World Occult User Guide

Chapter 347 Kum's Mother

Ashanti, Sanshen.

Lin An, who had recovered his energy, recorded the names of the Lacon O mystic organization and listed them in the "Encyclopedia of Mysterious Families of the World", which was his newly created World Tree system database with an access level of "Emerald".

It contains the mystical organizations that Lin An has witnessed along the way, including existing and destroyed families.

If I remember correctly, the Ashanti Empire was the most glorious and vast empire in Lacon O's history. It was an ancient country rich in gold mines and controlled gold trade and its transportation channels.

The empire was headed by the Akan people who worshiped the sun god Nyankopon, and was supplemented by a number of chiefdoms similar to vassal states.

The birthplace of Voodoo, Ivory Coast is one of the chiefdoms of the Ashanti Empire.

That plump woman - Mother Koum calls herself "Sanshen". Could it be that the family of mystics in Lakon'ao is the same as the ancient Ashanti Empire, dominated by the main ethnic group Akan gods, with many people who were active in Lakon'o under their command? The national gods of various places?

This organizational structure is a bit like the [Thirteenth Heaven] in Lower East Continent. The weak and broken pantheons in the same cultural area elect a powerful leader, and gather with him as the core to resist the invasion and attacks of other pantheons.

Regardless of the organizational structure of [Sanshen], Lin An guessed that the local mystics in Ivory Coast were related to voodoo, so he told Edward that someone would deal with the aftermath.

Unlike Gielgud, who was an ordinary person, Lin An noticed it as soon as Mother Koum arrived near the building.

She was in a strange state. Lin An turned [God's One Eye] and heard all kinds of sounds coming from her. Different individuals were talking, noisy, and kissing, but they were squeezed into the same soul, as if they were possessed. Schizophrenia.

Lin An, who was no stranger to "Comes", was not surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he roughly understood the mystery of Mother Koum - indeed it had something to do with mental classification.

Voodoo witchcraft is a branch of the three Hermetic mysteries.

Mother Koum used some means to store a large soul and several small souls in her body, which was as lively as a reality show villa.

Every soul, no matter how big or small, can cause a Loa to descend and return to the physical world.

When she entered the mansion, a Loa came through the medium of a soul, grabbed Gielgud's soul without saying a word, and dragged him into the "villa".

Mother Koum got right to the point, using an unrelated person as a bargaining chip, and clearly wanted to have a confrontation with Lin An.

Although she didn't mean much harm, if Lin An was at a disadvantage, the voodoo loose god would probably be less friendly.

Even after leaving the rainforest, the survival rules there still apply.

The animals Gielgud saw were all incarnations of Loa, and the two humans carrying birdcages were the souls of Mother Koum.

The first one to take action was the big soul. It transformed into a noisy parrot, chirping and squawking. It took specific steps with its feet and walked out with a weird, erratic symbol.

Orthodox voodoo can unfold rituals that bring an individual into a special state.

The images used in rituals were crucial in determining states, and priests drew cognitive symbols, some with intellectual significance and others that stimulated rational thought.

For example, when the priest uses the pattern of "curved spine", the individual will enter an inspired state, because "curved spine" is the representative of "snake", and the Lacon'o people regard snakes as the source of spirituality; using other patterns will Let the individual's status be different.

The symbol at the parrot's feet resembles a bird and a rooster, full of aggressive and provocative meanings.

It looked directly at Lin An, who immediately had the urge to rush to the parrot and argue fiercely with it.

However, the parrot is just a bait. The real trap lies in the priests and priestesses around Mother Koum. They also take casual steps and form an equilateral triangle with the parrot, waiting for the arrival of prey.

The "statelessness" of the human priest conceals the ability that is about to come to Loa. If it is really besieged by the three, any mystic will be caught off guard.

The transformation of animals reminded Lin An of the "Lord of the Earth". The characteristic of this medium is that the more of the same kind gathered, the stronger the power.

Once the mysterious person breaks into Mother Koum's "Soul Villa", there is almost no return.

However, Mother Koum had offended the wrong person, and Lin An, who was provoked, did not hesitate to perform the most basic [Soul Expulsion Ritual], destroying her soul realm like a tornado.

The two human priests didn't even have time to summon the Loa. The male priest was hit by Lin An's Hittite ritual, his soul was eliminated, and the Loa who was about to lean down fell out.

Loa is the embodiment of "Comoth" energy, with no consciousness or signs of life. After losing his medium, Loa gradually dissipated as a monkey after Lin An took Gielgud away.

If Mother Koum wants to summon it again, she will have to pay a price.

Lin An's overwhelming strength wiped out Mother Koum's fighting spirit. After she lost the link of a Loa, she assumed a truce posture, and Lin An gave up.

