Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 370 Invitation from the Mechanical Court

Flying kick in the air, golden hook hanging upside down, twisting and sweeping, short body and sweeping, quickly drawing the gun, double swallow return...

Countless extremely difficult movements that are completely different from basic training are displayed one by one. The connection between each group of movements is not smooth, and there are many stumbling points in the completion of a single movement.

Just like the video lag played by an ancient video tape, there are many subtle inconsistencies in the performance of the machine, so the effect is not very good, and some places even look a bit funny.

But no matter what, every action was at least completed completely, even if the completion was quite rough.

In the basic training, there is only one operation called Yan Hui that can be said to be more difficult. However, when placed in this set of advanced movements, it is just the foundation of the basics.

The instructor, who could not see the internal operation screen and could only see the external performance, was a little nervous and carefully glanced at the face of the mechanical court master next to him.

He didn't know what this kind of performance meant in the eyes of the other party, and whether it reached the red line in the other person's mind.

Until a faint smile appeared on that iron-gray face, the instructor's heart was instantly excited.


This was the first special expression he saw on the face of this Lord from the Mechanical Court.

"grown ups?"

"Well done." House nodded with satisfaction, "Bring them to see me."

Only he understands the difficulty involved. Behind every barely completed movement is an instant of high-intensity command output.

A few wrong orders do not affect the completion of the overall movements. This is already a big surprise. As for the connection between each movement is not as smooth as the video... If you can do it to that level in the first time, Hao Sidney felt like he had seen a ghost.

He didn't expect a pair of new pilots who were exposed to this advanced technology for the first time to complete actions that were considered a feat in their mechanical court.

And in fact, learning or being familiar with these advanced moves is only a threshold for becoming an advanced pilot. Choosing the right response at the right time, and being able to skillfully complete a complete set of subtle changes of moves, is a pair of real aces. What a pilot must do.

Just learning the movements is still very early.

But that's not important. Training can never bring ace. Only actual combat can cultivate real elites.

Having already proven their potential, they have enough time to slowly move towards that step. This time, the military camp's main pilot assessment finally provided a pair of relatively good candidates!

Well worth it!

What's more, they still have the biggest hardware upgrade yet to be completed...

House was even more satisfied when he saw a pair of pilots in front of him, a handsome man and a woman with extraordinary looks and tall and stylish physiques.

As a human being, you should pursue perfection. Only perfection can save the world.

Those who have excellent looks and physiques are much better from a genetic level.

"First of all, congratulations on joining the reserve team of our Mechanical Court." House got straight to the point, without any hesitation.

Any organization attaches great importance to outstanding talents.

"Ah?" Bai E and Rose looked at each other. The information they received was not enough for them to make such a wide-ranging prediction.

I just feel confused about the development that directly connects with the mechanical court.

The instructor told everyone that adults from the Mechanical Tribunal will come to inspect today, but he didn’t say that they would be recruiting people on the spot?

So careless?

The action just now was not done well either...

Rose murmured to herself, being particularly concerned about her performance just now.

While Bai E had already shouldered most of the operating pressure, she also made many small mistakes, which made her quite unwilling.

Try a few more times! Her performance will definitely get better after a few more attempts!

And isn’t it still some time before other pilots complete the basic training assessment? Why did you call yourself here in advance?

Before Bai E and Mei Mei came out of this unexpected situation, the instructor on standby already said with an overjoyed face: "Thank you, sir!"

Mr. House didn't get angry with him beforehand, so he directly announced it at this time, which was indeed a big surprise for him.

Among the reserve pilots he brought out, there were a pair of pilots who were directly favored by the Mechanical Tribunal. Their military achievements and evaluations have not taken off yet?

Their instructors have little opportunity to go to the battlefield. If they want military success, they can only work harder on talent reserves.

Make a lot of money this time!

Of course Bai E doesn't mind establishing connections with the big forces in the city. It would be best to expand his network to every corner of the city. In the future, when he needs to control at least 51% of the real power, he will have more people to support him, right?


"My lord just said it was...the reserve team?"

Reserve team... reserve team...

And TM is the reserve team.

The reserve team of regular pilots in the military camp just rushed out, and turned around to enter the reserve team of the Mechanical Court.

Bai E is not afraid of tests, but this kind of unsettled unknown always makes people uneasy.

"Don't worry, the reserve team is only a temporary stage." House, who had always been cold-faced towards the newcomers who might become colleagues in the future, now also had a calm smile on his face, and mentioned a seemingly unreasonable person in a firm voice. A related topic, "In the operation just now, you must have felt that the difficulty was about to reach the limit, right?"

"That's right." Rose has deep experience with this. Although she doesn't know why the same starting point Bai E seems to be mastered directly, but for her, those extremely complicated operations seem to have reached the upper limit of her ability.

There are limits to human abilities.

"This is because your connection with the machine is not strong enough."


Facing the doubtful looks of the two newcomers, House smiled lightly and explained, "You have always been native human beings..."




Looking at the strange expressions of the three people in front of him, House frowned slightly, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no." The instructor waved his hand immediately.

The fact that Bai E and Rose were born as artificial humans has been sealed up by the higher authorities. They are native natural persons... But at this moment, I still feel a little strange when I hear outsiders specifically point out this point.

Of course, according to House's definition of native people, there is no difference between natural people and artificial people.

The only difference between the two is the form of growth: one grows up step by step from the mother's womb, while the other starts from fertilized egg cells and is accelerated by machines and leaves the cabin directly as a teenager.

But essentially they all belong to the category of biological definition of human beings, and belong to the definition of native human beings in House's mouth.

