Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 529 The old guys’ promise

The marshal stood up straight against all objections and said with a straight face, "They are also human beings. If they did not die on the battlefield, we cannot let them die in the hands of our own people."

He was also curious about the first batch of artificial humans.

For this reason, he went out of his way to spend more than a month with the android recruits in person. During that more than a month of training, he trained with the androids and endured hardships together.

Chat together after tea and dinner, and do things you like in your free time.

They all have different preferences.

Some like sweet and sour food, some like mellow and exciting wine, some like to make some handmade flower arrangements, and some just like to bask in the sun...

He could sense very clearly that these artificial warriors also had their own preferences, their own thoughts, their own souls, and their own lives.

They are people too...

When the city was in its most difficult times, no one said anything about abandoning all the old, weak, sick and disabled in the city.

Now when it comes to artificial humans, how can we say "destroy" so easily?

But he knew that prohibiting destruction was probably the limit these people could accept. If he wanted them to spend any more resources on these artificial humans that should be "scrapped", it would be cutting off their flesh.

"Just exile them..." The marshal lowered his eyes, "Those who have lost the ability to serve will be expelled from the camp and let them... fend for themselves and perish on their own."


The atmosphere was silent. Most of the officers were reluctant to refute the decision made by the superior officer who had led the military region for a long time, but they could not refute it face to face.

But after the silence, a voice still asked softly: "The Research Institute has said that these artificial humans actually have certain hidden flaws. When they serve in the military camp, it is easy for us to control them. If they are released like this, it will cause What bad consequences have happened...Who should bear this responsibility?"

"Me." The marshal replied calmly.

Since then, whether it is the discovery that those artificial humans are extremely adaptable and can carry out basic combat in as little as three days, the training time for new recruits has been shortened; or as the pressure on casualties has increased, the training time of artificial humans has been shortened year by year. Production cycle, this regulation has never changed.

Any android warriors who are unable to continue serving due to injury or illness will be directly dismissed.

And these first batch of android warriors who were dismissed from the camp were also fortunate enough to learn the truth about their "departure" before leaving the camp——

"Remember, it is our marshal's sole effort that allows you to live in this world like a real person, instead of being pulled into a meat grinder and minced into a puddle of rotten meat! Once you get out, just Live well! Live your life and don’t let the marshal regret his decision! Also remember, never do anything harmful to mankind and the world! The world gave birth to you, and the world also loves you deeply!"

The young noncommissioned officer named Carlos roared at the top of his lungs at everyone, then turned and hid in the shadows.

It was obvious that his actions were unauthorized and without permission.

But the first batch of android soldiers expelled from the camp will always remember this moment of separation.

These soldiers all knelt on the ground, bowed three times towards the slowly closing door of the military camp, and made a promise that they would not forget for the rest of their lives -

"We will not let the Marshal down!"

However, genetic defects are never transferred by will.

The shot fired many years ago finally crossed time and space and hit my later self many years later.

The warrior controlled by the awakening of the orc gene in his body lost his will, and under the control of instinct, he attacked and killed a direct descendant of a noble in the city. The words that Lawrence promised were finally used by someone with intentions.

The elderly Lawrence became the biggest prey of those parties with conservative views on artificial people, and thus became the first military marshal to be deposed.

The person who took over his position was Weslin...

But in fact, my family knows their own affairs.

As he grows older, it is obvious that his ability and thinking are rapidly declining.

In addition, he is not a person who likes to form cliques for personal gain. His resignation will not implicate others, so naturally no one will be willing to come forward.

That promise back then was just the trigger that triggered all of this, not the real core reason.

Gray-black memory fragments passed through his mind like a silhouette film, and Lawrence slowly opened his eyes.

"These adult memories are in the past... let them be in the past."

He didn't want to mention it again, and he didn't want those veterans to always remember it.

But veterans will never forget.

From various sources, we learned that this old marshal, who had brought them a real life and lived "like a human being", was implicated and stepped down precisely because of their "fall".

Deep guilt lingers in the hearts of each of them, and they are determined to let everyone in the city see that their artificial humans are not a group of unstable factors for the city and mankind.

They are reliable and can be trusted.

Marshal Lawrence should not be implicated by them!

This is the last thing we old guys who should have turned into a pile of rotten meat want to say to this world!

At a glance, the top of the mechanical giant, which looks like a human head, is surrounded by a full circle of green fluorescence forming a ring.

The periphery of the ring is connected to countless wiring harness pipes that beat like flesh and blood. All power, weapons, and action systems on this giant body will be connected here and will be under the unified control of this "center".

And among the green fluorescent lights like green light bulbs, through the pale white mist, one can vaguely see human heads one after another.

Countless feedback signals from the "giant" body are continuously input into this processing center like various sensory stimulations, and all "heads" present in this center are an alternative processor that handles various types of processing. Signal.

At the same time... their wills are connected to a certain extent, which ensures that the computing power of each "human brain" can be superimposed.

It's not even ordinary addition and superposition.

The mysteries of the human brain have not yet been fully analyzed by humans. When these human brains are fully communicated with some strange technology, the computing power they can generate will not be inferior to those of large computer centers.

Before cities released electronic networks, using a large number of human brains as core processors was the only way humans envisioned on the road to "intelligence."

But this requires the owners of these human brains to be unguarded against each other, and their will is pure, unified and harmonious.

It is extremely difficult to find a person like this in this city, let alone a group of people who together can rival a computer host?

Moreover, human nature is complex and our thinking is far-fetched.

