World of the War Machine

Chapter 226: Target exposure

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The path of the Starfire Fleet deliberately bypasses the rebel party. Such a small fleet drifts in the universe. It is not easy to be undetected, but it is also not easy to be found.

After all, compared to the universe, dozens of warships are too insignificant. If they are not close in the dark, it is impossible to see them. However, Qin Yun, who can be a more individual, can enlarge the Spark fleet infinitely. Countless people set their eyes on him.

As long as Qin Yun disappears into the vision of the rebel party, I am afraid that it will be enough to make the rebel party tremble and want to use various methods to confirm Qin Yun's current position.

The last time Qin Yun led the Vulcan to go out alone to find three missing warships, and in the process, it only disappeared for a few hours, and he directly won the new ships and new aircraft of the rebel party with new aircraft. Now, a week later, the rebel party has already known about it.

And now, Qin Yun once again took the Spark Fleet out of the Moon Base. The whole process has already stared at him, but the Spark Fleet left the Moon Base. It is also impossible to make sure to track the Spark Fleet. The base command that knows where the Spark fleet is going to become the most concerned place for the rebels.

What they care about is not the command, but the command that the command sent to the Spark fleet. Now, in the eyes of the rebels, the threat that Qin Yun can bring by himself is simply terrible. A fleet has a powerful The combat capabilities are well understood and fully copeable. After all, the fleet can also be regarded as an independent individual.

When fighting, these different individuals are also fighting against each other. Even if there is cooperation and tactics, they are still fighting against each other. It is a single collision.

But Qin Yun is a kind of individual with a strength that is comparable to the existence of a fleet. If the fleet is compared to a matrix arranged by countless needles, then Qin Yun is a big hammer. No matter how large the matrix is, it can still be Use a hammer to bend all the needles one at a time.

This guy is just a walking letter. Without five or six hundred mechs, he would not torture Qin Yun with his life. If he was obstructed by dense fire coverage, there would not be too many restrictions. The way to live in Qin Yun, but in this way wait until the end of a battle, how much can be left in the five or six hundred mecha has to be marked with a question mark.

The strengthener who could have given confidence to the betrayal party, unfortunately, it did not have much effect. The strengthener who had high hopes made them expected to deal with Qin Yun, and at least they must at least be able to compete with Qin Yun. Ability, but now they know the result, which is useless.

And how did the phantom ship be defeated by the rebel party? Now they are still confused. They do n’t know the process but just know that there is such an ending.

As soon as Qin Yun came out with the Spark Fleet, a spy incident broke out on the lunar base. Two staff members of the headquarters were killed, but they also successfully captured three spies that had been lurking on the lunar base. Among them, One also has the rank of this lieutenant colonel.

Suddenly there was such an accident, even Commander Raymond felt it was a bit inexplicable. The casual movement of the Star Fleet even exposed the rebels to three spies, although sacrificing two all to the moon base. Fortunately, these three spies were exposed in advance without causing greater damage to the lunar base, and they can continue to investigate along these three Rao lines to find out whether there are more in the lunar base. Of spies exist.

General Manager Raymond did not expect a temporary decision to dig out the hidden thunder inside himself. Suddenly, the rebel party paid too much attention to Qin Yun. Three people were exposed at this time. If everything is okay, let the Spark fleet move and fumble. Maybe someone will jump out?

However, because of this incident, the targets of the Star Fleet were also exposed. After inspection, the two sacrificed command personnel found that they had been brutally tortured. In this case, failure to keep the military secrets did indeed Difficult to carry out characterization, in the end, it was General Manager Raymond who personally signed and determined the nature of the matter, and did not hang the leaker's name on two people who had died.

At the same time, it also sent a message to the Spark Fleet to tell them what the Spark Fleet operation had been exposed to.

After receiving the news, the bridge submitted the information to Wang Hai as soon as possible, and then Wang Hai reported this to Qin Yun.

In the study, Qin Yun shook his head gently after listening to Wang Hai ’s report: “I thought that this road might not be so peaceful, and it ’s very likely to meet the enemy ’s mercy, but what I did n’t expect was our actions. Routes and goals would be leaked from within us. "

Wang Hai asked, "What shall we do now?"

