World Dominating Empress Physician

Chapter 1071: Baiyan's Fury (10)

"What's more..." Liu Qingyu said in a voice, "If she dies, neither of us will survive!"

After returning to the spiritual realm, it was not that Liu Qingyu had never tried to detoxify herself, but she had exhausted all the methods and could not remove the toxins in her body.

This also proves that they can live only when Baiyan is alive. If Baiyan is dead, they will not live for long...

No way!

She must save her!

"Miss, we will try to leave the spiritual realm again at night, but after leaving this time, we will never come back."

Jun Hao lowered his eyes, sighed softly, and said.

If he and the young lady disappeared at such a time, the spirit master would definitely think that they were whistleblowers, and after returning, it would be a dead end!

Therefore, they can only never return to this place again.

Liu Qingyu's body shook, her eyes drooping in contemplation.

She didn't have much feelings for the spiritual realm, and she couldn't wait for the spiritual realm to die, but...

There are too many memories of her and her mother in this place.

Now that I was about to leave, my heart was filled with reluctance.

"Old gentleman," Liu Qingyu smiled bitterly, "but other than that, we have no other choice. If my mother is alive, we also hope that I can leave the spiritual realm, and will be free from the world, and no longer be bound by it."

She closed her eyes, an expression of pain on her face.

"Miss..." Jun Hao's expression was painful, "Would you like... to be afraid of Madam again?"

Liu Qingyu shook his head: "No, these actions will only arouse the man's suspicion, and we will leave at night."

She looked up at the blue sky outside the house.

Perhaps at this moment, the sky of the spiritual realm will never be seen again...

That night.

The night is like water.

Liu Qingyu wore night clothes and walked quickly in the courtyard.

Behind her followed a gray-haired old man, the same black night clothes, completely shrouded in the dark night.

From a distance, Liu Qingyu saw the guards guarding the door. She winked at Elder Jun. Elder Jun met immediately, and her figure flashed in front of the guards.

With a bang, his fist slammed down, and the guard fell to the ground before he even had time to groan.

Jun Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead. He just let out a sigh of relief and turned to Liu Qingyu.

At this moment, countless torches lit up beside the two of them, wrapping them in between.

Liu Qingyu's body froze suddenly, and she turned her head stiffly. Suddenly, He Feixiang's gloomy expression fell into her eye pupils.


Her voice was trembling, her face was pale, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and it was quite cool in the evening breeze.

"My dear daughter, where do you want to go so late?" He Feixiang asked with a calm face.

Liu Qingyu's mouth twitched: "I saw a Zhuchai not long ago, but I didn't bring enough money, so I didn't buy it back. During the day, I wanted Elder Jun to buy it for me. Who knew this guard would not let me out. I just want to sneak out to buy it at night."

"Are you going to buy Zhuchai, or to inform the people on the mainland?" He Feixiang sneered and approached Liu Qingyu. "I thought about what traitor has emerged from our spirit realm, but this spirit realm is not Most people can go out, so I already doubted you."

"I didn't say it last time, it's just that you didn't show your feet, and I don't have any evidence to accuse you of doing it. But today, I deliberately tried it again. Unexpectedly, you couldn't help but come out..."

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