Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 365 The mission of exploring Gray Iron City

"'s okay." Nova bit her lip and lay down on the cold, mottled and painted surface.

The identity was changed. Bai E, who was being studied by Helen from the Research Institute at the time, was now sitting at the operating table of this physical examination equipment.

Looking at Nova, who was lying in front of him with her eyes closed and her eyelashes trembling slightly, Bai E gently reached out and touched her forehead, and said in a gentle voice, "It's okay, it's just a check."

The warm palm seemed to transfer endless energy, and her original uneasy mood instantly calmed down. Nova tapped her chin and softly replied, "Hmm~"


The old machine made a heavy running sound, but fortunately among the noises, the machine still faithfully completed its supposed mission.

Looking at the newly released physical examination pictures, Bai E's eyes were slightly in a trance.

Physical 17, Insight 16, Reflex 17

Of course, this old machine is not as accurate as the brand-new creation Helen used. It can only give a rough integer approximation, but the overall attributes displayed are still far beyond the scope of ordinary people, and even far beyond Bai E's three-dimensional attributes. .

Nova looks thin, small, and frail, but her own attributes can be said to be incredibly luxurious.

The basic upper limit of 15 points of attributes is for ordinary human bodies. For these modified people who have undergone biochemical transformation, their bodies are no longer within the limits of ordinary human bodies.

The moment he saw the test report, Bai E suddenly felt a little lucky in his heart - fortunately he had taken advantage of his skills, and fortunately this was a special person from Gray Iron City who had not systematically studied too much. Most of them have fighting skills, and their strength relies purely on brutal attributes and instinctive responses. Otherwise, the original battle with her would have been disastrous.

Not just the level of psychic abilities, as long as she learns some practical combat skills, even if she relies solely on her body and weapons, the combat effectiveness that Nova can display will probably be quite terrifying.

This is a super soldier with great potential, but the doctor in Gray Iron City who originally controlled her destiny never designed a "future" for her.

Of course, maybe it's not out of shortsightedness... but precisely because of the foresight that Nova's randomness means that she cannot always be perfectly controlled. Therefore, the stronger the ability she has, the more terrifying the backlash will be. .

Would that doctor give up such an excellent experimental product?

have no idea.

But first you have to work hard to isolate the other party from prying eyes.

Bai E glanced at the scanned image of Nova's body. The structure was quite different from that of a normal human body.

The most obvious thing is that her two stomachs, multiple lungs and second heart, and even her blood and muscles have traces of adjustment and change, which brings a lot of confusion to the judgment of Baie's positioning "tracker".

"I need to try a few times." Bai E looked at Nova.

The knowledge he has mastered is not to know all the knowledge about human body modification once and for all, but what is more satisfying is that it allows Bai E to "master" the method of "learning".

After possessing this knowledge, Bai E can study those abnormal individuals to reversely deduce the technology, thereby judging which effects of those biochemical modification technologies are normal and which effects are abnormal. Finally, he can locate the so-called The "tracker" is located.

"Go get changed."

"Equip anesthesia."

Bai E's preparations were methodical, and while going through all the processes, he did not forget to transfer his knowledge to Gong Yan who was following behind him.

Nova, who had changed into a loose blue and white striped surgical gown, stood in front of Bai E with a shy expression.

The cotton material caressed the body gently, but there was nothing inside.

In those blurry pictures, I was always naked when the knife was used on my body...

At that time, she had almost no concept of "shame" and could get used to it, but now when she thinks about it, she just feels like burying her head in the ground.

But when he thought about the person who was about to see his body was Dabai, his angry and embarrassed mentality was filled with a bit of anticipation.

A pair of eyes carefully glanced at Bai E from under the messy white bangs, full of water.

Bai E's eyes swept over the other person's unexpectedly uneven body, and his expression was almost calm.

Any evil thoughts that arise at this time are blasphemous to both parties.

"Calm down, don't think too much." The psychic shock with the effect of the psychic motto gently swayed out, and Bai E's will was directly transmitted to Nova's mind.

Thoughts will affect the secretion of hormones in the body. Nova has not learned skills such as "self-suppression", so it can easily interfere with the results of observation.

Like an icy cold air coming down instantly, Nova felt herself instantly refreshed, and she responded obediently: "Oh~"

Then he looked dully at the anesthetic prepared in Bai E's hand, "The anesthetic is useless to me..."

