World of Cultivation

Chapter 497 The temple opens

It is impossible to describe the shock in Zuo Mo's heart now.

The huge rock pit was as complete as a knife and silent. It was beyond Zuo Mo's knowledge. Before, Zuo Mo felt that he could barely understand this power, but now he discovered that its mystery was far deeper and more profound than he imagined.

At this moment, Zuo Mo suddenly felt his body tremble, bang, something seemed to explode inside his body.

A familiar feeling returned to the body.

Zuo Mo's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The fatigue in his body was swept away, and he raised his arms blankly. The familiar body of the Great Sun Demon returned to his body again. With a thought in his mind, sure enough, his consciousness and spiritual power were restored to their original state.

Could it be...

A bold idea arose in his mind.

The shock on Zuo Mo's face turned into ecstasy uncontrollably.

Zuo Mo was so excited that he immediately started trying. Soon, he confirmed his suspicion. For some reason, the divine power in his body could be re-converted into three powers, and the three powers could also be re-fused into divine power!

What surprised him even more was that this transformation could be controlled!

He couldn't help it, he looked up to the sky and smiled!

The laughter even alerted the guards standing outside, but they did not rush in. Although they didn't know what made the adults so happy, it must be a good thing.

Zuo Mo had never been so happy after receiving divine power before. The power of the divine power is unparalleled, but after all, he is more familiar with the three powers, and he feels a little disappointed in his heart.

But now that he has discovered that the three powers and the divine power can transform into each other, the last worry in his mind is gone. If you want to use divine power, use divine power. If you want to use three powers, use three powers.

Although the re-decomposed three powers had some changes from before, his demonic body and spiritual consciousness levels had declined to varying degrees, especially the demonic body, which had declined the most. On the contrary, his spiritual power increased significantly.

The three forces become very balanced.

This change did not disappoint Zuo Mo. On the contrary, he felt extremely excited. The problem of spiritual power has always been one of his biggest headaches. After all, he lives in the world of cultivators and uses demonic bodies and magic every day. If someone with a keen eye notices it, he will be in big trouble!

Great spiritual power, so safe! As for the magic formula, that is not a problem. They have searched for a lot of magic formula. No matter what happens, they can always get one by going to Pu Yao and stalking him.

Feeling the rich spiritual power in his body, just a thin line away from the golden elixir, he was deeply intoxicated by the ethereal feeling in his mind.

Thinking about the divine power just now, he felt that the three powers were more enjoyable.

However, with divine power, he has another unique skill to protect himself.

Who would find it overwhelming to have too many skills?

What's more, it's a magical skill!

Zuo Mo felt as if he had been knocked unconscious by a crystal falling from the sky.

After being intoxicated with himself for a while, Zuo Mo returned to practicing. The transformation between the three powers and the divine power must be thoroughly understood. This is a killer trick!

As he practiced, he suddenly thought of a question.

Divine power transforms three powers, and the three powers obtained are all very balanced. If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to cultivate spiritual power by cultivating the demon body?

This bold idea jumped out of his mind, and he immediately became energetic.

If it's really possible...that's really...

Make a fortune!

Among the three forces, each has its own system and the barriers are tight. There are many reasons for Zuo Mo's shortcomings in spiritual power. For example, Pu Yao and Wei want Zuo Mo to practice magic and demon body, but the most important thing is that Zuo Mo's talent in cultivating spiritual power is far inferior to his ability in magic. Talent in body magic.

On the contrary, Wei Sheng is a genius who cultivates spiritual power.

The three powers can be fused into divine power, and the fused divine power can be evenly transformed into the three powers again.

Doesn't that mean that Zuo Mo doesn't have any shortcomings in cultivation?

Zuo Mo immediately tried it, and sure enough, his idea could be realized! But soon, he calmed down. There were pros and cons to this.

Although he has no shortcomings in cultivation now,

But no matter which force he is in, if he wants to make the same progress as others, he needs to practice three times as long as others.

This is really a lot of practice!

Zuo Mo was full of fighting spirit, and he was not intimidated by the three times the training time. Imagining that all three of his forces would go hand in hand and trample the enemies under his feet one by one, Zuo Mo felt extremely hot all over and wished he could start practicing right away.

However, he still regained some sense. Cultivation is a long-term life, but there is a huge treasure waiting for him in front of him.

For Zuo Mo, satisfaction is both very easy and very difficult.

He decided to break into the Sun Temple.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he entered a state of cultivation. He did not stand up again until his whole body's condition returned to its optimal level.

