Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

The old lady leaned on the cushion, panting, and when she heard that Hu Yihua and Jiang Yingxue were gone, she almost lost her breath!

"Erren, why don't you let some people look at Yihua's child? What can you do about my poor art painting? Where did you go?" Zhang's married Hu Mingli for so many years, he won Hu Ruixuan and Hu The two children of Yihua usually had the same pain as eyes. At this moment, Hu Yihua disappeared. Fortunately, someone came back to say that Hu Ruixuan had been found, otherwise Zhang really wanted to die!

"Three siblings, yes, it's my fault ..." Wang knew that Zhang had lost her child in a hurry, and she could only let her say it, but she was wronged. After all, she was alone with so many children. They all followed behind their butts, and if so, what do they want the servants to do.

"Okay, it's no wonder this thing, don't cry anymore, hasn't Xuaner already found it? I believe that I will soon find the two children of Yihua and Yingxue. It may just be what they have for fun Somewhere. "Hu Mingli, the three masters, relieved.

Zhang wiped the tears on his face, and the crying didn't stop. "The child in Yihua is most afraid of the darkness. What kind of darkness is it on this day, and where can she go for fun?"

"Three brothers and sisters, don't worry. Now the government has sent additional staff to find them, and soon there will be news coming back." Ma said comfortably.

Hu Yiqin and Jiang Yingxue are both Yunying's unmarried girls. If they don't see each other, they don't know what will happen. When they think of it, the old lady feels chest pain and can't breathe.

"Mother, Fenger, when they went to Xuan'er, Yingxue was still there. The child was afraid that his cousin and cousin would follow him to find someone. Don't worry, it won't be a problem." Hu Minghui, the town's father now, consoled Road.

"You can't make any noise in this incident!" The old lady calmed for a while before she spoke.

"Mother, rest assured, I have explained it."


Moonlight shone through the thick branches and leaves into the mountains, pulling Su Yu's figure very long.

Ding Zheng came from behind and came behind Su Yuchen. "Master, those people have heard the wind run away, and their subordinates have sent someone to chase it."

Su Yuchen looked at the heavy night. "Don't hit the grass and frighten the snake. The king is going to catch big fish."


"Who did they arrest this time?"

"Let's go down and inquire about it, it should be the lady of the town government."

"Hold up, don't let those people run away."



"Well! It hurts ..."

Jiang Yingxue opened his dry eyes, and his thoughts were still a little chaotic.

She looked at the whitish tent on her head and was stunned, her gaze turned slightly, sweeping the ground where she was.

This is a very ordinary room. There is only one table and a few chairs in the room. The paint on the windows has peeled off a bit. It seems to be some years. Even the quilt on her has a saponin Fragrance, but it can be seen for a long time.

She moved, and the pain from the waist and knees made her more awake.

"It hurts, just alive."

With a squeak, the door was pushed open.

A woman in her forties with a dark red kerchief on her head came in, and when she saw the bed with her eyes open, she would welcome Snow with a smile on her face.

"The girl is awake, and she is hungry. I boiled a little porridge, let the girl eat some."

"Water ..." Jiang Yingxue started a bit difficult.

"Oh, water, there is water." After the woman poured a cup of warm water to feed Jiang Yingxue, Jiang Yingxue felt that her throat was more comfortable.

"you are……"

"My name is Zhang Huan. Last night I got up and saw the girl covered with injuries lying down in my yard with twelve silver left. I took the girl back to the house and asked the doctor to treat the girl. Here It was the few pieces of silver left, and the girl had collected them. "

Zhang Huan said, putting a purse beside Jiang Yingxue's bed.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the purse a little bit. She remembered that she didn't bring money when she went out.

Yesterday she was always behind Su Yuyu, and later ... she seemed unable to faint!

After fainting ... Is it because Su Yuzheng sent her here?

If this is the case, there is still a little conscience in this person's bones, so far he is even with her.

"Zhang Ye, where is this?"

"This is a remote alley in the capital of Beijing. Where is the girl's house? I'll find someone to send the girl back."

Jiang Yingxue is very uncomfortable all over the body, and he doesn't want to move at all. He plans to cultivate in Zhangye for two days first, at least until the back injury is better, and then go back.

Zhang Ye's family sells tofu. Before the day comes, she and her husband will get up and grind tofu. After dawn, they will take it to the street to sell. The two have three children, one son and two daughters. The son is in other places in Jingjing. For work, I come back once a month, and both daughters are married, so there are only Zhang Ye and his wife in this family.

