The results of the body scan are quickly presented:

[Physical fitness]: 19.2/24



It is still early to reach the upper limit of 24 points for all attributes after optimization, but the improvement is quite rapid, and can even be said to be quite explosive.

Since Bai E mentioned his intention to inject the genetic optimization fluid for the second time, Helen's physical examination indicators certainly exceeded that.

In addition to testing the basic attributes of the body, there are also various indicators of the stability of the body's genes.

Attributes are not everything. The stability of genes is the most important thing to pay attention to in genetic optimization.

Of course, cities that are not very accomplished in this area usually strive to make everything perfect before making the next attempt.

And now... Helen looked at the physical examination report in front of her, the pupils behind her gold-rimmed glasses were somewhat lost in thought, and she murmured to herself, "How is it possible?"

Within half a year of the injection, his genes had stabilized.

Every target that has been injected with the genetic optimization fluid will have its various physical indicators before and after the injection strictly recorded, just for comparison when the next time the genetic optimization fluid is injected.

The data he got in front of him showed that this guy's body had completely stabilized, and all genetic indicators had completely returned to calm, completely showing the original stable state.

This also means... that he is indeed qualified to receive the next genetic optimization.

As for the resource allocation of the genetic optimization solution... it is not worth mentioning at all for Bai E, who has now become the actual controller of the military region and has the qualifications of the Elder Council.

"According to your current physical indicators, you do meet the most basic conditions for injecting a second dose of genetic optimization fluid, but..." Helen looked at Bai E, with a hint of inquiry in her charming pupils, " Your physical attributes are still quite far away from reaching the upper limit. In our actual operation, it is not recommended to inject when there is still a lot away from the upper limit. In this case, although it will not affect the success rate of injecting the optimization solution. , it will not increase your gene disintegration rate. But it is very likely that your second injection will not be effective, and the improved gene optimization will not be high."

To put it simply, under the premise that the genetic stability reaches the standard, the second injection after all the attributes have reached the upper limit may be able to add 3 optimization points, but if the attributes have not reached the upper limit, the injection may only add one or two points.

You must know that every injection of genetic optimization fluid is a gamble. The smaller the growth rate, the more times you need to inject genetic optimization fluid, and the more risks you take.

How can you always bet and win?

Not to mention that the higher the number of genetic optimization fluids, the more rare they are.

Therefore, maximizing the effectiveness of every genetic optimization solution is now the mainstream approach in the city.

"But...if you insist on giving it a try, it's not impossible."

"Then...let's try it."

Bai E said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Helen agreed happily.

She would not refuse any of Bai E's requests. Her firm belief and confidence in her body was also the most important part of the injection process.

In fact, Bai E just wanted to find an opportunity to get close to the genetic optimization liquid again.

The genetic optimization fluid last time was injected by someone else, and he had no qualifications to touch it.

Now, with the improvement of my status, I want to observe this thing before injecting it. It should not be a big problem, right?

It's reasonable to accidentally break it in the name of research, right?

Destroy one genetic optimization solution in exchange for thousands of genetic optimization solutions. What a perfect choice?

After deciding to take the injection, Helen went to prepare herself.

Genetic optimization fluid is extremely precious, difficult to make, and even more difficult to store. There are rarely large quantities of prepared potions in the city. Basically, they are made a few days in advance according to demand to ensure the stability of the ingredients of the potion.

Now that Bai E needs it, she will start preparing an optimization solution that is most suitable for Bai E.

Farewell to Helen, Bai E returned to the military camp.

The three-day basic training time has passed. The various understandings of the battlefield written in the instincts of all androids through memory are enough for them to master the most basic combat knowledge.

In the remaining time, it is necessary to gradually polish each warrior's skills through endless practice in the future, in the hope that they can all become independent elite soldiers.

After three days of basic training, it means... that they can accept instructions assigned by various military regions and carry out tasks in the wilderness.

This first task... Bai E wants to take them by himself.

The news spread quickly in the military camp. Even those senior generals who no longer had any opinions about Baie's current status were once again puzzled by Baie's sudden decision.

"What? He wants to lead his troops out for training?"

"You don't even need a middle-level non-commissioned officer, so he can lead 2,000 soldiers by himself?"

"No matter how awesome he is, is it possible that he can be a nanny for 2,000 people at the same time?"

You must know that legion operations, squad command and even individual operations are completely different concepts.

When there are few people, you can be awesome alone. If you worry more, the task will be over.

When the number of people increases, the orders are incomplete and not timely. There is no detailed command from the middle-level non-commissioned officers. Just rely on these stupid android recruits who are just three days old. Can you believe that they can get separated while walking?

"I want to see what tricks he can do this time?"

Bai E's position is as stable as Mount Tai. Even the generals who are always worried about the origin of his artificial man do not expect to use these things to bring him down. At most, they can only think about knowing that these original generals will be able to know after the other party finds out the difficulties. function as officials, thus giving them a little bit of actual power.

A general in a military region must be the one in charge of the troops under his command, so he has the right to speak.

"Or how about we give him some advice? Let him have a simulated military exercise with his soldiers who have finished training and the previous soldiers in our camp. We will not bully him. One thousand of us will fight against two thousand of him. , what if he can bring back these two thousand recruits intact...?"


"Ok, deal!"

"We must let him know that we are useful too!"

A general suddenly remembered the key point and added, "But the commander will not be allowed to leave in person at that time."

"Yes, yes! The commander can only be responsible for commanding."

An army of more than two thousand people marched out of the military camp and headed straight into the wilderness.

