Bai Eben was meditating on his bed in the camp and practicing psychic powers.

After learning many techniques related to psychic powers tonight with Yue Ying, he needed to meditate and consolidate his memories to help him become more familiar with those techniques of using psychic powers.

Of course... the cultivation of spiritual energy itself is also necessary.

Except for the time of awakening, the subsequent practice will not be like seeing the stars in the sky and the vastness of the universe.

Bai E's spiritual energy only fluctuates faintly within his body. Occasionally, some naughty spiritual energy will jump out of the life magnetic field delineated by his body, and he will briefly "see" the outside world.

Psionic energy has never been a limiting and rigid theorem. It follows people's thoughts, will, people's occasional inadvertent whims... and occasionally a little dark thought that comes from impulses and from the bottom, freedom. Wander freely in this world.

Bai'e's current 10 points of spiritual energy are not enough to support his long-term observation of the "world".

But when the signal shot into the sky, Bai E, who remembered that he had given this order, seemed to have watched the whole process of the signal bomb shooting from the dark corner to the sky.

Because it is "related" to myself, it was captured by psychic energy as soon as it appeared?

Realizing this, Bai E felt more novel about the existence of psychic energy, and the instant surprise in his heart made the psychic energy excited for a moment.

The rapid contraction and expansion is the "desire" of the spiritual energy that seems to want to expand. If you calm down and practice quietly, it will be the spiritual energy happiness +1.

However, Bai E had no time to study deeply.

problem occurs!

He and Gilder had emphasized the importance of the flare gun, and he also believed that the old man could be aware of it.

If it wasn't a big deal, he would never send a signal gun to summon him.

Now that a signal has been sent out, it means that something related to one's "foundation" has occurred, and it is so serious that it cannot be delayed or evaded.

It must be solved immediately!

What is it?

The secret underground warehouse was discovered?

Was the Ratman found by the Arbitration?

Or is it something else?

But the direction from which the signal was sent was... the dark streets.

There is still a faint trail of light in the sky, enough for people to distinguish the direction from which the signal was sent.

This product was produced by the military camp. Bai E found an opportunity to redeem it with military merit and gave it to Kilde. The quality is of course reliable.

So what happened on the underworld?

After leaving the camp, Bai E ran quickly under the dim starlight.

Black Street is the nearest human gathering point outside the city to the military camp, but it is still quite a distance away from the military camp.


The devil revealed his true form.

The face is distorted, and the skinless muscles on the body are like bulges made of countless muscles. The shiny fascia wraps the entire body like a layer of bloody casings. The head is like a pustule. Eye.

Those pairs of eyes stared at everyone in different directions at the same time. Those eyes turned around, and everyone whose pupils were stared at felt full of malice.

In fact, there are not many people left...

Except for the five players and the two executives from the Arbitration Institute, everyone who was originally in the basement...whether they were the whipped people or the thugs who were the perpetrators, from the moment the devil's true body appeared, their bodies... Already lying softly on the ground.

The suction that only targets the soul is definitely not something that these people who hang out in the dark streets and have no faith in their hearts can resist.

Among the countless pairs of eyes crowded on the pustules, some seemed not to understand the situation, and looked a little confused, so their eyes were rolling around.

"Fortunately, it's not the original devil!" An executive who was looking at the true form of the devil on full alert breathed a sigh of relief.

Those absorbed souls were not sent directly to the high-dimensional space to become a wandering soul wandering in that strange space and suffer eternal torture, but were temporarily imprisoned in the body of this demon.

This has the possibility of rescuing them...or, in other words, the possibility of giving them relief.

"Are you afraid?" The medium-sized executive took a step back slightly and stood side by side with his companion.

A regular two-person team of executive officers can basically only guarantee an advantage over those demon believers, provided that the opponent's size is not too large.

But if he directly faced the devil's true form... he didn't have much confidence.

According to the records of similar incidents in the institute, several or even more than a dozen teams must work together to achieve victory.

Of course... the number of devil believers who can usually summon the true form of the devil is often very large. Those devil believers themselves are quite troublesome, and the summoned true form of the devil will also increase in strength due to the increase in the number of summons. It's normal to be difficult to fight.

The current situation where only one believer summons a demon to possess him... This is the first time I have heard of it.

The tall and lanky executive in question took out a glass bottle filled with exorcism essential oil from his arms, opened the cork with a pop, and poured the slightly viscous liquid into his overlapping hands. On both sides.

