World Occult User Guide

Chapter 338 Burning Mirror

"There were intermittent knocks on the door, and Jacob van Hoofwegen opened it suspiciously. Outside were members of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce. It turned out that they just came to him to discuss temporary matters, and they did not harbor any malice in their hearts."

Despite asking about the identity and purpose of the knocker, Jacob worriedly wrote such a line in pencil with a bright star, affirming the established destiny.

"Come in," he said.

Two sailors, one fat and one thin, pushed open the door and walked in. They were carrying heavy suitcases and had unnatural smirks on their faces.

Before "Comes" officially approached, various organizations backed by the family sold off their secular stocks and exchanged all their cash and virtual currencies for gold, other metals or ores.

Due to global economic turmoil and exchange rate ups and downs like a roller coaster, gold has become the tacit currency unit for transactions between aristocratic families, and it can be used to estimate the value of any item.

"Do you think there's something wrong with this box of gold?"

Jacob stroked his beard and was about to continue talking when the two sailors opened the suitcase involuntarily and heavy gold bars tilted down.


For a time, the entire cabin was illuminated with splendor.

Golden light danced in Jacob's eyes, and his pupils suddenly shrank, he closed the book suddenly, jumped out of the window and fled.

However, it was already too late. The liquid gold climbed up every glass window with lightning speed, condensing into a hard metal shell like frost, sealing the space with mythical energy, creating an airtight prison in the blink of an eye. .


Jacob's shoulder hit one of the windows heavily, and the look of surprise on his face disappeared for a moment, but he quickly calmed down, leaned against the wall, unfolded the old book with his fingers, and wrote out the words with a pencil.

"Fortunately, the [Burning Mirror] was nearby, and he arrived in time. The sun shone on the mirror, reflecting the fierce flames of the celestial body, burning all the shackles that prevented Jacob from leaving the Flying Seagull, and blocking the pursuers. "

The light of the stars and the moon flickered faintly, barely agreeing with the future described in his pen. Jacob raced against time to bite open the cap of the pen with his teeth, and the cursive characters connected end to end covered the pencil marks.

In an instant, an iron dagger suddenly paused in the air.

Its end was held by a slender golden hand on the ground, and it moved forward as if it were equipped with a slide rail. The sharp point was already aimed at Jacob's vitals, and it was only a few meters away from piercing him. heart.


I saw a round full-length mirror flying from below and floating outside the cabin window.

The scorching sunlight of the Atlantic Ocean shines on its plane, like a flame erupting from the surface of the sun. Regardless of the distance of more than ten light years, the heat is refracted along the mirror and casts on the metal body that covers the cabin.


The golden hands trembled uncontrollably, and the sound of melting sounded.

Although Lin Xile wanted to pierce the dagger into Jacob's chest, he was unable to maintain its metal form due to the high temperature on the deck.

In desperation, she had no choice but to close her body.

The liquid metal gathered at one point and condensed into the shape of a girl.

The gold reddened, softened, and finally materialized. Blood vessels connected to blood vessels, flesh connected to flesh, from internal organs to bones, and then to skin. Lin Xile's body returned to normal.

After glancing at the full-length mirror staring at him eagerly, Lin An immediately rolled on the spot and hid.

As a "prophet", Jacob would not go out rashly without a bodyguard. This [Burning Mirror] should belong to a mysterious person from the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce. It is rated as legendary and has extremely high radiation and pollution values.

The mirror may have lost its personal consciousness, controlled solely by Jacob's "notes".

The light refracted by it is comparable to sunlight without the filter of the ozone layer, and is extremely deadly. If Lin Xile hadn't been able to convert metals with higher melting points, he would have been melted into coke by the other party as soon as he encountered it.

As expected of the head of a noble family, he has many terrifying methods.

The midday sun was scorching, the mirror adjusted its angle, and countless rays of blazing light that could kill could penetrate the glass and fill the cabin.

The two sailors didn't even realize what was happening. As soon as they were swept by the light of the mirror, a hole with a radius of three centimeters and a depth of visible bone burned through their bodies, and all the muscle tissue along the way turned into carbonized black.


The sailors were stunned for a long time, screamed, and rolled on the ground in pain.

The mirror showed no sympathy for its companions. Instead, it turned the mirror around even more intensely, as if enjoying their despair and fear.


The light tilted, and the poor sailor turned into two small shrinking masses of charcoal.

Although the high temperature can easily burn a living person to pieces, the furniture swept by the light remains unscathed.

Because the "light" reflected by the mirror only works on mystics, "Comes" energy and living creatures, they cannot affect inanimate objects, otherwise the entire ship will begin to melt the moment the mirror appears.

This was the first thing Lin An observed, and it was also the reason why he confirmed that the mirror was just a legendary mystic.

limitation factor.

Perhaps low-level mystics can also activate some powerful and unsolvable mystical arts, but they always have various restrictions. This comes from the "rationality" imposed on their prototypes by later generations, and is a kind of artificial creature's self-esteem in front of God. .

