World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 190 Survival from desperate situation

The strongest plague known in Azeroth must be the Withering Potion. Under the betrayal of the Great Apothecary Putress, the Horde's Kor'kron Legion and the Alliance's Fordragon Legion under the Gate of Wrath were almost completely wiped out, and even the Lich King Arthas chose to temporarily avoid the edge.

The original plague source of the Withering Potion came from the dirty work of Silge in the plague area of ​​Naxxramas.

Although the yellow plague today is not as good as the future withering plague, it is also extremely terrifying.

"Kel'Thuzad!" Garen shouted angrily at Naxxramas below. Even as a time traveler, he did not expect that the great lich Kel'Thuzad would play so unconventionally.

The Covenant Air Force on the Light's Hope Chapel could only barely suppress the Scourge Air Force. It was already very difficult for the Grand Lord of Aerie Mountain, Falstad, to fight against Sapphiron, and it was almost impossible to destroy those plague spreaders.

At this moment, the Covenant was like the Alliance in Battle for Azeroth Undercity, which was suddenly attacked by the plague, but the Covenant did not have the future daughter Jaina who would be able to cheat.

Grand Magister Rommath was a fire mage and was not proficient in frost magic. The most proficient frost magician in the blood elves was Grand Magister Telestra, who was nowhere to be found at this moment.

However, Garin could only treat a dead horse as a living horse, and shouted to Grand Magister Rommath, "Grand Magister, can you unite the Magister Corps and use ice magic to freeze the plague?"

"Freeze the plague?" Grand Magister Rommath was stunned, and only realized it when he looked up at the spray-like plague.

Yes, the plague looks like a gas, but in fact it is a liquid, and liquids can be frozen by ice magic.

Garin underestimated Grand Magister Rommath, and at the same time, he underestimated the blood elf mages. You know, every blood elf mages has several times more time to learn magic than human mages, which means that they have almost enough time to learn all magic.

The reason why blood elf mages mainly use fire magic is because their nemesis, the forest trolls, have super regeneration ability, and only through fire can they cause the most effective killing.

Mainly using fire magic does not mean that they are not proficient in ice magic. Take Grand Magister Rommath as an example. His ice magic attainments are no worse than those of the six-member council of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran.

Knowing the terrifying power of the plague, under the leadership of Grand Magister Rommath, the blood elf mages tried their best to squeeze out all the arcane energy in their bodies, and even ignored the trouble of magic addiction. At this moment, they only thought of using super ice magic to freeze the plague.

The blood elf mages didn't have as many cheats as their future daughter Jaina, but they had hundreds and thousands of years of accumulated magic power and experience, and used a super-large ice magic that was no less powerful than Jaina's.

In an instant, extreme ice energy exploded in the air, directly freezing all the sprayed yellow plague and plague spreaders.

Even the temperature of the Light's Hope Chapel on the ground gave people the feeling of instantly arriving at the Icecrown Glacier in Northrend in the Arctic.

The biting cold did not freeze the soldiers of the Covenant, but they cheered enthusiastically.

The situation that was originally doomed to die was reversed in an instant, and even the great lich Kel'Thuzad was shocked and shouted "This is impossible!"

Nothing is impossible, the red dragon's life flame can purify the plague, and frost can also freeze the plague.

The conspiracy of the great lich Kel'Thuzad to annihilate half of the leaders and strong men of the Covenant in one fell swoop failed.

It's not that the great lich Kel'Thuzad is not cunning enough, but that the time traveler Garin is too buggy. The method of freezing the plague with ice was not discovered until the Battle for Azeroth.

"Ahem~" Grand Magister Rommath fell to the ground with a pale face. His originally powerful aura became extremely unstable. The arcane energy in his body was almost drained out. The magic addiction continued to erode his sanity, but Grand Magister Rommath laughed because he made the conspiracy of the great lich Kel'Thuzad fail.

60% of the blood elf mages fell into a coma, three cities died directly due to the drain of magic power, and another 10% turned into the Lost Mind.

Garin nodded to Grand Magister Rommath, then shouted loudly, "Warriors of the Covenant, the blood elf mages have solved the plague for us. Now, it's time to fight back. Let these undead of the Scourge pay the price!"

The morale brought by surviving from a desperate situation is unparalleled, especially the blood elf mages who almost sacrificed themselves to complete this super-large magic, and this behavior has infected the warriors of the Covenant.

"Frost Dragon, witness the power of the Silver Hand!" The old Buddha, who had been paddling, was like a god descending at this moment. The rich power of holy light descended from the sky, and the Silver Hand Hammer shone with dazzling light.

The Silver Hand Hammer is the weapon of Tyr, the King of Order, the Titan Guardian. It is a real artifact, and it is much higher than the Ashbringer and Strom'kar.

It's just that due to the authority issue, the old Buddha has no way to exert the true power of the Silver Hand Hammer.

Now the heroic performance of the Covenant Warriors has won the respect and recognition of the soul of Tyr, the King of Order, who resides in the Silver Hand Hammer. He made an exception and allowed the old Buddha to burst out some of the power of the Silver Hand Hammer.

The dazzling holy light and the power of order directly illuminated the sky of the Eastern Plagueland, and the unstoppable plague corrosion was forcibly purified.

Just when everyone was wondering how Lafayette was going to shockingly kill the frost dragon Sapphiron flying high in the sky, Lafayette directly threw the Silver Hand war hammer...

As the saying goes, all bells and whistles are meaningless in the face of absolute strength. Another Titan Guardian, Storm King Thorim, once used his war hammer to destroy a continent with one blow.

The Silver Hand Warhammer, which was originally small compared to the Frost Dragon Sapphiron, continued to grow in size due to restraint, until it became the huge size that belonged to King of Order Tire when he swung it, and then directly defeated the hero-level Frost Dragon Sapphiron. Philon was a jerk.

Then, the Silver Hand Warhammer continued to carry powerful power and flew towards the floating city of Naxxramas of the Scourge Legion.

When the great lich Kel'Thuzad saw the huge Silver Hand warhammer speeding towards him, what he was thinking about was not how to resist it, but a flash of light, and he actually ran away...


There was a loud sound like thunder on the ground, and the Silver Hand Warhammer actually destroyed one-fifth of the Scourge Legion's floating city of Naxxramas.

This floating city that brought fear to the Eastern Plaguelands actually began to tilt and fell towards the mushroom forest due to heavy damage.

A vibration like an earthquake came, and the entire Eastern Plague Land began to tremble...

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