"..." Bai E was stunned and looked into Nova's eyes, "Then you used to..."

"It just hurts a little bit...I'm used to it."

"..." Bai E pursed his lips, squeezed the medicine bottle gently in his hand, and then nodded, "I know... I will do it as quickly as possible."



Time passed by, and in the quiet operating room there was only the occasional sound of metal instruments and the occasional sound of prompts from the instruments to keep running.

Finally, Bai E finally locked on the target location - the right side of the chest.

An alien creation as big as a grain of rice and as big as flesh and blood was finally gently picked out by Bai E with tweezers. The target was locked with psychic energy and was trying to send out invisible ripples in circles.

Just like the biomass material is perfectly hidden in Nova's own body, no wonder even Nova's own psychic power cannot detect this little thing.

"That's it!" Nova, whose will had always been awake but whose brows were slightly furrowed, was also keenly aware of the strange aura. She stared at the small object Bai E held with tweezers in surprise.

This thing is my own shackles.

When this thing exists in the body, the shadow of being controlled by others always hangs over my heart and cannot be dissipated.

Now that it has been taken out, I feel that the sky is vast and the earth is vast and free.


The eyebrows beat slightly, like a beating heart.

The spiritual energy jumps, rising and falling.

Psychic power... improved again?

Bai E's eyes turned from the tracker held in the tweezers in his hand to Nova's face in front of him, his face full of disbelief...

Are the talents of these aboriginal geniuses unreasonable?

"Bang!" With gentle force on the hand, the tracker was completely shattered by the directional blast of psychic energy.

Bai E looked at the slightly pale Nova with a smile and offered his blessing, "Congratulations, you are free."

"Hee~" Nova, who had been pressing her lips tightly and causing her lips to become slightly dry, had a smile on her face, which looked extremely bright against the blood-stained gauze everywhere on her body.

Bai E held down Nova who was about to get up and whispered, "There's a lot of blood. You need to rest for a while."

"It's okay, I'll be fine soon."

"No." Bai E exerted a little force on his hand, "Injured people should receive meticulous care. Things are different now. We have to get used to it."

A wandering mind is far more tiring than physical pain. No matter how strong a person is, there are times when he becomes soft.

He liked Nova's personality very much...

"Oh~" Nova blinked, fluttering, and said nothing.

After opening the sealed door and pushing Nova's hospital bed directly to the lounge next door, Bai E took off all his clothes, put on something more normal, and left with Gong Yan.

"Have you learned it?"

"Yeah~" Gong Yan nodded.

"That's good." The player's cheats are as unreasonable as the aborigines' talents.

Although I have both, hehe!

[The "teaching" is over. Through the feedback of the "teaching", you have gained a total of 780 combat experience points and 920 general experience points. 】

"Is there anything you have to do recently?"

During the operation on Nova just now, Bai E also thought of the troubles faced by the two warriors in Gray Iron City——

Stable repair solution.

Nova's endless regeneration ability allowed her to perfectly adapt to the implanted biochemical organs. However, as ordinary people, the two warriors had to endure the backlash of foreign organs from time to time.

The stable repair solution that needs to be injected at a fixed time is their deadlock and must be solved head-on.

There must be nothing similar in Blackwater City. Bai E has never heard of anyone developing technology in this area in the city, so naturally there will be no corresponding "antidote".

In the final analysis, we have to find a solution from Gray Iron City.

If you can’t leave yourself, players should also be curious about the discovery of new maps, a win-win situation!

Bai E decided to leave this matter to the players.

Hearing the adult's question, Gong Yan's eyes lit up and she shook her head fiercely, "No, no!"

"That's good...I just have some things that I have to leave to you."

Bai E found a few players, faced their eager eyes, and told the cause and effect, "The three of them escaped from another city called Gray Iron City..."


The three players looked at each other with clear eyes.

really! As expected, the adult is still the same adult, a professional rag picker.

After being in contact for a long time, they roughly guessed the origin of some Gilders, and probably where the adults picked them up, just like the Rat Man they picked up at the beginning.

Picking up rags everywhere, all they could see were new ones, and none of the original members could be seen.

"That city pursues the trend of forced body modification. They use endless body modification to collect data and improve technology, but the cost is every living life. These three people were resisters dissatisfied with this ban, but they fled in a hurry There are also imprints from that city in the body. Biochemical transformation of the human body is not a perfect technology. The implanted foreign organs will have a fierce conflict with the human body itself. Stable repair fluid is the core material that can alleviate this conflict. It can only be used in That city can get it.”

