Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 389 Entering the battle alone

The emerging changes forced Baie to make a decision quickly——

Perhaps the Hive Lord sent reinforcements after learning that its expansion team was attacked by humans, or perhaps it guessed that humans would come back to stop it and set up an ambush in advance... But in any case, it seems to be more biased towards After the defensive giant insects arrive, it will be even more difficult to kill the giant insect that is firing under their cover.

The only thing that can give Bai E a certain degree of confidence may come from the explosion rate prompt panel——

【? ? ? (Zerg) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Definitely (Zerg Essence Extract*2000, 6000 combat experience points); High probability (Learning: High Pressure Filling); Possible (Learning: High Strength Material synthesis)]

His lucky strike is not fully charged and cannot be used, but this does not prevent Bai E from making a rough judgment on the situation through the information brought by this panel.

Whether it is the experience in the dropped items or the dropped items themselves, it means that this giant beast only looks huge in size, but its actual level is far less than that of the "Dominator".

No matter how big it is, no matter how powerful the destructive power it can cause, it is only at the level of an elite monster.

The opponent's destructive ability may be powerful, but perhaps all its abilities only stop there.

The only trouble is that it is under the cover of the Zerg army.

"team leader……"

"Are we going to support the rear?"


The voices of teammates rang out one after another in the voice channel.

Before the official confrontation with the Zerg behemoth, the other four team members piloting mechas were already feeling the pressure brought by the insect tide.

Not to mention that now there are three giant beasts coming quickly, intending to join the battlefield.

It was their first time to pilot a mecha onto the battlefield, and they felt uneasy. Some of them remained silent, but the clear sound of swallowing saliva could be heard from the channel with the mic turned on.

Low morale.

The successive accidents made them feel hesitant, and the confusion about their own combat power and that of their opponents made them particularly confused about the battle situation.

Fortunately, the order from the rear commander sounded in time, "Stop the four new unknown giant beasts as much as possible, and we will clear the area as soon as possible to provide support."

"Received." Bai E responded instantly.

Turning to his teammates, "Go forward at full speed, and be sure to kill the cannon-shaped giant beast before the three red giant beasts arrive. The rear group is under attack, and we are the only hope to break the situation!"

When the voice fell, Bai E didn't hesitate anymore.

Most of the time, the descriptions in the missions are not without purpose. If the killing operation of their mechanized combat team cannot be successful in a short period of time, perhaps the entire operation launched against the Zerg expansion will not be successful.

Whether you can quickly kill the monster with fierce firepower is the absolute core of this battle.

"Tsk! Tsk!"

The sound of jets sounded from various mechanically driven valves, and Rose, who had almost the same mind as Bai E, instantly increased the intensity of her operation.

Endless instructions were issued one after another, and the mecha controlled by Bai and E suddenly broke away from the team and shot out like an arrow.


The chasm between the sea of ​​insects seemed to be only one step away.

"What are you doing?" came the roar from the superior commander in the headset.

"Behead." Bai E's calm voice remained calm, even though now his hands were flying so fast that they were about to turn into phantoms.

"Who asked you to leave the team?"

The army is different from those special warfare agencies in the city. It never advocates individual bravery.

Only the precise cooperation between comrades can defeat enemies that must be defeated one after another.

If you want to achieve this level, first... you can only have one brain.

Even if the brain's decisions are not the best at certain times, as long as everyone works together, they can often create miracles.

A soldier with excessive self-awareness is never liked by any commander.

Not to mention facing insects, who dares to say that he can fight alone without the support of his teammates?

If you go into battle alone, you will get nothing.

"This is the only way to win this battle."


The harsh noise in the headset made the mecha commander angrily pull off the headset, "Fuck!"

He had long heard that among this batch of regular pilots there was a pair of genius pilots who could even be spotted by the Lords of the Mechanical Tribunal, and he was delighted that he could lead such people on an expedition.

But in the first contact, the performance of this pair of pilots was really terrible.

"What's wrong?" The commander-in-chief looked over with a pair of majestic eyes with deep decree lines and asked in a low voice.

It is he who makes the judgment on the shape of the battle situation.

The reason why the mechanized combat team prefers conservative actions is because they can retreat safely even if the action fails.

