World Occult User Guide

Chapter 365: Up the River

It is March now, and the rainy season has not yet arrived. The dry road surface is hard under the scorching sun day after day, making it particularly easy for off-road vehicles to drive.

The scenery on both sides of the road has changed from colorful cities to overgrown wilderness. The materials for building houses have also changed from concrete bricks to sticks, baobab leaves, and Ilala palms. More and more large wild animals are appearing.

Lin An is traveling secretly this time. He uses the alias Rigel Tulfo and pretends to be one of the new recruits. Except for Fu Bin, the other three do not know his true identity.

Kofi is responsible for driving, Mel and Kantubi sit in the second row, and Lin An and Fu Bin lean on the back seat.

Outside the car window, in the dust splashed by the off-road vehicle, several giraffes stretched their necks to nibble on the yellow fruit on a lush tree.

Two days later, this fruit appeared in the rice bowls of the group.

It turns out that the tree is called "Marula", a sacred tree that gives the source of life to the people of Central South Africa. Its fruit can be used to extract oil, and can also be made into delicious roast chicken with free-range chicken.

The town is the last place on the Bantu border that can be considered peaceful. Going further north, the army will enter the area of ​​​​fire.

According to the map, the group continued to move forward until a hill that was not recorded on the map appeared in front of them.

Kofi had to take a detour, but the road became more and more unfamiliar and he was completely lost.

Fortunately, they found a trickling stream soon, which might be a tributary of the Niger River, and drove along its flow.

After wandering in the deserted wilderness for a long time, Lin An found some light spots representing intelligent life in the empty mode, followed their footsteps, and drove into a village in an off-road vehicle.

Kofi turned off the car, and as soon as Kantubi and Mel opened the car door, the villagers who were looking around scattered and found a place to hide.

"Moni (Hello)!"

Mel took out the translation software in advance and shouted in pronunciation. Behind the window of the mud house were eyes staring at her, and their expressions were full of vigilance.

"Hey, here comes a guy who can talk." Kantubi had already expected it, and he took out his pistol and pretended to load it. A middle-aged man in his fifties came out cautiously, keeping a distance from the two of them, with a look of seeing a ghost on his face.

"We are a group of refugees who have lost their way. Excuse me, do you know how to get to the military camp of General Ernest Wamba Dia Wamba?"

Mel repeatedly reiterated her purpose, but the man stared at her face, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Have you seen Azungu before?" Kantubi immediately expressed his doubts.

"This is the first one, mzungu madman." The man answered slowly.

In the Kituba language, mzungu means "white-skinned people", and Azungu is the plural form of the word, with a hint of exclusion.

"Looks weird?"

"I thought they would be taller." The man gestured, "Will they really eat our children?"

"No, they eat meat, fish and corn, as well as Brussels sprouts and yogurt bowls, and they also like to drink a little wine." Kantubi kicked open the trunk, took out a can of beer and threw it to the man, "Make you smile."

In the silent communication of threats and sweetness, the man's fingers swung left and right.

"The group of Ubangi people are over there. They have occupied the house of Chief Bumtail."

According to the man's instructions and the direction of the stream, the off-road vehicle drove a bumpy and desolate section of the road, and the outline of another village appeared on the horizon.

Just as Lin An was thinking about how they would be welcomed again, screams and exclamations of fear came, and then they were all drowned out by roars that sounded like neither human nor beast.


Coffey slammed on the brakes, and the first thing that came into view was a looming human-shaped black shadow, so huge that the surrounding low huts looked as inconspicuous as anthills.

"Fuck, a special effects film!" Fu Bin blurted out.

"That's an animal, no, a giant! - A mysterious person?" Mel covered his mouth.

"It's Negoogunogumbar, the giant who eats children in the legend of the Mbuti people. They believe that humans and forests have a deep connection, but if they violate taboos, the forest will send out an incarnation to eat them."

Lin An thought for a moment, and the data popped up, confirming his guess.

"Negoogunogumbar is one of the incarnations of the forest. Another messenger is Obrigwabibikwa, who looks like a dwarf, is very short and inconspicuous, and can spit out deadly venom."

"In short, a terrible and pitiful out-of-control mysterious person." Kofi said.