Facing the stone wall, the three forces in his body merged into divine power. His mind trembled, as if a string was playing in his ears, and the unfamiliar virtual shield returned to his body again.

The originally empty stone wall in front of me was suddenly covered with many strange words shaped like tadpoles.

Zuo Mo didn't know anyone.

But it didn't matter. He straightened his arms and pressed his palms against the stone wall.

The golden tadpole text on the stone wall suddenly lit up, and the dark and deep stone wall became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zuo Mo walked inside without hesitation.

When Zuo Mo passed through the transparent stone wall, the stone wall returned to its previous appearance.

Zuo Mo, who passed through the stone wall, was startled by the sight in front of him.

He was in a corridor made of stones. The corridor is very large, about six or seven feet wide, and its height is even more astonishing, about twenty feet high. On the stone walls on both sides, exquisite reliefs can be seen everywhere. Even after tens of thousands of years, many of these reliefs still remain intact. Among the reliefs, the most common one is the sun relief.

These sun reliefs emit warm light, illuminating the passage as bright as day.

The huge stone slabs are also weathered in many places due to the passage of time.

But what caught Zuo Mo's attention the most was the several armored warriors standing on both sides of the passage. These warriors were covered in heavy armor and stood with their swords in hand. Not far away, there were many broken armors scattered around, and some bones could be seen next to the armors.

These warriors should be the guards who used to guard the Sun Temple. Those warriors who were still standing must have been in this position before they died.

Zuo Mo wasn't worried about these guys. They would have been dead for tens of thousands of years.

Sure enough, when Zuo Mo walked past these armored warriors, they remained motionless.

I glanced at the broken pieces of armor scattered on the ground with some pain. I don't know what kind of materials these pieces of armor were made from. Although they have been partially weathered after tens of thousands of years, they are generally still intact.

This is no ordinary product!

However, Zuo Mo kept in mind Brother Qinglin's instructions and did not touch these soldiers.

It was quiet in the passage, there was no sound, even though Zuo Mo was brave, he was also a little weak. I secretly regretted that I should have brought a few more people in with me.

There was a sudden crash behind him.

Zuo Mo was startled and turned around quickly, only to realize that a relief sculpture on the stone wall had fallen off and hit the ground, throwing up a bunch of dust.

Zuo Mo, who was in a false alarm, quickly gathered his emotions and headed towards the depths of the temple.

His current location is in the Aoki Secret Realm, but after Qinglin's death, there was no one in charge of the Aoki Secret Realm and it stopped functioning. But this does not mean that he is very safe. Every stone slab and every relief here may be a trap.

Zuo Mo kept the picture Qinglin gave him in his mind. The dense markings on it made Zuo Mo's scalp numb. There are many secret realms, large and small, in the temple. If you accidentally fall into one, you may be lost in it for the rest of your life, and eventually die completely with the destruction of the temple.

Zuo Mo cheered up.

The passage is like a maze. If it weren't for the map, Zuo Mo might not have been so relaxed.

Zuo Mo stopped. In front of him was a lake.

The boundless water surface is as calm as a mirror, with distant mountain peaks looming. There are countless large and small bubbles floating on the lake surface, and the mist is misty. These colorful bubbles change in the sunlight and are extremely beautiful.

Zuo Mo gasped, his face serious.

This is the Guishui Secret Realm!

A very dangerous secret place! The person who guards the secret realm of Guishui is a woman named Tu. She was once a princess of an underwater tribe. However, it has been too long, and her mind has been lost, and she has become a monster who only knows how to kill.

Each of these seemingly beautiful bubbles is extremely dangerous. Every bubble is a watertight realm. If you fall into it, you will no longer be able to escape from Tu's palm.

Moreover, Qinglin told Zuo Mo frankly that even he was not Tu's opponent. Although everyone's divine power is constantly disappearing, Tu is still very powerful.

There is absolutely no chance if you fight hard!

After carefully recalling every word of Brother Qinglin's instructions and making sure that nothing was missing, Zuo Mo raised his feet.

Stepping on the lake, with every step, ripples spread slowly. A breeze suddenly appeared on the lake, and colorful bubbles floated towards Zuo Mo with the breeze.

Seeing the bubbles getting tighter and tighter, Zuo Mo's body became more and more nervous.

At this moment, a heat flow suddenly came from his body, and the sun crystal seeds suddenly flew from his body to the top of his head, emitting soft golden light like the sun. This layer of light was like a golden mask, covering Zuo Mo.

