In a panic, Zhu ignored a palm towards Tang Tian.

Tang Tian just waved his hand, and an energy barrier instantly intercepted Zhu Yan’s attack.

It’s as relaxing as a gust of wind.

Zhu Yan, who watched it, was even more heart-pounding.

There is an ancient three links in front that are not bad, and a terrifying existence in the back that does not know what the details are.

This made him feel bad in his heart, “I am the imperial uncle of the dynasty, the owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa, and the Iron Courage God Marquis!” ”

“You dare to attack me, is this a rebellion?”

Tang Tian smiled and said, “I see, it’s you who want to rebel.” ”

Zhu ignored his eyes and glared, how did this guy know that I was going to rebel?

But on the surface, he did not admit it at all, “How is it possible!” ”

“The Emperor Xiandi entrusted His Majesty to me, and I did my best to assist the pilgrim!”

“What reason do I have to rebel?”

“Tell me who are you who dares to attack me here?”

Tang Tian didn’t know when, a comfortable sofa appeared behind him and sat down.

He looked at Zhu Yan condescendingly, “You don’t know who I am? ”

“And why do you say I killed Su Xin?”

Zhu ignored and blinked, and after a moment, he could be considered to have straightened out the meaning of 393 in Tang Tian’s words.

“You mean, you’re Tang Tian from that Snow Moon City?”


“Tang Tian should be outside the domain now, why did you appear here?”

According to time, even if the ancient three links ran towards the outside of the domain without sleeping, now they had just arrived outside the domain and squatted to guard Tang Tian.

How could Tang Tian appear here?

“Then you don’t have to care.” Tang Tian said lightly, “Since you borrowed a knife to kill and let the ancient three links come to me for revenge, you must be prepared for me to come to you.” ”

“Originally, I didn’t have to explain anything, but it’s too cheap for you to go with a good name.”

“A guy like you, it’s too good to die.”

Zhu ignored his gaze and cooled down, knowing that the person who came was not good, he began to have a bad premonition in his heart, “What do you mean?” ”

“What does the ancient three links have to do with me when they go to find your trouble?”

Tang Tian smiled, “You really don’t see the coffin and don’t shed tears.” ”

“You told Gu Santong that Su Xin was killed by me when he was in Sangu City, right?”

Zhu Yan nodded hard and said, “Indeed, this battle is too fierce, the city is full of blood, she may not be killed by you by mistake, or she may have been killed by other masters.” ”

He felt that even if Tang Tian was no matter how god he was, he didn’t know anything about Su Xin.

After all, Su Xin has been in a coma for more than ten years, and in the past ten years, in order to ensure Su Xin’s health, Zhu Wei arranged Su Xin in an ice cave to maintain Su Xin’s vitality with Xuan Bing.

So that Su Xin’s matter, even Shangguan Haitang and the others did not understand it at all, how could Tang Tian know?

As long as he bites Su Xin and dies in Sangu City, all this has nothing to do with him, it is Gu Santong who made his own claims.

At this time, the three of Shangguan Haitang also came down from above Bai Yujing and came to Zhu Yan.

Seeing Zhu ignoring the current tragic situation, the three of them were a little unbearable and angry, but still said, “Righteous father, we are all here in the battle in Sangu City, and there are no innocent people dead.” ”

Zhu ignored his eyebrows, he had no confidence in the face of Tang Tian, but in the face of the three of Shangguan Haitang, his momentum suddenly rose.

“What do you know?”

“I already said just now, so many masters of Sangu City gathered, even if it was not the four lords who were killed by mistake, they were also killed by those other people, I didn’t lie.”

“I didn’t borrow a knife to kill people, it’s the ancient three links this guy who has broken his promises.”

“At the beginning, we had an agreement that as long as you lost, you would be locked up in the heavenly prison until death, and as long as there was a place with me, you would have to retreat.”

“Now you have not only escaped from prison, but you have also treacherously come to protect the Dragon Villa to sneak up on me!”

“Damn it’s him, don’t be seduced by him!!”

Gu Santong sneered, “Do you think I will still believe your words?” ”

But Shangguan Haitang and the three began to be a little surprised, and they believed what Zhu ignored even more.

“There were indeed too many masters and killers in Sangu City at that time, and if (Daeg) Suxin was killed by them by mistake, it might not be impossible.”

“But Su Xin is such an important existence, why did we never know that there was such a person?”

Zhu Yan sighed, “Su Xin is my most beloved woman, we deal with those jianghu people in Dragon Guarding Villa on weekdays, I am afraid of implicating her, so you don’t know her existence.” ”

So it makes sense.

The three of Shangguan Haitang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Shangguan Haitang even turned his head to look at Tang Tian, “Four Venerable Lords, you also heard, this is not my righteous father’s conspiracy, the ancient three links escaped from prison, it was not planned by him, he is also a victim.” ”

When Tang Tian heard this, it was as if he had heard something funny.

“You have never known about Su Xin’s existence, completely because Su Xin has always been a living dead person from the beginning to the present.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhu ignored his pupils shrank suddenly.

How would he know?

Su Xin’s affairs were extremely secretive, knowing that now, only the few dead guarding the ice cave kilns knew. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This Tang Tian was in the north, and it was said that after entering Xueyue City, he did not leave his home, and rarely stepped into the rivers and lakes, let alone came to Daming.

How could he know such a secret thing?

Is he lying to me?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan’s face remained unchanged and said, “When I was gambling with the ancient three links, Su Xin suddenly rushed out, protected the ancient three links, blocked my half palm, and fell into the state of the living dead. ”

“However, I saved it with Tianxiang cardamom, and it has long been fine.”

The three of Shangguan Haitang were now completely stunned, looked at Zhu Zheng, and then looked at Tang Tian, and for a while felt a little unable to turn a corner.

Fortunately, none of the three were stupid people, and they quickly smoothed out the joints in them.

I feel that Zhu Zhi is still worth believing.

“It seems that this is indeed a misunderstanding.”

“In the battle of Sangu City, Su Xin was mistakenly killed by those killers, and the righteous father was grief-stricken, and he was also a victim.”

“On the side of the ancient three links, he heard the news, escaped from prison, and went to find trouble with the four lords, but as everyone knows, Su Xin was not harmed by the four lords, which is a complete misunderstanding.”

“The righteous father certainly does not want to see such a situation.”

Shangguan Haitang analyzed it, and then said to Zhu Wei and Tang Tian, “Righteous father, the four lords are not unreasonable people, now that things are clear, it will be fine.” ”

A flash of light flashed in Zhu Yan’s gaze, and he looked at the ancient three links, “Then what about this person?” ”

“Ancient Three Links, you originally kept your promise, but now, you took the initiative to escape from prison, not only made a fuss in my Dragon Guarding Villa, but also went to find trouble with the four lords.”

“Shouldn’t this give me an explanation?”

The ancient three links also frowned deeply at this time, feeling a little confused.

Tang Tian, on the other hand, said leisurely, “Explanation? ”

“You still dare to ask us for an explanation?”

“Okay, then I’ll give you an explanation.”

“Bring Su Xin up!”

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Zheng, who had originally regained his rhythm, instantly collapsed his aura.

He looked behind Tang Tian incredulously.

There, several soldiers were flying over carrying unconscious Suxin.

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