Xian Ao

Chapter 684 Taixuan Years A Glimpse of Time and Space

Choosing the Xunmen entrance to the mountain, Yu Zecheng and his sister flew forward towards the Taixuan Mountain.

Although those blue lights along the way have disappeared, they are still invisible in the void. If you want to avoid them, you can only move in one direction honestly. This may be the reason for the formation of the so-called eight gates.

Under the leadership of Yu Jingxin, the brother and sister Yu Zecheng gradually arrived at the foot of Taixuan Mountain, and slowly landed in the Taixuan Mountain in the air, flying into the mist.

Because of the existence of these blue light receiving formations, even though Taixuan Mountain is huge, there are only eight places where you can land. If you enter by mistake in other places, you will be teleported away by the blue light. As for where you will be teleported, you can If you can't come back, then you don't know. In all these years, Founder has never had a monk who was teleported away come back again.

The so-called Xun Gate is not actually a specific location, it is just one of the entrances. After countless generations of experiments, these eight entrances have been determined and named after this Bagua Gate.

The two wielded swords and flew slowly along the entrance to Taixuan Mountain.

Outside Taixuan Mountain, there are countless mists. Gradually the mist disappears, and a huge cave entrance appears in front. Outside the entrance of the cave, there is the faint blue light. There is only one passage, that is, entering In this cave, it seems that the cave is the entrance.

Yu Jingxin said:

"Did you see it? This is the magic of Taixuan Mountain. It changes every time. The last time we chose this entrance was also the endless hills. This time it became a cave. Brother, be careful. We Got in."

The two flew to the cave. After entering, they immediately felt that it was still cold. They saw snow falling in the cave. This turned out to be a huge natural ice cave.

Yu Zecheng and the two stopped in this ice cave. Yu Zecheng felt how long this ice cave was. Under the influence of the great spiritual power, this place actually penetrated deep into the earth's crust, stretching as far as the eye could see. It was an endless space.

The four walls of the cave are covered with eternal ice, and there are some magical ice moss on the walls of the ice cave. The moss emits a faint green light. This ice cave with a radius of hundreds of miles is surrounded by this clear green light. Within the light. .

Looking at this ice cave, Yu Zecheng couldn't help but be amazed by the dreamlike beauty in the ice cave. But as time went by and I stepped into this ice cave, I realized that in addition to its beauty, it was also cold. The bone-chilling cold could freeze almost all living beings to death here.

Upon arriving here, Yu Jingxin immediately took out a stack of maps and began to select them. She turned over them, found one, and said:

"There really is a map here. Brother, look at this."

After speaking, Yu Jingxin handed over a map of this place. It was a map of this ice cave. According to the map, this place was divided into nineteen roads. These roads were complex and changeable. Only one was a passage and the others were dead ends.

There is a kind of savage in the form of a big bear in this ice cave. This is their territory. They sometimes secretly ambush the passing cultivators.

Yu Zecheng and the two began to move forward, following the route drawn on the map. From time to time, Yu Zecheng scanned with his mind to find the way forward. They stumbled along the way, but did not encounter a single man or bear. They successfully reached the ice cave. export.

Stepping out of the ice cave, you can see rolling hills in front of you. On top of the hills is a continuous bamboo forest, all covered by the lush green trees and bamboos. The weather right now is the depth of spring. Those grasses, trees, bamboos, and trees grow fast or slowly, each corresponding to the season, glowing with its own vigorous vitality. Some forest trees are now covered with fluffy leaves and green leaves; while some forest trees have just sprouted new leaves, exuding a lively lightness.

Yu Jingxin searched here for a while, but could not find the map here. The two of them walked in the bamboo forest and moved forward slowly, being cautious along the way. They walked for more than ten miles without seeing any danger.

There are countless green trees in the bamboo forest, and the breeze blows and the salad sounds. The scenery here is beautiful, and there is nothing scary about Taixuan Mountain, one of the top ten dangerous places.

Going further, the bamboo forest soon disappeared and entered a swamp. The swamp was full of muddy muddy water, and huge bubbles emerged from time to time. There were dozens of crocodiles in this swamp, and they were huge. , each one is three feet in size, lying lazily on one side, with countless others passing through it.

After passing the swamp, there is a sandy land in front. It is completely saline land with no plants on it. It is desolate and quiet.

In this way, Yu Zecheng and the two walked along the way, from the saline-alkali land, to the hills, to the lakes, to the grasslands. Along the way, the two of them walked through the mountains and ridges on Daxuan Mountain. They walked along the way and visited thirteen scenic spots. , when they reached the end, a bright light appeared in front of them. The two people walked out of the light, and then found that they had walked out of Taixuan Mountain and came to another exit.

Taixuan Mountain, which is known as one of the top ten dangerous places, can be passed through so easily. It is really bizarre. This is really a very weird mountain.

You must know that one in a thousand people who enter this mountain will survive. How can there be such a safe passage out?

