Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue stared at the rope and flew towards Su Yuyu. "Slap, slap, slap!"

"Master Wang, be careful!" Ding Zheng and Ding Xiang were so scared that they were flying!

With a "call", the rope that was about to hit Su Yu's face shattered!

Jiang Yingxue looked sadly at the broken rope that fell to the ground, God did not stand on her side.

"The prince is dangerous!" Jiang Yingxue gathered anxiously and stepped forward to care and ask. "That little white face is really good, why use so much force, knowing that a weak woman can't bear it."

Ding Zheng was flushed with anger!

Su Yuyi glanced at her lightly, throwing the big knife in his hand, and the big knife traced a perfect parabola in the air.

Jiang Yingxue's body shuddered slightly with the shaking of the weapon rack.

Su Yuzhang reached out to Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue blinked at the slender palm of his hand. "Master Wang's hands are so beautiful, hehehehe ..."

Su Yuchi gave her a cold look. "Papa!"

"Oh ..." Jiang Yingxue twisted and handed it to the clean parcel.

Su Yuzhen wiped off and turned out of the training ground.

"Everything lifts me up, isn't she a little girl?"

Jiang Yingxue followed the guard training ground behind Su Yuzheng and glanced inside.

"Not hard enough." She shook her head shyly, looking like she was practicing.

"Oh!" Her face slammed into a hard wall, raising her eyes to see Su Yu's generous back.

She rubbed her sore nose. Is the meat so hard?

"What did you say?"

Jiang Yingxue glanced sadly at him. "What did the king say?"

"Come in." Su Yuzhang walked into the training ground.

People on the field lined up. "See Grandpa."

Su Yuzhang stood in front of people with negative hands. "My king just heard people say that you haven't trained enough."

Jiang Yingxue "..." She vowed that she would never open her mouth beside him anymore!

The guard chief's expression changed immediately upon hearing this. "Please also ask Wang Ye to show."

Su Yuxian slightly raised the corners of her lips. "Jiang Yingxue, come out."

Jiang Yingxue felt that she had to go inside now that she had to sew somewhere. "Master, are you hungry? I'll give you a bowl of noodles?"

"She said just now that you didn't train hard enough!" Su Yuxuan continued watching the guards. "Now let her show you what is cruel enough."

As soon as Su Yu's words fell, everyone's eyes were on her.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at him secretly, trying to make her ugly, no way! Sister will let you see and see, what is cruel!

"I don't know where the girl thinks I'm not waiting hard enough?" The chief of the guard stepped forward and his voice was so full of anger that Jiang Yingxue's ears hurt.

"Well, in my opinion, they are all playing." When Jiang Yingxue said this, the guards were restless. A woman who was so thin that they could just hold one hand up was so embarrassed before them !!

"Also please enlighten me."

Jiang Yingxue smiled. "It's time to teach you."

Jiang Yingxue came to him. "Come and fight with you."

The guard leader snorted disdainfully. "The girl offended!" Then he rushed forward, Jiang Yingxue rushed forward without any fear, and smashed his fist at the guard's life gate with no hesitation.

The leader of the guard stunned and quickly retracted his moves to avoid her attacks. Jiang Yingxue saw that he accelerated his moves faster. Every attack on the temples, necks, and under the ribs was on people Weakness!

The chief of the guard was shocked. This was a poisonous move, and they did not practice it normally.

Su Yuzhang looked at Jiang Yingxue like a young leopard, and did not give his prey any chance to fight back!

Jiang Yingxue always looked at the guard's eyes and saw his lowered eyes look different, before slamming his last punch under his ribs.

When the chief of the guard used his arm to block back, Jiang Yingxue stepped back a few steps. "Concession."

The action of the guard leader preparing to fight back had to clenched his teeth and fists. "Girl transfer."

Jiang Yingxue took a brisk pace to return to Su Yu's side and stood, and he raised his chin at him.

Su Yuyi glanced at her before turning to the guards. "Did you all see it?"


"Jiang Yingxue, you say."

Winning Jiang Yingxue has a lot of energy. "Everyone you have to deal with is an enemy. Although all of you are brothers and friends, you will not be able to improve your ability. What I want is that every trial is a struggle. It ’s not a kid playing with mud! ”Jiang Yingxue looked at the people in front of him and thought unconsciously of the group of students they had brought, and the words they spoke were boundless.

"Also please enlighten me."

"It's impossible to enlighten you, but everyone can learn from each other, but today is a bit tired, and the discussion will come tomorrow." She just gritted her teeth against the guard leader, and now her arms really can't lift up!

"You continue to practice." Su Yuzheng looked at Jiang Yingxue and turned out of the training ground.

Jiang Yingxue rushed to the guards, and turned to follow.