The colorful bubbles seemed to be very afraid of the golden light and immediately ran away.

Zuo Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Qinglin told him that the sun crystal seed in his body was the key to his ability to enter the temple.

With the protection of the Sun Crystal Seed, Zuo Mo passed through the Guishui Seamless Realm unharmed. He didn't meet Tu. Tu probably felt the breath of the sun crystal seed and stayed away.

Although they have all lost their minds, the restrictions in their bodies still exist, and they are naturally afraid of the sun's breath.

The sun crystal seed is the real sun. Although it has not been formed, it has the purest aura of the sun. Moreover, Qinglin used the power of the entire temple to open the seal of the sun crystal seed. Although there is only a trace, the purest breath of the sun is still as dazzling as the stars in the dark night.

After walking through the secret realm of Guishui, we came to the altar.

The altar of the Sun Temple is extremely large in scale. It is shaped like the sun and is golden in color, as if it were made of gold. It is three miles long from east to west and wide from east to west. Eighteen steps, each five miles long, extend outward from the altar, forming eighteen Tao sun flame pattern.

In the center of the altar, a red flame burned quietly.

Zuo Mo climbed onto the altar. There were dense lines under his feet, which were formations that he couldn't understand. Maybe it wasn't the formation. It's hard to say whether there was any formation in that era.

His eyes fell on the red flame in the center of the altar.

This wisp of flame was no bigger than a finger, red as blood, and beating faintly.

At this moment, the sun crystal seed above Zuo Mo suddenly buzzed and trembled, and a golden light shone directly from the sun crystal seed on the red flame in the center of the altar.

The red flame suddenly rose to the height of a person.


An invisible wave, with the flame as the center, spread loudly in the temple.

The patterns on the ground on the altar lit up one after another, and the red light flowed into the patterns on the ground, as if blood was poured into them.

Zuo Mo felt his head buzzing.

The desolate horns of ancient times, the screams of strange beasts that block out the sun, the vague gods-like figures in the halo of the sun in the sky...

It flowed through the depths of his heart like running water, and he was stunned.


The sun above the Sun Temple suddenly burst out with countless red flames, wrapping around the dark golden sun!

There was a loud rumbling sound from the ground, as if there was a monster deep underground.

The cultivators who were guarding near the Sun Temple all had their mouths wide open, and their eyes seemed to be glued to them, unable to move away from the Sun Temple.

The Temple of the Sun, which was originally only a corner exposed, was raised inch by inch.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand holding it hard and pulling it up little by little.

The sea of ​​clouds is churning, and the golden light is shining!

After thousands of years of being covered in dust, the former First Tribe's temple slowly rose up under the gaze of everyone, revealing its full image bit by bit.

The passage of tens of thousands of years is enough to turn the sea into mulberry fields, and the immortality to turn into ashes!

The heroes who once conquered the world are now left with only their last breath, just like the old man who is dying and dying.

However, a hero is a hero, even if he takes his last breath, he still has the aura to look down on the world!

Amidst the loud rumblings, the Sun Temple rose from the ground, its dazzling golden light piercing the sky like a sword, and the layers of clouds surged like waves.

The Sun Temple, which had disappeared for tens of thousands of years, proudly appeared in everyone's sight, carrying the power of the ancient era tens of thousands of years ago.

Eighteen golden giant pillars, each with a golden crow squatting on it. The golden crows don't know whether they are dead or alive. They squat silently on the top of the pillar, looking down at the people below indifferently.

The giant pillars are as if they were made of gold, with flowers, plants, exotic beasts and the sun carved on them. Eighteen golden pillars are arranged at random. Between the giant pillars, light and shadow change, and layers of light curtains make it possible to vaguely see the palace corridors inside.

The light curtain is like a veil, isolating the temple from the outside world.

The hills around the temple were dyed golden by the golden light, like mountains of gold.

Elder Shen and Li Shu, who were driven out by the alarm, had very different expressions on their faces. They looked at the temple in disbelief. For the first time, a panicked look appeared in Li Shu's eyes.

Could it be that the temple is going to be is it possible...

How could the master's calculation be lost?

Isn’t there still two days until the temple opens?

Not far from them, the middle-aged man's face was ashen.

Impossible...How could the temple be opened in advance?

Beside him, the masked assassin stood motionless.

At this moment, suddenly, two red flames suddenly rose from the empty eyes of the Golden Crow at the top of the pillar. The golden crows, like stone sculptures, twisted and crackled, and gravel kept falling from them.

They come alive!

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