Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 472 Question first and then become

"We can't be left here!" Feeling the difficulty of the devil in front of him, Kilolan was a little anxious.

She also didn't know which area of ​​the castle the two of them came to after breaking through the barrier, and how close they were to Master Bai E.

She only knew that this demonic invasion was unusual, and Lord Baie could not stand alone. If he did not escape the pursuit of the devil in front of him and go to Lord Baie to send him out, everyone might die here!

Even after a lot of time of study and training, it was still the first time in their lives to encounter this level of demon invasion.

For two children, there is no certainty and no confidence.

The only reason why Kilolan volunteered to come in after seeing that the adult was inside was his passion for helping the adults.

As for Eglaia and the others' orders...if they still have some energy left after being able to rescue the adults, they can try to rescue him together.

"I know!" Murphy gritted his teeth and slashed around with the sword in his hand.

The black breath transforms into endless demons and monsters. Every shadow hovering in the black mist looks like an illusion, but if you are touched by their sharp claws, you will feel the horrible pain that is like heartbreaking and bone-gnawing. .

Murphy's psychic powers have almost been used to the extreme. The various qualities enhanced by psychic powers can make him barely invincible.

"But your condition doesn't look quite right?" A round light shield like a stream of colors protected Kilolan's body, and the ghostly shadows of the demons and monsters kept attacking the light shield, but all in vain.

The psychic protective light shield directly connected to Kilolan's spiritual will allowed her to feel the impact of these ghostly shadows.

The spiritual impact embodied by the world's authority turned into a substantial impact in this virtual place, causing Kilolan's spiritual world to be impacted one after another.

Of course, she couldn't talk about being relaxed, and her little face was also pale.

But she knew Murphy's fighting prowess. His combat prowess was far greater than her own. He shouldn't show such a struggling appearance when facing the same opponent.

He should be killing everyone!

But facing the impact of the same opponent, his performance seemed to be worse than his own.

Kilolan gritted his teeth and looked at the darkest place in the black fog.

Whether it was a blinding of spiritual sense or vision, the central area under a circle of high platforms was difficult to fully explore during her observation.

Only three...or four black shadows could be vaguely seen entangled and swaying in it.

It seems that the core power has not yet been completely mastered. When the black shadows "competing" among them are completely unified in strength, they may lose the ability to resist.

And more than that, the supreme evil that has unified its power will eventually sweep across everything in this castle. At that time, the entire castle will be stripped away from the real world and fall into high-dimensional space, which will be absolutely irreversible.

Before that, they must go to Master Bai E and take him out!

"There's something wrong with this place! It may be the core area where the entire castle has fallen!" Murphy gritted his teeth and replied: "We have to find the exit!"

The entire hall was dark, and even with the blessing of spiritual energy, they couldn't see through the fog that was completely filled with demonic aura.

This already has some characteristics of high-dimensional space.

In that magical world, space is no longer what ordinary people think of as southeast, northwest, and even if they consciously move in the same direction, in the eyes of real high-dimensional creatures, it may just be spinning in place.

Without the guidance of "beacons", people who are addicted to it will never find the true direction they want to go.

And with their abilities, it is impossible to break through the conceptual characteristics of high-dimensional space, nor the architectural structure in this castle.

Before coming here, they all had a brief understanding of the general situation here from the teacher.

It is precisely because of this that it is particularly desperate at this time.

"Maybe I'll try to clear the way?" Compared to Murphy's all-out effort, Kilolan, who was using a light mask to protect his body, seemed a little more relaxed.

Just like people in a maze have a very small chance of getting out of the maze even if they walk around randomly, if they are lucky enough in the confusing characteristics of space, they may not have a small chance of getting out of this ghost place.

"Okay!" The moment he responded, Murphy shuddered.

A phantom slammed into his body from the lower back and emerged from the front of his belly.

The thick black fog seemed to condense into a head-like shape, and he turned back to look at Murphy.