After returning to Chen Xingge and bathing, Yuyu Su entered the breakfast room with her breakfast.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the table, eight dishes and one soup, which is not much in terms of a king's specifications.

Su Yuzheng sat down at the table, and when he picked up the chopsticks, he felt a strong sight on his hand.

He looked up and saw Jiang Yingxue's straight eyes falling on the dish.

Jiang Yingxue watched Su Yuzhang grabbing a meat bun. She got up this morning and has n’t even drooled. She has been hungry enough to sing empty city plans. Su Yuzhang is inhuman, and she is happy eating, Forget about him completely.


Jiang Yingxue nodded.

"Stay back."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Jiang Yingxue came out of the house happily and saw Ming Zhen come over.

"Where did Mingzhen eat?" Mingzhen's face moved.

"You follow her." She pointed to a little girl.

"Oh, thank you." Jiang Yingxue walked to Xiaoya, and before she said that, she took a trot and trot away. Jiang Yingxue was slightly surprised and followed her step subconsciously. "I said what are you running?"

The little girl looked back at her. "If it's slow, there will be no food."

"That's not running fast yet."

Another place where people in Wangfu concentrated on eating was behind the big kitchen. At that time, Xiaoying and Jiang Yingxue ran all the way. Jiang Yingxue heard a sound of snatching from inside. She quickly opened the door and ran in. I saw hundreds of people standing inside.

In this picture, there was a shock that everyone rushed to the cafeteria. She squeezed in quickly, grabbed a few steamed buns from the barrel, took a bowl, spooned a bowl of porridge, and found a place to sit. Eat it.

The little girl who showed her the way also grabbed a bun and a bowl of porridge, and walked to Jiang Yingxue to sit down. Jiang Yingxue was really hungry. She ate two buns in three or two mouthfuls and drank the porridge. The bowl After the porridge in the bottom was reached, she felt something in her belly.

"I said, do you eat every meal like this?" Said good rules!

The little girl licked the porridge in the bowl and wiped her mouth before saying, "The Lord said, people who can't even feed themselves are not eligible to stay in the King's Mansion. This meal is enough, but people who can't grab it. Still starving. "

Jiang Yingxue listened to what she said, and hurried to the wooden barrel again to take a look. She took the last bun inside and hid it on her body, so that the next time she made a mistake, she did n’t have to eat late. .

Full of food, Jiang Yingxue was not in a hurry to go back. She was stupid and went back to be abused, but she did n’t know when it was the head of the day. She had to find a way to slip out.

She walked aimlessly on Qingshi Road, and found that the figure approaching in front was somewhat familiar, and she quickened her pace, looked up, and was really an acquaintance.


Jiang Yingxue heard Hu Ruixuan when he called. He walked to Jiang Yingxue in two steps. "Cousin Yingxue, why are you here?"

"I'm just blind, cousin, you live in the palace now?"

"Yeah, now I live in the residence of the King's Mansion, and I do morning exercises with the guards in the King's Mansion in the morning, cousin, you don't know, the people under King Zhan's opponents are really strict, I am really lucky to be able to practice with the King of War, I listen Said that the Rong people knew that after the return of King Zhan, they were afraid to come. "

He expressed silence on Hu Ruixuan's blind worship of Su Yuzheng. "Cousin, I miss my mother."

Hu Ruixuan didn't really have any impression of this premature aunt, but looking at Jiang Yingxue's pitiful appearance, she felt a little sad. "Cousin, don't you feel bad ..." The old man said rudely, he would not comfort people, what should I do?

Jiang Yingxue sucked his nose and yelled, "Cousin, my mother's death will be next month. Every year, I will go to my mother's grave to give him a joss stick, but I'm afraid this year, Zhan Wang also I don't know when I will be allowed to leave the palace. "

Upon hearing Hu Ruixuan, he felt that Su Yuzhang's image of wiseness and bravery in his heart seemed to be slightly discounted. "Cousin, don't worry, otherwise I'll talk to Wang Ye and let him send you back to Jingjing."

Jiang Yingxue shook his head. "Useless cousin, now Lord Wang suspects that I am not a good person, he will not let me leave."

"So, what should we do?" Jiang Yingxue watched him shed a tear and said, "Cousin, you don't need to worry about me, I will pass after a long time."

She said she was about to leave when she turned around.

"Yuexue cousin! I, I think of a way to take you out! Tomorrow afternoon I will excuse myself to do things, and then I will find a way to take you out."

Jiang Yingxue's eyes flashed with joy very quickly. "really?"

Hu Ruixuan was determined. "Well, my cousin is talking. You will be waiting for me at the training ground after noon tomorrow afternoon."

"it is good!"

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