Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 29 Secretary of Aza Village [Please recommend and collect]

"Well said, well said. You said what I have always wanted to say. If you really invest here, I will fully support your work! When everyone was in a dull mood, suddenly there was a voice from behind the crowd of villagers. Such a sound.

"Old party secretary..."

"Didn't you send your Xiaohao to see a doctor? Why are you back now?"

"Is Xiaohao okay?"


As soon as the visitor finished speaking, the villagers spread out to clear a path. In front of Gu Hongyu was an old man who was at least 60 years old. He was wearing very simple clothes. He wore a cotton T-shirt on the upper body and a dark gray t-shirt on the lower body. His coarse trousers and a pair of sandals were covered with dust.

Maybe he was speaking too loudly just now, and the old man was still coughing. Secretary Gao and Mayor Li from the town hurriedly greeted him: "Old party secretary, it's not the right time to come today. There are patients at home who told me earlier." By the way, there happens to be a car to take you to the hospital in town."

"Fortunately, it's okay. It's just that the child has a slight fever. He was much better when I came back. I'll pick him up after the bottle is injected in the afternoon. Don't bother me. Thank you to the town leaders for their concern!" The old party secretary finally recovered his breath. Come and say a lot of kind words.

"Well, that's good. If you have any questions, just tell the town!" Mayor Li said in an official tone with worry in his stomach.

The old party secretary's surname is A, and his full name is Aza. He has lived in the desert for generations and relied on the blessings of the big lake. Although he lived a poor life, he thrived smoothly, unlike other places that often suffered from turmoil and disasters.

Because he was an upright man in Honghu Village and handled things fairly and reasonably, everyone was very convinced of his character. Even though he was over 60 years old, they still supported him as the village party secretary.

However, Party Secretary Aza has always had regrets in his heart, that is, the villagers have been living in poverty due to the harsh local natural environment. However, due to low education and narrow knowledge, the Party Secretary's thinking has been restricted, and the village has never developed.

At the beginning of the year, Aza heard that the government was taking the initiative to look for investors, which made Aza interested. However, after several attempts to attract investors but no one was found, he finally saw the true nature of the matter. Without good transportation conditions and environment, no one would be willing. Came here.

Today I heard that the government has brought investors here for inspection again, but the Aza Village party secretary has given up hope for the people who come here. In addition, his grandson is sick, so he can't take care of the town leaders and investors. Just come back to your own affairs.

As soon as he walked behind the onlookers, he heard Gu Hongyu's passionate speech. Secretary Aza always had a feeling in his heart that even if the investors brought by the government this time were young, they might really land here, because Investors who don’t want to be here won’t waste their time talking to others. Isn’t that unnecessary?

What Gu Hongyu said was very straightforward. Even though he made the village worthless or was too exaggerated, he never explicitly gave up on this place. Isn't this a hint and an opportunity!

Although Party Secretary Aza exchanged pleasantries with government leaders, his thoughts and eyes had already wandered elsewhere.

Seeing the Party Secretary's absent-minded look, Secretary Gao quickly introduced him: "Old Party Secretary, this is Xiao Gu who inspected the surrounding environment in the old village, and is also Xiao Peng's classmate. If you are chosen by him, you will be around Dahu in the future." The land will be used to grow high-tech vegetables, which are very popular outside. Xiao Peng, how much did this vegetable cost last time? "

While talking, Secretary Gao asked about the price of the vegetables. Gu Hongyu wondered if it was too fast.

Perhaps wanting to impress the old party secretary and the villagers present, Peng Minghao immediately said loudly: "In Xichuan, tomatoes, cucumbers, green vegetables and beans all cost 5 yuan per catty. The supply is still in short supply. Generally speaking, these vegetables cost per mu." The yield is about 3,000 kilograms, which is 15,000 yuan, and some vegetables can be planted several times a year, and one plant can be harvested several times, so wouldn’t the land benefit be higher?”

Peng Minghao's words really shocked the villagers and Party Secretary. They all had their mouths wide open and didn't speak in a daze. The scene made people feel very strange.

Secretary Gao was not surprised when he saw this situation, and continued: "But the conditions here are indeed a bit worse as Xiao Gu said. Transportation is on the one hand, and there is also the dust and sand in the remote areas of Lida Lake. If we do these well, we will It will increase the cost of his investment, so we were just discussing what kind of preferential policies we could give Xiaogu to stay, and a lot of people came to the village. "

"This is a good thing. According to my opinion, the town should provide preferential policies. Tell me, how can we in the village cooperate?" Party Secretary Aza was reasonable.

Mayor Li interrupted: "We just said that if Xiaogu contracts this big lake, it will be free for the first year. We will contract the land and pasture around the lake to him at a price of 20 yuan per acre. What our government needs to do now is surveying. How much land can be transferred in the surrounding area, and how should we compensate the villagers and village collectives for their land?”

"Ah, why should the big lake be given to them for free? Then we will have to report to them if we need water in the future. If we want to eat fish, won't we also be able to do so?" The villagers who had just led the trouble began to yell again.

Party Secretary Aza's face straightened, and he turned to the villager who had just spoken and said: "Leisan, don't mess around here. It's not easy to attract investors. Do you know how difficult it is to attract investors? Do you know that after this place is completed, we can provide it to you?" We have brought so many benefits, but Saksha doesn't know how to talk about it, thinking that you are big and strong and can withstand attacks, and that you will cause trouble if you don't do the right thing all day long."

The villager who was called Lesan shrank back into the crowd after being scolded by the Party Secretary, but he still did not dare to talk back to the Party Secretary. Party Secretary Aza was indeed admired by the villagers.

At this time, Gu Hongyu had to come out and say something: "I do intend to contract the big lake, and I will also develop aquaculture in the future. However, the water resources in the lake are not my personal property. You can use them as you wish. As for the For fishing, this is not allowed because of the contracting relationship.”

Seeing the expressions of many villagers dimming, Gu Hongyu thought for a while: "There is love outside the law. In this way, if any villager in the village comes and guests want to eat fish, they can go fishing at the lake. As for whether they can eat fish, it depends on your skills." Yes, do you think so?"

"Yes, this new boss has a good heart!"

"I see that this is what was said, and I'm afraid it can be done this time."

"Do you think we will need more manpower to grow vegetables in the future? It would be great if we could make money near home!"

"Your family no longer raises sheep?"

"There are hundreds of sheep, just let the boys at home look after them for a while, what a big deal!"

The villagers who had just objected to Gu Hongyu's contracting the lake and land here had some explanations and convinced the party secretary Aza. At this time, many villagers had figured it out and nodded in agreement with the party secretary's opinion.

Seeing this, the two leaders of the town gave Secretary Aza a thumbs up, with bright smiles on their faces.

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