"You know a lot..." Kantubi rolled his eyes, "Then what do you think we should do? Just ignore it like we did just now?"

"As a World Tree employee, we can't let the out-of-control mysterious person wreak havoc in Bantu!" Mel was about to roll up her sleeves, but the violent tremor of the giant's stomping feet scared her, "Sir Ranger, it's up to you to decide."

Fu Bin did not hide his identity. The mysterious team had already seen that he was just an ordinary person during their interactions. This time, he asked a question with a hint of temptation.

Fu Bin didn't want to make a decision on his own, but he glanced at Lin An's expressionless face and found it difficult to act according to his expression. He had to weigh the pros and cons and speak.

"It's a secret operation, don't be too ostentatious."

"I have a suggestion. Next time you encounter an out-of-control mysterious person or an encounter, it's best not to pass the football around." Kofi pointed at the giant [Nicoguno Gamba] that was rushing straight towards the SUV, "Run!"

"I vote for the fight!" Kantubi picked up his rifle, "Since we've been discovered, with that guy's speed, how can we escape?"

"Don't vote! Get out of the car! We must find a way to kill that guy!" Mel pulled his sparse hair, "Ah! I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would betray the spirit of democracy!"

No one opposed her words, and the group filed out of the car door.

Seeing a hairless, green-skinned giant covered with baobab and tamarind branches and leaves running wildly.

Its eyes were very small, and there were almost no facial features on its flat face. It was about four or five meters tall. Its thick fingers grabbed half of the body like a toy, and without aiming, it swung its arm and threw it towards the crowd.

In addition to Lin An, the four people also experienced many rough and bloody scenes, but it was the first time they directly faced such a terrible, powerful, hideous and terrifying out-of-control mysterious person.

Perhaps it was a rational human half a day ago, but now it has been polluted into a pure reflection of the planet "Comos".


Half of the body slammed in front of them, and the blood plasma exploded, splashing all over the ground with bright red and sticky.

Although there was no substantial damage, everyone was immediately frightened and numbed their scalps. When they were motionless, the giant instantly approached less than ten meters away from them. Lin An could even feel the rotten meat-like breath exhaled from the other party's mouth.

The image and momentum of the giant are indeed terrifying, but in fact it is only a disaster-level mysterious person, but the degree of pollution makes it show the most primitive power of the mysterious prototype.

If it calms down, our combat power is more than enough to deal with it, and it is not a hell copy...

Seeing that the giant is about to stage a "war trampling", Lin An was about to take action, and the Kan Tubi beside him suddenly roared.

"Fuck, I'm going to die anyway! I'm going to fight you!"

He took a deep breath, clenched his fingers, crossed them on his chest, pursed his lips as if praying, and big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

The next moment, a dazzling burning meteor shot from the sky, dragging a long afterimage tail, and pierced directly into the giant's chest.

The tiny brilliance of the meteor seemed a little ridiculous compared to the huge giant.


The giant howled in pain, his body trembled, and black spots appeared on his green skin, like moldy fungi, but his movements were not hesitant at all. Its shadow enveloped everyone, and malice and madness were everywhere, as well as the killing intent without reason.


The light sound of the candle extinguishing flashed away, and a white and sacred missile followed the trajectory of the meteor that had not yet disappeared, and "puffed" from the back and hit the giant's chest.

The destructive energy from the cosmic body suddenly erupted, and the giant's pupils shrank immediately, and a few faint and strange "ho ho" sounds came out of his throat, like a thousand-year-old tree being cut down, and fell forward heavily.

"Everyone disperse!"

Without Coffey's reminder, the people who came to their senses took advantage of being caught up by the shadow and ran back to the sun.


The muffled sound of the corpse falling to the ground made the earth tremble violently like an earthquake, and it calmed down for a long time. The people who were already tense and frightened immediately fell to the ground in various postures, holding their chests and gasping for breath.

After a while, Kantubi jumped up.

"I killed this ghost thing! I actually killed it?!"

"Uh, but I seem to see two streams of light..." Mel was about to remind him, but was interrupted by Kantubi excitedly.

"Hahaha! This thing is much better than a gun! See who dares to kill me! I'll kill him first!"

Fu Bin turned his sight from the giant to Lin An, who was crossing his arms, and lowered his voice: "Forest Ranger, is that guy really that powerful?"

