World Occult User Guide

Chapter 349 “To Mary”

As a secular power, the Gielgud family has extraordinary influence in Lacon O.

Weapons, fighter jets, tanks, private armies, and Youle and Franc, they quickly completed the aftermath work requested by Lin An and were more active than expected.

In the past few months of anarchy, the Gielgud family has plundered a fortune from various warlords and financial groups, and eradicated many "landlords." Now working with Lin An can be regarded as an opportunity to escape and return to the right path. .

Not only that, with the [World Tree] beginning to take shape, they no longer have to worry about some free mystics who awakened after the arrival of "Comes".

The Gielgud family seems to have wanted to join the Mysterious Organization for a long time, but they have never found a suitable partner.

Under their control, a new President Lacon O was elected. Although everyone in the presidential palace knew that the candidate was a puppet, the real decision-makers were the Gielgud family and [World Tree].

This group of pirates from Poisca took over the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce.

Speaking of the Chamber of Commerce, Lin An stayed in Ivory Coast in Lakonao for three full days and received no news from them.

The remaining employees of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to relay the current situation to Lin An.

"Our initial resistance was because we were not sure about the life or death of the Chamber of Commerce President." He said, "No offense, Lord Forester, you are just a little-known mysterious person... We don't know your true strength."

The employee who spoke was a mysterious person. Lin An did not show up in person to prevent the other party from playing tricks. Just like when he met Gielgud, he used [God's One Eye] and data to do it for him.

After the man finished speaking, green-lit text appeared from the cell.

"I wonder if I can send Jacob van Hoofwegen to hell."

"Well, you're so funny."

Lin An understood what the other party was talking about. The President of the Chamber of Commerce's "Picatrix" belonged to the "Prophet" medium and was not strong in frontal combat, but as a source level, it definitely had the means to be resurrected.

As long as the president of the chamber of commerce is not dead, these chamber of commerce members feel that things can still turn around.

In fact, from the information gathered in the shadows, Lin An believed that the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce did indeed survive, but he gave up the layout of Nanzhou out of consideration. It was suspected that he was expelled and punished by the [Black City], and was temporarily unable to do anything. Fa came to pick up the employees.

In other words, these people were abandoned by their organizations.

"To this day, have you not received any contact from our chamber of commerce?" a member of the chamber of commerce asked reluctantly.

"No." Lin An observed his twinkling eyes, "Do you think I lied to you? I can't wait for the president of the Chamber of Commerce to contact me and exchange you for information, mysterious items, or secular power."

"Master Forester, well..." The member's eyelids twitched, "We have no choice but to let you do what you want."

"This is your [World Tree] ID card."

Green data appeared. The employee scanned the data that belonged to him and swallowed nervously.

"Not only did you find out my name and mysterious prototype, you also assigned me a new code name - Tool_01? Tool No. 1? And this negative number... I don't understand."

"Please use the snake symbol to click on the question mark next to each unique noun, and the system will automatically go to the corresponding data page."

After saying this, Lin An withdrew his gaze and let him explore and think on his own.

Storage and tool are the code names of the World Tree exchange system. The former refers to mysterious items, and the latter refers to other forces or free mystics supervised by World Tree.

Regular employees of the six major departments can spend ash leaves to borrow mysterious items in the exchange system and hire various mystics.

[Burning Mirror] is the first mysterious item with an inventory code, because it basically has no thinking ability.

Members of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce belong to the tool category. Every time they help Yggdrasil employees complete a task, they can obtain ash leaves to offset the initial negative number.

A veritable "tool man".

When the [number of ash leaves] column of the tool man returned to zero, Lin An superficially wrote that he would let them go free, but in fact he had no idea how to deal with these people. At present, these upside-down ash leaves are a big data.

The tool man's ID card issuance is limited to the mystics of the Chamber of Commerce. Those ordinary people were sent to the Gielgud family by Lin An. The currently almost saturated World Tree cannot accept more outsiders.

After dealing with the Chamber of Commerce, Lin An was only a little uneasy because since the press conference incident, the Xizhou area had become strangely calm. There were not many reports mentioning the group of reporters who were resurrected by the voodoo priest and devoured by Mother Koum.

Major newspapers were as quiet as chickens. At least a few obituaries were posted in the corners of their web pages that reporters died in "accidental wars."

As Lin An told Edward, these unlucky people had no chance of survival, and Mother Coombe just made their death more pleasant and "clean".

If she didn't take action, Lin An would either find someone to end the lives of these people one by one, or wait for them to completely lose their minds, and their bodies and souls would become mysterious objects - and subduing this group of out-of-control mysterious people would definitely be a troublesome matter.

The mysterious person is bound by the divine medium, and killing so many people rashly will inevitably cause his own pollution level to soar.

Although Edward is the "Judge" who is good at killing, his time rating is too low.

Before he learned how to control his own mystery, Lin An asked him to feel more of the medium's tendencies and control less of the energy of "Comes".

In response, the reporter smiled bitterly.