Even Yu Zecheng, who possesses great telekinesis skills, was pulled away by this incomprehensible force and lost his direction. Taixuan Mountain was created inexplicably, which is really incomprehensible.

After Yu Jingxin walked out of Taixuan Mountain, she was extremely surprised and said:

"What's going on? Brother, we actually came out. Is this Taixuan Mountain?"

Yu Zecheng was silent and didn't say a word.

Yu Jingxin said:

"Brother, I'm not willing to idle like this once. Let's go again and see what's going on?"

Yu Zecheng looked hesitant, and Yu Jingxin entered the Taixuan Mountain without saying a word. Yu Zecheng followed behind and entered.

This time they walked through the Xunmen Gate. After entering this time, it was no longer the ice cave, but a desert land. As expected, Taixuan Mountain changed every time they entered.

Yu Zecheng carefully savored that this was definitely not an illusion, nor was it an illusory realm. Everything here was a real space, as if other worlds had been moved here to form this ever-changing terrain.

The two continued to walk forward, crossing the desert, entering the Gobi, then hills, snowfields, mountains, rivers, and finally a tropical forest. They walked out again, and there was the exit again. Once again, they walked out safely without any danger. This is Taixuan Mountain.

After coming out again, the two of them looked at me and I looked at you. They never expected this ending. Yu Jingxin wanted to enter again. Yu Zecheng grabbed her and said:

"Don't go in. Taixuan Mountain, one of the top ten dangerous places, has reached such an extent that you and I can go back and forth so smoothly twice. This is already a great opportunity. This explains everything. Don't go there again."

Yu Jingxin's eyes were red, tears welling up in her eye circles and she said:

"Did our father do this? Did he make us so safe, traveling back and forth through Taixuan Mountain again and again? Then why doesn't he see us, why doesn't he go home? Why..."

Yu Zecheng said:

"There is no reason. Maybe he couldn't help it. Maybe everything was God's will. We were just lucky. Maybe this is how Taixuan Mountain is. Maybe there is no possibility.

In short, it doesn’t matter whether the tyrannical existence that allowed us to pass through twice safely is our father or not. What’s important is that he doesn’t want to see us, and he is very powerful. He can change the world and change Taixuan Mountain. Become a thoroughfare. He protects us and that says it all.

In the final analysis, our cultivation is not enough. If you and I were the True One who returned to the void, or the ascended immortal, then there would be nothing to hide.

Let's go, let's leave here. I have a feeling that even if this existence is powerful, these two changes have exceeded the limit of his control. Whether it is our father or not, we must not let down his good intentions. In the future, you My strength has greatly improved. Let's come back and explore Taixuan Mountain again. "

Yu Jingxin nodded, turned around and shouted:

"Father, I left, I will come back, I will find you..."

The sound resounded throughout the world, and then Yu Zecheng and the two left with their swords and flew out of Taixuan Mountain.

After they left, a figure appeared at the highest point of Taixuan Mountain, watching them leave from a distance. This man has a feather fan and a silk scarf, and is wearing a scholar's attire. From a distance, he looks exactly like Yu Ze who grew up. Only by looking carefully can you see the difference between the two. This man's aura is like an abyss or a sea, which is very scary.

After that figure, four extremely beautiful enchantresses appeared, some were nine-tailed vixens, some were white-bone enchantresses, some were thousand-year-old flower demons, or some were extraterrestrial demons. They were all extremely beautiful. They came over and asked together:

"Your Majesty, the two of them have left Taixuan Mountain."

The man replied:

"Let's go, let's go, live well."

One of the witches said:

"Langfang Dongtian, Jiuqu Yuanxuan, and Immortal Heaven and Earth all sent in inquiries about their spiritual thoughts, asking why the space transformation sequence of Taixuan Mountain was changed for no reason."

The man replied:

"If I'm willing to change, then change, and tell them there's no explanation."

After saying this, the man's body began to change. The scholar's uniform with a fan turban slowly turned into a majestic armor. His hair and eyes all began to change.

The four beauties looked at each other, knowing that the other one was about to return.

The man spoke suddenly, and his voice changed:

"Is it worth it? You have been fighting with me for so many years, and you have lost control of your body for ten years just because of this thing. Is it worth it? You will never be able to fight me again in these ten years."

Then the voice changed again and became the original voice:

"You don't understand, poor thing, this is called family affection. You will never understand it."

He was about to change everything soon. He looked far into the depths of the clouds and said goodbye, my children. I hope you can live a better life than me.

Yu Zecheng took his little sister out of the white clouds in the sky of Taixuan Mountain. They were in the void and looked back. Under the influence of their blood relationship, the two of them seemed to travel through time and space, through everything, through life and death, and far away. The two looked at each other like this.


I have a cold today, I have had a headache all day long, I have nausea and vomiting, I am drowsy, I hung up a bottle of water, I am not in good condition, I can only write as much as I can, please forgive me.

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