World Occult User Guide

Chapter 270 Countdown

From the priest's memories, Lin An discovered that when Count Van Hoofwegen used the mystery, he was surrounded by a big red dragon.

There are also some shaking shadows, probably demons that have not been embodied.

This allowed Lin An to further confirm the mysterious prototype of the countess - "The Grimoire of Honorius Thebes".

As time goes by, her power becomes stronger, and she currently summons and controls an unknown number of demons.

And, through Zai's narration, Lin An understood why he awakened the legend rating, and his past questions about the illusion were roughly answered.

Zay was indeed an ordinary carpenter until a warlord kidnapped his son and he went to find him.

This warlord may be a subordinate of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce], or may have inextricable cooperation with them like the Tiger Fish Tribe, or he may even lead the army to attack the church in the fantasy world just out of personal national hatred.

The young soldiers were immersed in killing and indirectly turned themselves into heinous "sinners".

As this "war" came to an end, the countess arrived. She seemed to have used mystical magic to set people on fire, or this was a symbol of dropping a "missile". In short, she razed the entire village to the ground. , destroying corpses and destroying traces.

A few hours after the tragedy, Zai, who was chasing his son, rushed to the church and unexpectedly met the pastor, the only survivor, who handed him a "relic".

At the same time, he unleashed a mystical magic related to the soul.

As for why he, as a mystic, was unable to stop the warlord, Lin An estimated that this happened shortly after the orbits of the "Comes" stars overlapped. The radiation level of the mystics was low, not much different from ordinary people.

In addition, this priest is an auxiliary medium, and is no match for soldiers.

The mysterious technique mixed the soul that entered the dead space with Zai, and planted a "seed" in his body, allowing him to hear the voices of the ghosts of his ancestors, just like Meyer's awakened [Sinbi].

But Zai didn't need to dive into the water. His ears were surrounded by the ghosts' murmurs day and night.

The wisdom from his ancestors taught Zai a lot of mythological and scientific knowledge, and at the same time pushed his spirit to the brink of collapse, making him increasingly unreasonable.

Therefore, sometimes he seems like a learned wise man, sometimes like a complete madman.

The mystery about Zai's origin has been answered, but it has brought up more questions for Lin An.

Who is Pastor Stanislas Vabracombe?

Having awakened to the mystery so early, and being no stranger to the method of harnessing the energy of "Comes", could this person be a member of the Bantu "Aristocratic Family"?

Is there also a "Comes" family in Bantu?

What were the crescent-shaped sequins that the priest handed to Zay? Where has this thing gone now?

[Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] Are you chasing Zai just to get this sequin?

Lin An wanted to get the answer, and was about to ask Zai when he heard the latter speak in a flat voice.

"The story ends here."

He reached out and groped, and wherever his palms touched, the illusion was shattered, as if the scars were being healed, all the bloody morning light was withdrawn, and the cool moonlight appeared in the sky again.

“No one has been legally charged, and no investigative team has uncovered the truth and lifted the burden of history. The bones of the victims can be seen everywhere, in septic tanks, in cisterns, and in toilets, serving as reminders of what happened in the past. of many tragedies.”

Zai spoke slowly in a tone that Lin An had never heard before. The blind eyes that could not see anything had a special luster flowing, as if they had grown a mouth from a misplaced time and space. The dead person was talking to Lin An.

"Are you...Pastor Stanislas Vabracombe?" Lin An asked tentatively.

"No, I am's just that there are many ghosts living in my body, which have been lingering since the last century and are everywhere." Zai's smile was a little creepy, "They are the ghosts of King Leopold. .”

"That crescent-shaped sequin -" Lin An just said this word, and Zai made a "shh" gesture.

"I don't know, and the ghosts from the past don't want to tell you just yet."

"What do they want in exchange?" Lin An looked around, the wind was light and ethereal, as if whispering, "Revenge? Justice? Judgment?"


“It’s really an ultimate goal.”

"New violent conflicts will awaken old grievances, manipulate history in terms of victims, and ignore the trauma of other peoples, especially when governments are filled with military leaders of the past."

