Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Today, there are many people coming to the autumn tour. Hong Cui and Jiang Yingxue laid a red mat on a rock under a tree. Jiang Yingxue leaned under the tree and looked at men and women not far away.

Really boring!

As time passed, the sun gradually set to the west, and it was almost time to go back.

Jiang Yingxue just sat under the tree and observed the people coming and going. No one found Hu Ruixuan. Where did the boy go?

She couldn't help but worry about hearing about the beast on the mountain before.

"It's weird. Where did the third brother go? I didn't find anyone to find him for archery."

At this time Hu Ruicheng came over here, and behind him were Hu Ruifeng and Hu Ruisi, but Hu Ruixuan could not be seen.

Jiang Yingxue frowned. "Big cousin, haven't the three cousins ​​been with you just now?"

Hu Ruifeng nodded while watching Jiang Yingxue asking questions. "Well, he ran as soon as he arrived, and he hasn't returned yet."

"Hey, the third brother won't be able to go to any lady." Hu Ruifeng's uncle's uncle brother Hu Ruisi opened the pair of godless eyes and grinned evilly at the island.

Hu Ruifeng glared at Hu Ruisi. "Nonsense!"

Hu Ruisi wasn't afraid that he poked. "Then where can he go, he likes archery on horseback most. If there is nowhere to run like this?"

Jiang Yingxue listened to the conversation between the two, and his heart sank gradually.

"Son, someone found a bug on the mountain. Mrs. Second asked the sons and daughters to get in the car and prepare to go back."

Big bug ...


Jiang Yingxue stood up violently, forgetting the pain even when he got the wound.

"I saw the third cousin going up the mountain earlier. He hasn't come down yet. Will he still be on the mountain?"

Jiang Yingxue's words made the faces of the people present difficult to look.

"Your cousin Yingxue sure saw the third brother up the mountain?"


"So people are probably still on the mountain. You don't want to say anything first, lest you cause panic, I will let the guard go up the mountain to find it."

"it is good."

When Hu Ruifeng left, Jiang Yingxue couldn't sit still. Hu Ruixuan was brought to the mountain by her. If he had any trouble, her conscience would be uneasy.

"Second cousin, your dagger looks so good, can you borrow it for me?" Jiang Yingxue's gaze fell on the dagger around Hu Ruisi's waist. In fact, it was a dagger that looked very ordinary, just inlaid on the dagger sheath. Two red agate stones.

Hu Ruisi glanced at Jiang Yingxue with lascivious eyes and took off the dagger. "It's just worthless stuff. My cousin likes it. I give it to my cousin. I don't know if my cousin likes it ..."

"Thank you, cousin." Jiang Yingxue took the dagger and turned away.

"Well, cousin, I'm not finished!"

Hu Ruisi also wanted to call people back, but Jiang Yingxue had already gone.

"Second Brother, don't ignore indecent assault." Seeing Hu Ruisi still staring at Jiang Yingxue's back, Hu Ruifeng stepped forward to block his vision.

Hu Ruisi glanced at him unhappyly, what a nerd! Do not look at you for being indecent!

Because the people in the town government did not speak up, no one else knew what was happening, and even Jiang Yingxue walking up the mountain did not attract anyone's attention.

"Mrs. No. 2 is bad, Miss No. 3 is gone!" A maid ran to Uchi with a ugly face and whispered.

As soon as the Wangs heard it, they almost fainted, but the girl next to him helped her.

Jiang Yingxue threw out such a large blood cave, and Hu Ruixuan did not know where he was going. The guards of the town government's government office had already gone up the mountain to find it, and Hu Yihua was gone again!

Wang really wanted to faint so much in the past that she didn't care about anything, but she couldn't, and no matter how old the lady would be when they went back, it was important to find people before they said it!

"Why can't Miss Three be good? Did she go to enjoy the flowers?"

"Mrs. Hui, Ms. San has been in the carriage after she said she was uncomfortable. She didn't go anywhere. She was with Ms. San, but just two quarters ago, Ms. San said she was thirsty and wanted to drink osmanthus. The sweet-scented osmanthus is placed on the carriage behind him. The slave can only go to the carriage behind him, but who knows that Miss Three is no longer on the carriage when she returns. "The girl said here that she did not know if she was choking because she was afraid of her voice. .

"The slaves thought that Miss Three was going to enjoy the flowers or go to the toilet, but when the slaves looked for them, they did not see Miss Three at all, and also found a shoe of Miss Three on the carriage!"

If it was Hu Yihua who wanted to go, why would he go without even wearing his shoes!

Wang only felt a little dark before his eyes!

"You, at this time, absolutely, you must not go out loud, shoot people to find, look around, you immediately send someone back to the house to explain the situation to the old lady, plus send someone to come over."


The sun gradually settled down, and people who came out of the city for autumn travel also returned one after another.