Bai E said to everyone that it was just a training session to experience the wilderness environment of this era. If they encountered alien races such as orcs and insects, they could also eliminate them according to the situation.

It is equivalent to an army of sweepers, sweeping around a certain area of ​​the city.

And that's exactly what he did.

Not long after leaving the military camp, Bai E asked these android recruits to select some grassroots non-commissioned officers.

Even if he didn't want to deceive others and send these new recruits to Liming Town for training, he didn't want to bring the original non-commissioned officers in the military camp with him.

A team that is entirely its own, and of course every detail from top to bottom belongs to it.

The original non-commissioned officers cannot change the original background of the military camp, and this new army must completely obey its own orders, so the non-commissioned officers responsible for grassroots liaison must also be selected from among themselves.

Only in this way can we ensure that when they are needed in the future, they will be able to do everything they need to do without restraint.

And these new recruits lived up to Bai E's expectations.

They are different from previous recruits.

Having unlocked the genetic ban, their minds are much more flexible than those of the past android warriors. In fact, the instructors who trained them have already discovered this difference.

But the feeling of "smarter" cannot be quantified, not to mention that there are no extreme cases like Baie, so no one said anything.

Only when they need to make their own decisions do they show the changes brought about by this "wisdom".

The grassroots non-commissioned officers needed by Baie were quickly selected by themselves, and the overall organization system maintained the original style of the military camp.

Calling the selected junior non-commissioned officers in front of him, Bai E put his hands behind his back and looked at them all calmly, "I think you all should still remember me."

A group of newly elected non-commissioned officers stared at Bai E with some excitement. Everyone still had fresh memories of the officer who had left a deep impression on them when they were born. This was exactly what Wei Wei had done. The purpose of Silin's appearance in the first place, "Yes, sir!"

"In the next few days, I will take you to sweep around the city. Except for us humans, they are all enemies. I have only one request for you - when I follow you through the roads you have swept At this time, you can’t see any moving creatures! Can you do it?!”

"No problem! Sir!"

Bai E waved his hand coldly, "Then let's go!"

The two thousand android recruits did not carry any heavy weapons, nor did they even drive any vehicles.

In addition to the weapons, ammunition and food supplies that each individual soldier carried, Bai E did not ask them to prepare anything else.

According to this plan, if we sweep around the city for a week, we will definitely not have enough supplies in the end... But it doesn't matter, resources in this era are scarce, but not that scarce.

As long as there are sufficient implementation standards, many things in the wild... can be eaten and used.

As for the bullets running out? Aren't there still knives?

Bai E was not prepared to let them fight from beginning to end.

But he was just planning to lead them to Liming Town to study when the opportunity was right.

Only when encountering the problem of real lack of strength will opportunities for growth and improvement become more precious to people.

This common problem is not only true for natural people, but also for artificial people.

They are loyal, but also lazy.

Bai E let go of everything and followed the army happily.

From time to time, he can also teach some of the new recruits who are smart enough to come over to ask for some useful skills——

For example, "firearm maintenance", "bandaging", "anatomy", "cooking" and so on, which have been sealed for a long time.

Just pick one out, and these young guys who have never seen the world will be filled with amazement, and they will say "Sir, you are so awesome"!

"How come adults know everything?"

The exclamations that these children, who are still relatively innocent at the moment, can express are far more beautiful than the admirations of those who have other thoughts. Of course, the most important thing is the charging value that increases with them.

["Lucky Blow" charge +112. 】(superimposed)

After several days of training, and being attacked by a herd of mutated bison and a group of small wandering orcs, most of the soldiers in the two thousand-man army had a look of exhaustion on their faces.

But beneath the surface fatigue, what's more is the excitement shining in the deepest part of his pupils.

They can feel the great progress their bodies have made during this process.

The first three days of basic training were indeed the period of rapid improvement for their androids, but this kind of training that constantly pushed the limits was also very effective in polishing them.

It's just that any actual combat training is unsurprising. There are still single-digit losses in the team of two thousand people.

"Bring their nameplates!"

Bai E stood in the center of the crowd, listening to the elected non-commissioned officers discussing their experiences after another encounter.

These android recruits have only been out of the factory for a short time, and no rigid rules have been formed between them.

I don't have any concept of the command level of "non-commissioned officer". I just feel that everyone should give full play to their abilities.

The capable advance, the weak retreat.

All for the sake of success.

The team of non-commissioned officers has also undergone many adjustments after their own internal deliberations.

The non-commissioned officers have to hold a summary meeting every time they take a break, which is a habit they have developed themselves.

Bai E just listened quietly until the last moment. After a few seconds of silence and no one said anything, he whispered softly: "Wear their nameplates, death is not the end. It is this continuous list of the dead that will last forever." The earth has changed the future of our humanity!”

"Yes, sir!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

Bai E raised his head and looked at the sunset gradually setting on the horizon.

Under his deliberate guidance, the marching route of the army had reached the tangent position closest to the town of Dawn.

These few days of fighting and new experiences have made these warriors exhausted. Perhaps a short rest can give them a better posture for the next stage of training.

After all, going around the no small job.

"After resting tonight, we'll head there tomorrow morning." Bai E took over the command of the entire army for the first time and set the direction they would go when they woke up tomorrow.

The loyal android warriors never asked why, they just responded in unison, "Roger that! Sir!"

After leaving the circle of artificial human officials with a smile on his lips, Bai E took out the communicator he used to contact Kuang Xin and other players individually, "The army is coming soon, are you ready?" (End of Chapter)

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