Xiaozhi and his group finally arrived at Qiuye Town the day before the Qiuye Competition began, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaosheng said,"We are finally here!" Xiaoyao also breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Finally we made it!"

Xiaoxia said,"Look, that should be the venue of the Grand Competition!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Xiaoxia and saw the venue next to the Pokémon Center.

Xiaoyao nodded,"That's it, I can't be wrong! I will get my first ribbon medal there!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, you have to work hard!"

Everyone came to the Pokémon Center to check in. The lobby of the Pokémon Center was full of coordination trainers who came to participate in the Pokémon Grand Competition.

Xiaogang said infatuatedly,"There are so many beautiful big sisters here!"

Xiaosheng complained,"He's sick again!"

Xiaoyao said,"What should I do? I'm nervous again. Every coordination trainer here looks very strong!"

Xiaoyao was suddenly attracted by a coordination trainer with Charem on the bench. It seems that they are doing meditation exercises.

Xiaosheng explained:"Sister, that's Charem!"

Suddenly, Xiaosheng's glasses, Xiaozhi's hat, and Pikachu were all floated in the air by Charem's telekinesis.


Charm opened his eyes and released his telekinesis.

Xiaozhi caught Pikachu and his hat steadily.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. I, Charem, used telekinesis without knowing it. He needs to strengthen his practice."

Xiaogang has already come up:"No! What needs to be strengthened in practice? My name is Xiaogang. Based on what I just saw, you must have given Charem enough spiritual practice. Miss, please allow me to buy you a cup of tea!"

Xiaosheng and Xiaoxia acted at the same time:"Okay, okay, if you want to drink tea, go drink it by yourself."

Everyone introduced themselves to each other and learned that this coordination trainer was named Grace.

Grace said:"I seem to have seen you somewhere! Aren't you Xiaozhi who won the ribbon medal in Kai's competition? I will defeat you."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"I won't participate in this Autumn Leaf Competition."

Xiaoyao said:"I'm the only one participating this time!" Xiaozhi suggested:"Knowing each other is fate, do you want to have a gorgeous battle with me?"

Grace said:"Charem is okay!" Charem nodded, and Grace said:"Okay, I accept."

The training ground outside the Pokémon Center

"Charem, come out!"

"Wood Gecko, it’s decided to be you!"


【Attributes: Fighting, Psychic】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Yoga Power (Due to the power of yoga, the power of physical attacks will be doubled)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Charrem Freezing Punch"

"The Wood Gecko sees through!"

Charem's Frost Punch fiercely attacked the Wood Gecko, and the Wood Gecko used See Through to protect himself from the Frost Punch attack.

"Charem uses telekinesis"

"Wood Gecko, Shadow Clone."

Charem's telekinesis hit the Wood Gecko's Shadow Clone.

"It's time to fight back. The Wood Gecko uses the energy ball and then smashes it with leaves."

A green ball of light formed in front of the Wood Gecko, and then the Wood Gecko used leaves to cut the energy ball into pieces and attacked Charem.

"Chalem dodged it with a flash of lightning.

The energy of the energy ball scattered, making the wood gecko look even more handsome. Moreover, the power of the broken energy ball still existed. The energy ball hit Chalem.

""Boomerang, use Swallow Return!"

Boomerang jumped up, appeared behind Charrem, and slashed at Charrem. But at the last moment, Boomerang stopped attacking.

Xiaoyao seemed to have seen a new world, is this a combination move? So beautiful!

After Xiaozhi's Boomerang landed, its body emitted an evolutionary light, and the Boomerang evolved into a forest lizard.

Grace said:"I lost! Xiaozhi, you are too strong!"

Xiaozhi said:"Miss Grace, you are too modest. How about Xiaoyao?"

Xiaoyao said:"This is a performance that can only be seen in the gorgeous battle competition, Xiaozhi, teach me quickly!"

Grace said goodbye to Xiaozhi and went back to rest. If Xiaozhi participated in this gorgeous competition, Grace knew that she would have no chance of winning.

Under everyone's interested eyes, Xiaozhi asked Xiaoyao to start trying a combination of special moves. In just two hours, Xiaoyao had made great progress. It would not be a big problem to use it in this gorgeous competition!

The next morning, Xiaoyao went to handle the competition procedures, and Xiaozhi and the others met Xiaoshun.

Xiaoshun said:"It's you, Dr. Xiaozhi. I didn't have the chance to play against you last time. This time I will defeat you and get the ribbon medal."

Xiaozhi waved his hand:"I won't participate in this conference."

Xiaoshun said:"That's a pity, will she participate?" Xiaozhi nodded:"Xiaoyao will participate."

Xiaoshun also nodded, and went to handle the competition procedures.

Xiaoxia rubbed her chin and said:"It looks like something is going on!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Two people care about each other so much, there must be something going on." Xiaosheng asked doubtfully:"Xiaozhi, Sister Xiaoxia, what are you talking about!"

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaosheng, you are still young. You will understand in a few years."

Xiaosheng complained:"You are not much older than me!"

The Pokémon Contest Autumn Leaves Conference will start in two hours!

Xiaoyao saw Xiaoshun in the backstage and said:"Xiaoshun, I will not lose this time." Xiaoshun threw a rose to Xiaoyao and said:"For the hunting swallowtail butterfly, you, a coordination trainer, still need to work hard!"

When Xiaoyao was about to get angry, Xiaoshun said:"Try hard, I will be the first to go on stage." Vivian said

:"The Pokémon Contest Autumn Leaves Conference is finally about to begin. The first review is about to begin. I am the host Vivian. Okay, please invite Mr. Xiaoshun, who is number 1, to come on stage!"

Shun finished with the Flower Dance of the Poison Rose and received a score of 29.6. She secured her spot in the next round with a high score right from the start.

Grace finished with the Flying Knee Kick of Charem and received a score of 29.5. She was only 0.1 point behind Shun, but she was also sure to enter the second round of review.

Next was Xiaoyao's performance.

"The Hunting Swallowtail came on stage and used Sunny Day!

After the Hunting Swallowtail finished showing itself, it used Sunny Day to make the sunlight above the venue stronger.

"Morning light!"

The hunting swallowtail butterfly used the morning light under the scorching sun, and the hunting swallowtail butterfly sparkled under the blessing of the morning light.

"Ending, Silver Whirlwind!"

The silver whirlwind merged with the morning light under the sun, like butterflies falling.

Xiaoxia said:"It's so beautiful!"

Xiaosheng said:"Sister is amazing, Xiaozhi is even more amazing. In two hours, sister has made such a big progress. I don't know how many times stronger than sister was in the last Kai's meeting."

Xiaozhi said:"I just helped to make the special move combination, and the rest is Xiaoyao's own efforts." Xiaoyao participated in the gorgeous competition for the second time. Xiaoyao was able to perform so well only under Xiaozhi's advice. Xiaoyao's talent for the gorgeous competition is not low.

Xiaoyao's performance received a score of 29.4 points and is currently ranked third.

Musashi participated in this gorgeous competition under the name of Musashino and obtained a score of 29.7 by cheating. Xiaozhi said to Xiaoxia helplessly:"If Musashi didn't rely on cheating, it would also be a good performance." Xiaoxia said

:"That's Musashi! Cheating? The one worn on the neck of the poisonous powder moth?"

Xiaozhi nodded.

Musashi is currently ranked first, Xiao Shun is second, Grace is third, Xiaoyao is fourth. Only four people can enter the second review of the Autumn Leaf Conference. They are ranked according to their scores. They have successfully entered the second review.

The Pokémon Contest Autumn Leaf Conference is in progress......

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