Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 416: Sword-faced Beast

Dai Lian, who was wearing a slim-fitting outfit hanging on the stone wall, grinned at the orc vanguard when they reached a safe but sufficient distance and raised a middle finger. The sarcasm in his smile was obvious.

Human faces can show a variety of subtle expressions. Even if they all look the same in the eyes of orcs, they can clearly convey the emotions they want to express.

The meaning of sarcasm and ridicule was obvious. Witnessing this provocative meaning, the pioneer orcs suddenly accelerated a bit faster like crazy.

The "waaaagh" he shouted wildly could not be said to be anger or excitement.

Looking at the approaching orc brigade, Dai Lian finally looked back at the direction in which Wang Wenbo was running away.

The figure has disappeared...

Draw out the arrows and string the bow.

Aiming at the straight line where the victor was, where the orcs were the densest, Dai Lian charged up the bow string, and the limited spiritual energy he had just achieved in his cultivation turned into an endless source of power, pouring into the arrow held in his hand.

After a slight accumulation of energy, the powerful shot suddenly came out of the string and hit Huanglong!

"call out!"

The arrows whipped up strong winds, causing a green rain of blood to fill the sky.

Thin pieces of green flesh and blood slowly and messily drifted down in the air passed by the strong wind. Through the large hole in the chest that was opened in front of him, the Sword-faced Wolf could clearly see the human in black in the distance.

It's him!

It's him!

A warm breath began to rise in his body, which was not originally excited.

Although all humans looked the same in his eyes, he remembered this feeling...the scenery of this arrow.

It was for this human opponent that he worked hard to practice his knife-throwing skills, wondering if he could rely on his own flying knives to counter the opponent's archery skills.

He wants to defeat that human!

And he also gave himself a name - Sword Faced Wolf, hoping that one day he could stand in front of that human being and tell him that he was different from other boys! You are special!

While practicing, he also wandered around in the wilderness, trying to meet the only human being that he could remember again.

However... after searching a large area, he could not find that human again. Among all the small human tribes he asked, no one said they knew about this strong human who used bows and arrows.

Of course, the sword-faced beasts would never dare to approach those big human cities.

After leaving a message to those small human tribes, "When you see that strong man in the future, remember to tell him that the Saber-faced Wolf is looking for him," the Saber-faced Wolf decisively left.

During the wandering around, they failed to discover the strong human being first, and accidentally met up with another large orc tribe. Naturally, they had to decide a new boss.

Among the orcs, undoubtedly only the fists can speak.

Although the battle was difficult, luckily he won.

This kind of internal battle is certainly exciting, but it always feels like something is missing.

And when the familiar arrow appeared in front of him again, the sword-faced beast finally knew where the feeling that he had always felt that something was missing in the internal struggle came from.

Danger, excitement, and the sharp blade scratching his face made him feel even more excited.

"I'm coming!" The sword-faced beast, who was almost crazy with excitement, instantly changed his somewhat uninterested behavior and started running in the direction of Dai Lian.

"Get out of the way!" The boys blocking the road along the way were easily overturned by the big green hands.

Dai Lian could only see a tornado of sand and dust rushing towards him from a distance.

"..." Dai Lian, who had just shot an arrow, was about to use the distance to shoot another arrow to gain some experience. In the blink of an eye, he realized that his arrow seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest.

The orc who looked like the leader and was also the largest in the orc brigade suddenly accelerated and rushed toward where he was at an incredible speed.

As Big Feet ran, the ground shook slightly, so much so that several pieces of red rock beside him rolled down the mountain.

Not caring about shooting another arrow, Dai Lian put away his long bow and turned around and ran away.

The number of hundreds of people on the other side is not something he can handle with just one bow. Even if an adult were to encounter so many orcs charging head-on, he would probably have to get out of the way.

The existence of military forces in the game shows that the power of the strong in this world is ultimately limited. As long as there are enough, miscellaneous soldiers can kill the so-called "strong".

Not to mention that these orcs are by no means mere soldiers. Taken alone, they can probably be regarded as elite combat forces among humans.