Having said this, Bai E paused slightly and glanced at the four players in front of him calmly, "So, I need you to take a huge risk and go to that evil city to get enough medicine to temporarily relieve the symptoms. Gene Stabilizing Repair Fluid. I wonder if you are willing to carry out this extremely dangerous task?"


So willing!

The player's eyes sparkled with excitement.

New plot, new missions, new maps!

Although they have not yet explored the main part of Blackwater City, new discoveries that can unlock clues to the new city are always more gratifying.

"We are willing!" Before he could say anything, he was intentionally interrupted by Bai E who continued to speak. He looked at the four of them calmly, deepening the purpose of the organization itself.

"I hope you know that your actions are full of meaning. What we want to save is not only the friends who have become our partners, but also those who are still under the rule of evil. What we need to save is those who are still ruled by evil, so if you are willing to accept it, you must To collect more information about human body modification. You must know that humans are not just in Blackwater City, our future is destined to go to the stars. Before that, we must make all humans our partners!"

Perhaps many times, players only know "Where to go? How many to kill?", but occasionally when they are free, they will also try to analyze the essence behind the details of all the content they see in the game.

Bai E hopes to let them establish "faith" rather than become truly chaotic players, so he needs to deepen the image he has built from time to time.

Kuang Xin, who was completely immersed in the plot, responded suddenly with red eyes, "Yes! Sir!"

Even Dai Lian, who has always been self-conscious and calm, felt his blood boiling under this kind of justice, and his voice trembled, "We are willing! Sir!"

"That's good..." Bai E nodded lightly with satisfaction.

[The commission description is automatically generated...]

[Side mission - Genetic disintegration (combination of combat and resources): The extra organs implanted by biochemical modification surgery torture the body of the modified person all the time. The danger of genetic disintegration may occur at any time. Only the " "Gene Stable Repair Solution" can suspend this confrontation between alien bodies.

Task requirements: Submit "Gene Stable Repair Solution" *0/2~6 (adjustable), time limit: 15 days, 23 hours and 14 minutes.

Mission rewards: 50~200 general experience points (adjustable), technology points*0~1 (adjustable), item rewards (undetermined). 】

(Note: There is a physical submission link. The current commission cannot be "automatically completed" and needs to be "accepted and completed"; after the commission is confirmed and released, the "authority" and "expense" will be deducted and locked.)

[Do you want to publish the current commission? 】

Compared to before, there is an additional time limit.

After all, the onset of genetic disintegration waits for no one. According to the acting captain, their risk of genetic disintegration varies, ranging from six months to a year at most and four to five weeks at least.

Although they had only been injected once before setting off for the last signal base station mission, in terms of the shortest time, they would have to be injected again within a month. Bai E did not dare to take any risks, so it was better to transfer the pressure to the players and stay longer. The few days I came out were a buffer for myself.

If they really can't finish it, they will have to find a way to do it themselves.

But it's more than that...

It was past 12 o'clock in the morning, and the mission qualifications were refreshed. Bai E, who had one more day of mission qualifications, wanted to try some new ideas.

My thoughts were sensed by the panel, and the prompt sounded quietly——

[Would you like to add an additional commission? 】

【yes. 】

[Additional commissions are being automatically generated...]

[Side mission - City of Transformation (combat, resource complex commission): The evil city is full of doubts. You need to collect more information about this city to help the organization liberate this evil city. Note: Information collection can be carried out simultaneously with the prerequisite task, but this task can only be unlocked naturally after completing the prerequisite task - Gene Collapse. 】

That's good.

Bai E nodded with satisfaction and set up the task rewards. Of course...the bulk of them were item rewards. Before his authority increased, the rewards from the panel such as experience and technology points would probably be no match for his own personal pockets.

Then, confirm publishing!

The four players who received the clear mission looked obviously happy. Bai E waved his hand and started to chase them away.

"If nothing happens, you can move around on your own."

"Wait a minute, sir!" Kuang Xin was not dazzled by the new mission. He had been suppressed by psychic powers several times and was unable to raise his head. He already wanted to know the secrets about psychic powers.

Last time I was persuaded by my teammates to ask for advice from an adult, and now was the opportunity.

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