World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 235 Planting Oats

Yang Yi lamented that time flew by, and then he carried out the lottery.

On the lottery disc, the black pointer finally stayed in area No. 4.

[Secret Record-The Murloc Escapes]

[Murloc Skills]

[Learning Requirements: Fishman]

[System effects: Try to escape when injured or vulnerable, remove stun and immobilization effects, increase movement speed by 30%, and increase damage received by 30%. 】

"This unique skill of the murloc tribe..." Yang Yi's murloc face was full of laughter and laughter.

"Well, the fishmen don't need to learn from the orcs to fight to the death for glory. The fishmen should run away quickly at the critical moment. It's more important to save their lives first."

Yang Yi thought about it and found that this skill is quite suitable for fish people. No wonder it is a unique skill of the fish people.

Yang Yi had already picked up a similar skill [Secret Record - Murloc Throwing the Net] before, and he still valued this Murloc's secret record skill very much.

The secret skills of murlocs are not only suitable for murlocs to use, but more importantly, they are also suitable for murlocs to learn.

For example, [Murloc Casting Net] is a skill that even many beach patrolling murlocs and murloc hunters can learn.

In other words, there is no need to advance to the combat profession. As an ordinary fishman, there is a good chance that you can learn the secret skills of the fishman.

This is a very cost-effective skill book for the murlocs who are mostly patrolling murlocs and murloc hunters.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi felt better.

As for the green mission scroll obtained from this lottery.

Yang Yi opened it with pleasure.

Mission: Weaken the strength of the Horde Orcs

Mission requirements: Kill 50 adult Horde Orcs

Mission description: Horde orcs are detrimental to Ratchet...

Yang Yi glanced at the rewards of the mission when he was halfway through the mission content. He found that the four rewards were very average, so he put away the mission scroll.

Let nature take its course as to whether this task can be accomplished.

Yang Yi thought to himself: The rhythm of this mission is almost exactly the same as when the steel-maned wild boars invaded Ratchet Town. In the future, if the system is not guaranteed, there will be a mission asking the murlocs to kill the orc warchief or capture the orc capital Orgrimmar.

Yang Yi went to sleep after getting the skill [Secret Record - Murloc Escape].

When he woke up the next day, Yang Yi first logged into the forum.

What Yang Yi was concerned about was finally confirmed. The people in Area 50 underground had really reached the surface through the passage!

At this time, the entire underground world was completely boiling!

Living in the underground world, there are synthetic food balls that can keep you alive.

But everyone knows that only by returning to the ground and returning to the sun can mankind start to build and develop new homes again. Otherwise, they will just eat underground and wait to die.

At this time, mankind has ushered in the dawn of a new beginning.

That passage is like a ladder leading to light and a bridge leading to the future. People in Area 50 are rushing towards the passage leading to the surface.

People in other districts were also inspired and began to search and dig everywhere in the dark underground places that had been almost unexplored, hoping to find a way back to the surface.

Almost everyone has forgotten the dangers on the surface that Zorro warned about in forum posts.

Even if some people still remember it, they have already put the danger behind them and are rushing forward with all their strength.

After living underground for several years, what dangers can stop a heart from seeing the light again?

Yang Yi was also very excited after hearing the news. He wanted to go out and dig a few piles of soil to do his part in finding the passage.

But he finally held back. Now the entire underground world is in a state of extreme excitement because of this incident, and various forces that have been dormant for a long time suddenly emerge.

It is said that not only have there been many serious group fights, but also several landslides due to destructive excavations.

In the underground world, Yang Yi was powerless and powerless, and he had no strength. Even if he was beaten in the chaos, he would have no place to reason.

After Yang Yi got the news on the forum, he connected to the world of Azeroth. Ben Bolba and Mojimus were already waiting.

Today, Yang Yi's task is to arrange farming matters.

If you want to significantly increase the fishman population in Ratchet Town, you must first make good food preparations.

Every murloc has a big murloc mouth, and as a family of foodies, every murloc’s belly is comparable to a bottomless pit.

For farming matters, we still have to contact the expert farmer Jia Gu.

Of course, there was no need for Yang Yi to run errands in person to find someone. He said to Ben Bol Ba: "You kid, go and invite Jia Gu from Jinyu over."

Benbolba looked at Mojimus on the side, and said reluctantly: "Boss, why didn't you ask Mojimus to go?"

Hey, this guy still has opinions.

Yang Yi slapped Ben Bolba on the back of the head, "I have a skill book here for Mojimus to learn. If you study half as hard as Mojimus, I won't let you run away." This trip.”

Yang Yi took out the [Secret Record - Murloc Escape] and gave it to Mojimus.

Mojimus happily took the skill book, and then gestured towards Benbolba with the skill book as if to demonstrate.



The two little fishmen each snorted at each other.

Finally, Ben Bolba ran away reluctantly.

Yang Yi looked funny. These two little guys had been at odds from the beginning, and now they were jealous in front of him.

