Chapter 101

By the time Wen Renjie and the four of them returned to the capital, the sky was already dark.

Although the flow of people is still huge, it is much less than during the day.

And it can be seen to the naked eye that there are people coming and going on the street, and there are more people wearing swords.

It is estimated that all of them will participate in the acquired Lunjian meeting.

Wen Renjie, a man, walked on the street with three beautiful beauties beside him, turning his head back at a high rate.

If it weren’t for the aura of these three women to be a little intimidating, there must be a lot of people who came up to talk to each other.

“You said, the Forbidden City is so big, so many swordsmen, don’t you have to go in?”

“Hehe, you don’t know about Brother Jie, right?!”

Wan Wan smiled, and separated Bai Qing’er and Wen Renjie who had come close without a trace.

“For this sword discussion conference, I heard that City Lord Ye Gucheng took out the sword test stone he has treasured for many years.”

“It is said that this sword test stone is a rare treasure from the outside world. It has a strong reaction to kendo. Only swordsmen who can leave marks on the sword test stone are eligible to participate in the real sword conference.”

“Otherwise, you have to stand a little farther away and be an audience member.”

Wen Renjie is very interested, he is very curious about this kind of heaven and earth treasure.

“Sword-testing stone, there is such a magical thing? Is it impossible to use other weapons to leave a mark on it?”

Bai Bing’er replied before Wan Wan answered: “This is really not possible!”

She took Wen Renjie’s arm and gave Wanwan a provocative look.

“According to the rumors, this sword test fell from the sky at the same time as the sharpening stone. Back then, many warriors wanted to leave their marks on these two stones, but they were not successful.”

“And found that only the trace of the sword can be left on the test stone, and only the trace of the knife can be left on the whetstone.”

“These traces will slowly recover, but because of the depth of these traces, the recovery time will become longer.”

Wen Renjie bought a few bunches of candied haws, and one person passed a bunch.

Just like listening to a novel: “And then? No one will try to leave other traces?”

Wan Wan swallowed a candied haw, and replied smoothly: “Of course there is! And there is more than one!”

“Back then, Heavenly Sword Song Que left a foot deep knife mark on the whetstone, and then wanted to leave a knife mark on the sword test stone, but the Heavenly Sword did his best to leave no trace!”

“The sword demon Dugu Qiuqiu has also left a sword mark on the sword test stone, but when he went to test the sword on the sharpening stone, there was no trace left.”

“These two stones are so evil?!”

Wen Renjie licked the candied haws. Since the task rewards can get Qilin blood and Longyuan, he has been interested in these rare treasures.

“The test stone is in Ye Gucheng, who is the sharpening stone?”


“At Tiandao Song Que’s place!”

A crisp voice came from beside them.

The four of them all looked over with some alertness.

Because there were too many people, they didn’t even notice, someone followed them all the time.

It seemed that the comfortable atmosphere made them relax their vigilance a bit.

But it is also because there is no hostility between them that there is no gap between them.

Follow the voice and look over.

It was an old man with white hair holding an old smoking gun and a girl with big eyes with two pigtails.

Wan Wan and the others did not see who these two people were.

But Wen Renjie, who owns the system, saw their news all at once.

【Name: Sun Xiaohong (Tianji Building)

Method: Tiangang is easy to count (Rongshen level)

Realm: Great Perfection of Inner Breath Realm

Jane: There is no lack of tenderness and care in heartiness, and there is a bit of childishness in heroism.

After joining the Tianji Tower with Grandpa, it is easy to practice Tiangang, but her mind does not seem to be above it. 】

As for the old man next to Sun Xiaohong, it goes without saying that he is naturally the old man of Tianji.

【Name: Sun Baifa (Tianji Building)

Gongfa: Tianji Stick (Hedao level)

Realm: Early stage of Hedao Realm

Jian: Because his family was able to collect information about the world, he was finally targeted by Emperor Xiang Wu and was forced to join the court to form Tianji Tower.

But now he seems to be enjoying it. 】

They are not only characters familiar to Wen Renjie, but now they are also the creators of the weapon rankings.

Wen Renjie shook the candied haws in his hand.

Sun Xiaohong, with two pigtails, his eyes swayed back and forth with the candied haws.


Staring at Wen Renjie with flickering big eyes, he was embarrassed to continue eating.

“Take it! Remember to eat less to avoid tooth decay!”

···········Ask for flowers·······

“Hehe! Thank you, Shaoxia!”

“Mine to you too!”

Zhu Yuyan also passed the candied haws in her hand, she didn’t like to eat it.

“Thank you female hero!”

“Herowoman, haha.”

Zhu Yuyan chuckled twice without saying anything.

But everyone else can see that she has a good sense of Sun Xiaohong, and she is in a good mood.

Originally, Wen Renjie wanted to pretend not to know the identities of the two of them, so as to get a little bit of detailed information about the weapon rankings.

As a result, when he was about to continue talking, there was a quarrel at the destination of their trip.

Wan Wan and Bai Qing’er pulled his arm and kept urging.

He had no choice but to say goodbye to the two encounters.

.. ……. …

Wen Renjie and the four of them were sent away with a smile on their faces. The old man of Tianji asked his granddaughter faintly while smoking a big cigarette.

“How is it? What is special about Wen Renjie?”

Sun Xiaohong licked the untouched candied haws that Zhu Yuyan gave her.

“The breath is so pure, fate is uncertain, nothing can be seen!”

“Oh? That makes him special!”

The old man Tianji touched his beard: “I have lived for so many years, and I haven’t seen a person in the realm of power who can kill a person in the realm of Rongshen!”

“This guy is not an ordinary person after all!”

“Of course it’s not an ordinary person!” Sun Xiaohong’s tone was very casual, “How can ordinary people follow the leader of the Yinkui faction and her proud disciple?”

“Yes, record his information! Weapon writes his Wu Hook. I can feel the power of that sword through his scabbard. It is indeed a good sword…”

“Huh! Just know to call me!”

Sun Xiaohong was indignant, but he still took out a booklet and a charcoal pen to write and draw on it.

And the crowds coming and going around can’t seem to see the two of them alike at all.

Just leave from their side, without even looking at this weird combination.

“Let’s go! Many people have come to the capital recently, and some are busy!”

The old man Tianji smoked his big smoke gun, leading Sun Xiaohong to start looking for the next target. Husband.

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