Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 508 High-dimensional desert?

"Okay, then our next combatant will still be Bai E!"

"Okay." Feng Feng sighed, feeling numb all over.

It doesn't matter, there may still be people in this world who can do a little bit of everything.

This is normal. Their prophet is actually good at everything...

The battlefield for hunting demons is in high-dimensional space. After all, the probability of encountering demons in the material world is actually not high.

You can 100% encounter demons by waiting passively, but it is not easy to take the initiative to hunt.

Only in that mysterious high-dimensional space are there endless demons waiting to be hunted.

In fact, humans and elves rarely take the initiative to search for those demons in high-dimensional space. Even when conducting research on high-dimensional space, they are usually conservative and restrained.

But when you want to hunt demons, you only need to...burn your own spiritual energy, and at the same time let go of the suppression of your own spiritual light.

When humans or elves burn spiritual energy, their spiritual bodies reflected in the high-dimensional space are as conspicuous as a bright light in the "dark" space of the high-dimensional space. The more intense the burning, the brighter the light. The farther it reaches, the greater the probability of attracting more demons wandering in that mysterious space.

Generally speaking, this kind of proactive behavior is tantamount to seeking death, but when the two races communicate with each other and understand each other's abilities, this kind of challenging the limit is necessary.

"You two, it's time to start." Looking at the contestants from the human and elven races sitting cross-legged in front of him, the referee signaled softly.

The winner is the one with higher quality and quantity of demons hunted within the specified time.

There is no concept of time and space in high-dimensional space, so this time is based on the body in the real world.

No matter how the spirit body travels in high-dimensional space, the closely related body still exists in the material world.

With this connection, the passage of time that can be perceived by the body in reality can become a "time" beacon for agreed actions in high-dimensional space.

Bai E nodded, and then he truly connected the knowledge he had read in those classics into practice.

As he closed his eyes with another contestant from the elf race and transferred his consciousness to the spirit body reflected in the high-dimensional space, the world in front of Bai E suddenly turned upside down.

This is different from the previous studies following Yueying.

Previously, it was to explore "self", and the spiritual energy was inward and convergent; now, it is to explore the "world", and the spiritual energy is open and active.

It accepts all "information" from the outside world at all times to complete its observation of the "world".

As far as the "eyes" can see, there is darkness...

Any attributes of the body no longer have any meaning here, only pure spiritual power is eternal here.

Moreover, the darkness is like a living thing, always surging at the edge of the perspective like some kind of mollusk, and some "tentative" synapses and acupuncture sensations stimulate Bai E's spiritual senses from time to time.

The higher the mysterious attribute, the more truths about the "world" can be obtained by people, and their spiritual power is naturally more powerful. However... the closer a person is to the truth, the easier it is to be assimilated and corrupted by high-dimensional space.

The ignorant are fearless, the knowledgeable are in danger.

Bai E tentatively began to burn his spiritual energy, and the method of self-repression also quietly released the long-term dual control over the body and soul.

The arm in front of him began to emit some kind of holy white light. Bai E raised his arm curiously and observed the specific details of his spiritual body in the high-dimensional space.


A low strange sound sounded from the darkness, and the first emotion Bai E showed here - "curiosity" will most likely attract demons from the relevant authority system.

They are also demons wandering in high-dimensional space. If a little "emotional" ripple suddenly appears somewhere, demons with relevant authority will always be able to detect it more easily and at a greater "distance" than other demons. kind of change.

As for the level of the devil, it all depends on luck.

Nothing in the high-dimensional space is absolute. Unless they enter hand in hand with spiritual energy and energy, even people who enter the high-dimensional space side by side in the material world will be divided by this mysterious space. to completely unrelated areas.

What's in the area depends purely on luck.

Maybe he bumped into the sleeping demon, or maybe there was nothing. The spiritual energy burned for a long time without even the demon noticing.

If you want to go back, then look "under your feet," or at the core of yourself.

There is a bright spot of light, which is the channel through which consciousness returns to the physical body of the material world.

Of course, this kind of return may only seem like a "moment" in the material world, but in the high-dimensional space... you must make sure that there are no enemies around who can interrupt the return.

