Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 93 Finding a method (please recommend and collect)

(Thanks to ‘Mr. Nanshe’, ‘四婷婷婷婷的 sorrow’, ‘He Shi Restaurant’, ‘Xianyun Manguan’ for their support!)


After a day of hard harvesting, the weight of all the vegetables, excluding the bamboo baskets, totaled more than 6,000 kilograms. Even if some were given to each villager, it would be more than 1,000 kilograms more than the estimated amount.

All the harvested vegetables were loaded onto the truck. In order to transport the vegetables to Xiangjiang City as quickly as possible, Gu Hongyu found a more professional long-distance logistics company from the county and rented a truck to transport them overnight.

According to Gu Hongyu’s idea, it was safer to give the vegetables to the logistics company, but the traditional uncle Azha knew how precious the vegetables were, and Gu Hongyu was not going to Xiangjiang with the truck. He was a little worried that the vegetables would be damaged, so he sent a few young and strong villagers to go with the truck.

Gu Hongyu nodded in agreement to the enthusiastic uncle Aza, and let the young people in the village follow the truck to Xiangjiang to learn more. Anyway, the truck will return, and it can also serve as a carrier when unloading goods!

Gu Hongyu, who came home after a busy day, simply cooked some meals. After dinner, he played with the two wolf cubs at home for a while. The appearance of the two wolf cubs was light gray and gray-black. Now they are about the same size. Gu Hongyu named them Xiaohui and Xiaohei respectively.

However, the two wolf cubs did not care about the names Gu Hongyu gave them at all. They ignored him when he called them. Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that it will take a long time for them to understand the meaning of the name.

Lightning is still human. After getting along with Gu Hongyu for a while, whenever Gu Hongyu called the word Lightning, the foal would respond, as if he knew that these two words would be its future name. It is quite smart!

Thinking about the animals at home, Gu Hongyu felt comfortable from the bottom of his heart. After more than two months in this village, since he had these guys and looked at their cuteness, he no longer felt the busyness and loneliness of organizing things, and his mentality was very relaxed and leisurely.

Dinglingling, the phone rang. The mobile phone was the first mobile phone in his life that he bought with his savings from working part-time. When he went out hunting last time, he was seen by others and teased. It seems that it is time to buy a new one.

"Hongyu, have the vegetables been harvested?" Lin Yuantao's anxious voice came from the phone.

Gu Hongyu called Lin Yuantao when the vegetables were harvested. At that time, the boy was excited on the phone for a long time, but later he was loading the truck and paying the villagers, and he forgot to tell him about the situation here.

"Don't worry, the logistics truck has already set off. It's a big truck. The driver's phone number is ****. There are two strong laborers on the truck who can help you unload the goods. It takes only one day for the car to get there from here. You can receive the vegetables tomorrow night!" Gu Hongyu explained with a smile.

Lin Yuantao on the other end of the phone was even happier: "That's good. I have arranged everything here and are waiting for the vegetables to arrive. You don't know that when we called the customers who tasted the vegetables last time, many managers and bosses rushed to our office in a hurry. The cash piled directly on our desks scared the employees inside. Some even raised the price on their own initiative!"

"Haha, the initial effect seems to be good, but I don't know if your company will have enough manpower in the future. Do you want to recruit more as soon as possible?" Gu Hongyu joked on the phone.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuantao on the other end of the phone said seriously: "Feng Zhu has been handling this matter these two days."

The two talked about business, and Gu Hongyu said again on the phone: "Leave some vegetables on the truck for Mei Ning. Her grandmother's illness has just recovered. She needs to eat more of these pollution-free and pure natural vegetables. Don't let those customers rush to grab them all!"

"Okay, I've said it many times. When the vegetables arrive, she will definitely be there. Don't worry!" Lin Yuantao said impatiently.

Both brothers Gu Hongyu told Lin Yuantao some business precautions on the phone again and hung up the phone. Then the phone started dialing again without pausing, and a call was made directly to Mei Ning.

The content was nothing more than those things between a man and a woman in love. They would repeatedly entangle for a long time over a small matter and they could talk about it with relish. Finally, Gu Hongyu told her on the phone that the vegetables were ripe and sent her some, which made Mei Ning happy with him. The battery was hot during the last call, and it took almost 2 hours to finish.

After the loving phone call ended, Gu Hongyu started practicing the immortal arts again, but soon he finished his practice and rested. There was no other way. He had successfully practiced all four of the five elements of immortal arts, except for the fire element, which was still progressing slowly. After practicing the four elements again, he had no progress and could only sleep.

However, Gu Hongyu had a guess in his mind that it would be helpful to practice the fire element immortal arts, that is, to practice in the face of the scorching sun when the sun was at its strongest. After thinking about this, he secretly decided to find a place to try if there was a sunrise tomorrow.

The next day, God did not disappoint Gu Hongyu's expectations. In the early morning, he could see a red sun slowly rising from the horizon. Although it was not as tragic as in summer, the temperature was also not to be underestimated.

After feeding the animals at home, he summoned the giant carp Jinzhuan again and played with it for a while. When the sun officially hung high in the sky, Gu Hongyu put on cool summer clothes and went to the Dahushi Mountain where he practiced immortal arts last time.

Last time, he had successfully cultivated the earth and gold magic here, but that was in the dead of night. This time, he could only cultivate the fire magic in the daytime, in a place where the sun could directly shine on it.

Fortunately, no one would go to the bare rocky mountain over there even during the day. Gu Hongyu quickly found a place that could receive direct sunlight but not be easily noticed. It was a small platform slightly lower than the top of the mountain. It would be a good place to practice after a little care.

It was almost noon, and the sunlight pierced through the atmosphere like an invisible sharp edge, covering the surface of the earth, making everything inside invisible. Gu Hongyu sat cross-legged on the small platform and slowly practiced the fire magic.

It turned out that Gu Hongyu practiced in the dead of night or in a hidden place, and had never faced the scorching sun above his head like this, but because of the need to practice the skills, he could only try it this way at this time.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground with no distractions in mind, he silently recited the operation method of the fire system technique. Slowly, the mysterious feeling appeared in his mind, and there seemed to be a heat current surging in the tendons and veins in his body.

As the technique continued to operate, this feeling became stronger and stronger. Gu Hongyu was overjoyed. It seemed that this way of practice had a significant effect on the improvement of fire magic. However, just when he was excited, the heat that had just been generated in his body dissipated immediately.

But it was not a big deal. At this time, the sunlight was getting stronger. Gu Hongyu suppressed his excitement and operated the fire system technique again. Immediately, another heat current was born in his body. Following the route of practice, the fire system fairy technique was growing at a very slow speed.

It's done. If I continue to practice according to today's method, the five elements technique and five system techniques will be perfected soon, and the innate stage will no longer be out of reach.

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