After leaving the Maiden's Gorge, Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey to Golden City. The place they arrived at today is called the Bardadie Strait.

【Mission released, release Butterfree.

Xiaozhi asked,"Will Butterfree and I have a chance to meet again?"

Xiaozhi only met Butterfree briefly after winning the world championship, but they didn't get along for long before they separated again. Xiaozhi respected the choices of the Pokémon, but he was reluctant to let them go!

When Xiaozhi left the Pokémon Center at the Maiden's Gorge Port, he exchanged Butterfree for Squirtle.

【Host, this is the first thing that fans are dissatisfied with you becoming a master of releasing animals. There are only a few minutes of footage of releasing Butterfree until the end. Host, don't worry! I, No. 124, will not let Butterfree leave for too long.

Xiaozhi said"hmm" softly and exited the conversation with No. 124, and Xiaoxia's voice rang in his ears.

Misty said,"This strait is so spectacular!"

Brock looked down at his feet and said,"It feels so majestic!"

Ash looked up at the sky and found Butterfree flying in the air,"So many Butterfree!"

Misty and Brock looked up at the same time. Misty said,"It really is! There are quite a lot of Butterfree!"

Brock took out the travel guide and turned to the page about the Butterfree Strait and said,"So this is the Butterfree Strait! The book says that this season is the season for Butterfree to fall in love. Many Butterfree trainers will come here to let their Butterfree find a partner and cross the sea to leave offspring."

Misty asked,"Does it mean to cross the ocean in front of us?" Brock said,"Yes, that's what it says in the book."

Misty exclaimed,"That's really amazing!"

Ash took out Butterfree's Poké Ball and said,"Come out, Butterfree."

Butterfree flew around Ash a few times.

Xiaozhi raised his hand, and Butterfree landed on his arm. He asked,"Butterfree, do you want to leave offspring?"

Butterfree blushed. Xiaozhi just wanted to confirm Butterfree's choice and said,"Butterfree, you see, go find someone you like!"

Xiaogang said,"There's a hot air balloon rental over there, let's go and take a look!";......

Misty was on the hot air balloon, holding a telescope and looking around for Xiaozhi's Butterfree:"Xiaozhi, where is your Butterfree? The Butterfrees are all in pairs, there are very few single ones!"

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaozhi, why are you more worried about Butterfree than I am!"

Xiaozhi said:"I have also witnessed your whole process from catching Butterfree to now, what's wrong with worrying a little? But to be honest, there are quite a few trainers here.......Found it!"

Zhi's Butterfree is looking for a Butterfree that can be a partner. During this period, many Butterfrees came to show their affection to Zhi's Butterfree, but Butterfree remained unmoved.

Xiaogang asked curiously,"Haven't you found the type you like yet?"

Xiaoxia asked in confusion,"I think they are all the same?"

Xiaogang coughed lightly.

As a Pokémon breeder, it is necessary to popularize knowledge to Xiaoxia:"Of course there is a difference.

Look, first distinguish between male and female.

Is there no black pattern on the lower part of the wings of Xiaozhi's Butterfree? This is the male, and the one with black pattern on the lower part is the female.

When Butterfree chooses a partner, it also has its own considerations, such as what kind of flying posture, or other different appearances, etc.

, for Butterfree, they are all different.


Xiaoxia didn't know that Butterfree had so much knowledge after hearing it, and said,"I see."

Xiaogang's eyes suddenly became straight, and he shouted to Xiaozhi's Butterfree:"Butterfree, have you seen that girl's Butterfree? Choose it, choose it! If you choose her Butterfree, even unrelated trainers can......pain......It hurts!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear:"I don't know who said that just now! And this is Butterfree's own business, you don't need to be so enthusiastic!"

Xiaozhi showed a fatherly smile and said:"My Butterfree has found a partner!" Xiaoxia let go of her hand, and considering Xiaogang's love affair, she punched him on the head again and said:"Where is it? Wow, it's a pink Butterfree!"

As they talked, the pink Butterfree danced a courtship dance around Butterfree.

Xiaoxia said:"What kind of dance is this!"