In the end, only a few were left, because the town government was still low-key when traveling, so that it did not attract others' attention.

When it was getting dark, the guards who went up the hill to find Hu Ruixuan hadn't written back, and even the person who went to Hu Yihua made no progress. The sweat of Wang's palms gradually became wet and sticky.

"You go, it's too late for the ladies to go back to the house first, and there are still a few boys." Now two things have happened. If anything else happens, Wang really wants to hit him. It's up!

On the other side, Jiang Ying went to the place where she and Hu Ruixuan stayed before going up the mountain.

Because the sky was getting dark and the visibility on the mountain was extremely low, she would be in danger if she went on.

Can't find it in this area, Jiang Yingxue can only continue to go elsewhere.

"Cousin?" Jiang Yingxue didn't dare yell, for fear of attracting beasts.



Just as Jiang Yingxue was about to go forward, a strange noise suddenly came to his ear.

She quickly took a breath and hid in the vegetation. It didn't take long before a figure came out from behind a big tree.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the figure, his eyes lit up, that person was Hu Ruixuan. That's right!

Jiang Yingxue quickly got up from the ground and was about to scream. When he saw Hu Ruixuan there was a person in front of him. Seeing Hu Ruixuan like that, he should be tracking that person.

Jiang Yingxue didn't say anything, but followed up.

The man Hu Ruixuan chased was quick and very alert, and he stopped to check the surrounding situation after every walk.

Hu Ruixuan was also very careful. Jiang Yingxue looked at her and was about to catch up with Hu Ruixuan. It can be seen that her knee was injured and an unstable "click" stepped on a dead branch.

This downset immediately alarmed the people walking in front.

Hu Ruixuan also looked in the direction of Yingjiang Yingxue in amazement.

Jiang Yingxue quickly hid behind a big tree.

The person being followed stopped suddenly, looked in the direction where Jiang Yingxue was, and took a cold light sword from his waist and slowly walked towards her.

Jiang Yingxue clenched his dagger and waited until the man approached.

However, just as the man was approaching Jiang Yingxue, the hidden Hu Ruixuan suddenly jumped out from behind the man and stabbed his sword at him.

The man looked stunned, quickly turned around to avoid Hu Ruixuan's attack, and the two of them struck immediately.

Jiang Yingxue hid in the dark to see that the two fell into the lower stratum after only a dozen strokes. If this went on, the boy would be dead!

Jiang Yingxue quickly came out as the man leaned towards her, raised his dagger and pierced his shoulder.


The man roared with pain and slammed Jiang Yingxue away with his body, but Jiang Yingxue he looked down on tightly, she tightly grasped the dagger and turned around in the wound before pulling the dagger out.


The man pushed Hu Ruixuan back against a tree with one palm, glanced at them, and turned towards the dark.

"Don't run!" Hu Ruixuan chased after seeing people run away.

Jiang Yingxue stepped forward to hold him. "Cousin, you don't want to die!" Hu Ruixuan made it clear that he was not his opponent. Even if he was injured now, he might not be able to beat him!

Hu Ruixuan remembered Jiang Yingxue.

"Cousin, you were so good just now, this will hurt him."

Jiang Yingxue looked at him with a look of worship, and really wanted to slap him on the head.

"Aren't we training, why are you suddenly running away by yourself?"

"I hid in a tree at that time, and later I found two people sneaking up on the mountain without pursuing it. I just forgot about what we were still training."

Jiang Yingxue did not resist rolling his eyes. "Do not train with me next time you do this again!"

"Sorry cousin, me, I'm also afraid those people are doing bad things."

Jiang Yingxue rubbed his eyebrows. "Who the **** is you following?"

Hu Ruixuan shook his head. "I saw him sneaking with another person, and then I followed them secretly, but it didn't take long for him to be separated from the other person, and I chose to follow him. This person is also strange and has been on this mountain Go round, and don't know where he wants to go. "

I don't know who is still following me!

"Big cousin, they have all come up to you to find you. Let's go back first."

"Ah? I, I chased that person and didn't think too much, which made you worry."

Yun Mu really wanted to punch this kid's face.

The sun has set and the sky has already begun to dark, if it does not go down now it will be dangerous.

"Come down the hill, it's going to be dark."


The two walked side by side on the mountain, and it was a bit cold at night, and the mountain wind blew from time to time to make Jiang Yingxue shiver.

"Cousin, are you cold?" Hu Ruixuan asked just now, and his robe had been taken off and put on Jiang Yingxue. "It's all my fault, and my cousin is tired."

Looking at the boy's sincere eyes, Jiang Yingxue's eyes didn't turn out anymore. "Cousin's behavior today is too risky. If you accidentally die, you will be careful in the future."

"it is good."

"Roar roar ~~"

The two paused suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, they saw two green lights glanced at them ...

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