Xian Ao

Chapter 657 Ten Worlds, Thousands of Wealth

Boss Li, a farmer in Xiaolan Town, Wuqicheng City, Mu State, is different from the villagers who are landlords and tenants. He owns his own land, a full twenty acres of land. With these fields, Boss Li can support a large family. Live a life that is the envy of the folks around him.

This field was left by Mr. Li's grandma. She was a maid of a wealthy family in the city. Later, she came back pregnant and married Mr. Li's grandfather. The dowry was one hundred acres of land.

The family was passed down from father to son, and from son to grandson, and the family was divided from generation to generation. In the hands of Mr. Li, only twelve acres of land were left. The extra eight acres were purchased one by one with the savings that Mr. Li had worked hard to save over the years.

Relying on these twenty acres of land, Mr. Li works hard every year. Although his life is not rich, it is still much better than that of his cousins. After returning home, the land they received was too little to support the family, and eventually they all lost their land.

Working as a long-term laborer, being enslaved, being a beggar, starving to death on the roadside, being a bandit, beheading people in the streets, I am much stronger than them.

However, in recent years, Mr. Li has been suffering from pain every day because his mother-in-law gave birth to his fifth son five years ago.

Boss Li has five sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter and the second daughter are already married. The younger daughter and younger son are twins and are only five years old this year.

The past four to five years have been the most painful years for Li Laosan. After having his youngest son, he has been in pain because he likes his youngest son so much, and he only has 20 acres of land, but he has five sons. , if one person has four acres, he will follow in the footsteps of his uncles and uncles. Relying on those thin fields, his sons would never be able to support their family.

Watching his sons grow up day by day, Mr. Li is happy and depressed at the same time, because the eldest son is older and sensible, and is about to reach the age of marriage. Matchmakers are starting to come to introduce him. In fact, they are interested in his own land. .

Therefore, the eldest son also understood the meaning of the field to him. Without the field, he would have nothing. The look in his eyes at his younger brother every night was so terrifying,

So two years ago, he sent his second son to the city to work as Jubaode's clerk. Recently, he has been thinking about sending his third son to join the caravan. Although the work in the caravan is very dangerous, it is better than killing each other.

But he couldn't give up his younger son, and he couldn't bear to hurt his older son. Life was so helpless and painful.

Suddenly, there was a big earthquake one day, and then there were earthquakes every day, and the turmoil lasted for a month. All the villagers were extremely afraid. Is the world about to collapse?

The second son who worked in Jubaode in the city came back. Jubaode where he worked was the best restaurant in Wu Qicheng, and the news was also the fastest. He brought back the good news that there is land in the sea in the north, and the land is black and dripping with oil. After hearing the news, Mr. Li made the most important decision in his life, to fight once and find his own land in the new land.

So the family prepared to set out and made all the food into steamed buns and pancakes. They worked for a whole day and a night. When the eldest son-in-law heard the news, he brought his family to participate. The second son-in-law and all the villagers laughed at them and said They are going to die.

Mr. Li couldn't take care of that much anymore, so he left his mother-in-law, fifth son and three daughters to guard the home. He took his eldest son, second son, third son, fourth son, eldest daughter and eldest son-in-law with him, each carrying a pole and luggage on the left. , the right side was filled with steamed buns, pancakes and salt, and the family set off immediately.

The seven people embarked on this development journey, like raindrops flowing into the sea, joining the flow of people heading to the development of the new world.

After walking through mountains and hills, the six of them finally came to a plain. This was the best land for land reclamation. The land was black and oily. If they planted crops, they would get good harvests every year. They decided to Create your own home.

But the next day, a larger land reclamation group than them arrived. They were a team sent by the big family. They all had swords and swords on their backs. They started to occupy the land when they arrived, and they would take action if they didn't leave. When Boss Li saw them, he let out a long sigh and led his family to abandon this place and continue moving forward.

They continued to move forward, with broken shoes, bare feet, and no steamed buns. They ate wild vegetables, persisted, persisted, and finally they came to a fertile land. Boss Li took a look at the land here and said:

"This is our Li family's land. No one can take it away. We will fight whoever takes it away."

So they began to erect boundary markers, level the land, and build huts. The land was enough to develop three thousand acres of fertile farmland.

From then on, the Li family had no worries for ten generations.

Large land reclamation groups arrived one after another, but no one dared to snatch their fields, because the gods in the sky had spoken. Whoever dared to snatch the land defined by others would definitely die. The situation like the first time would never happen again. . The happy life of the Li family is about to begin.