"..." House looked at the weird expressions on the three people's faces with a slightly strange look, and continued to explain without caring, "Your thinking and nerves are accustomed to the will control of the original human body. You have no idea how to control machinery. There is always a natural barrier between battles, and only by truly embracing the machine can you fully control it."

The top Mechanical Tribunal pilots who can truly use advanced movements in actual combat all use technology to closely connect themselves with machines. Of course... pilots who have not completed mechanical transformation will not be truly accepted by the Mechanical Tribunal. This may be A false proposition, or perhaps...a lesson they learned through experience in the long past.

But for Bai E, he was reluctant.

He frowned slightly and asked softly, "Do I have to use machinery to transform my body?"

"Of course." House said without thinking. In his opinion, everyone should celebrate and cheer when they hear the news. It is really a mechanical transformation with benefits and no side effects. That is a field that is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people. "This is a path that reaches the sky. Smooth road! The so-called exercise plans and genetic optimization that you were once so proud of are all a joke in front of it. As long as you can complete all the mechanical transformations, you will have unparalleled power in an instant!"

As he spoke, House stamped his right foot, and the cracked patterns immediately spread out from the center of the ground under his feet, showing his powerful strength.

He proudly displays his power, which is the powerful charm of a perfectionist mechanically transformed body.

It's a pity that Bai E doesn't agree with it very much.

It was also a transformation, similar to Nova's biochemical transformation, but Bai'e was easier to accept.

As for replacing one's own body with a mechanical structure... I can't agree with that.

After all, this is a road of no return.

Machinery can be obtained at any time, but it is not easy to get your original body back once it is lost.

Bai E really doesn't know what the strongest development route in this world is, but transforming into a mechanical body is a road of no return. With infinite possibilities, he doesn't want his development route to be abandoned in this period of limited vision. Determined to die early.

Even if it later turns out that mechanical transformation is the way to go, it won’t be too late to join in when the time comes.

Bai E considered his tone and thought about how to express his thoughts without losing face, "What if there is no mechanical transformation?"

He didn't want to directly reject the other party's "good intentions". As a warlord, he wanted to make good friends with any force he could come into contact with. Even if everyone couldn't go on the same road, at least they could establish a good relationship. Base.

So House naturally substituted the meaning he understood, "You said the transformation failed?"

Then he waved his hand, "There are very few cases of transformation failure. Only those who are extremely resistant to mechanical structures and whose nerves are extremely sensitive to the presence of electronic components will instinctively reject the mechanical transformation of the body, leading to surgical failure. But this is also the case. The meaning of our reserve force’s existence. If the transformation fails, then naturally you will no longer be able to join our Mechanical Court.”

They only want perfect warriors, and any imperfection is a blasphemy against machinery.

"What if... you don't want to carry out mechanical transformation?"

Bai E swore that his tone was extremely cautious, but it still seemed to offend the other party's inverse scale.

The faint smile on House's iron-grey face instantly disappeared. His entire face was as black as a piece of iron, and even the gaps between his teeth were filled with cold air. , "You mean, you are unwilling to carry out mechanical transformation?"

Facing the other party's staring gaze, Bai E still had the courage to admit, "That's what I mean."

'broken! ’ The instructor who was listening on the side felt a thump in his heart and immediately wanted to make amends, “Sir, that’s not what he meant!”

"..." House didn't say anything, but suddenly raised his palm, interrupting his words.

He looked at Bai E's face for a few seconds, then looked at Rose again, "What about you?"

Since we are working together with pilots who have the same talent, it would be fine if we can get one. At worst, we can go back and find a partner for her. With such a sassy and stunning female pilot, I think there are many brats in the court who are quite willing to come.

Rose did not hesitate and glanced at Bai E, "I will listen to him."

"...Okay. Very good." House nodded his head, his tone was calm and there was no trace of emotion or anger, "This is the first time I have seen pilots like you who are not enterprising."

The other party's tone was neither serious nor serious, so Bai E also asked calmly: "How can you see it?"

"Do you think the video I just showed you is easy to execute?" Before Bai E could answer, House sneered and said, "The human body has its limits. Maybe you can gradually become familiar with those complicated tasks through daily training. command group, but in actual combat, you will never have this opportunity, or only for a moment. If you do not complete the mechanical transformation, your end point will stop here. Maybe you think you are very powerful now, but in ten years , Twenty years later, you are still only at this level."

What talent? What kind of talent and intelligence?

In the face of a real barrier, it's all talk.

"But what if we can break through this limit?" Bai E stared at the other party closely.

This Master of the Mechanical Court does not seem to be a grumpy person. He is determined to refuse at the moment, but it is not impossible to leave a little bond that may re-establish the relationship in the future?

"Okay?" House grinned, his natural white lips and teeth reflecting the cold light, "If you can use your native human body to perform those advanced movements at will, you will be the boss of our mechanical court in the future, and I will obey you!"


Are you serious?

Bai E's eyes shone brightly, "Is it a deal?"

"It's a deal!" House smiled. The good seedling he finally saw refused to evolve gloriously. This made him particularly angry, so his emotions became more obvious, "But I can tell you clearly now. Today you rejected the kindness of our Mechanical Court. Even if you regret it in the future, you will never get another chance. We will not accept an imperfect target into the perfect Mechanical Court. This is blasphemy."

If you say this now, do you still want us to change our minds and continue to join the Mechanical Court?

It's quite blasphemous...

Bai E could see clearly that this was his first contact with the people of the Mechanical Court, but it seemed... they didn't seem to be that rigid.

So I packed my bags deeply and said, "I am ashamed of your kindness..."

"Hmph!" House waved his hand, turned and walked away.

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