Even without Lin An's warning, he was now a half-statue and could only be moved around by others, losing the ability to move freely.

Lin An placed him in the cabin of the ship. In order to prevent Edward from getting too bored and starting to think wildly, he assigned him an easy task - to register the expatriates stranded at the port.

In addition to the journalists who were killed by voodoo, many other staff members went with them to Ivory Coast in Lacon Ou, but did not enter the press conference building to save their lives.

After the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce surrendered, except for a ship that sailed from the high seas and took away the Lions and Irishmen of Ivory Coast, the remaining stranded people, like the remaining members of the Chamber of Commerce, became unsupervised " Refugees".

After they repeatedly contacted their country and company but received no response, Lin An extended an olive branch to them.

This group of expatriates have all received complete higher education and are all college students, so they are very suitable to follow him back to build Bantu.

Between joining [World Tree] and becoming a pirate wandering the high seas or a stowaway on the Ivory Coast, all the expatriates chose the former without hesitation.

Lin An also told them that not everyone can become a formal employee of [World Tree]. Soon after returning to Kinshasa in Bantu by boat, World Tree will launch a recruitment fair, and they can actively sign up.

After finishing the chores, it was time to leave Ivory Coast.

Lin An took out the engraved shell given to him by Koum's mother. Its coordinates pointed to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

"I have to go now."

At 12 o'clock at noon, he stood in the Ivory Coast, which is as beautiful as jasper, and said to the translucent Ms. Noon beside him. She folded her hands gracefully and smiled faintly.

“May your future be prosperous and may you remain cunning in person.”

What a blessing with regional characteristics...

In the Baltic cultural area, they praise a person's cunning qualities and believe that only "cwaniakowa" know how to deal with various challenges.

"Mrs. Adamek, do you really don't need me to tell your brother that you are still alive?" Lin An asked.

The lady smoothed her thick bunted hair, revealing a small sun on the back of her head. The light it radiated gave her a precise shape.

The equatorial noon was blazing, her appearance was extremely clear, and her power was stronger than ever.

Once the sun sets, she falls into a coma and no one knows what happened to her.

"No, our family prefers dead people." Mrs. Adamek covered her mouth. "This way we can convince ourselves to live and spend the rest of our lives seeking revenge. This is how the Gielguds adapt to death."

"So, how do you want to avenge your husband next?"

That video from the Presidential Office was spread by Mrs. Adamek. However, to this day, the source of this video is still unknown.

Lin An didn't know who gave it to Mrs. Adamek, and what the message "a gift from me" meant.

Does the so-called "you" refer to Madam, or does it refer

"Initially, I played the video over and over again, staring at the murderer's face, gritting my teeth and observing every movement, expression, and muscle movement of his, thinking that one day I would put a gun against his temple. What did he do?"

"When I saw it for the fiftieth time, I suddenly noticed some subtle movements of my husband. There was a moment between when he was shot and when he died. During this time, he was lying on the ground, his shoulders twitching."

"I thought he was convulsing due to severe pain, but upon closer inspection I discovered that he was holding a pen and seemed to be writing something. So I 'floated' to the scene of the incident and found a piece of paper from under the carpet in the President's Office."

Mrs. Adamek took out a scrap of paper stained with blood from her chest and handed it to Lin An. The doctor's last words were written in trembling and twisted handwriting.

To Mary:

I wonder if you will be able to read this letter one day.

For the past thirty-five years, I have worked hard for the internationalism that our family believes in. Regardless of whether this death meets the ending I imagined, I will not change the main line of my life.

My faith in the future of a global community is as strong as it was when I was young, if not stronger.

Now, I also want to tell you that in addition to giving me the happiness of a successful career, fate also gave me the happiness of being your husband.

Cry for me, but do not avenge me, Mary.

Go to the window from the courtyard, open the window wider, let the air enter the room more freely, look at the bright green grass under the wall, the blue sky at noon, and the sunshine everywhere.

life is brilliant.

I believe that evil, oppression, and violence will eventually be eradicated from the world, so please enjoy it to the fullest.

forever loyal to you,


"I don't believe in the world that my husband described. At least I can't wait." Mrs. Adamek took back the piece of paper. "His death brought me into contact with 'Comes'. Then, I am going to use that... Extra time given by the planet to act.”


"For example, find a way to continue operating our clinic, resume free consultations every Sunday, and help you monitor the Gielgud family. You don't want Yggdrasil to become the next Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"I'm glad you have a new goal." Lin An bent his fingers, and a line of data appeared, "And, welcome to World Tree."

【Name】: Marie Gielgud Adamek

[Mysterious Prototype]: Psipolnica


[No.]: Firewatch_58

[Authority Level]: Pine Green

【Number of ash leaves】: 5

[Codename]: Ms. Noon

Through the data, Mrs. Adamek watched Lin An go away, picked up the hem of her skirt with both hands, and gave a noble farewell ceremony.

Psipolnica's white skirt is like a new wedding dress, washing away the sinister and sad colors on the woman's body. (End of chapter)

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