Is it possible that there is any technology that can constrain the unbridled human thoughts and allow them to process every received "data information" as accurately as a computer?

But these old guys who were kicked out of the military camp...wanted to give it a try.

This is the only way that they, who are physically disabled, can truly be of great help to the city and mankind.

"Get out of the way!" The leader of the warband waved the scepter in his hand and shouted loudly to the blockers in front of him, "I have no intention of causing killing, I just want them to know... Marshal, you read that right!"

The cold glow on the machine gun barrel gave off a cold reflection, and everyone in the security team could feel the sharp feeling as if a blade was resting on their neck.

Countless long guns and short cannons of different types and models were mounted on the giant body in a strange way. There was no dedicated user for each one, but the people from the security team could feel it. Get, every weapon ready to fire can fire a deadly bullet at any time.

What large weapons can the war gangs in the city get?

These firearms used by individual soldiers have been their entire inventory for many years.

But in today's world, no one dares to let so much firepower hit themselves continuously.

No matter how strong the metal is, it has its own fatigue level, and no matter how strong the person is, they have their own limits.

In order to ensure that one's own purpose is accomplished, even if one has no intention of hurting others, one must still have a weapon to hurt others.

"I felt like I was targeted by at least a dozen guns."

"Me too."

"Me too."

"There's no way to avoid them all..." A drop of cold sweat slipped quietly from the forehead of a member of the security team.

Those who can enter the true elite of the security team are all the top fighters in the city.

Having experienced hundreds of battles, they could not be more sensitive to danger. Those undisguised guns were pointed directly at them, and it was difficult not to notice them.

The most important thing is... those guns locked on each of them evenly, without repetition or omission.

Before a single target is not powerful enough to hit the enemy with one punch, numbers will always be the core of a fight. After all, one more person means one more person can hold a weapon.

As for the reserve of weapons... No matter how many houses you have, you can't live in them at the same time, and no matter how many weapons you have, you can't use them at the same time.

According to the intelligence, there are only about a hundred people in this war gang. It can be said that it is a certainty that all their elite teams will be dispatched. one expected that this war gang had such a killing weapon!

The captain of the detachment glanced sideways at the commander-in-chief Caesar in front of him, and suggested in a low voice: "Caesar, how about we admit it first... It seems that this group of people has no ill intentions, maybe they are taking this opportunity to show off. What to order?"

"No!" Caesar rebuffed, his cheeks firm and his gaze straight ahead, "Our security team is the benchmark of the city. It can be broken or hidden in the snow, but it cannot be twisted. We can let them in today, but tomorrow we can let the bugs out. ,The orcs are coming in?"

"Pass my order, fight to the death! Don't retreat!"

Caesar's voice was accompanied by a wave of psychic energy, and the members of the security team behind him shouted in unison, "Yes!"

"That's fine." The leader of the war gang lowered his eyes, but there was a hint of joy inside.

He also wanted to see if there were any truly trustworthy people in the city to which he and his old brothers were loyal.

Fortunately, it's quite a bit.

"Just step over!"

The tall giant doesn't have to care about these tiny ants at all.

When the size difference reaches a certain limit, the attacks of ordinary people are completely insignificant to a giant body that can freely control its whole body to repair and compensate for those injuries.

At the same time, other people in the war gang are not just for free!

The giant strode forward, steel trembling with every step.

The members of the war gang once again pounced on the nearby elite squad of security forces, using their bodies to delay these minions of the security forces who wanted to undermine the gang leader's intentions.

And the giant who was high above the security team area was only a few steps away, and was already close to the door that had fallen down.

As the last barrier in the upper city, this gate and the hardest breastplate on the mecha are made of the same material. It is difficult to quickly break through any firearm currently in human hands.

However, it does not need to be broken.

The giant leaned down and grasped the theoretically thicker wall on the side of the door with his palms full of firearms.

With the palm of his hand embedded, endless information flow flashed rapidly in the fluorescent green ring, and Wenjie's palm, sitting at the core of the giant's body, began to tap wildly on the keyboard.

The system that controls the city gates is an early work. At that time, the city had not yet restarted its electronic network, and the performance and computing power of the hosts used in the city were even more limited.

Although this technology has been restarted now, it will take a long time to update the system and even the hardware of the entire city.

Systems that have never been breached have a very low update priority in their minds.

Right now... facing the biological mastermind center whose computing power level is one level higher, it is like an ordinary person under an avalanche, instantly shattered.

The loss of the control gate system also caused this indestructible gate to lose its original meaning.

However, the giant seemed to be interested in this door, and he casually clasped it on his chest.

The machinery surged like a living body, and the external door panels harmoniously became the hardest piece of armor on the giant's chest, as if they were original.



The giant approaches the entrance.

However, the entrance to the passage with a height of more than ten meters was not enough for it to enter. However, in front of everyone's eyes, this behemoth quickly split into the original dozen or so heavy trucks and drove in. The moment they crossed the gate Transforming the form again, the whole process is silky smooth and almost flawless.

When the giant spread out its body and arms in the upper city area, red prompts instantly lit up on the panels of all players who had received the mission.

【warn! warn! Current unrest value: 9999! Please stop things from getting worse as soon as possible! 】

The same message flashes three times in a row.

"Ah?" Kuang Xin and others were puzzled.

The area they participated in was in excellent condition, and other areas in the voice communication were gradually clearing up the remnants. How could the unrest value that had just been reduced to less than 200 points suddenly explode? (End of chapter)

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