Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 546 Suspicions about Yonghen

The garden is particularly noisy today.

For the first time, Xingwen, who had been enjoying himself in the garden all day long and chewing stones, saw a stranger other than himself.

Even humans!

Living human beings! Although it is the image of a spiritual body.

In their distant and fuzzy memories, their previous selves seemed to look like this.

Now that they see these images in their memories, the Xingwens, grinning with big teeth and silly faces, just want to take a closer look at these images in their memories to see how similar these images are to their own vague memories.

Maybe he can still recall what he looked like when he was a human.

They swore that they just wanted to get closer, have a look, touch, touch, and stick, and they had no other evil intentions.

Unfortunately, they are covered in germs that are deadly to outsiders, and even getting close to them represents a threat.

Especially the figure who came in alone with a sword. With one sword, he beheaded the first brother who approached.

As a result, all the brothers in the garden were instantly disturbed, and their simple desire to get closer turned into an angry attack.

But the speed of this alone human being was too fast and the strength was too strong. Due to the slowness of his movements, a large number of Xingwen who were disturbed watched the other person rush towards the depths of the garden, so they could only vent their anger and follow this person. On the bodies of the many human spirits that come after human beings.

The whole garden seemed to come alive for a moment. The heavy footsteps of the plagues made a dull sound when they stepped on the soft ground. The three-legged toads crouched down towards the intruders like they were setting up cannons. He closed his huge eyes tightly and tried to gather strength. The many pustules on his back exploded instantly, and balls of thick pus flew towards the intruder.

The chattering plague spirits are connected to each other, and the top ones are thrown away like cannonballs. There are even large groups of plague spirits that form long chains and are waved on the battlefield like long whips.

"Quack!" The taller monster grinned and waved the huge machete in its hand, slowly approaching from a distance.

Plague eternal demon that is a higher level than Plague.

The eternal demons all seem to have the same appearance. Their bodies are always rotten and covered with thick sores and proliferating granules. The huge cracked mouth on their bodies is layered with lips and teeth covered with sharp teeth. They have a triangular fork on their heads. The similar horned crown is the biggest difference between them and the plagues.

The further you go, the more powerful the demons you encounter are naturally.

Just like the difference between the desire slaves and the children of desire that I encountered before, the demons of the eternal system naturally also have classes.

Bai E's sword broke open the body of a Plague Monarch, but the wriggling flesh buds were connected and pulled together like tentacles with their own life. The moment they were cut off by Bai E, they used an amazing bonding ability. Melted together again.

Even the body that was temporarily split into two failed to affect the plague monarch's counterattack. While the body was cut off and then glued back together, the structure on his right arm that looked like a huge rusty iron hook suddenly exploded. It was about to be thrown out, but fortunately Bai'e's reflex properties had grown extraordinary, so he quickly dodged to avoid being hit by it head-on.

And being pumped by a string of elastic, distorted flesh, the rusty iron hook was instantly pulled back when it reached the farthest point, and returned to his left arm to prepare for the next attack.

[Your attack successfully hit the target, causing 80 points of slashing damage to the target. 】

[Through this attack, you discovered the following relevant information...]

[Plague Lord (Demon) (Chaos): HP 4920/5000; Defense 100; Mobility 60%; Traits: Distortion Aggregation, Vital Removal, Carrion Stacking...]

The defensive capabilities and vitality of Eternal Demons are ridiculously strong. Even if they are not aggressive enough, they are still enough to give their opponents a huge headache.

Fortunately, the mobility of these guys is relatively slow. The only weakness is that the expeditionary force can slowly clear up their capital.

As long as those expeditionary force soldiers are not stupid, Bai E believes that even if it is a little more troublesome and the price they pay is higher, they will always have a way to deal with these larger demons.

As for Bai E, he could easily avoid these besieging plague monarchs without having to tangle with them. He could just focus on heading towards the core of the garden.

As the time spent in this eternal garden grows longer and longer, the Sky-Eye Spiritual Energy gradually brings a strange feeling similar to intuition to oneself——

Perhaps, even the demons in high-dimensional space are not as scary as the legends say.

When he first implemented this expedition plan, he actually didn't have much confidence in his heart. He had fought against demon princes who were promoted from humans or real demons. Although they were all summoned in the material world, he had no idea about their strength. The prediction has a rough expectation.

But the top four gods above them... are known as the true divine monarchs of the entire high-dimensional space. The strength of this existence is likely to crush everything.

Just like the Zerg Overlord crushed the entire human army when it first appeared on the battlefield, standing in front of such an existence, it is very likely that it is not worth mentioning.

But in the Eternal Garden, the absolute center of the opponent's authority, and judging from the intuitive feeling brought by the feedback collected bit by bit by the Sky Eye psychic energy, Bai E did not find that desperate crushing atmosphere for the time being.

Is the name of eternity simply an exaggeration by countless people? Or is there some hidden secret that I don't know yet?

But it doesn't matter.

I have already come to this point, so of course I want to go in and take a look.

Perhaps after this war, human beings' understanding of high-dimensional space will become close enough to the truth!

If it's just the big demons Bai E has encountered before... then let's give it a try!

See if you can defeat the sword in my hand!

Or will the sword in my hand chop off your heads one by one!

The simple human spirit holding a long sword was the first to step into the core of this garden after an unknown amount of time, surrounded by a cauldron of some kind of soup and the newly promoted Eternal Chosen who was lighting himself up like a torch. All the great demons looked over at once.

There was a look of confusion in the many eyes - "Who are you if you're not my brother?"

Eternal demons who are lazy and slow by nature are also slow to changes. Their lives are so long that they lack sufficient sensitivity to any changes that occur at any moment in their lives.

