Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"somebody is coming!"

The two of them jerked, and as soon as they hid themselves, the door was pushed open.

He watched Ma Sanshi slightly open the basement and looked at Xiangjiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue watched Ma Shisan's figure frowned, she guessed right, Ma Sanshi was about to transfer people!

"Where is it inside?"

"Golden House Treasure Place."

Soon, Ma Shisan carried the women inside, not just Hu Yiqin, but other people were also taken out.

He walked without looking at the people in the room. "Is there a secret in there?"

"The one you used to break the book gave the table so tightly."

"That is our holy ... a rare martial arts secret!"

Not long after, those women were taken out of the basement by Ma Shisan.

"Where will he take them?"

"Huh, it's so dead that she still thinks about women." Mo thought the women were hiding to enjoy.

Jiang Yingxue watched Ma Xishi open the door and walked out. He took the women away two times at a time. This was repeated several times. Only when he resisted the last two women did Jiang Yingxue jump off the roof beam and followed.

"I think he should know where the secret secretary you are looking for is."

With no embarrassment, Jiang Yingxue's expression of whether you believe it or not, keeps up with Ma XIII.

Gu looked at the back of her leaving, and gritted her teeth to follow.

Ma thirteen put those people into a carriage, opened another hidden door in the yard, and took them out.

"This place has a lot of doors."

Behind that door was a somewhat muddy path, just enough to accommodate the passage of a carriage.

Looking at the direction of Ma Shisan, she should have been walking down the mountain. She did not dare to follow too closely, so she was afraid of being discovered by Ma Shisan.

When the carriage reached a small hill, Ma thirteen stopped suddenly.

At a quarter of an hour, a figure came out from the other end of the mountain stream, took the horse whip on Ma Xizhan's hand and continued to take the carriage forward.

Ma Shisan looked around vigilantly and determined that no one had returned before returning.

"Xiao Piao, you said those people took these women away, wouldn't they just take them to the heaven."

The courage originally wanted to follow Ma Shisan listened to Jiang Yingxue saying so, and stopped to watch her. "what did you say?"

"What did I say?" Did she just say something?

"Not catching up, no one is missing!"

The man kept pulling the carriage, seeing that the farther and farther, Jiang Yingxue was a little anxious. If she got to their den again later, how would she get Hu Yiqin out?

In saying so, she also promised the girl that she couldn't talk anymore.

"Let's stop the carriage in a while."

Glancing at her leisurely. "Why help you."

"Help me? Xiaopi, you say that you haven't touched your conscience. It's clear that I'm helping you!"

"you help me?"

"Yeah, I doubt it. Your secret secret is hidden from those women."

"How did you know?"

"I ... seemed vaguely, wasn't it like a yellowed cover ..."

"Yes, that's it!"

"Uh-huh, let's do it now?"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue's words fell, the spirit had rushed out.

The man who pulled the carriage was shocked, and did not expect to suddenly rush out of two people, but after a brief moment, he got into a fight with Moo.

Jiang Yingxue pulled the carriage and went in the other direction.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the spirit chased after him.

"I want to find my secret cock, where is my secret cock?" He jumped onto the carriage.

"Hey, what do you do, men and women do n’t know, do n’t know, they will marry and go home!” Jiang Yingxue held him.

"You said that the secret concubine was on them. How can I find it if I don't find it?"

"I burned that mystery."

"What!" Mo's expression suddenly became stubborn.

Jiang Yingxue let go of his hand and stepped back and smiled. "But don't worry, I have remembered the contents of the secret secret. This first sentence seems to be what it is ...

"Tell me, write down everything you remember and tell me!" Pyo grabbed her placket and gritted her teeth.

Jiang Yingxue opened her fingers one by one. "Young man, calm, calm, let's discuss this matter for a long time, don't scare me, otherwise I will forget what to do if you look back."


She is so jumpy that women are the hardest thing in the world to deal with!

"Let's send people to a safe place first, and then I will tell you what the secret is about?"

Jiang Yingxue felt that the boy was about to explode.

"If you dare lie to me, I will kill you!"

"Well, it's really scary for a kid to stop killing at every turn."


They pulled the carriage in the direction of the mountain.

Before he left, Jiang Yingxue heard the sound of the fighting.

"It won't have started, it must be dangerous to go out at this time."

"There is a cave over there."

"Well, hide people in the cave first."

The two pulled the carriage outside the cave, untied the ropes on them, and let them hide.