The sinister laughter sounded illusory and dissolute, and the severe pain that tore apart the body and mind almost made Murphy go crazy instantly.

However, the clarity that always remained in my heart suddenly cleared my soul at the critical moment, and the severe pain seemed to be somewhat relieved.

Murphy reacted quickly and waved the sword again, and some traces of the past were restored in the trajectory.

The fighting skills he had seen from a certain figure instinctively covered his current fighting style. Murphy, who has a photographic memory and can analyze the underlying combat logic of the target, can quickly react even if he has simply seen some of the moves. Launch the target in all combat styles.

And when he accepted the gift from that person again, he seemed to feel much more relaxed when he faced those ghostly shadows.

Murphy, who was focused on fighting, had no time to take into account the emotions in his heart. When facing difficulties, his instinctive choices covered all his thoughts at this time.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sword light became more and more powerful, and they danced together.

The confidence brought by the battle made Murphy's eyes light up again.

'I can! I can! ’

‘What he can’t do, I can do! ’

‘I want to take everyone out of here! ’

‘This time, I am everyone’s savior! ’


A circle of sword light flashed through, briefly clearing away all the shadows in a large area.

Even the ubiquitous black air was cleared away in a short time.

Without the lingering black aura, in this virtual world that is not a real high-dimensional space, a small piece of space briefly showed what it should have been like.

"There seems to be someone there!"

Murphy pointed in one direction, looking a little surprised.

A living person!

And not corrupted by the devil!

The space cut out by Murphy is like a faint fluorescent light in the endless darkness. Although it is dim and only shines for a moment, it is undoubtedly the "bright light" for everyone in this dark world.

Under the instructions of his spiritual senses, Gu Lan instantly discovered this momentary change.

Her psychic level is slightly stronger than Gong Yan's, and she is better at fighting and capturing intuition in an instant.

At this time, the entire player team almost has to rely on her to find their way.

"There's a 'light' over there! Maybe someone will come to save us!"

"Maybe it's an adult!" Gong Yan's eyes lit up.

In this place, only adults can save them from danger.

They all saw his figure when he broke through just now.

It's just a pity that the adults didn't seem to see them, and because they took into account Kuang Xin who was trapped with the three "slaves" who were the source of the mutation, they didn't choose to follow him and run away immediately.

But who knew the changes here would be so rapid and severe.

Now that Kuang Xin cannot be rescued, it seems difficult for them to escape.

"Let's move over there too! Quick!"

A brief light is enough to serve as a temporary "beacon".

Even if it is extinguished, it can still support them to move a few steps in the fog.

They are not afraid of slow progress, they are just afraid of no hope.

Of course, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, the worst consequence is to wait three days for reopening.


"What about Kuang Xin?"

"I can't control it anymore! Let him fend for himself. It's better to die alone than to die together. If we can survive, at least we can take him with us when he comes back to life and finds us." Dai Lian made the most rational decision. At the same time, he directly ordered: "Wenjie, you and Wolf Scorpion stand between us, we will protect you!"

Wenjie is the weakest in combat power. Wolf Scorpion has never practiced psychic powers and is a pure physical master.

In this field of facing demons, the presence of Wolf Scorpion, the strongest leg in the team, is far inferior to that of anyone in the player's team.

Even Dai Lian, who has no psychic talent, has exchanged the choice of cultivating psychic powers with adults.

"Yeah!" Wenjie held Langscorpion's hand, feeling for the first time that this elder sister's palm was so cold.

Gu Lan, Gong Yan and Dai Lian formed a circle, standing on the outside and joining hands to face the impact of those roaring shadows. Everyone held hands with each other. This was the only way for them to avoid being scattered in this strange place.

At the same time, under the leadership of Gu Lan, they could also move a few steps when the faint light in the distance occasionally lit up.

Facing the impact of endless shadows around him, a small flag was tightly held in Gong Yan's hand. A faint spiritual light that could cover the entire team shrouded everyone's body, providing weak protection.