To really kill this mysterious person who is most likely to be a mythical person, he will have to put in a lot of unnecessary energy and effort, and he will also be hated by the family behind this person, which is not worth the loss.

[Sanshen] He didn’t have much time with the World Tree, so Lin An didn’t want to make enemies everywhere.

It won't be long before Koum's mother will tell Lakon'ao's [Sanshen] the results of this confrontation and let them know about Lin An's existence.

The slightly fishy smell of animals and herbs brushed his cheeks, he lowered his head and laughed.


The elephant skin chair sprouted horns and appeared in front of Lin An.

Four waiters struggled to carry Mother Koum who was sitting on it. She wore a dark mask made of coconut shells, her big red lips painted with natural dye were extremely bright, and her reddish-brown hands held a peacock feather fan, which made a shrill sound. laughter.

When looking closely, Lin An found that under the eaves covered by Mother Koum's huge body, little figures were busy, some were as big as seven or eight-year-old children, and some were only as big as the palm of a hand.

Their form is very similar to the voodoo temple system. A temple dedicated to the orthodox voodoo deity must have two male priests hougan, two female priests mambo, several assistants hounsi and their congregation.

So, where do their origins come from?

Lin An recalled that when Mother Koum dealt with the group of people who were tortured by the voodoo priests, her main soul turned into a huge glutton, tearing the soul into pieces like eating cakes, and stuffing it into her mouth.

The Mystery of Mother Qom is a temple dedicated to a deity with the power to "devour souls."

She can tear off a piece of another person's soul, sew it together like fabric and patch it into a brand new small portion of soul, stuff it into the temple as her servant and the medium to summon Loa.

When Lin An learns about the Loa corresponding to the soul of Mother Koum, the system should pop up the corresponding panel.

"Sun God! You are so slender!" Koum's mother looked at Lin An and shouted loudly, "This is the result of drinking those burnt coffee beans! You will never gain weight!"

"Kum, do you still want to exchange soul skills again?"

Lin An made a Hittite ritual gesture, and the quiet and ethereal white birch tree emerged. Mother Koum subconsciously shrank and fanned herself repeatedly.

"No, no! I'm very well! Maybe in a place where evil spirits are entrenched, malnutrition is a kind of beauty!"

Strangely, the air she fanned was just right cool, making the room a comfortable temperature.

This is probably the "Comes" replacement for air conditioners.

"Since you chose to show up, you must know what is happening here." Lin An said.

"Hoho, I dare not say that I know everything! I only know that you drove away the cobra that occupied my front yard a hundred years ago, killed the snake vulture that betrayed us more than seven hundred years ago, and scared away that few people. The big bug came uninvited a few months ago.”

Mother Coombe said with great enthusiasm, her fat body trembling and dancing.

The cobra refers to Jacob, the president of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, and the snake vulture is most likely a voodoo priest. He is dressed like a colorful snake vulture.

The betrayal she mentioned should have occurred at the small intersection of the "Comoth" star orbit around the Middle Ages. During that time, various families were fighting happily.

Lin An didn't bother to ask about the love and hatred between the voodoo priest and the voodoo cult. It was just like stabbing the whole family in the back with the grudges of the "Four Living Gods". He was only a little curious about who the so-called "big bug" represented.

Unfortunately, Mother Koumu continued her talk without giving him a chance to ask. Lin An had to temporarily believe that this animal represented the Kumasi family that had fled to Lakoono not long ago.

"Forest guard!" The Voodoo shrine opened its arms, the chair under the seat shook violently, and the four waiters looked ferocious and miserable, "I don't know anything about the World Tree!"

"I don't know much about [Sanshen] either." Lin An responded with a smile.

"Hahaha, this is not difficult to do!"

Mother Koum kicked the ivory stool under her buttocks, causing the little figure to grin and tremble.

"For the Ashanti people, the stool represents power and is a symbol of unity in our society! It is both an entity and a representation of a position or throne. The establishment and dethronement of the chief are both associated with the stool. This It is the most solemn ceremony of [Sanshen]!”

"You mean, in [Sanshen], the stool a mystic sits on determines his rating, ability, and family status?"

"That's right, ranger!" Mother Koum shook her feet and the elephant leather stool creaked. "Elephants are one of the most powerful animals in South Africa!"

The implication was that her position in [Sanshen] was very important, but Lin An felt that there was something in her words.

"Kum, you should be here for more than just chatting with me."

Rather than chatting, it’s better to talk about shouting.

This guy's voice was really loud. In just a few minutes, Lin An's head was buzzing due to her noise.

"Forester!" Even the mask couldn't stop Mother Koum's shouting. "Cooperate! We will help you win the Bantu election and make you a friend of Lakon'o! In exchange, do us a favor!" (End of this chapter) )

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