World of Warcraft: Reviving Stromgarde

Chapter 140 Active ceasefire

Garin and Archdruid Fandral are completely exchanging interests. The night elf druids of the Cenarion Circle will help the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdom to purify the influence of the plague in the future, and the Covenant will participate in the second war of the quicksands. Archdruid Fandral Staghelm will naturally not stay in Stromgarde for a long time, but Archdruid Fandral Staghelm left the druids of the Cenarion Circle as messengers, and they will also investigate the corruption in the plague land. Garin still wants to win over Archdruid Fandral Staghelm. He is really a lamentable leader. The opponent's weakness must be his dead son Valstann. The old gods created a fake Valstann and successfully abducted Archdruid Fandral. In Azeroth, it is not difficult to resurrect a person, even if he has been dead for thousands of years. However, except for the future king of hanging lion Anduin Wrynn, there is no such resurrection ability without any negative effects. Then there is only one choice, that is to resurrect Valstann as an undead. Necromancy is much simpler than resurrection, but it has too many hidden dangers.

If it really doesn't work, Garin plans to use necromancy to resurrect Valstann Staghelm and tie Archdruid Fandral Staghelm to the chariot of the Covenant.

Afterwards, Garin asked Marshal Oslet to notify all the Covenant ambassadors and neutral ambassadors in Stromgarde to go to Trollbane Palace together to announce an important matter.

"Just a few days ago, Archdruid Fandral Staghelm of the Night Elf Cenarion Circle came to Stromgarde. He told me something about the whole of Azeroth."

"In southern Kalimdor, the minions of the Old Gods, the seal of the Ahn'Qiraj bugs in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj has loosened. It won't be long before the Ahn'Qiraj bugs will break out of the seal and annex the whole of Azeroth for the Old Gods they are loyal to."

After saying this, Garin stopped and let the ambassadors of the Covenant and neutral forces digest this uproar.

The Old Gods have always been an ancient legend, hidden in the most ancient records. Even many new races have never heard of the existence of the Old Gods.

Through discussions like the one in Orgrim's market, all representatives of the Covenant and neutral forces understood what a terrifying existence the Old Gods are.

The Old Gods are dozens or hundreds of times more terrifying than the Lich King, the real manipulator behind the Scourge that brought doom to the northern continent of the Eastern Kingdoms, and the Ahn'Qiraj bugs are no worse than the Scourge.

"I think you all understand the threat that the Ahn'Qiraj bugs pose to Azeroth."

"As a part of Azeroth, we should protect this world, just like in the Ragnarok campaign, the night elves and the Horde put aside their hatred and joined forces to defeat the powerful Burning Legion's supreme demon lord Archimonde the Defiler."

"For Azeroth, I am willing to temporarily put aside all hatred and grudges. Stromgarde will organize an expedition to Kalimdor to assist the Archdruid Fandral Staghelm of the Cenarion Circle in resisting the Ahn'Qiraj bugs."

Garrin, the leader of the Covenant, has said this, so the rest of the Covenant will naturally send troops to join the war, not to mention that it is a major crisis that threatens the entire Azeroth.

Princess Calia Menethil of the Kingdom of Lordaeron took the lead and said, "The Scourge has awakened us. It is because we fought alone that we were defeated one by one by the Scourge. After we united, we defeated the Scourge. For the safety of Azeroth, the Kingdom of Lordaeron helped the Cenarion Circle fight against the Ahn'Qiraj bugs!"

After Princess Calia finished speaking, she retreated, but she looked at Garen with more satisfaction. A man who was willing to decisively give up hatred and grudges before a great crisis is the real emperor, and her...

After the Kingdom of Lordaeron took the lead in expressing its position, the ambassadors of other member states of the Covenant all agreed, even the Forsaken with special identities and the blood elves whose situation was still unstable.

In the great crisis concerning Azeroth, the Covenant's statement undoubtedly played a leading role. This is not only a huge reputation, but also made those neutral forces choose to stand in line.

The major trade princes of the goblins on Kezan Island expressed that they could provide assistance in supplies and transportation, and the goblins would provide supplies to the coalition at a very "reasonable" price.

The goblins will not miss any opportunity to make money. After all, there are only a few goblins like Gazlowega, not to mention those cunning trade princes.

Garin will naturally not rely entirely on the goblins to provide supplies. He will call on the entire Covenant to prepare for an expedition, just like the eve of the opening of Ahn'Qiraj in the game. This is also to mobilize more quickly when more crises appear in the future.

At the same time, Marshal Oslet went to the Sardo Bridge on behalf of Garin.

"Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon, I am Marshal Oslet of the Kingdom of Stormgarde. My king, Garin Trollbane, has something important to discuss with you."

Through the loudspeaker made by the Goblin Blackfuse Company, Marshal Oslet's voice was transmitted directly through the Sardo Bridge to the Fordragon Legion.

"Marshal Oslet, I am Bolvar Fordragon. Now the Alliance and the Covenant are in a holy war. We are still enemies. What does Garin Trollbane want to talk to me about?" Although Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon was a little confused, he still responded to Marshal Oslet.

After receiving a response from Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon, Marshal Oslet proposed that both sides temporarily cease fire and have detailed talks in the middle of the Sardo Bridge.

With the strength of the heroic Paladin, Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon naturally would not refuse, so he led the soldiers of the Fordragon Legion to the middle of the Sardo Bridge to meet with Marshal Outlet.

Marshal Auslet told Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon about the crisis posed by the Old Gods and the Ahn'Qiraj bugs to the entire Azeroth, and Garin's decision to temporarily cease war with the Alliance to help the Cenarion Circle.

As a paladin and a heroic paladin, Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon is naturally extremely upright, but he firmly stands on the side of the Kingdom of Stormwind and will unswervingly attack the covenant.

After confirming that the story about the Old Gods and the Ahn'Qiraj worms was true, Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon began to admire Garin in his heart.

As the leader of the Covenant, when the counterattack against the Alliance began to gain the upper hand, he took the initiative to propose a truce and jointly fight against the Ancient Gods and Ahn'Qiraj bugs. This awareness was something that most leaders never had.

Therefore, Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon sighed and then said, "Marshal Auslet, the Fordragon Army is willing to accept a truce, and I will immediately notify King Anduin Wrynn and Victor Nefari Prince Regent Oss, persuaded them to cease fighting temporarily."

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