In a clearing operation that was only intended to train pilots, as many as two or four unknown Zerg beasts appeared at the same time. This encounter far exceeded the expectations of their military headquarters. Even if they failed to retreat, there was nothing wrong with them. Word.

On the contrary, it would be irresponsible to the entire city if too much manpower is wasted for this doomed war.

As for the territory where the Zerg are expanding again?

He believes that mankind will be the final winner in the end!

Faced with the commander-in-chief's inquiry, the mecha commander replied with anger still in his voice: "He ignored military orders and acted without permission!"

After a moment of silence, he added: "I have taken over the command of the other combat personnel and asked them to stay where they are for the time being."

"He's confident?"

If he could win, the commander-in-chief would not want to return with a defeat.


in silence.

The question is whether the pilot who made the decision privately has the confidence, and those who dare to make a guarantee at this moment will have to bear the bet themselves.

No one dares to guarantee it.

The commander-in-chief squinted his eyes, and his short, gray beard showed a hint of hesitation.


Or seeking stability?

Bai E?

He has always heard of this name.

Born as an artificial human, he has completed a transition that no artificial person has been able to complete before, and has become a being with the same opportunities as natural people.

And not only did he win the respect of Carlos, but Hamilton, who regarded artificial humans as dirt, also praised him full of praise.

Even Deva, the main force of the neutral faction, seems to have good intentions toward him.

He has performed well in many operations he has participated in before. In a short period of time, he has accomplished feats that other soldiers could never imagine in a lifetime, and thus he can directly exchange his military achievements for a precious and incomparable genetic optimization fluid.

Of course, geniuses are conceited sometimes, and the regrets they cause are often far greater than those of mediocrity.

But when you believe in those shining geniuses, you can often create extremely dazzling miracles.

"Order the mechanized combat team..." the commander-in-chief said slowly, "Full speed support! I believe that our soldiers will never let down his homeland."

The mecha commander was stunned for a moment, then suddenly responded, "Yes! Sir!"


The heat wave of the flamethrower suddenly surged out from the arms, and the high temperature in the core burned those tenacious bugs that used bone blades to jam the gaps to prevent themselves from leaving the body, so that they fell from the mecha's legs like raindrops. .

The mecha flipped through it in the air, and the charred insect corpses fell all over the floor.

This is the insect's last line of defense. Of course Bai'e cannot allow his body to be decapitated carrying all this burden.

One step further forward is the cannon-shaped giant beast, and further away, three red giant beasts are still striding towards them.

The movement is slow, but the strides are huge.

[... Countdown: 2 minutes and 17 seconds. 】

Glancing at the mission countdown on the panel, Bai E knew that the real combat time left for him was far less than this.


The sword was unsheathed, and the metal sword, also made of eight-element alloy, reflected the sharp light in the sunlight.

An ordinary cannon worm that was close to the ground turned its muzzle, and aimed its single biological cannon barrel at the behemoth that was just around the corner, with worm-like cannonballs jumping in it.


The sword flashed past, and the insect's body was split into two.

The heavy machine gun on the shoulder began to rotate, and the raging tongues of fire sent out a fierce metal storm. The endless tide of worker insects and bee insects opened a path of flesh and blood in front of the blue and white painted mecha, and the metal The fighter plane fell lightly from the sky...

The mecha in actual combat status is far more than the meager weapons and equipment that everyone trained with. Countless weapons of mass destruction have armed this indomitable Titan-class mecha to the teeth.

Rolling forward, the long knife he extended was already sweeping towards the lower limbs of the giant beast that was trying to avoid it.


The sword slashed across him, causing blood to flow from his lower limbs.

[The basic Titan-class armed mecha you drive uses skillful weapon attacks to hit the target, and the "Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm" experience +1. 】

[Causes 50 points of slashing damage to the target! 】

[The current "Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm" experience is 218/2000. When it reaches 2000 points, you can master "Specialty - Mechanical Rhythm (Level 5/7)". 】

[Based on your attack effect, you obtain the following information——]

【? ? ? (Zerg): HP 2350 (+5/S)/3000; defense: 500 (100); attack power (type: strike) 1000~? ? ? ; Trait: Behemoth Template, Trait: Thickened Armor, Trait: Symbiotic Weapon - Rupture Cannon, Trait: Tissue Absorption; Mobility: 10%...]