Both Zhang Ye and his wife were real people. Jiang Yingxue gave them the remaining couple of silver. As it was money to take care of her, Zhang Ye said nothing. Jiang Yingxue stopped.

Jiang Yingxue rested at Zhangye's house for two days, not to mention that sometimes some earthenware is better than the medicine prescribed by a doctor, and her waist recovered almost in two days.

She's a missing person. It won't work if she doesn't go back.

When she left, she left a couple of money to ride in the car, and the rest of the money was left to Zhang Ye and they left.

Jiang Yingxue hired a carriage on the street and went directly to the back door of the town government.

When knocking on the door, the concierge behind the back door was a bit lost, although everyone knew that a lady from the house had come up, but the town government was so large that no one had ever seen it.

"I'm Jiang Yingxue. If you ask someone to send a message to the old lady, you will say that Jiang Yingxue is back."

Jiang Yingxue, can be compared to Miss Table!

The concierge didn't dare to ask more, what if she was really a watch, what she could do was to obey the person in front, and it would be two quarters later when the message reached the old lady.

"What? When, really? Quick, bring people over, bring them over!" It's been two days, and the people sent to find them still have no news of Jiang Yingxue and Hu Yihua. The old lady is almost sick. .

I heard this now, no matter how true or false it is, I'll see someone before I say it!

"Miss Table, please, the old lady is waiting for you." It was Jiang Yingxue who led the way. The third lady in front of the old lady had met Jiang Yingxue. Now, she saw Jiang Yingxue standing here. I was really crying. The master was in a bad mood. All of them were careful to fear that the master would be upset. Although Miss Three has not been found yet, Miss Biao is back.

"Old lady, Miss Watch, really Miss Watch!"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue was outside the door, the people who saw her hurriedly turned around and entered the house to talk to the old lady.

Outside the door, the girls did not report, and let Jiang Yingxue go in directly.

"Grandma ..."

"Hurry, boy, come here quickly!" The old lady stepped forward to hold her hand and pulled her up and down beside her waiting for Jiang Yingxue to salute for several times before she returned her eyes to her face.

"My good boy, you are really suffering ..." The old lady held Jiang Yingxue's hand tightly. Jiang Yingxue could feel the old man's trembling and choking, her heart warmed.

"Don't be sad, grandmother. I'm okay, you look at me well."

The old lady wiped her tears and reached out and patted her twice. "Where the **** have you gone, your child? It really worries your grandmother."

Jiang Yingxue didn't hide, let the old lady's hand slap on herself.

"Maternal grandmother, I know it was wrong. At that time, I heard that the three cousins ​​were missing, so I secretly followed the big cousin, and they looked for him. Who knows that they separated with the cousin halfway, but fortunately The peasant woman was taken in, and I broke my knee two days ago, and when I could n’t come back, I raised her there for two days. They left after sending me back today. "

"Amitabha, Amitabha, God bless you, God bless you, you can't be so noisy in the future, have you heard?"

"Maternal grandmother, I really know that I'm wrong. I won't dare to give me a hundred guts in the future." No wonder!

The old lady caressed her face kindly. "Your grandmother thought, if something happened to you, where does your grandmother have a face to see your mother ..."

Seeing that the old lady was sad again, Jiang Yingxue was busy taking the topic away.

Because of the disappearance of Jiang Yingxue and Hu Yihua, the old lady has not rested well. Jiang Yingxue saw the tiredness on her face. After they talked for a while, they asked the girl to help her to rest. She went back to her yard.

After returning, Jiang Yingxue found that her servant had been replaced.

"What about Hongcui and Luwu?"

"Miss back to the table, the two of them did not wait for the good table, the old lady has been sent to the backyard to do chores."

Jiang Yingxue heard that it was really difficult to be her girl-in-law. I just came back now and waited for two days to find my grandmother to give them pleading and let them come.

As for why she didn't tell Hu Yiqin about the old lady just now, she felt that there were some things she couldn't tell from her mouth, so that she could tell the third cousin some wind.

"Miss Table, Miss Two and Miss come."

"Come in, please."

Hu Yiqin and Hu Yishu walked into the room.

Hu Yiqin walked in front of him and saw Jiang Yingxue, who was sitting on a chair, exhaling a big breath, and immediately raised a pair of handsome brows.

"But I was so anxious. Where did my bad girl go?"

Jiang Yingxue could see that Hu Yiqin was really worried about her.

"Cousin's life, me, I was worried that my cousin didn't have much in mind and went to the mountain to find someone."

"Yuexue's cousin is not timid. A girl's family is going to be unstable, and she has to secretly go to the mountain to find his cousin. You are really affectionate to the third brother!

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