Speaking of which, these two little guys have been with Yang Yi for almost two years, and they lived separately for a while before coming to Ratchet Town.

Therefore, according to the ages of the fishmen, the two of them are no longer children.

Yang Yi learned from Old Blind Eye that the fish-men's lifespan is much shorter than that of humans, and they also have much less time to grow.

According to Old Blind Eye, the average lifespan of the fish-men is about fifteen years old, and it takes about five years from fish-men eggs to adulthood.

Of course, what fish people mean by adulthood is sexual maturity. That is to say, if one can excrete mature fish-man eggs, or can fertilize fish-people eggs, then one is considered to be an adult.

According to human age, he would only be twelve or thirteen years old.

A large part of the reason why the average lifespan of murlocs is so low is because the living environment of most murlocs is harsh, and the murlocs are cruel and aggressive by nature, so there are actually very few murlocs who can live healthy and die of natural old age.

According to the old blind man, the longest-lived fish-man he knew lived about forty years. Although the old blind man didn't know his exact age, he was at least twenty-five years old.

Yang Yi compared the murlocs according to human lifespan.

If a human's twelve years corresponds to a fishman's five years of adulthood, then a human's one hundred years corresponds to a fishman's forty years of longevity. So the average lifespan of the fish-men tribe is fifteen years, but actually they only live to about thirty-six years.

This shows how harsh the living conditions of the fish people are.

According to this comparison, the age of a blind fish-man over twenty-five years old is equivalent to a human being over sixty years old. He is indeed getting stronger with age.

Not long after, Ben Bolba found Jia Gu, and then several of them went to the farmland east of Ratchet Town.

To the east of Ratchet Town, a small area of ​​ragweed that used to grow vigorously on the farmland had been cleared away by fishmen.

According to Jia Gu's request, the harvested ragweed was not thrown away directly, but piled up on the edge of the field.

Not far away, there is a group of fishmen who are still working hard to harvest ragweed. It seems that these fishmen are still busy.

Yang Yi stood at the edge of the field for a while before a fishman ran over from the field.

This fishman's whole body was covered with mud, as if he had just emerged from the mire after swimming around in it.

Yang Yi used the Lord's Eye and realized that this fishman was the farmer apprentice of the E-qualified fishman with the "hardworking" specialty.

Yang Yi had previously designated this fishman to be responsible for managing all the fishmen farmers.

"Mayor, there are too many ragweeds and too few murlocs." The murlocs complained after seeing the mayor Yang Yi.

"Don't worry, the town will send additional fishmen to help in the next few days. Then you have to lead them to work hard and take the lead." Yang Yi encouraged.

Yang Yi calculated that Ratchet Bay could still receive some adult murlocs, and he planned to arrange the newly harvested adult murlocs in the farmland.

Currently, there are less than fifty fishman farmer apprentices in Ratchet Town. This number is too small. In order to do large-scale planting, a large number of manpower needs to be added.

"Okay, I'm going to cut the ragweed." The fishman was very happy when he heard the mayor said that he would send more fishmen to help, and then he turned around and went to work in the fields.

Yang Yi looked at this hard-working fish man and nodded with satisfaction.

This fish-man's qualifications are only E-level, and his potential for growth is very limited. But his diligence and expertise stand out among a bunch of lazy fishmen. With him taking the lead in working hard, the fishmen beside him don't dare to be too lazy.

After the fish man left, Yang Yi asked Jiagu, "Jiagu, what do you think of these cultivated farmlands? Is it suitable for growing oats?"

"Mayor Poseidon, do you really plan to plant all the fields with oats?" Jagu asked.

"Aren't you saying that 'I saw golden oats in your future' through divination, then of course I plan to plant all oats," Yang Yi said.

"Ha, that seems to be the case."

"What? Is your divination just a lie?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible? My predictions are always the most accurate." Jia Gu quickly explained: "Oats are cold-resistant, drought-resistant, like sunshine, and have strong adaptability to the soil. It is perfect to grow oats here. ”

Yang Yi nodded silently after listening. Although this Jiagu was an alcoholic, he was indeed an expert in farming.

For the purpose of farming in Ratchet Town, Yang Yi had already collected and viewed a large amount of information about farming on the forum.

Oats can be said to be one of the most cultivated crops by adventurers in the world of Azeroth, so there is a lot of news about oats on the forum.

It is said that oats are a highly nutritious and high-energy food and an indispensable dry food in barren areas.

Moreover, oat leaves and straw are juicy, tender and palatable, making them very suitable as fodder for raising livestock.

According to the summary of various people on the forum, oats are indeed a very good crop, otherwise there would not be so many adventurers choosing to grow oats.

Yang Yi chose to plant oats in Ratchet Town. In addition to the above reasons, the biggest reason is because oats are the most cultivated in the barren land by both adventurers and aborigines.

Since everyone makes this choice, according to Yang Yi's way of doing things, there is no reason for him not to grow oats and choose other options. .

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