Xiaogang immediately revived and said:"Let me explain it! This is a courtship dance. The pink Butterfree fell in love with Xiaozhi's Butterfree at first sight, and she would not marry anyone else."Xiaoxia was surprised and said:"Are girls so proactive?"

Xiaogang looked like a master in love:"Has anyone ever said that boys must take the initiative in love, and girls can also work hard for their own happiness."

After hearing this, Misty glanced at Xiaozhi and silently kept Xiaogang's words in her heart.

After Xiaozhi's pink Butterfree finished the courtship dance, Xiaozhi's Butterfree also danced in response, and the relationship between the two was officially confirmed.

Misty said excitedly:"Xiaozhi, look, they succeeded!"

Xiaozhi said:"Yes!"

The pink Butterfree leaned on Xiaozhi's Butterfree like a little bird, looking like it was in love.

The sound of a helicopter was heard, but Xiaozhi would not have discovered the three members of Team Rocket just now through the hull of the helicopter.

Xiaoxia said:"Why are they them again! If they dare to interfere with Butterfree's love, I will not forgive them."

Xiaozhi released Pidgeot, and Pikachu jumped onto Pidgeot's back. Xiaozhi said:"You two will beat Team Rocket away!"

Pidgeot evolved successfully. Xiaozhi plans to increase the bond while increasing Pidgeot's level. At a certain time, he can give Pidgeot a Mega Evolution Stone.

""Pidgeot! /Pikachu!"

The two flew towards the Rocket Team's helicopter. Seeing this, Ash's Butterfree also wanted to rush up, and the pink Butterfree followed closely.

A huge net bag appeared under the Rocket Team's helicopter, and all the Butterfrees in love were caught in the net bag.

Pikachu jumped from Pidgeot's back to the helicopter, clung to the porthole tightly, and showed a big sinister smile to the three members of Team Rocket.

Musashi hurriedly said:"We didn't attack you! If you use 100,000 volts here, it will also implicate the Butterfrees!"

Kojiro said:"That's right, we are just trying to catch Butterfree to see if they catch you!"

"Pika Pika." Pikachu tilted his head.

Meowth translated,"Pikachu said it didn't plan to use 100,000 volts!"

Musashi pointed at Pikachu on the porthole and said,"Then what does Pikachu mean by this!"

Kojiro slowly raised his head, sweating all over his forehead, and pointed at the display screen and said,"This is it, Pidgeot and Butterfree successfully cut the net under the helicopter!"

"What?" Musashi and Meowth hugged each other.

Just when Pikachu attracted the attention of the three members of Team Rocket, Pidgeot and two Butterfrees teamed up to cut off the net. Pikachu jumped back on Pidgeot's back, and Pikachu said,"Pika."

Meowth said,"Pikachu says goodbye!" Musashi grabbed Meowth's neck:"You don't need to translate this!"

Then Pikachu used Thunder to send the three members of Team Rocket away. What Pikachu said was not wrong, it was originally capable of 100,000 volts.......

Xiaozhi said softly:"Thank you for all the time, Butterfree!"

Butterfree looked at Xiaozhi, tears welling up in its eyes.

Xiaozhi looked at the pink Butterfree and said:"Please take care of it!"

Xiaoxia's eyes were full of tears:"Take care of Butterfree!"

Xiaozhi touched Butterfree's head and hugged it in his arms:"Butterfree, you are my first Pokémon to capture. We will definitely meet again in the future."

Xiaozhi let go of its hand and said goodbye:"Have a safe journey!" Butterfree reluctantly left, and Xiaozhi stood at the bay until he could no longer see Butterfree.......

【Mission completed, reward 1000 points, and Butterfree will return after the Quartz Conference. 】


【Right. Didn't I say that? I will help the host solve things that the fans don't like. Butterfree's egg-laying cycle is about three to four months, which is exactly when the host completes the Quartz Conference. Butterfree will come back here and wait for you to pick it up.

After hearing this, Xiaozhi's sadness of parting has been diluted a lot. Separation is also for a better reunion.

Butterfree, we will meet again one day!

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