Otherwise, the returning spirit body will be in a completely defenseless state, and no matter how powerful the existence is, it will be difficult to escape the attack of even the most common low-level demon.


There were so many strange laughters coming from the darkness that it was difficult to hear their location or determine their number.

Bai E just carefully wrapped his whole body with spiritual energy and waited rigorously.

One breath...

Two breaths...

Ten breaths...

A hundred breaths...

The close connection with the physical body in the material world tells Baie that not so long has actually passed in the outside world, but the spirit body in the high-dimensional space already feels that a long period of time has passed.

Similar to nervous emotions, it will infinitely amplify the blurring of the "sense of time" of the spirit body in high-dimensional space, gradually amplifying the original "moment" to close to "eternity."

It is difficult for the will of any living being to concentrate for a long time. As the "time" grows, the spirit will inevitably relax.

Spirit is the source of psionic energy, and psionic energy is the expression of spirit.

Any mental changes will be manifested spiritually immediately.

The purpose of those Jie Jie's weird smiles in the darkness is to use the trembling method to make Bai E take the initiative to reveal his fatal flaw.

The God of Conspiracy, who was born from the first secret plot of intelligent creatures, not only controls human beings' strong desire for knowledge, but is also the ancestor of all conspiracies and conspiracies in the world.

There are countless "glasses" in the darkness staring at ignorant prey. These low-level demons who can only inherit a single ability are extremely proud and complacent just watching their targets fall into deep fear under their own toy. Feeling truly satisfied.

Be afraid... be afraid...

Then reveal a fatal flaw, tear his entire spirit body apart and have a feast!


The spirit body like a bright light bulb suddenly flashed through the perception, and when it reappeared, it had already punched through his true body, which was like gray mist.

In his glowing palm, he held a "core" with a richer black aura that was constantly emitting from the outside. That was his demon's "true name".

The devil's true name is both a name and a "real thing".


With the slight exertion of the glowing palm, the fragile core immediately fell apart.

Annihilation in high-dimensional space is complete annihilation. Not to mention ordinary low-level demons, even more powerful root demons cannot escape this iron law.

Perhaps in another large-scale emotional ripple in the future, demons born from the same source of authority will be reborn, but they are already ignorant newborns who have forgotten all previous memories and experiences.

As the core was crushed, the surrounding space once again fell into silence like a pool of stagnant water.

And the slight breath after the core was broken was quietly sucked into a bracelet that was clearly visible on Bai'e's spiritual body.

The experience in high-dimensional space cannot be known or heard by others, but the final result can always be recorded by means.

Human beings have various psychic creations, and it is of course easy to create two psychic creations that can record how many demons have been killed and their level.

Glancing at the bracelet, Bai E sighed softly, "The lowest level of devil."

There is even only one...

The movement that seemed to be surrounded by countless demons just now was actually just the work of such a little thing who only knew how to play "conspiracies".

As long as the location is determined, a single blow can be fatal.

Looking at the darkness around him, Bai E frowned - this was not going to work.

It seems that the place he came to is a "desert" in high-dimensional space, and just letting go of a little bit of aura is not enough to attract too many demons.

If the elven competitors were lucky enough to kill directly into the demon group, then if they lost this competition because of luck... Bai E was a little reluctant.

So Ding Dian's control over the spiritual light was once again released.

No matter how bold a skilled person is, facing this almost completely unfamiliar field, Bai E still doesn't dare to let go and play from the beginning.

Now that he was letting go of the pressure again, the aura emitted by Bai'e's spiritual body suddenly became brighter and spread a little "further".

It's like a ball of bait thrown into the center of the lake, quietly waiting for the fish to come.

One breath...

Two breaths...

Ten breaths...

A hundred breaths...

The passage of time this time was so real.

The close connection with his body told Bai E that so much time had really passed.

But there was no movement in the surrounding darkness.

If it's broken, you won't really have entered the desert, right?

Bai E's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to quit and start again.

Going offline and back online is equivalent to refreshing the login "address" in the high-dimensional space.

But this process also takes time, so Bai E decided to wait and see... and once again let go of the suppression of his own aura.