"What to do." Qin Yun repeated these three words, and then began to groan.

Now it is the 53rd time since the Star Fleet sailed from the lunar base, and it is the third when it is counted. It has quietly advanced for a little more than a little time, and the journey has not yet passed half. Now it is finally breaking this calmness. It's time.

There are actually two choices in front of Qin Yun. The first one will continue to approach the target according to the original route. However, in this process, the rebel party is likely to send a fleet to intercept, but it is more likely to send a fleet. Go to Resource Point Fortress to strengthen your defense.

The second option is to change the route immediately now, change the target and start random action, and lead the Star Fleet to act as a guerrilla in the enemy's control area. There will be no targets or random targets to attack, but the risk is no more than that .

As for the retreat, Qin Yun himself did not have such an idea. Unless he actually sent at least three hundred or more warships and corresponding carrier-based mechs, and he was still prepared to lose more than half, he would be right. The threat from the Star Fleet is not too great.

Although everyone agrees that Qin Yun alone has the power to threaten a fleet, and has enough power to counteract a fleet, but this does not mean that Qin Yun can really easily destroy an entire fleet, nor does it represent an entire fleet. It was the miscellaneous soldier who allowed Qin Yun to slaughter.

Three hundred warships have an average of six airframes, which adds up to more than one thousand. A fleet of at least five or six hundred warships, plus aircraft carriers, must have more than three or four thousand mechs. With so many airframes and warships still dodging and attacking, if all of them launch attacks against Qin Yun's airframe, it would be more straightforward to cover fire than what is described.

In the face of such a situation, even if Qin Yun could threaten a fleet, it would be very difficult to rush towards the fleet and kill the ring. If the opposite side took out no more than a thousand units, it would be a swarm. Rushing over, of course, rushing over in a normal tactical maneuver mode. Ten hundred piled on the body driven by Qin Yun, enough for Qin Yun to eat a pot.

If Qin Yun meets such a fleet alone, then he can't actually have too many ways to deal with this fleet. All fifty or less battleships can be eaten. Fifty to one hundred battleships can create good results and sink some parts. Warships and most airframes, and at this stage of one hundred to two hundred ships, Qin Yun must devote all his energy.

More than three hundred ships can only be harassed at most. If such a thing really happens, Qin Yun rushes up stupidly, which is tantamount to playing life and death.

In the case of the Spark fleet, Qin Yun, a fleet of one hundred to two hundred warships, could eat all of them. When more than three hundred warships came over, they had the support and restraint of the Spark fleet. That is to say, a thousand airframes surround Qin Yun, and the remaining eight hundred opponents can also charge the Starfire Fleet to launch an attack without burden.

In this way, the Spark Fleet will definitely suffer losses, but if you have your own fleet with the same size as the other side, the only thing the other side has to do is make a U-turn, and you do n’t want to be able to eat the fleet that Qin Yun is in.

Qin Yun himself wants to move on. First, follow the original route and continue to see the situation. At that time, he can change the target at any time to become a random action. Although he is the commander of the Spark fleet, he can definitely set it down. The next direction, but always need to consider whether the Star Fleet, which can only be regarded as a seedling, will be exposed as a result of their actions.

After thinking about it ~ ~ Qin Yun asked: "What do you think."

Wang Hai didn't know how to answer it. In fact, he was just a captain. The commander who obeyed the command was qualified as the captain, but it did not mean that he could have a tactical vision.

Shaking his head, Wang Haidao said, "My suggestion is to change the course of the advance. In the case that the other party has prepared for it, it is likely that reinforcements will occur. With the current configuration of the Spark fleet, it is difficult to lay down the other party's mining fortress."

Qin Yun nodded his head: "The target is exposed, and it is certain that the other party will strengthen the defense of the fortress in the mining area. Even in the past, they can only watch from a distance."

With a deep moan, Qin Yundao said, "Now continue to follow the original route for the time being, but notify the ships to let them strengthen their preparedness and strengthen their detection of the surrounding environment."

"Then convene all the staff members and let them think about whether we can start the attack from other places if the target needs to be replaced."

Machine War World

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