaogang just put his hand on the door without exerting any force, but the door opened.

Xiaozhi and his friends stepped into the door, and there was a huge courtyard inside. Suddenly, a fur ball jumped down from the tree planted in the courtyard.

Xiaogang said,"This fur ball should be a Pokémon with a trainer! Otherwise, it would not appear here!"

"Furball, furball."

Pikachu jumped down from Xiaozhi's shoulder:"Pika Pikachu"

"Furball, Furball."

Pikachu pointed in the direction of the house, and Xiaozhi said,"Pikachu, you mean, Furball wants us to follow it?"

Pikachu nodded.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang and Xiaoxia:"Let's follow Furball!"

Furball led Xiaozhi and the others through the house to the backyard, where there was a competition venue

"Who are you? What's up?"

Xiaozhi and the others saw smoke everywhere. When the smoke cleared, a young girl wearing a pink ninja costume and a high ponytail stood in front of them.

"Furball, furball." The furball ran to the girl.

Xiaozhi said,"This furball is yours, right? I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I'm here to participate in the gym challenge."

The girl said,"Oh, that's what I told you! I'm Ayako, and this furball is my Pokémon. I'm currently the acting gym trainer of the Crimson Gym!"

Xiaogang held Ayako's hand and said,"Beautiful lady, you're actually a gym trainer. This pink dress suits you so well."......"

Ayako said:"Maoqiu, use paralysis powder"

"Numb! Numb!"

Gon lost his ability to fight. Misty had no choice but to drag him away, and it had to be said that the effect was remarkable.

Ayako said angrily,"I hate people hitting on me the most."

A voice rang out,"Ayako, I'll take this match!"

Ayako said,"Brother, are you going to play in this match?"

A man appeared behind Ayako,"You'll be the referee for this match." The man looked at Satoshi,"My name is A-Jie, and I'm currently the gym trainer of the Crimson Gym. Satoshi, I've heard of your name. You've won all the gym matches since your debut, and you've never lost yet. You're also the youngest researcher in the league."

Gon asked,"Mr. A-Jie, why do you say you're still a gym trainer?"

Misty was startled by Gon,"You're resurrected so quickly!"

A-Jie said,"Next month I'll be taking over as one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and Ayako will only be the gym trainer of the Crimson Gym next month, so I said currently."

The blood in Xiaozhi's body burned rapidly. In front of him were the Four Heavenly Kings. Regardless of the outcome of this match, the Pokémon would grow. He said,"Mr. Aju, I'm counting on you!"

Ayako heard what her brother said. Since his debut, he has never tasted defeat. Doesn't that mean that Xiaozhi is still a rookie trainer? For a rookie to achieve such a record, it's no wonder that her brother wants to play this match himself.

Ayako stood in the position of the referee:"Now begins the gym match of the Crimson Gym. Two Pokémon can be used. The challenger can change Pokémon. The match begins."

Aju said,"Xiaozhi, the highest strength of the Pokémon you currently have should only be gym level!"

Xiaozhi said,"That's right." Aju was right. Among Xiaozhi's Pokémon, only Pikachu's strength has reached the gym level. If Pidgeot is mega evolved, its strength can also reach the gym level.

Aju held a Poké Ball in his hand:"Then let's have a gym-level Pokémon battle! Go, Maoqiu!"


【Attributes: Insect, Poison】

【Features: Compound Eyes (increases the hit rate of moves by 30%)】

【Level: Gym Level]

This fur ball that came out of Aju's Poké Ball is at least two levels stronger than the one at Ayako's feet.

Xiaozhi sent out Pidgeot:"Pidgeot is decided to be you!"

Aju saw the Mega Evolution Stone hanging around Pidgeot's neck. Pidgeot's strength should only be at the peak of the elite level, but with the Mega Evolution Stone, it should be able to make up for this gap.

"Hairball insect chirping"

"Pidgeot's Swallow Return."

The fur ball emits sound waves all over its body, which spread in space. If it is hit by the insect's cry, Pidgeot's special defense will be reduced. Pidgeot uses Swallow Return to quickly approach the fur ball and successfully hits it.

"Hair ball paralysis powder"

"Pidgeot's shadow clone."

Pidgeot quickly adjusted himself and surrounded the fur ball with his clones. The paralysis powder sprayed from the fur ball's body did not hit Pidgeot.

"Xiaozhi, your tactics are really great! This furball is the strongest offspring of my moth, and furball has a strong mind."

Xiaozhi placed his finger on the Mega Evolution Stone on his left glove:"Pidgeot Mega Evolution! Use Drill Peck!"

Pidgeot's appearance changed, and it rotated its body and stabbed furball with its beak. Furball waited for Pidgeot's Drill Peck to get close, and just before it got close, it activated its strong mind and controlled Pidgeot's movements, and furball slammed Pidgeot to the ground.

"Can the eagle hold up better? Feather Dance"

"Pidgeot."The speed that Pidgeot was most proud of was blocked by the fur ball. Pidgeot climbed down from the ground and flapped his wings again. Pidgeot scattered feathers to the fur ball, covering it.

"Maoqiu, once again strong in spirit"

"Pidgeot Air Slash!"

Pidgeot's wings fanned out a sharp wind, attacking the ball. The ball used its mental power to control all of Pidgeot's feather dance to resist Pidgeot's Air Slash.

"Pidgeot, the divine bird strikes"


The next moment, Pidgeot appeared behind the ball, glowing blue, and used Divine Bird Slam.

Ayako:"The ball has lost its ability to fight."

Aki took the ball back and said with a smile:"I didn't expect that Xiaozhi would use Shadow Clone as bait and charge up Divine Bird Slam in advance. My next one is this, Crossbat"

【Crossbill bat】

【Attributes: Flying, Poison】

【Features: Mental strength (possessing a trained spirit and not flinching from the opponent's attack)】

【Level: Gym Level]

Xiaogang said:"It is the final evolution of Super Sonic Radiation. Pikachu's attributes should be beneficial."

Xiaozhi looked at the Pikachu at his feet:"Pikachu, it's decided to be you!"

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