Yun Ruoxi's eyes revealed a brutal look, staring at Liu Yexin's pale little face.

"Is this girl related to Ye Chenche's bastard?" Xiao Mi shook his head, a pair of eyes fell on Liu Yexin, suddenly, he laughed, "Then take this girl away, Ye Chenche that The **** killed the national teacher and wants to hurt the master and the king. Then we must not make him feel better."

Xuanwu didn't say a word. If it were the past, he would disdain to use a little girl to deal with Ye Chenche.

But now, Ye Chenche has gone to besiege Huaxia Domain, and he doesn't know if this little girl can threaten him...

Therefore, after he was silent for a while, "Burn the Lord's Mansion in the Dust Frost Domain on fire, and then abolish Yun Ruoxi. In addition, take this little girl back to the Huaxia Domain."

As for the ordinary people in the Dust Frost Domain, he didn't do anything. After all, those people didn't do any harm to the world. He didn't bother to take action against those people.

Suzaku flapped its wings first.

The blazing flames volatilized from her wings, and swiftly swooped toward the ground.

In an instant, the entire lord's mansion was surrounded by flames, and in the flames, wailing sounds were heard from time to time.

Yun Ruoxi's body kept receding back, but no matter how fast she receded, she couldn't beat Xiao Mi's speed.

In an instant, Xiao Mi's huge body fell behind Yun Ruoxi, grinning at her.

"You run, keep running, and see if I don't discount your legs!"

Yun Ruoxi's face was even paler, despair was all over her old face, her lips trembled, and she could no longer make a sound.


Xiao Mi let out a roar, her sharp claws had already crossed the sky. In an instant, Yun Ruoxi's chest had been pierced. Then, a force rushed into Yun Ruoxi's body. In an instant, her Dantian She had been smashed under that power, and her body was trembling in pain, with cold sweat on her forehead.

"I've scrapped him," Xiao Mi crooked her neck, "Now we are going back to the Huaxia Domain, the masters should have started fighting."

Xuanwu nodded and turned to look at Liu Yexin: "Little girl, the person we want to deal with is Ye Chenche. If you are safer, we won't hurt you. At most, it will make you amnesia. If you are not stable, we will not be polite to you..."

"You..." Liu Ye bit her lip, "Why do you want to hurt Uncle Ye?"

Uncle Ye is such a good person, why should these people treat him like this?

Xuanwu sneered: "It is not we who hurt him, but your Uncle Ye... who hurt our demon world! He killed the national teacher, and now he wants to deal with the king and queen again, so..."

Liu Ye's heart trembled, she pressed her lips tightly, and faced Xuanwu's cold eyes, she was silent.

Uncle Ye did this... it was all for the woman Liu Chenshuang. Why is it worth Uncle Ye to act like that insidious woman?

Without Liu Chenshuang, none of this... would have happened...

Liu Yexin couldn't question these people, because Uncle Ye was indeed provoking this matter, and moreover, it was for a woman whose face he couldn't see clearly...

"Baihu, you take her, we will go back now."

Xuanwu's eyes sank slightly, he didn't look at Liu Yexin more, and looked towards the sky not far away.

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