ZECT headquarters.

In the dimly lit command room, Kaga Mitsuru put away his thoughts, squatted on the ground, and slowly wiped a cello, his expression did not fluctuate at all.

In order to protect the future of mankind, Kaga Miru has long learned to hide his true emotions.

This is a compulsory course!

When necessary, even if he gives up his dignity, he will not turn back.

Knock knock!

“Please come in.”

Kaga Miriku did not raise his head, when he heard a knock on the door, he said directly, this is the base of Zect, and if there is anything on the Metropolitan Police Department, he will call, and the person who can come to him here, in addition to Masato Mishima, is the leader of the protozoa, Negishi.

Masato Mishima pushed open the door and walked in.

Kaga Miriku, who was wiping the cello, was already surprised, and said directly: “Several people who were experimented almost died, and there is still no fitter for the steel bucket.

However, the steel bucket is the core of Kamen Rider’s plan, and we can’t just give up. ”

“Do you know the story of Abraham?”

Kaga Miriku said softly in a calm tone.

It seems to be talking to himself.

Masato Mishima put his hands in front of him and did not say a word.

He had long been accustomed to Kaga Miriku’s way of speaking like this, quietly waiting for the following, Kaga Miriku did not let him down, and continued:

“He was even willing to sacrifice his children in order to show God his faith.”

“You mean… Are you ready to involve your child in the experiment? ”

“Why not?”

Kaga Miriku showed a weird smile.

I don’t know what he was thinking.

Masato Mishima didn’t care.

Just show you’re happy.

The experiment with steel bucket adaptors, they started not long ago, led by Masato Mishima, but many of the people involved in Zect did not meet the requirements, and if Kaga Miriku’s son could become a steel bucket, it would be a good choice.

He has no sense of taste, no relatives to protect, and walks in the dark, and for him now, completing the mission of Zect and carrying out the Kamen Rider project is a temporary interest.

No matter what you do, what means you use, as long as you can achieve the goal, it doesn’t matter!

This is Masato Mishima’s style.

The mansion of the Shindai family.

Huge living room.

Shendai Jian tasted the food, ate it and said with a smile: “This bowl of soup highlights the deliciousness of the beans very well. ”

The old man stood by and showed a kind smile.

Then he said: “The secret of boiling beans is to add olive oil to the soup to remove the astringency, so that it is delicious.” ”

“Old man, do you remember what day tomorrow is?”

The old man bowed.

“Of course, I remember, tomorrow is the day when people all over the world celebrate your birthday Young Master.”

Shindai Sword smiled.

“I was so happy last year, sister she…”

His words stopped abruptly, and his expression became indifferent.

The old man took a deep breath.

This year…

The family’s finances became more and more difficult, and although the things that should be sold were sold, and the little young master could get paid for the task of eradicating the alien insects at Zect’s side, he could not afford to live in luxury.

“Young Master, what do you think of changing the format this year and holding a birthday banquet outside? Recently, I found a shop that suddenly sprang up, and the wind reviews and foot traffic are very good. ”


Shindai Jian agreed with a smile.

He seemed to sense something.

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The other side.

Kagami received a call and came to a factory outside, a command car was parked there, Yugetsu Misaki was standing outside the car, Kagami came up suspiciously, this is a factory.

But now there are no people, just outside the barbed wire gate, there is a plaque prohibiting entry, and there are a few lines next to it, explaining the reason for the stoppage.

“Are there any worms in the factory?”

Kagami came over.

Put on a handsome suit and comb your hair into an adult…

“According to the information provided by witnesses, there is a high probability of xenozoa.” Misaki Yuzuki’s eyes fell on the empty factory and answered Kagami’s question, and then she received a call.

It is Lotus Takatori’s.

“What’s wrong?”

Kagami asked suspiciously.

“Lianhua called and said that Mr. Tasho is hospitalized, I will go over to see first, and you continue to monitor this factory.”

After Yugetsu Misaki finished speaking, he immediately drove the command car and left.

Kagami’s gaze froze, she directly pulled out her gun and entered the factory alone to investigate.


Light Photo Museum.

The photo studio that suddenly appeared in this world did not attract the attention of others, because of the extra memories in their minds, they would feel accustomed to it, and Natsume and they had not been here for the time being.

Several people who had crossed over from other worlds were sitting in the living room, but not including Naruto, and when they parted at the Harajuku private hospital in the early hours of this morning, Haito did not choose to return with them.

After all the insect was destroyed, he used the invisibility card to leave.

If he wants to steal the world’s best treasures, he will not be bound by the photo museum, so he cannot move forward.

Shi and Onodera both changed into normal clothes at this time, and the equipment of the ant soldiers, since their return, was thrown aside to eat ashes, if nothing else, they should not have used it.

“Shi, Yusuke, so what news did you collect when you went out overnight last night?”

Guang Xia Hai asked suspiciously.

After doing it, she (Mo Wang’s) originally planned to chase her out, but the world of Jia Dou has the principle of not going out when it is dark, and the alien insects are infested in the city, and if she does not pay attention, she may suffer.

She doesn’t have the ability to transform into a Kamen Rider like the Shiji.

If you keep up with it, instead of helping, it will become a burden.

This is not what is expected!

“No, the captain of that organization is a little strange, and it is known as a squad directly under the headquarters, but he can’t find the location of the headquarters, so he can only act according to the ideas of the headquarters, and he has heard very little news.”

Onodera scratched his head and said helplessly.

The message did not detect anything.

But he did transform and fight well.

“This way…”

PS: Thank you Roselle for your great monthly pass support! was sanctioned, continue to make up chapters tomorrow, owe two chapters!.

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