Dai Lian, who has never seen a truly advanced battle situation in this game world, can only make some judgments and imaginations in his mind based on his only current knowledge. In his understanding, what he saw on the black street that day was about the greedy demon coming to the world. One battle is all he knows about advanced battle situations.

But that is just a situation where two or three arbitration office executives, who are almost the elite of the human elite, can barely maintain a stalemate. Speaking of which, the last young lady executive officer arrived belatedly. If the three executive officers had been there from the beginning, Together, I'm afraid that fear demon won't even be able to hurt anyone.

Now facing monsters that are all elites, Dai Lian, who is alone, has no idea of ​​​​confrontation.

The ground was rugged, and Dai Lian's physical fitness, reflexes and other attributes were quite good. He was at least far ahead among the players. However, facing the orc leader who had been "promoted" several times, it was still a bit unsatisfactory.

Even without looking back, Dai Lian could feel the chasing footsteps behind him getting closer and closer to him.

There is no room for escape in the wilderness.

This is also the core reason why almost all human beings are unwilling to stay away from urban life. Even if they are not behind those steel city walls, as long as they lean back, they will immediately be covered by steel gun turrets, and the aliens will give way.

You will only leave unless you have to, so you can only gamble on your luck not to be discovered by the aliens.

But right now, luck is clearly not on the player's side.

"Oh shit!"

Dai Lian's eyes quickly scanned the terrain around him. As he ran, he quickly projected several small objects out with his wrist, and several simple small traps were set up in an instant.

As his proficiency in traps increased, the types of traps that Dai Lian could lay out, including the time for making traps, were greatly shortened. More importantly, he gained the ability to make portable trap devices.

It may feel better than nothing, but this is all the preparation Dai Lian can do.

The distance that Dai Lian opened first and his not-so-slow running speed were not inferior to most of the orcs. Only the pursuing orc leader could quickly close the distance.

And during the pursuit before and after, the orc group behind them became farther and farther away from the two of them.

This opportunity to place an order is a fleeting opportunity.

As long as this orc can be seriously injured, the remaining orcs will probably not be able to catch up with him.

After thinking about this, Dai Lian, who devoted himself to the battle itself, began to rehearse all possible battle situations in his mind and make corresponding considerations in advance.

The trap is best to buy yourself a few seconds...

The remaining psychic energy is enough for him to shoot the strongest blow he can...

The arrow just now failed to reach the orc leader because of the distance. As long as the opponent was hit by his arrow without dodging, even the leader of the orcs would not be able to withstand this coming from his own family. Your Excellency's profound archery skills.

While setting up the trap, Dai Lian once again took off the long bow he was carrying.

He seemed to be running away in panic, but he suddenly turned around and shot the opponent with an arrow.

The reason why a trap is a trap lies in its concealment and suddenness.

My little move just now may have been hidden from the other party's eyes, but in order to prevent close observation from seeing the flaw, I must attract the other party's attention head-on.

"call out!"

The arrow shot through the air and landed on the armor.

With a "ding" sound, the powerful fine iron arrow instantly deformed and bent, falling feebly to the ground.

[Your attack hits the target, but fails to penetrate the target's armor. 】


No response.

Dai Lian's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this scene.

The orcs' armor didn't look too thick, and was even ridiculously simple. They had already seen this when they were watching.

However, right now... my full-force shooting under normal conditions went to waste without even the slightest feedback.

Is there another mystery to these orcs' equipment?

But it has nothing to do with the present.

The goal has been achieved, and the orc leader who was shot in the chest by an arrow obviously failed to discover the trap he had set in advance.

The green figure that strode over was instantly captured and restrained by the spitting silk net. The extremely tough silk thread was both strong and elastic, making it difficult for the orc leader to open it immediately.

This is the opportunity!

Dai Lian's eyes were cold, and he stood on a stone about half a meter above the ground and drew the bow string again. The familiar wind blew around the arrow body again.

The eyes of the orc leader Sword Faced's eyes rose slightly as he noticed that he was familiar with Qi.

