Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 594 Clearing out Yongye City

"And this Eternal Night to deal with it?" A representative from the Science and Technology City asked.

Whether there are special bugs like "lurkers" in other cities is still to be determined, but it is certain that such bugs exist in Eternal Night City.

These few who represent the city may be just some of them. Who knows how many humans transformed from insects are hidden in their cities?

As the first city where the Zerg is confirmed to exist, the new alliance must completely clear this city of the Zerg threat in order to give all cities in the alliance the confidence to defeat the Zerg!

"Control them for the time being and prevent them from getting information inside the city." The deputy marshal of the Imperial Capital's military region said in a deep voice: "General Baie's perception accuracy is limited. When bugs and humans are mixed together, he cannot accurately distinguish them. Every target. We must send a reliable vanguard force to capture every suspected target immediately after General Bai E confirms the suspicion, and then confirm it one by one. To do this, we need the support of the Yongye City diplomatic team. I will go and talk to him personally and explain the pros and cons.”

As the big brother leading this alliance, the people in the Imperial City have clear ideas and act resolutely.

While collecting information on thousands of cities, they not only started to make a list of the urgent needs of Bai E, but also went hand in hand with the selection of vanguard troops, including assisting Bai E in patrolling the city.

The new alliance is full of vitality, and every member of it is making all their efforts for this greatest hope of mankind.

Three days later, Bai E, who toured the entire imperial capital, finally confirmed, "No."

The level of defense of the Imperial Capital is extraordinary. The nearest insect nest had almost no chance of getting close to the Imperial Capital. It was almost everyone's expectation that no insects got into it.

But after hearing the news, the deputy marshal of the Imperial Military Region breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay if it doesn't happen."

If there is one inside the imperial capital, then he really doesn’t know where the hope of mankind lies?

"Then we can set off." The blond man was eager to give it a try.

The vanguard team that went to Yongye City to perform the beheading operation was led by him.

The God of War of the Imperial City, plus the Lord Bai'e of Blackwater City, were the two strongest insurances, ensuring that this first attack on the special variant of the bug would achieve perfect results.

The Yongye City diplomatic team who had been imprisoned for three days were all released. They were important figures in this special operation.

The vanguard team decided to go to Yongye City as a team of envoys disguised as the imperial capital. This was because they valued Yongye City's ability to become one of the five qualifications for the Upper Council of the Human Alliance.

This preliminary deception must first be carried out by the diplomat team of Yongye City.

The priority of this mission surpasses everything else, even before everyone in the alliance city returns to their own city!

"You go back first, tell the people in the city the results of this competition, and ask those people... are they ready to contact other cities in the area?"

Having led their own people to win the game, they should also lead their own people to integrate all the city resources in the area.

Everything is just working towards that ultimate goal.

"Yes! Sir!" The diplomat team and the Stormtrooper team responded in unison.

Bai E was also able to safely follow the Imperial Capital's elite squad and set out for Yongye City.

The vanguard team consisted of hundreds of people, plus Yongye City's own team of diplomats, and a whole mighty convoy set off from the imperial capital to the north.

As the team headed north, the temperature gradually dropped.

The arrival of aliens has permanently changed the climate of this planet, and the climate in the polar circles at both poles has gradually become unsuitable for human life.

But the adaptability of the human race to the environment far exceeds anyone's imagination. Even in areas close to the poles, several human cities have taken root in them. Among them, Eternal Night City, located directly within the pole circle, is even more environmentally friendly. The toughest one.

It is precisely because of this harsh environment that they have developed a strong physique that is extremely cold-resistant.

Even without the invasion of mutant Zerg like "Lurker", the strength of the warriors in this city is considered good in the entire Human Alliance.

But perhaps due to resource constraints, this city fell into a far more disadvantageous situation than Blackwater City in the past in the war against the Zerg.