Gu Lan moved the long sword, and the sword edge with spiritual energy could occasionally shake away one or two incoming shadows.

In addition, endless shadows almost go in and out of their bodies. Each time they go in and out, they will be judged by their will and decide what they will lose - maybe spiritual energy, maybe mobility reserves. , and possibly life.

Their psychic abilities are basically still at the stage of using psychic powers as blue. Only Gong Yan and Gu Lan can use a little bit of the skills derived from their psychic talents.

As the two parties rushed in both directions, they quickly merged with each other.

When they saw that the targets were only five "ordinary people", both Killoran and Murphy were slightly startled.

But he did not show any displeasure or disappointment. Murphy even smiled brightly at the five people enthusiastically, "It's okay. You guys have been saved. Follow me and I will take you out!"

This was the feeling that the adult brought to him at that time, which made him feel so warm and secure.

Murphy will never forget this feeling in his life, and he subconsciously imitates it when facing others.

When they saw that the people who saved themselves and others were just two big children, Dai Lian, Gu Lan and others looked stunned.

This is different from what they imagined...

However, seeing this child making an adult-like declaration, the five of them couldn't help but feel a little trust.

‘Perhaps, these two people are really capable? ’

‘That’s right, how can the core building of such a big city not have a few experts in charge? It’s these two masters, they don’t look very tall...’

"Follow me." Murphy waved his sword and turned to walk in a certain direction.

He trusts the combat skills used by a certain figure more and more, and he seems to feel more relaxed when facing the phantom.

With each slash, a large space can be easily cut out to eliminate the devil's aura.

With Murphy opening the way, Kilolan, who was wearing a light mask, suddenly felt much more relaxed.

The moment he glanced at the people following him, Kilolan paused slightly and looked at the thing in Gong Yan's hand that held up a strip of cloth with an iron rod.

The moment he saw that thing, his keen psychic talent analyzed all the details of the target.

After hesitating for a moment, Kilolan concentrated on casting a spell. With his spiritual energy concentrated, a ball of light floated out from above his head.

The warm light was like a veil of light, gently covering everyone present.

Players have the most obvious awareness of this ability. The next moment they are shrouded in light, the will judgment rate caused by the shadow's impact on them is significantly lower, the probability of judgment failure is also significantly reduced, and the previously lost psychic energy, Mobility reserves, including health points, etc., are slowly restored under the illumination of this light ball.

With the more advanced ability, the small flag in Gong Yan's hand suddenly looked dim.

Feeling this sudden power, everyone looked at the weak-looking girl in surprise.

Dai Lian exclaimed in a low voice, "So fierce!"

"Indeed..." Gu Lan looked at the ball of light floating above everyone's heads, and then at the small flag in Gong Yan's hand, "NPCs are fierce."

The light ball not only protected everyone from the impact of the shadow more effectively, but also illuminated an area around us to a certain extent.

Even those pervasive black demonic auras are as difficult to invade as if they encounter some enchantment when encountering the light cast by the light ball.

Under the light ball, even their vision into the black fog seemed a little clearer.

With the auxiliary blessing of Kilolan behind him, Murphy was more like a god of war for a while, striding forward in the chosen direction, with an exciting and inspiring voice.

"The exit is just ahead, let's get out of here first!"


The simple door was slammed open, and the monster that seemed to be wandering at the door was visibly startled when he saw the stranger who suddenly appeared in front of him.

And this is also the first time players have seen the true form of the devil——

The red demon is tall and tall, with long and muscular thighs, a slender waist, strong chest muscles, and curved horns on his forehead.

Her posture sways as she walks, as graceful as a dancing girl, which can easily arouse the endless desires in human hearts.

"So lustful..."

"But it's so weird..."

"Don't get involved with them! The real battlefield is on the first floor! There is a hole below! Jump down!" Murphy took the lead and headed straight for the irregular hole in the center of the hall.

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