"You stay here honestly. The soldiers and horses standing in the Zhan King are down the mountain. It won't be long before someone comes to save you. Don't run around or you will be dead."

Hu Yiqin grasped Jiang Yingxue's hand tightly, and Jiang Yingxue stopped him before he spoke. "Now the ringing horses are busy running, no one will notice your existence, you be honest."

"King Zhan, is King Zhan really here?" Hu Yiqin trembled.

"Here you are, waiting to be saved by the hero."

Jiang Yingxue came out of the cave with concealed leaves, and used a dead tree to hide the cave. This cave is very small, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find it.

"When do you write down the secret note to me."

Jiang Yingxue clapped his hands. "So you follow me, how about I write a sentence for you one day?"


"I will kill you!"

Jiang Yingxue looked at his hands stuck on his neck calmly without speaking, so he looked at him silently.

"My life is important, or is my secretament important?"

The blue veins on the back of his hands are brazen. "If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you even if you don't secretly!"

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow and patted his shoulder. "I knew that you were a good and good boy."

"Go, me. I plan to go to Jinling City next time and show me the way."

When she heard that she was going to Jinling City, her eyes flashed. "What are you going to Jinling City for?"

"Will you play?"

The two went down the mountain all the way, and in the distance they saw the army and the ringing horses fighting to one place.

"If you want to go to Jinling City, you will be out of Xiaoshan."

"You mean, we have to go this way?"

He nodded.

"Go up the mountain."


They chose another way to go out.

"Someone over there, catch them!"

It wasn't long before the two left, and a team of ringing horses rushed out to stop them.

"Myself, my own." Jiang Yingxue smiled.

"Catch them as hostages!"

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the dozens and so many people behind them.

"Run separately to the entrance of Yunxiao Mountain!"


The two turned their heads and ran, and Xiangma also chased separately.

Jiang Yingxue was so angry with Dan Tian that in his mind he gradually found that the pace under his feet was getting faster and faster, and the ringing horse behind him was thrown further and further away.

Until he could not see the people behind him, Jiang Yingxue slowly slowed down.

"Well, a kid whose hair hasn't even grown up wants to come to work with Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Yingxue walked around and found a group of people in front of her. She hid behind the tree to observe the situation in front.

"Cousin!" She saw Hu Ruixuan surrounded by a group of ringing horses at a glance.

Why is he here!

"Come on, here, the bandits are here!" Jiang Yingxue deliberately lowered his voice and shouted.

With this shout, the sound of the ringing horse below became alert.

"Master, some officers and soldiers are coming here!"

"Bring people on, let's go!"

Jiang Yingxue watched Hu Ruixuan, who was regarded as a cognition, secretly gritted his teeth.

"This kid hasn't learned how to be able to do it anymore!"

She jumped down the tree quickly and rushed forward with a teleport.

Her speed was too fast, and those ringing horses were punched in the face without returning to God.


Jiang Yingxue grabbed Hu Ruixuan, who didn't return, and turned and ran.

"People run away, chase!"

"Cousin, you have to run faster, am I a weak woman dragging you a man of a hundred pounds, am I not tired?"

"Come, cousin? Yingxue cousin !?"

"Now is not the time to talk about the old, run away!"


Hu Ruixuan had an injury and couldn't run at all. Jiang Yingxue could only get him to a big tree.

Sitting on a wide branch, the two men were breathing.

Jiang Yingxue saw that there was still blood on his hand, and tore off his horn to bandage him.

"Cousin Yingxue, why are you here?"

Jiang Yingxue wiped her rash-filled face. She's almost forgotten that she's still a ghost like these days. I didn't expect Hu Ruixuan to recognize her at a glance. The child really didn't teach anything.

"Oh, come out to relax and come here accidentally."

Hu Ruixuan looked at her with guilt on her face. "Sorry cousin, I, I heard you, you are married ..."

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow, this kid knew.

"Yes, cousin, I'm so pathetic, you don't know who my stepmother and my stepdad asked me to marry!"

"Why, who?"

"An old widower with a large group of children. This is how terrible it is for me to be a stepdaughter as soon as I marry."

"What, they want you to marry someone like this !?" Hu Ruixuan was shocked, and then turned angry again. "They are simply bullying!"

Jiang Yingxue chick nodded like a pecking rice. "That's right."

"Cousin, why are you here?"

"I, I came to save my sister with King Zhan."

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