"Maybe in the future." Lin An nodded, "After all, he is the 'Chief Judge', a divine medium with one of the best frontal combat capabilities."

"Meteor Mato Bola..."

The data was transmitted from Lin An's system to Fu Bin, and the green data trembled with the laughing Kan Tubi.

[Name]: Mato Bola, Meteor Curse

[Rating]: Disaster Level D

[Radiation Value]: 2.8%

[Pollution Level]: 3.2%

[Medium]: Chief Judge

Making a wish when seeing a meteor streaking across the night sky is an ancient and common custom around the world. Some civilizations believe that meteors are the souls of the deceased, and they can bring wishes to heaven and let God fulfill them.

But in Bantu culture, meteors are considered to be the embodiment of evil souls.

They are called Matombola, and it is said that meteors are their way of trying to land in human bodies. Once hit by a meteor, the individual will be infected by the power of witchcraft.

Considering that the true nature of meteors is meteorites, they never rise to "heaven" but fall directly to the surface, sometimes causing disasters. Perhaps the "evil souls" in the Bantu legend are more in line with the essence of the universe.

Kantubi's radiation value is too low, and the "meteor" he summoned is not very powerful, but its appearance falling from the sky reminds Lin An that he has an entry similar to Matombola, "The First Principles of Natural Magic IV: The First Book of the Sky Sage".

In order to hide his identity, Kantubi activated [Summon Mars] before he finished performing the mysterious art.

The missile hit the giant infected by the power of witchcraft. The divine breath of the Renaissance savior and the curse of the evil soul worked together to make the giant's already chaotic mind even more crazy, and the pollution level finally reached 100%, and he fell to the ground motionless.

After cleaning up, the three members of the team calmed down their excitement and got back on the off-road vehicle.

Along the way, Mel counted on his fingers to sum up his experience, and Kantubi crossed his legs proudly.

As for Kofi, he secretly observed Lin An and Fu Bin in the back row through the rearview mirror from time to time, thinking.

When they drove to the village attacked by the giant, the afterglow of the sunset fell on the earth, and it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

Mel and Kantubi got out of the car consciously. The latter was about to draw his gun for self-defense, but suddenly a white-haired old man ran over and hugged him like a son who had returned after a long absence.

"Oh my God, don't touch him!" Mel shouted anxiously, fearing that Kantubi would be attacked and worried about the old man's life.

"Tsk, don't make a fuss. I can tell the difference between mysterious people, murderers and ordinary people." Kantubi bent down skillfully and broke free from the old man's arms. "For example, you exude the breath of 'I am a lamb, come and slaughter me'."

"I'm so sorry! Then what?"

"There are many mentally ill people here, they often wander around without restraint, and this person is probably not one of them." Kantubi rolled his eyes and stood with Mel, "Who are you?"

"Village chief."

The two looked at each other in surprise after getting a completely different answer from what they expected.

While talking, other people in the village stopped their work and quickly surrounded them.

"What do you want to do?" Kantubi held the pistol vigilantly.

"Welcome, welcome." The villagers said, "It's a pity that we were attacked not long ago and can't entertain you well."

This warm treatment was very different from the last village, which made the two a little confused.

"Aren't you afraid of her?" Kantubi asked the village chief in confusion.

"Why should I be afraid of her?"

"There's a village along this road. I just passed by there. They thought she was going to eat their children."

"Don't mind them!" The village chief showed his white teeth and pointed to the location next to the campfire. "The people I know only eat breadfruit and never eat children."

"Huh?" Kantubi looked in the direction of his finger and found nothing unusual. "What the hell?"

"A white-skinned person like her!"

Kantubi was confused and could only remain silent. Mel took this opportunity to pause and read the results of the translation software, and sighed subconsciously.

"Oh, God!"

"Oh, God!"

A similar voice came from the other side of the campfire, and a man and a woman walked towards them quickly.

The two people were wearing the same clothes as the villagers and were tanned. They looked no different from the locals from the back. Only when they turned around, Kantubi and Mel saw a pair of gray eyes and a pair of green eyes.

After staring at each other for a while, the gray-eyed man tentatively spoke in English.

"Good evening, God bless you. Are you both from Lion Country?" (End of this chapter)

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