On this day, the waiter of the Li family saw a fellow countryman. It was Captain Wu, who turned out to be the largest caravan in Wu Qicheng. He was a generous man. It was the last time he talked about this large-scale development in Jubaode that the waiter of the Li family knew about this. information.

However, Captain Wu is no longer in the same glorious situation as he was back then. He is in extremely poor condition, his body is covered with mud, and he almost starved to death on the road.

Wu Weishan, captain of the largest caravan in Wu Qicheng, was one of the first batch to participate in this development. He led his caravan of a hundred people and thirty mules and horses into this new world.

Unlike others, who only want to develop the land and cultivate it, he wants to look for business opportunities, looking for business opportunities that can make his descendants rich and prosperous for generations to come.

In this way, his caravan passed through high mountains, plains, countless hills, and lakes, but none of them found the business opportunities Wu Weishan was looking for.

Seeing him obsessed with his ideals and abandoning countless lands, the members of the caravan gradually became disappointed and despaired. Then they turned their backs on him one by one and went to occupy and develop their own land. Only Wu Weishan was still there. Stick to your ideals and keep moving forward.

This time, if it weren't for the waiter of the Li family, Wu Weishan would have starved to death on the road. After a full meal at the Li family, Wu Weishan continued to set off, even if he died of exhaustion on the road, he would persist.

Walking and walking, walking and walking, never giving up, persisting, persisting again, walking through mountains, crossing lakes, crossing rivers, climbing through swamps, Wu Weishan persisted in himself and never gave up. Finally one day he came to a spring.

When he came to this spring, Wu Weishan smiled, and then cried. All the hard work was worth it. This spring is a salt spring, and the spring is full of white salt and alkali. This is an underground place where heavy rain brings sea water together. As long as the entrance of the river is properly treated, salt wells and salt fields can be developed. This will bring wealth for thousands of generations. People cannot help but eat salt.

Wu Weishan's efforts were rewarded. He took out a talisman with trembling hands. This was the talisman of the Immortal Family that he spent all his wealth to buy. As long as he released the hundreds of acres of land nearby, it would belong to him. This talisman of the Immortal Family would belong to him. No one dares to disobey his will.

The talisman was activated with a drop of blood, and a ray of light suddenly illuminated the land of a hundred acres, and then a wonderful word rose from the sky. This place belongs to Wu Weishan, and no one can take it away.

In this way, Wu Weishan got the business opportunity to make his descendants rich and prosperous for generations.

Mu Tianhao, the crown prince of Mu Kingdom, has been the crown prince for twenty-one years. His father has not aged at all, and he has given birth to a twenty-third younger brother. Ten years ago, he defeated the fourth son in a fight. Five years ago, he fought against After defeating Lao Ba, his father recently started to support Lao Si.

In fact, Mu Tianhao knew that the younger brothers who were fighting against him were all puppets supported by his father. He did not want to give up his position as the leader of the country and kept suppressing himself.

Mu Tianhao decided that he could not continue like this. He raised 800 dead men and planned to usurp the throne of the Mu Kingdom on the third day of March and kill all his father and brothers. Seize the throne.

Mu Tianhao studied in Chishui Sect, the outer sect of Shuiyun Sect, for three years and established a strong network of contacts. Chief Bai of Chishui Sect has accepted his spiritual stone contribution and promised not to care about the national affairs of Mu State. He is Shuiyun Sect's Bai. It can be said that the leader's distant relative has great power. With his guarantee, there will be no problems with the Shuiyun Sect.

After everything was done, it was time to take action. Suddenly the sky shook and the earth roared, and the plan had to be stopped. Then the news came, the sea rose to the land, and a new world appeared.

Mu Tianhao thought about it again and again, visited his father and asked for orders to develop the new continent. Then he burned his palace, cut off his escape route, and took his ministers, subordinates, dead soldiers, wives and concubines, a total of three thousand people, towards the The New World was developed.

Others think about the world and wealth, but what he thinks about is the country. He wants to build a country of his own.

He took out all the spirit stones, bribed Manager Bai, and then raised a banner to gather people from all over the Mu Kingdom. Then he rescued idle people along the way, provided food, and opened up trade routes. Over time, his team grew bigger and bigger, finally reaching five Thousands of people.

Along the way, we solved the food crisis, solved the plague and famine, and solved the civil strife and riots. We persisted and persisted.

With the help of passing monks, Mu Tianhao traveled 50,000 miles into the New World, and then occupied 5,000 miles of mountains and rivers, divided the territory into a country, and established his own country.

In this way he gained authority for his descendants for a thousand generations.

This is the great development of the human race. Unyielding, persisting and persisting, like ants, gradually occupy this new world. The ever-unyielding living people will continue to descend, prosper forever, and occupy this world in the sky.


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