Looking at the fat and terrifying figure like a mountain of flesh, the tall and thin body trembled with excitement, "This is the body of the devil we have been hunting!"

Demons will not appear in the world easily. First, the conditions that can support them to come to the world are extremely harsh. Under the constant pursuit of all the arbitration office's executives, few believers in demons can form a large enough group. Scale and sacrifice to summon the true form of the devil.

And except for those demons with a higher rank than the original demon, other demons have a chance to be killed when they come to the real world.

Every time one is purified, it is undoubtedly a great contribution to the entire human society.

Those wandering emotions and thoughts in high-dimensional space will not come to the real world to harm people. Only these "demons" who are entangled with countless emotions and have wills and bodies are the biggest threat to human society.

They instinctively manipulate emotions to accelerate the corruption of the human mind.

Bugs and orcs from the outside may also be serious disasters that threaten human beings. However, erosion from the inside is often more vigilant than obvious threats from the outside, and it is easier to completely subvert everything that humans have.

"Do you want our help?" A voice suddenly came from the corner.

It belongs to Dai Lian.

This game is not the conventional games that have been played before. Players cannot really just stand aside and hold the camera.

Maybe they can do something?

The medium-sized executive glanced at the five players, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes——

It is these sons of demons who have turned normally normal humans into believers who can summon demons on their own, but now they are willing to fight side by side with the two of them...

Maybe... they can't be called "sons of the devil"?

This title may not be fair to them.

After a brief thought, the executive gently pushed the narrow bullet soaked in essential oil into the barrel of the shotgun in his hand.

As the bursting flame exploded from the muzzle of the gun, the narrow and sharp warhead was the first to launch an attack on the descending demon.


The executive officer holding a pair of swords rushed forward with light steps. As partners, the two partners must of course complement each other in ability.

If a teammate is good at using guns and uses his will to imbue bullets with enough piercing power to penetrate gold and crack rocks, then he will naturally be able to entangle his opponent at close range, leaving his teammates with enough opportunities to find flaws and deal fatal damage.

What greeted the two swords was a heavy hammer in the hand covered with metal spikes like a sarcoma. Even though the tall and thin executive was light and agile, the heavy hammer was like a "magnet" with fatal gravity, directly pulling him away. The two swords attracted him, so that he, who did not have an advantage in strength, had to engage in a strength contest with the opponent.

The devil's true body looks strange. Apart from the fact that it generally looks like a humanoid, it has basically nothing to do with humans.

Where the hands were originally, there were only two huge lumps of meat. The lumps of meat were like warhammers, undulating as if they were breathing.

The moment the double blades filled with spiritual energy came into contact with the heavy hammer, an astonishing suction force was transmitted from the war hammer to the double blades.

The spiritual energy attached to the double blades was instantly pulled toward the inside of the hammer like fluid torn apart by a huge source of gravity.

Psionics are part of the spirit.

The abnormal effects acting on psychic energy are often felt by the body, and the tall and lanky executive subconsciously resists this fatal suction.

With all his heart and soul focused on fighting against the abnormal attraction, his distribution of power naturally fell behind easily.

The tall and thin body was instantly thrown into the air and hit the concrete ceiling at the top.

The executive with rich combat experience was not simply knocked down. He made a hasty decision to use the opponent's strength to escape from the danger zone. The moment he touched the ceiling, he used his limbs together and bounced away lightly.

However, the other party was obviously unwilling to let him go.

The seemingly thick legs exploded incredibly fast, and the acceleration ability in a straight line was no less than the tossing and turning of a tall and lanky executive.

Moreover, the underground space is so large, which greatly limits humans who can fight flexibly.



The double blades barely resisted, and the bullets were looking for opportunities to break through the defense.

However, the longer the fight continued, the paler the faces of the two executives became.

They can clearly sense that their spiritual energy is rapidly weakening!

In other words, it is not weakening, but... being absorbed!

Absorbed by this devil who doesn’t know its core!

A demon that can absorb the opponent's psychic power for its own use!

It’s difficult!


The huge ax slashed at the demon wielding the heavy hammer, and Kuang Xin, who was not fast, finally caught up with the "two people" who stayed briefly in the battle.

Kuang Xin, who only specializes in strength, is no worse than the executive who uses psychic blessings in terms of strength alone, and he also has the blessings from the weapons when he uses heavy weapons.



The next moment, the meat hammer suddenly hit the axe, and Kuang Xin flew away in response...

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