The fear of the past was mixed with the challenging mentality of yearning for the strong, making him feel both expectation and fear.

I don't know why, but in the last two encounters including this one, the intimidating power of this arrow is far less terrifying than the first encounter.

After fleeing in panic last time, he has been trying to find the real owner to verify. the opportunity!

After becoming proficient, the charging time of powerful shooting is not very long, but there is an obvious pause at a speed that is obviously abnormal compared to normal shooting, and then it suddenly attacks.


The wind roared loudly, and arrows shot out like dragons.


The sound was like a bell resounding in Dai Lian's ears.

Dai Lian shot an arrow and looked in the direction in front of him with some disbelief. The target orc's chest where it was hit was completely intact. Only the armor that originally didn't look thick was carved out with an obvious hole under the arrow. Semi-circular grooves, and cracked miserably.

The belated reminder slowly slid across the panel——

[Your attack hits the target, but fails to penetrate the target's armor. 】's okay.

How can it be! ?

This is the first existence he has encountered that can resist this arrow without being injured.

The orcs we met last time were just "immortal" and used their recovery power to show off their evil. This time, the orc leader is the truly terrifying enemy!

If even the strongest attack that he and others can unleash cannot break through the defense, then Dai Lian will no longer be able to imagine a plan to defeat the enemy.


Will we have to wait for 3 days soon?

Death in the game does not make players feel sincere fear, but I would really die without playing "Galaxy OL" QAQ

"That's it?" The sword-faced beast waved his hand and patted his chest, his eyes a little confused.

Apart from a slight feeling of boredom, he no longer felt any fatal threat.

The sense of danger that felt like a knife blade passing through my neck during the first two encounters was completely gone.

Is the opponent getting weaker?

Or have you become stronger?

Or... not a single person?

Human beings are keen to pass on the knowledge they possess to other individuals who may not even know them. Similar skills may be learning goals for them.

But archery skills are considered absolutely special even in the eyes of Sword-faced Horseshoes. There are very few individuals among humans who use archery skills.

Even if they are not the same person, the human in front of him must know the strong human from the beginning!

"Da da da da da~"

There was a brisk sound not far away, and submachine gun fire came from a distance to support them.

However, bullets with erratic trajectories can hardly cause any real damage.

Dai Lian looked in the direction where the sound came from, only to see a group of players dressed up in various colors running quickly from a distance, laughing and joking.

"Sheng Yan asked us to help you."

"Da da da da da~"

"Let's kill these beasts!"

"Da da da da da~"

Gunshots sounded together with the shouts, and the players' voices were extremely excited mixed with the roar of weapons.

They were born in Gray Iron City and had not seen much of the world. Normally, there would be no scenes of such lavish fighting.

It’s not easy to meet someone once, and I’m so excited that I can’t help myself.

And in fact, Dai Lian's proposal is not unfeasible.

Some brave players wanted to touch the orcs, but it happened that the transfer of the brigade took time.

Sacrificing a few people in exchange for the survival of more people is undoubtedly the wisest choice.

"Focus on this big guy, let's kill him!"

"At first glance, he looks like a little BOSS. He will definitely gain a lot of experience."

A small number of the twenty or thirty players who were approaching quickly were "sniping" at the orc group approaching in the distance, and almost all the rest focused their fire on the sword-faced beast.

They brought almost all the firearms in the team with them, and the officials taught them to keep in mind that firepower is king in the early stages of the game.

As the bullet shells bounced, the sound of "ding, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong" could be heard.

"What a noise!" The sword-faced snarl frowned and reached out his hand to take out a hidden sword from his waist.

To a human, a weapon that looks like a semi-large knife is as small as a dagger to an orc. With a flick of the hand, the player who comes to help is instantly strung into a gourd.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The leader, whose face was full of excitement, lowered his head blankly and saw the big hole in his chest.

[The player "Ma Xiaohou" has died...]

[The player "Ye Gaocen" has died...]

[Player "Han Yuan" has died...]

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