Through chatting with the diplomatic team of Yongye City along the way, Bai E and others speculated that perhaps it was because the people in their city chose the strategy of shrinking and defending against the Zerg that the bugs had the possibility and space to replace the disguised humans.

But no matter what, now this problem needs to be faced by them.

When he was still quite a distance away from Yongye City, Bai E sensed an evil aura soaring into the sky.

Those sticky, dark images hit Bai E's mind one after another, and the breath of the Zerg began to restless in the distance of the earth.

"We're almost there..." Bai E's eyes were deep.

Compared with the wandering orcs, silent omnics and demons in high-dimensional space, these bugs in the real world are always the biggest enemies of mankind!

"We are about to enter the city..." the diplomat of Yongye City said with a somewhat embarrassed look: "In order to ensure the key use of energy in the city, many places do not provide lighting conditions. It may be a little uncomfortable for you adults. I'm used to it, please forgive me."

"It's okay, I understand." The blond man smiled heartily, "We have already known about the situation in your city. After this incident is over, whether you want to move to the city or continue to live here, the alliance will provide you with certain support. Resources and protection. The choice is up to you.”

The tires drove through the eternal frozen soil and across the vast plains. Guided by the lighthouse at the city gate, the motorcade with their lights on drove all the way into the city.

In fact, before entering the city, Bai E had already frowned slightly with a serious expression.

The God of War, who had been paying close attention to Bai E in the car, immediately came over and asked quietly while avoiding others, "What did you find?"

"A lot..." Bai E replied softly, with a solemn tone.

Those detailed images were densely packed, and before he actually entered the city, he could already feel the aura of cold-blooded evil.

"Be careful."

"Got it." The God of War nodded, turned around and gave the order, "The target city may have become a worm nest. Everyone should pay close attention to every person in Eternal Night City they come into contact with. When executing any action, at least two people must be together. Team, always keep two people within sight, and no one is allowed to act alone.”

"Yes! Sir!"

The convoy slowly entered the city's steel gate.

Since the defense line of Yongye City is much smaller than that of any other city, the city wall of Yongye City, which hopes to be defended in a defensive battle, looks almost entirely made of steel. Even the gate for people to enter and exit is completely made of heavy metal alloy. The opening and closing process , all extremely slow.

Many senior officials in Yongye City, who had received the news of the mission in advance, were obviously very excited about the news that the mission had come back in advance after it had approached a certain area of ​​the city.

You must know that as soon as the news of the alliance came from the imperial capital, everyone in Yongye City agreed to the alliance.

Facing the Zerg attack in this corner for so many years has made them feel that they are on the edge of a cliff and may fall into the abyss at any time.

No matter how bad the situation is, it cannot be worse than the current situation in Yongye City.

But if they can join the Imperial Capital's circle of allies, as long as the Imperial Capital can send people to destroy the insect nests...or even slightly allocate resources to help them, it will be a gratifying development for the entire Yongye City.

But the executives of Yongye City, who only had the idea of ​​hugging their thighs, never expected that such incredible news would be returned at the end of this game——

Their own warriors performed well in the competition and not only won the command of the regional city, they even won one of the five qualifications for the entire alliance to sit on the parliament for them in Eternal Night City.

In order to have a detailed understanding of each city that joined the Upper Council, the imperial capital even sent a special envoy to Yongye City, intending to provide key assistance to the situation in Yongye City.

After hearing the news, almost all the senior officials of Yongye City came out to greet the "mission" from the imperial capital.

The convoy slowly drove through the steel avenue entering the city. In order to cause the final trouble to the insects, behind the steel city wall was a circle of surprisingly cold glaciers surrounding the city.

A wide, long steel bridge is the only way to cross this river.

Far away from the long steel bridge, in the dark corners without lighting, countless figures seemed to be standing, secretly sizing up these so-called "missions" from the imperial capital.

Those prying eyes were even real to the God of War. The blond man snorted coldly, and his powerful breath of life spread out.