Getting brighter and brighter...and getting bigger and bigger...

The darkness is always as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, making people wonder if they have entered a fake high-dimensional space.

Not to mention that there are countless demons wandering in high-dimensional space. Spirits with "excellent" or "extremely bad" luck may even encounter those real "native creatures" in high-dimensional space, including big demons. All the demons in the world will retreat from the terrifying existence when they see it, and these existences have a common habit - when they see the shining aura, they will rush forward in a swarm.

But why is it that now that I am about to release my spiritual light to the maximum extent, I still can't see any movement from the devil around me?

Bai E couldn't bear it any longer. Fortunately, he used his spiritual power as a trumpet and turned on the free mic mode for the whole area. "Way? Is there anyone? Come here?! Can a demon do it? A big devil or a prince can do it too." ?crooked?"

Also "looking" in the darkness at the human spirit who seemed completely unaware of the weirdness around him, from a mysterious observation perspective he could only feel a surge in his core.

‘It’s so irritating! So infuriating! ’

Can't you detect such a big weird situation?

High-dimensional space! This is a high-dimensional space!

How could there be such a clean "place" for you to have such fun?

Do you know that you have fallen into the "trap"?

do you know? !

As time passes in the material world, Bai'e's spirit body wanders freely in the high-dimensional space as if entering a deserted land, feeling the erosion of himself from the environment and gradually being adapted by his spirit body. Baier is tired of even free wheat.

Time is passing by every second. If you can't find the devil again, then don't try anymore.

Wouldn't it be too tragic if we lost because of luck?

How about logging in again to refresh the birth point?

However, looking at the "bright spot" that represented the return of consciousness to the body right before his "eyes", Bai E found it difficult for him to really implement this idea - he was resisting the return of consciousness to the material world. in the flesh.

passive? Or are you aware of some weird subconscious initiative?

He had had this thought before, but when the thought was not strong before, Bai E had not noticed this strange situation. It was only now that it suddenly appeared.

The moment he truly realized this, Bai E realized that the originally dark and calm space around him seemed to have begun to become strange, like a man-eating ferocious beast, opening its bloody basin towards him. Big mouth...

Bai E frowned slightly while his thoughts were turning, and finally realized another possibility——

There can't really be such a "harmonious" place in a high-dimensional space, right?

During his previous psychic battles in the material world, his spiritual body was also attacked by various demons and monsters in the high-dimensional space.

Couldn't it be that if I took the initiative to come in this time, I would be really unlucky or lucky, and just happen to end up in a high-dimensional desert where there is not even a half-demon?

So when he looked around again, the spiritual energy of the "Celestial Eye" spread out around him like a tide.

Located in this magical place of high-dimensional space, spiritual energy is not as limited as the material world.

Those with equally strong will and spiritual power can even temporarily transform the temporary manifestations of this world with their own will.

Bai'e's "eye of the sky" spiritual energy was like a spring connecting to the vast ocean, and it began to spit out spiritual energy with a "meaning of exploration".

It's a little satisfying to see the target's dark perspective as they finally realize what's wrong.

He finally knew something was wrong! He finally knew something was wrong!

Explore it!

Research it!

Discover the truth!

Then... let's fall into the boiling "fear"!

I am the master of this world!

I will also be the master of your destiny!

However, looking at the spiritual energy that kept pouring out, the mysterious core began to tremble slightly again.

Too... too much...

Why else?

His spiritual power...isn't his spiritual power inexhaustible?

The surging spiritual energy turned from a fountain into a pond, into a stream, into a lake, into... a vast ocean in the blink of an eye.

So much spiritual energy surged outward, almost instantly exceeding the endurance limit of the "world" he created.

The smallest unit that makes up this psychic energy is like a small, smart eyeball. The eyeball located in the middle of the white of the eye moves flexibly up and down, left and right.

Those "eyeballs" that curiously look out for the outside world are like cameras that store their will, carefully examining every detail of the world they have created.

At a certain moment, the "Lord of Fear" even felt...

Those eyeballs are looking at me!

So at the next moment, those countless "eyeballs" that were scanning around actually looked at their location at the same moment! (End of chapter)

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