"Then they should give way."

"Prosecute these leaders and they will start a war again."

Zai's figure suddenly rose up, and a mighty army of souls began to walk in the forest, starting with two invisible giants, followed by an army of elephants, as well as prophets, saints, herbalists, bards... …

"Outsiders, are you aware enough now?" Thunderous voices emerged from all directions.

Lin An thought for a while and said: "Pardoning war crimes cannot bring peace. From ancient times to the present, yesterday's criminals will only become tomorrow's habitual criminals."


Hearing his fearless words, the illusory ghosts were shocked. They changed their pace and pounced on Lin An one after another, passing through his body and disappearing into the dark sky on the other side.

There were two giants at the end of the team, a man and a woman, and Zai, whose eyes were dull.

"Hey, uncle." Lin An patted him on the shoulder, "Time is running out, I need your help."

After being slapped, Zai was startled and suddenly woke up.

All the absurdity disappeared, and the rain forest returned to normal at night. The moist evening wind blew the banana trees, making a loud opening and closing sound, and the monkeys in the distance chirped.

The man possessed by the ghost turned his head and grinned at Lin An with a strange grin.

"Your thoughts coincide with mine, and your actions also show that you are not lying." Zai said, "For the sake of peace in the new era; this is destined to be a road full of thorns."

"It doesn't matter, these thorns are just right for me to make a laurel crown for the gods."


Yellow Butterfly and Lin An returned to the spotted lion tribe at noon the next day.

Everyone was anxious when they discovered Lin An's disappearance, but what was different from the previous anxiety was that they learned to believe and wait.

They believed that Lin An would not abandon them, and they waited for Lin An's safe return.

Unknowingly, the spotted lion tribe and Lin An established a two-way tacit understanding.

When Lin An returned, Mwias and Apu greeted him again, explaining that another small accident happened while he was away from the tribe.

Sure enough, the two began to report in a flurry of words.

It turned out that a few hours ago, Susumi, the Karu mermaid, staggered into the spotted lion tribe. The patrolling guards came forward to inquire. Unexpectedly, she fell to the ground and fell into a coma, unconscious.

Since this person is the famous tiger fish ancestral spirit, the spotted lion tribe does not dare to neglect him.

Lin An, who had witnessed the whole story, understood Susumi's behavior. She probably didn't want to return to her tribe, so she asked Apu to place her with Mezzomeyer and wait for her to wake up before making plans.

The appearance of Kevin forced the termination of Lin An's first gathering of ancestral spirits. He was afraid of wasting time, so he gave Edward a few instructions and then followed Susumi who left at the right time, so that the two pygmy ancestors The spirit was left hanging in place.

One night passed, not only did they not return to their respective tribes, but they took the initiative to stay.

Lin An asked the reason, and it turned out to be "The mutton steamed buns are so delicious, we want to eat them here every day."

What is food diplomacy, the easiest way to win hearts is through the stomach, right?

Although the pygmy ancestral spirits wanted to stay for a while, their tribe was too far away from the spotted lions. The two ancestral spirits reluctantly bid farewell to the spotted lions and set off on their way back, otherwise the tribe would think they died in the rain forest. .

Before leaving, they specially greeted Lin An, who kept his promise and answered the pygmy boy Tata's doubts about "Comes" as a reward for him.

The bit of information revealed by Lin An was a revelation to this pygmy ancestor. The two looked at each other, hesitant to speak, but in the end they left without saying anything.

After briefly handling some chores, Lin An introduced Zai to the spotted lions.

"This is Teacher Huang."

"For your grandma, just call me uncle, what kind of bullshit is Teacher Huang!" Zai said angrily, "Forest ranger, don't bully others too much!"

"Well, since we want to work hard for peace in the new era, let's call you Teacher He."


"Hello, Teacher Huang."

The spotted lion tribe looked at the fluttering butterflies curiously. They did not know that this person was the famous founder of the ancestral spirit totem, a wanderer from Kinshasa, [The Man in the Shadow] Zai.