The behemoth had already suffered quite a few injuries, and the previous unified salvoes of the military's V3 rocket cars were not as useless as they seemed on the surface.

But under the giant beast, Bai E saw many shriveled corpses of worker insects and bees.

No matter from the injury analysis or from the memory, Bai E can be sure that it was not the work of himself...or the missile cluster launched by the V3 rocket car.

Then it can only be the giant beast itself... The characteristic called "tissue absorption" absorbs the biomass in the nearby small bugs and converts it into the substances it needs to restore its own health.

Unfortunately, the opponent's health is constantly recovering, but fortunately... this is an opponent that can be defeated.

The explosion rate panel can only show the approximate level of the opponent, and actual battle information is required for Bai E to analyze how to defeat the opponent.

For the first time, the behemoth's defense showed two levels of defense, one 100 and one 500.

It is obvious that the difference in defense between the back and lower limbs is too large, which is why this special prompt is given, which is also in line with everyone's observations of the giant beast.


Facing Bai E who rushed towards him, the giant beast did not sit still and wait for death.

Only when I rushed closer did I discover that the pair of arm-like joints closest to the head of the giant beast each had a biological structure that looked like a gun.

At this moment, the biological muzzles were aimed at the mechas driven by Bai E and Rose, and two large pools of khaki pus suddenly spurted out.


The corroded sound instantly sounded from the right thigh of the mecha. Even if Bai E reacted immediately, the mecha's huge size still made it difficult for him to completely dodge.


A not-so-sharp beep reminded in the cockpit that the power of the corrosive acid was obviously not as terrifying as the Behemoth's other attack method - the rupture cannon. Facing the top material that humans can currently create - the eight-element alloy is only A certain degree of erosion can be achieved.

Tiny worms surged in the mucus, trying to drill deeper into the mecha.

Slightly, but tirelessly.

"Don't worry about the acid."

Bai E glanced at the information displayed on the control panel of the mecha in front of him and made a decision instantly.

It's not that the body can be completely immune, but that within a few minutes, the acid cannot have enough impact on the mecha to interfere with its actions.

And these few minutes are the key to determining the outcome of this war.


The sword swung across the space.

Bai E aimed at the injured lower limb of the giant beast. The flesh and blood there was scorched black, and it was obvious that it had suffered a lot of damage in the previous bombing.

However, the sword passed by and was slightly deflected.

The white lower limbs are also the weak point of the giant beast, but the undamaged chitin armor also has the defensive capabilities it should have.

Even though it couldn't completely defend against the sword's slashes, it still mitigated a lot of damage.

[Your attack causes 30 points of slashing damage to the target! 】

"Off the way?" Rose asked subconsciously with some strangeness.

In her mind, Baie never makes mistakes at critical moments.

"Yeah." Bai E frowned and found the reason——

No matter how much the mecha looks like a human body, it is not a human body after all.

Controlling weapons through a layer of external objects is always not as direct as oneself.

There is always a strange sense of alienation in the hand that controls the mecha and holds the sword. The angle, direction, and strength of the sword are also erratic and difficult to accurately grasp.

It's usually enough to bully other pilot teammates who are also novices, but when it comes to the real battlefield and you need to grasp the slightest chance, you can't be trusted at all.

Among them, the low conversion rate of mechanical rhythm is certainly an important reason, but Bai'e himself only has level 2 light weapons specialization, which also limits his current performance.

With a flash of his eyes, Bai E added some words silently in his heart -

[Payment: 1412 combat experience points. 】

[Have learned "Level 4 Light Weapons Specialization" and simultaneously obtained potential repair points*2. 】

[Light Weapons Specialization (Level 4): Attack Speed ​​+12%, Armor Breaking +4%, Detection (Special) +2%. 】

[It is detected that the character currently has light weapons specialization (level 4), and the advanced skill tree is unlocked: Magic Blade, Ethereal Dance. 】

[Current unlocking requirements: general/combat experience*1000 (cost doubled for each additional skill of the same level unlocked), latent repair points*2 (fixed). 】

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