There is a lot of debris in the rear compartment.

We have set a maximum three-day itinerary for this mission. We have carried a lot of logistics supplies such as weapons, ammunition, food and medicine, and they are all piled in this carriage.

Fortunately, they are all packaged and divided into categories, and the planning is reasonable.

Bai E pushed aside the debris and pushed out into a spacious open space, and spread the messy things on hand on the floor of the carriage.

After selecting the corresponding knowledge and technological abilities, the effects that various objects can exert are as instinctive. When holding those things in hand, the objects related to one's own thoughts that you want to create directly jump out in front of you. Explanatory subtitles that directly relate things to things——

[Invalid Information Collection Transmitter (Sensor Type I): This small black round iron piece can inaccurately transmit information such as your vital signs and current location back to a fixed receiving center with a set channel, but Provided it has not been damaged. Now you can only try to take out the configured signal transmitting module, which may be helpful for the ultra-long-distance communication equipment you need to make. 】

Technology is the ability to gather the capabilities of many people for mass production, not to mention the hand rubbing of a single person.

Bai E, who has both information technology and electrical appliance manufacturing capabilities, wants to see if he can use half-finished materials to make a communicator that is enough to contact the city's information receiving base... even if it can only transmit a simple signal.

[You are trying to assemble a machine...]

[Free Creation Mode: You are using your knowledge and ability to try to create something new and unknown to you. According to your knowledge, the current success rate is "low". You can pay a certain price (general/scientific research experience) form to assist you in completing this creation. (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

Stop talking nonsense and just start the fire!

Bai E concentrated his mind and started to take action.

[You are paying general experience to assist your creative attempts... (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

Trying isn't always easy.

Just like the sensor type I in his hand, the instinct given by technology and knowledge only allows Bai E to "know" that a certain module in this thing "might" be useful for his attempts.

The useful components that other small electrical devices can provide are even more confusing.

Even the creative possibility determined by the panel is "low", which means that this hand rubbing is not a simple matter of reading a message.

[You are trying to assemble a machine...]

[You are paying general experience to assist your creative attempts... (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

[Free Creation Mode:...The current success rate is "medium"...]

The carriage shook, but not violently.

Difficulties do not come from the outside. Too many choices and ideas are the key to Bai'e's troubles.

Without relevant experience, he could only try out ideas one by one through exhaustive methods. Fortunately, he had a "progress bar" that could naturally determine whether it was correct or not, so he could always move in the right direction.

Good luck.

The ten teams scattered over a large area are indeed sparsely populated, but on the first day of exploration, everyone has not deviated very far from the initial planned area.

In addition, taking into account the possible encounters and cooperation between the teams, a LAN center installed on each team's vehicle will automatically include the intercoms that enter the communication range into the contactable channels.

That is to say, when the distance between two teams is close enough, even if they do not meet each other directly, they can contact each other through voice and meet each other.


Dashan drove up to the transport vehicle of another team that was resting silently.

The other party had already opened the window and was waiting. They shouted to each other through the window: "What's going on, brother?"

"Have you noticed that the big guy can't handle it?"

The other party's tone was a little excited.

They followed for a day and ate ashes for a day.

Almost no clues that could provide information were found in the tunnels left by the sandworms, and they could only use primitive methods like Baie's team to track the places where the sandworms passed.

At this time, other teams suddenly came over in a hurry. Does it mean that they have discovered the target and that they can complete the task soon?

"No." Dashan, who was driving, rolled down his window and said in an urgent tone, "Hurry and check the sensors on your bodies. Are they still on?"

"Sensor?" The other party was stunned.

That thing is close to the skin and hidden in the innermost part. They didn't take a shower when they went out on missions. They even didn't even take off their combat uniforms in the past few days. Who in the right mind would observe this?

However, Dashan's tone sounded a little ominous, and he asked casually while giving instructions to his teammates behind him.

"What happened?"

Dashan remained silent, waiting for the other party to give an answer.

The self-check is quick, just lift your clothes.

"It's not lit anymore."

"It's not lit anymore."

"Mine doesn't light up either..."

The results were put together, and the captain of the other team who poked his head out of the car window suddenly turned serious, "What's going on?"

When speaking, his eyes were fixed on the mountain, "You too?"

" too."

Even if it is bad, it will not be bad for everyone.

Things from scientific research institutes may occasionally be unreliable, but they are not unreliable to this extent.

Needless to say, everyone knew this obvious knowledge, so what happened before them meant that the sensors on their bodies were unknowingly attacked by mysterious forces.

None of us are experts on the technical side, and we neither care nor understand how our opponents do this.

They just care...

"Who did this!?"

Dashan spread his hands helplessly, "We also suddenly discovered this problem, and then we thought of verifying it with you. Now it seems... we are not the only ones like this."

When did it expire... I don't know.

Where it failed... I don't know.

His eyes darkened.

The unknown is even more frightening. The other team's captain frowned and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Continue the mission?" Dashan looked confused, "We don't know either..."

They didn't discuss the reason just now.

Fulfilling one's responsibilities must be the first priority in their minds, but when encountering obviously weird situations, it seems that going back to report them is quite valuable.

"How about you go back and report the news, and we can continue the mission?" Song Ying stuck his head out and gave the plan he had thought up along the way.

"It's also a way..." The other party nodded and felt that it was not impossible.

If one team is like this, it may be a coincidence. Two teams that left separately are like this, which is hard not to make people wary.

"Shh!" Song Ying, who was sitting in the back row of Dashan, suddenly shouted.

The tacit understanding of the teammates caused the entire team to remain silent for an instant. Dashan, who was sitting at the window, also signaled to the opposite team to stop talking.

Even the started engine stalled and shut down instantly.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Song Ying looked sharply at the other side of the opponent's carrier vehicle, and his eyes when he poked his head out were a little confused, "Where is the tunnel you found?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, the team members in the other party's car also noticed something strange.

"team leader!"

With a cry of surprise, the huge transport vehicle was instantly overturned.

Right in front of Dashan and others, the opponent's team's carrier vehicle, which was standing at a right angle, was lifted up on the spot by a huge force, and what followed was sand and rocks flying all over the sky like bullets.


The carrier vehicle that was lifted off rolled several times on the spot, but the movement caused by it could no longer make Dashan and others care.

A more important thing lies ahead - bugs!

The sandworms burst out of the ground and hissed ferociously in the air.

The low hum of insects shook everyone's eardrums.

Was it a premeditated attack?

Or was it because their special gathering behavior aroused the vigilance of the Zerg that had been secretly monitoring them in some way, so they broke out in advance?

But what is certain is that the masterpiece that destroyed each of their sensors was indeed the work of a bug!

These subconscious thoughts were swirling in different people's minds, and a cold voice sounded from the back of the car.

"Meet the enemy!"

Bai E stood by the open door of the carriage and glanced back at the assembled equipment that he had stuffed into a ball of soft materials.

The palm-sized instruments connected unsightly with cables exposed to the air were flashing red lights in the dark compartment, and the data flow that could not be perceived by humans was being sent in a certain direction through special channels. .

The signal transmitting device that has been set up in advance can still perform its work faithfully as long as it is moved to another place.

[You have completed a communication device assembly, computer hardware maintenance experience +12, basic electrical manufacturing and processing experience +8. 】

I just hope it can help the base discover something strange about the team going out on a mission...


Bai E suddenly closed the iron door, and with his machine gun, he fired at the sandworm that was fluttering in the air.

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