World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 1484: Bai Yan is back (8)

What if Bai Yan lets the people of the demon world take away the heavens? People in the gods will never believe her...

Moreover, Yun Ruoxi also believed that Baiyan was unable to open the amulet. If she could really open it, why would he give her the heavens back then?

Presumably... this amulet may not be hers, and maybe she grabbed it from someone else.

Yu Yi's eyes became colder and colder. Originally, he wanted to continue to delay time. When Emperor Cang woke up, he didn't need to act...

But he underestimated the trust of these people in the God Realm in the divine palace, and he couldn't do anything without it.

"Yun Ruoxi, I believed you wrong at the beginning and made a big mistake...Today, I, Yu Yi, must use my life to prove it. From then on, I will only be a member of the Demon Realm, and I have nothing to do with the God Realm!"


Yu Yi's aura was overwhelming like a violent storm, and it was several times more than just now.

If he said that his breath just now only made Yu Yi's heart palpitations, but now, he is already heartbroken.

Yu Yi closed his eyes lightly, his face with a touch of a deadly choice. After a while, he opened his eyes, cold light flashed in his eyes, countless gusts of wind blew up from his body, and then burst into Ling Zun et al.

Ling Zun's eyes had changed from horror to fear, and he could feel the heart tremors that Yu Yi's power brought him.

So, without saying anything, he turned and ran towards the rear.

The other venerables also reacted, and they didn't have time to think about why there are such strong people in the Demon City, and they left quickly.

But their speed can't keep up with Yu Yi's attack...


The one who ran the slowest failed to escape Yu Yi's power. Even though his body rushed forward, he fell heavily to the ground, blood came out continuously from his mouth, and looked at Yu with horror in his eyes. Yi.


Yu Yi didn't have so much time to waste. After hitting one, his body flashed and fell behind the venerable. The sword in his hand sank into his chest, and the blood bloomed like a rose. The ground is red.

When Ling Zun looked back, he happened to see this scene. He looked up stiffly, his eyes fell on the man's stern face, his old face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you!"

"The queen is my savior."

Because she is my savior, I will not allow anyone to harm his family.

Yun Ruoxi's body trembled, and her hand tightly supported the tree beside her, her fists were clenched tighter and tighter, and blood spread from her palm.


Why didn't Yu Yi exert such a powerful force when following her.

Why did he get to Bai Yan's side...his power became so powerful.

This man... he did it on purpose?

Deliberately hide strength in front of her, unwilling to do things for her?

Yun Ruoxi clenched his teeth, his body trembling more and more severely.

I have to say that she misunderstood Yu Yi this time. The reason why Yu Yi hid his strength was because he didn't want the enemy to find his traces. Now...for the demon world, for the white face, he can't take care of that much.

In the sky, dark clouds were surging, and it seemed that purple thunder and lightning would fall through the dark clouds.

A panic flashed in Yu Yi's cold eyes. He didn't expect that as soon as he used his strength, those people had already found his whereabouts.

But the movement in his hands did not stop, and within a moment, another Profound God was buried in his hands.

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