Only the unclean Sogroros, who had a relationship with Bai E, followed some dangerous aura and noticed where the guy in front of him came from, "It's you!"

"Sir..." The moment he saw Bai E, the tired eyeballs with rotten skin around them finally showed a hint of hopelessness.

The soul that persisted until the end was already broken. When the only obsession was achieved, the last trace of concern that supported the broken soul fragment finally had nothing to rely on.

Those soul fragments were like light smoke, floating upward from where Fernandi barely left his human form.

The last soul fragments are like pieces of broken lenses, and each piece flashes scenes of Fernandi's past memories.

It's just that these memories flicker and disappear in an instant.

When the soul is completely dissipated, where can the memory be stored?

‘Sir, come on. ' Ruoyouruowuo's voice is the boy's final voice. The desperate boy who was saved by Bai E used his great perseverance to complete the redemption of this life.

Bai E watched as the broken soul fragments slowly rose into the sky, and gradually disappeared completely like ice cubes melting in the sun.

The boy whose soul has been completely burned will also completely erase everything about his existence in this world. Except for some past that remains in the memories of others... he will no longer exist.

'Goodbye...' Bai E thought softly in his heart and remained silent.


"who is he?"

"Did you invite him here?"

Thorgros narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous look on his face, "The human who shot me with an arrow."

When he returned, Thorgros told his brothers everything he encountered when he "came", especially the last human who shot him with an arrow.

Of course, no brother blamed him for not daring to take the arrow and try, just like a gentle and loving father never questioned why they left it in the garden all day long.

The dead are gone, but the living still exist.

As a complete human being, the girl who was brought to the high-dimensional space by Sogros always has a chance to be rescued as long as she has not been completely corrupted.

Bai E's eyes bypassed the fat figure of the Unclean One, glanced around to the left and right, and asked softly: "Where's Gladys?"

"Gladys?" Sogros was stunned, "Who is it?"

"The human girl you brought back."

"Oh..." Thorgros moved his fat green body, revealing the boiling cauldron behind him, "It's in the pot."

"..." Bai E's face turned gloomy in an instant, and his pulsating spiritual energy gradually exceeded its usual activity, showing signs of a violent outburst, "Then... what about eternity?"

"Bold!" The big demons who had been watching Bai E happily and seemed completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation finally showed their anger.

"How dare you call your loving father by his first name?!"

"You are not welcome here! Please leave!"

"Leave? What leave!? I want him to turn into the most despicable chaos egg!"

The angry demon's aura is turbulent in this high-dimensional space with a solid field. The huge movement in the Eternal Garden, one of the four pillars of the high-dimensional space, can be transmitted far and wide in this dark dimension. .

All the unknowing demons were trembling for a moment, not knowing who had offended these terrifying demons who had the power of life and death.

Bai E completely ignored the clamor of these "honest" looking demons, and only confirmed in his mind what he had just guessed——

Eternity is really not here...or has eternity never existed?

So with a cold and ferocious smile on his lips, Ping raised the long sword in his hand and pointed directly at the big pot behind Sogros, "I want to smash this pot and burn this land. You can try to stop it. I, the premise can do it."

The moment the voice fell, Bai E stepped forward.

With the sound of wind and thunder surging behind him, Bai E suddenly arrived in front of a big demon holding a dung fork, as if he had crossed space.


With the full force of the instant kill, the unknown demon's arm was instantly torn into endless pieces of flesh.

Based on the information collected from the ordinary attacks launched against the Plague Monarchs just now, Bai E would never allow himself to make an ineffective attack when facing these real enemies.

The crisp cut surface is naturally easily repaired by the active proliferation of flesh and blood, but the wound that seemed to be torn apart by nine sword winds at the same time naturally cannot be repaired quickly.

The torn flesh and blood melted on the ground, like a ball of nourishment from the same source, easily turning into nourishment for the garden earth beneath his feet.

And the aura on the injured demon's body was obviously weakened by several points for a while.

There is also a gap between the great demons.

The high-dimensional space is an idealistic dimension that expresses the essence. The strength and weakness of each big demon in front of you can even be discovered directly through the observation of spiritual senses.

Except for Thorgroth the Unclean, whom we had a close relationship with, the other great demons were not much stronger.

The weakest one among them was not even a little stronger than the Plague Lord they just encountered.

It's just that these big demons are worthy of the name of big demons. They only slightly injured one of the big demons, and the nourishment they can provide is more than the many plagues and plague monarchs that have been cut down along the way can match -

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being upgraded to 250/5000. 】

【……780/5000. 】

A large amount of "nutrition" poured in, so much that Bai E seemed to hear a comfortable moan coming from inside the long sword.

When there are fewer enemies and more enemies, the first rule should be to cause real damage. The big demon who was wounded by Bai E's sword is the perfect target to pursue at this moment.

The violent spiritual energy burns endlessly, the attack speed of light weapons, and the instant kill of hundreds of heads attached to each sword, so that in just one breath of change, the big demon who was first selected by Bai E was killed. It was as if he had been cut into a human stick and was unable to fight back.

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being upgraded to 1500/5000. 】

【……2200/5000. 】

【……3000/5000. 】

The essence of the Great Demon is the most perfect tribute to the Blade of Rhythm, and its improvement speed in a short period of time was completely unimaginable in the past.

It's just that the big demon who was cut into a human stick seemed to finally come to his senses after this incident and began to respond.

I saw the last remaining bits of essence melting into the garden ground under my feet like a puddle of water in a blink of an eye. The aura belonging to the great demon disappeared completely in the blink of an eye. What remained in the place was only an abstract and indescribable mass. A vague concept-like air mass... (End of this chapter)

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