For normal people, this breath of life may not be a big deal.

But for those insects that are thirsty for blood and flesh, such a strong vitality is undoubtedly a provocation that is right in front of them.

As for Bai E, countless dark and evil images came from all directions, as if they wanted to swallow up this weak convoy.

The terrifying desire to devour formed a thick net in the air, coming overwhelmingly.

However, in reality, there is harmony and tranquility.

Countless lights were lit at one end of the long bridge, and the senior officials of Yongye City stood under the lights as if they were in the scorching sun.

As soon as they saw the people coming from the imperial motorcade getting off the car, these people came up to greet them and greeted them in unison.

"Welcome the adults of the Imperial City to come to Yongye City to guide our work!"

The Yongye City diplomat team, who had been warned not to say the wrong thing, immediately took the initiative to greet their compatriots with a slightly complicated mood.

After what happened to those few soldiers, now he only feels that there are all bad people in Yongye City.

The diplomat of Yongye City couldn't help but trembled when he thought that he had walked all the way with those soldiers.

'terrible! ’

'I don't know how many of these people are all bugs...' The Yongye City diplomat's eyes swept over all the approaching figures in front of him, and finally he squeezed out a generous smile with professional qualities. "The Imperial Capital attaches great importance to the situation of our Yongye City. This mission has brought many absolute elites from various fields. It will definitely fundamentally solve our current predicament in Yongye City and provide a better solution for our Yongye City. It will bring enough long-term development in the future!”

"Bah, bang, bang!" There was a round of applause.

"The warriors who fought for this honor for our Eternal Night City are still in the imperial capital. After seizing the status of the Upper Council, they need to play several exhibition games to make all cities in the entire alliance familiar."

"Snap, snap, snap!"

"But since you have been traveling so hard all the way, I hope we can provide a place for them to rest as soon as possible."

"Of course there is no problem! The logistics minister of Yongye City waved his hand and said, "Taking care of every envoy from the imperial capital is the duty that we in Yongye City must fulfill! "

No matter what the intentions of the bugs hiding in the crowd are, at least on the surface these officials of Yongye City remain absolutely respectful.

We have lived a lot of hard life in the city, and we are humble enough to face this kind of pie that seems to fall from the sky.

The vanguard team, which finally settled in the city and got some breathing space, took advantage of the situation to prepare for the next action. Bai E and the God of War privately called the Yongye City diplomat in charge of diplomatic communication.

"No matter what method you use, bring the high-level officials in your city who can be trusted to speak to us one by one. We must first confirm the identities of these high-level officials before we can take the next step. Understand?"

"Understood!" The diplomat nodded, "Promise to complete the mission!"

"Okay, let's go."

The diplomat's ability is good. Although he did some actions that were suspected of being a traitor, for the future of the entire city, he still made up various reasons that people could not refuse and brought the high-ranking officials of Yongye City to the imperial capital one by one. In the palace where the "mission" rests.

"I heard that you adults have something that you need to discuss with me privately? I don't know what it is?" The city lord of Yongye City came to Bai E and others with a worried look on his face.

In this world, humans themselves generally do not become enemies.

Not to mention that the God of War and others were indeed real visitors to the imperial capital. The city lord of Yongye City never imagined that the diplomat calling him here was just a simple lie.

Seeing the arrival of the city lord of Yongye City, the God of War just looked at Bai E with expectation, "This, is it?"

After Bai E felt it carefully, he gently shook his head, "No."

"what about this?"


"what about this?"

"Take it!"

Due to the large information gap between the two sides, in a short period of time, through Bai E's perception ability, almost the entire high-level officials of Yongye City were purged.

Facing the senior officials of Evernight City who were under control, the blond man smiled brightly and began to introduce himself to them, "I am Ares, and some people call me 'God of War'. You can call me whatever you want. Okay, now, I need to announce to you a major event related to the life and death of your Eternal Night City!" (End of Chapter)

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