Lin Xile hid behind the sofa, touching the floor with his thumb. The thin metallic liquid flowed like a curved stroke, avoiding any exposed and open places, and only slowly wandered under shadows and dead corners.

The [Burning Mirror] was a little irritated when no one could be found. It cast light in every corner, like a "laser gun" that continued to shoot bullets.

"Where? Where? Where?"

Finally, his patience exhausted, the mirror smashed the glass, and half of his body leaned into the cabin.

There is no natural light in the room, and the fatal high-temperature beam disappears in an instant. The extended liquid metal snakes down the wall and hugs the silver corners of the mirror.

"Kaka, kaka!"

[Burning Mirror] was frightened immediately and stepped back. The metal-condensed hook was pulled hard by it and broke fragilely.

In order to avoid the mirror's light, Lin Xile carefully controlled the liquid metal and could not make each "stream" too thick, so when it formed a hook, it did not have enough volume for the [Burning Mirror] to break free and escape.

Although the mirror is crazy, it still maintains its nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. It no longer dares to lean into the captain's cabin and keeps turning around, covering the corners with the heat of death.

Every second, it "illuminates" the only exit of the cabin to prevent Lin Xile from finding a chance to escape.

Things have reached a stalemate.

Lin An half-exited Lin Xile's consciousness. The sea breeze blew by, and a black spot loomed not far away.


As for the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, he had already escaped from the captain's room while [Burning Mirror] was confronting Lin Xile. He was currently sitting on a lifeboat, watching the battle on the other side from a distance.

He held the pen and paper tightly with both hands, panting slightly in shock, and continued to write down his speculations about the future in trembling handwriting.

"Jacob van Hoofwegen recalled the fragments of the war just now. He couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that [Forest Ranger] is a master of alchemy? Could it be that all my previous investigations were in the wrong direction? Why is this? Woolen cloth?"

Starlight guided the pen, confirming this guess.

"This means that [Forester] is not the body of Atiksha of [Brahma] walking in the world, or that he and any member of Brahma have ever chosen him as one of the bodies. The two are not friends, relatives, or trading partners. He and Atiksha had nothing to do with each other."

The tip of the pen wandered, the ink smeared and fell onto the slightly yellowed old paper.

"So, [Brahma] helped [Forester] because Atiksha was still abiding by the ancient covenant in Genesis?"

The black became darker and darker, Jacob raised his head, and the shadow shrouded, a young man with black hair blocked the eternal scorching sun of the Atlantic Ocean.

He wore a mask of a voodoo priest. The ram's skull with its horns cut off was so white that it shone brightly. There was some dried blood on the teeth, silently telling the fate of the previous owner.

Lin An scanned the green data in the system and understood.

When he heard the code name [Alfonso III], he basically determined the prototype of the Chamber of Commerce President.

In fact, we can get a glimpse of it from Kevin's "The Black Little Hen". The wise men of the East, the gifts from the djinn from Arabia, and the wisdom of the demon Astaroth all reflect the tendency of the family owner to possess relics.

As one of the Isbanian dependencies, the Kingdom of Flanders has preserved the legacy of many dynasties.

To this day, the kingdom retains many buildings and statues left by the Isbanian emperors. The Flemish people display the gifts of the former rulers one by one, just as they display the dejected remains of their neighboring countries after their defeat. Same as the loot.

Alfonso III, the emperor of Isbany and the prince of all Garcia, fought many times with the armies of the Arab region in history and participated in the famous "restoration movement".

Before the 11th century, Arabic-speaking armies conquered the Kingdom of Visigoth. As the conquerors mixed and intermarryed with the local residents, Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and the Romance languages ​​originally used by the locals gradually coexisted. Locales.

From this emerged an Arabic-speaking monotheistic community, the Mozarabs.

After the disintegration of the Cordoba caliphate, 33 independent small states of Taifa ā'ifa emerged. The kings imitated the model of the caliphate court, recruited poets, promoted the research of philosophy and natural science, and cultivated a period of cultural renaissance in the Arab region.

When King Alfonso conquered these Taifa, they inherited a vast library left behind by the kings, which not only collected some of the leading scientific and philosophical works of the ancient world, but also collected numerous works on astronomy, astrology, and mathematics.

These books were all written in Arabic, but through the efforts of scholars and archbishops, translations into Hebrew, Greek, and Latin began to spread, and through the spread of Protestantism, there were corresponding versions in every Western language.

These works significantly influenced people's thinking on the four elements, wind, fire, water, and earth. Frater Rogerus, the natural philosopher, wizard, theologian, and monk, was one of them.

This man was obsessed with Eastern wisdom and even traveled thousands of miles to visit the Song Dynasty in the Far East. He became the first person in Western Continent to record the gunpowder formula in writing, which kicked off the era of hot weapons.

From this, it is not difficult for Lin An to guess that the mirror confronting Lin Xile is Roger Bacon's book "The Burning Mirror" De speculis comburentibus.

The mysterious prototype of Jacob, the president of Red Poppy Merchant, is surprisingly the famous celestial astrology and witchcraft book during the Arabic Renaissance - "Picatrix". (End of chapter)

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