"Report! Report!" His right hand, which was still free to move, tightly squeezed the contact device in his palm, shouting at the top of his lungs: "The target did not listen to the advice and forced a breakthrough! BC City has been lost! BC City has been lost!"


The alloy boots kicked away the communicator that was tightly held in the man's palm.

The square-shaped communicator flew away instantly, hit the wall, and broke into pieces.

The tall figure crouched down and struck the last member of the security team with a swift slash of his hand. He stood up and followed the convoy that was always moving forward.

Bai E retracted his gaze that had been staring at the convoy guarded by the "Doctor" war gang in the center. His intuition told him that the reason why the actions of the "Doctor" war gang were completely different from other war gangs was right there.

I just don’t know when they plan to reveal their true purpose.

The current city security team that came to stop them was no match for these warriors who had all been transformed by prosthetics.

However, under the premise of crushing strength, the "Doctor" war gang has no intention of harming human life.

The way they act is infinitely gentler than those violent war gangs in other places.

Watching the convoy going further and further away, Bai E followed up from a distance.

The actions of the doctor war gang were by no means a cover-up, and this unusual move was also followed by other people who came from the lower city, intending to see what this group wanted to do.

They really didn't have any intention of getting involved in this incident, but they always wanted to watch the excitement.

The members of the Doctors' warband were obviously well aware of the Shadow Sentinels following behind them, but they never turned around to chase them away.

Most of the time, what needs to be done must be exposed in front of everyone, so there is no point in covering it up.

Bai'er was happy to mix in and see where this war gang would end up.

If it is based on the information obtained by the players, then they have completed their mission.

Come to Zhongcheng and start having fun.

This is the information that the player found out.

But right now, Zhongcheng District seems unable to satisfy them, and they are unwilling to stop having fun.

There was some doubt in the eyes staring in the darkness, "Where are they planning to go?"

"Looking in that direction, it can only be the direction of Uptown."

"Who asked them to go to Shangcheng District? Didn't they agree that this operation is just preliminary pressure? It's okay to make a fuss in Zhongcheng District. If they really make trouble in Shangcheng District, we still don't know how things will develop. !”

"Do we need to stop them now?"

"No!" A skinny palm suddenly stretched out from the darkness, "Let them move on... We can also take this opportunity to test that old thing's bottom line."

The interrupted signal made Caesar get up angrily, grabbed his gloves and ran directly to the door where the vehicle was parked.

"Emergency combat team, come with me to BC city to stop the target from advancing!"

There are only permanent conventional forces distributed in various branches of the city. Only the emergency operations team at the headquarters is the real core force of the security team.

The engine of the locomotive roared to a roar, and Caesar's eyes burned with burning anger in the harsh light.

What do these warbands want to do? What do you want to do!

According to the route obtained from the tip-off, the final target of this group of abnormal guys turned out to be B13, the partition gate between Zhongcheng District and Uptown District.

If there is a separation between the middle city and the lower city, then there will naturally be a separation between the upper city and the middle city.

Although the floodgate has fallen now, it is difficult for external forces in experience to open it.

But this group of people went straight in this direction. They couldn't just go and write "Visit Here" with their urine on the gate, right?

They want to take things uptown!

Who gave them the courage!

According to the battle reports that had gradually subsided from everywhere, tonight's turmoil was just a little pressure from the other side.

It's just an appetizer, the main event is yet to come, so naturally it won't overturn the table at the beginning.

But now it seems... Could it be that the turmoil in other places is just a cover-up by those old guys, and the real purpose is actually this group of people heading straight to the upper city from the beginning?

What on earth do they... want to do? !

In the convoy that was speculated by various forces, Lang Xie came to the slightly shaky carriage and found Zhou Wenjie squatting in the middle of a circle of metal islands.

Touching Wenjie's smooth hair with his hand, Wolf Scorpion smiled softly and said, "It's almost time for you to appear. We just sent away a group of regular security teams blocking the road, and the real elite of the security teams may come later. .You must personally deliver the works of my father and his comrades to the highest and highest stage, so that everyone in the upper city can see what my father and his comrades have accomplished!"

Wenjie took the initiative to rub his face against Wolf Scorpion's slightly calloused palms, and responded softly, "Yes."

"Buzz buzz~" The sound of the locomotive engine coming from the distance couldn't be more harsh. The pace of the motorcade slowed down slightly, and in the blink of an eye, a dazzling white light blocked the front of the spacious eight-lane steel avenue.

The leader, Caesar, got off the motorcycle, stood directly in front of the convoy and opened his palms.

The fluctuations of psychic energy condensed from his palm, and in the blink of an eye, a huge "notice board" appeared in the center of the avenue.

"This road is blocked!"

"This is an ultimatum I issue to you in the name of the captain of the security team. Anyone who dares to cross this line will be sent to the soul furnace and will never be able to stand up again!"

"Wenjie...it's up to you." Langxia affectionately left a wet mouth mark on Zhou Wenjie's forehead, turned around, got out of the car and came to the front of the motorcade.

Ignoring the "signboard" formed by psychic energy, Wolf Scorpion crossed the line with one kick.

It was at the moment of crossing that some invisible psychic mark attached itself to her body and soul.

No matter how skilled a plastic surgeon is, there is no way he can help her disguise herself in front of the security team.

"I'm sorry." Wolf Scorpion lifted up her long skirt and took off a pair of daggers from the straps on the sides of her thighs. "I don't want to be your enemy, but this is my father's last wish!"


The ink-colored figure swooped forward, and behind him, all the brothers who had been following the old man named the war gang leader also ignored the prohibition that would leave a mark on their souls, and crossed the illusion together. The area divided by the "notice board".

Everyone... along with the drivers of those vehicles.

And in the centermost carriage, light blue patterned pipes were lighting up one by one.

Wenjie quickly entered the instructions and confirmed the final startup procedure.

Looking at the last number countdown on the monitor, Wenjie felt a little uneasy.




"Demon Arms, activate!" (End of this chapter)

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