The task that Lin An gave to Zai was very simple. Use the fantasy world of "Imaginener" to simulate various scenes and replace the special training space of the "Little Man in the Bottle" to quickly increase the radiation value of the spotted lion tribe in a short period of time.

This is the fastest way to obtain "integration level".

The Countess herself was powerful on the one hand. As one of the powerful people of the Flanders Kingdom family, it was impossible for the master of the Chamber of Commerce not to give her additional mysterious items for self-defense.

In other words, the power of the "Lamp Lady" she controls is probably more terrifying than Kevin's amulet.

Even if the Duke calls Lin An an "S-class statue of the goddess with the lamp," his privilege is limited to being born with the potential of the "goddess with the lamp" without having to go through various complicated rituals to implant it into his body, and he will not be contaminated by it. That’s all.

Lin An's hidden talent has not yet been developed, so he cannot understand the language of "Comes", cannot control the words of another fantasy world, and does not know how to counteract this power.

When being targeted by the words chanted by the guardian angel of Agra, Lin An felt a heart-stopping threat.

He was certain that once that text hit him, the best result would be that his soul would ascend to heaven and return to the "safe house" in outer space again, and the worst result would be direct death.

This is the horror of the "Lady with the Lamp", which represents the concept of pure spirituality.

Fortunately, when the opponent only borrowed a mysterious item containing the "Lamp Goddess", Lin An was not as helpless as other mystics.

As long as you find the mysterious item held by the countess and separate the "Goddess of the Lamp" medium inside it, you can turn it back into an ordinary mysterious item and no longer pose a threat.

However, this method means that Lin An must get close to the Countess and get this mysterious item when she is defenseless. However, her strength is not as strong as Kevin, who is only at the legendary level. I am afraid she is on par with Lin An, and even in some aspects. Still have it.

Let alone getting up close, Lin An suspected that he might not be her opponent unless he used some unconventional means.

With a mythical level of high radiation value, strange and unpredictable mysticism, a cunning and evil big red dragon, and an unknown number of mysterious items from the "Goddess of the Lamp", Count Mariette van Hoofwegen is definitely a very difficult enemy.

This is true even for members of the family who have not fused with the "Lamp Goddess", let alone the leader of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] who made all the amulets.

It is unimaginable that this Flanders family is just a small family in Xizhou, and cannot be compared with the famous [Black Capital] and [Yisi Leye].

I am still far from reaching the heights of Adelia Hughes...

Taking a long breath, Lin An recovered his thoughts.

Within six days of Mariette's arrival, he had to increase the level of integration as quickly as possible. It was best to let it break through the boundaries and give him a pure concept of "Kemmers".

Lin An glanced at the data floating in front of him. He had just asked the system to sort out the must-do items in the near future.

First of all, increase the level of integration as much as possible, although Lin An is not sure whether he can get the concept of "Comes" when the level of integration exceeds 1%, let alone what the "meaning" of this concept vocabulary is.

This is an unknown project that is the icing on the cake.

The second step was to collect some divine mediums. During the battle with Kevin, his mediums were almost exhausted.

The third point is to further dig into the information of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] and the countess. It is best to lock in the effects of her medium and mysticism, and obtain the number and types of demons she summoned and raised.

This requires Kevin to "cooperate".

Before interrogating him, Lin An turned his attention to Zai, who was furious.

"Uncle, can I trust them to you?"


"Ever since we met, you have thought that I am a despicable foreigner," Lin An said, pretending to be worried. "So you attacked me twice and caused me to be branded by the devil. I can endure it, but please don't do it." Don’t drive my people crazy just to get back at me.”

Zai was speechless. He felt something was wrong, but was unable to refute. He remained silent for a while and said, "Don't worry, I won't attack the Bantu people. My sharp blade will only be aimed at outsiders who divide us."

"Then I'll get busy first, Teacher Huang."


Damn, why do I have more and more nicknames?

Zai watched Lin An disappear into his hut, lowered his head and glanced at the group of eager-eyed spotted lion tribesmen, and cleared his throat.

"Now that the ranger is gone, can any of you tell me what the 'special training space' is?" (End of Chapter)

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